AS Appreciation Thread.
AS Appreciation Thread?
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So has anyone played a Sororita or a Sororita centric campaign? What was that like? I've only ever been involved with them by reading the lore, as I'm a poorfag who can't into minis, and my LGS doesn't have any 40k campaigns.
>plastic Sisters never ever
I just don't get why they don't support them more.
I've run an All Sisters group of DH2 and am starting another this Sunday. It was rather much like your usual Dark Heresy games, only with more flame and Inquisition Fuck Yeah!
That sounds pretty awesome. Were they all Ordos Militant or did you have some Hospitalia and others in there too?
Sisters have had two new things in the past eleven years.
One of them did not make the index.
Fuck GW.
>felinid SoB
Could this conceivably happen? Could female abhumans even be inducted into the Sororitas?
Why are sisters so fucking shit in melee.
1 attack at S3. No melee weapons.
For an army with such a heavy leaning in short range weapons like meltas and flamers, why the fuck dont they get chainswords?
>Gee Wilhelmina, why does the Cannoness let you have TWO Bolt Pistols?
I don't really mind, I like the model line, and saves me from buying and repainting my whole army.
Plus I like the look of surprise I get when I tell people what army I play, if plastic comes out then I'll just be the same as any other army.
Literally an ork stormboy with a better save and worse melee for way more points.
It was a pretty good mix. One with a tech background that more or less played as a Militant, One Noble-born Famulous, a blank Hospitaller, and a straight Militant.
The new group so far has a Militant and a Hospitaller. Dunno what the other two players are making yet.
So are the only options for a new player wanting Nuns With Guns is either Chinamen or alternative models GW won't even let you bring into the store? God damn it.
Is it confirmed they're not getting anything for 8th? Or is that just the general fear?
Because they're a shooty army not a melee one, removing their weakness in melee would would spoil their playstyle.
I like to think of the army as playing a lot like a shotgun in an fps, you need to get up close and make sure you kill the other guy in one or two shots, otherwise you're going to get fucked up. They were the second army I played in 40k, but they've been my favourite since I bought them 15 years ago
Do they not even sell the metal minis anymore?
>short range shooty army
Seems like an unfortunate niche in 40k. Mind you, I've never played with or against them, so I could be talking out of my ass. Have you ever found that playstyle useful, and if sop, against what armies?
They sell the old minis, but it's £50 for a squad of ten. More if you want heavy weapons or seraphim.
Immolators are cheap enough though! Same price as razorbacks even though the extra sprue sells on ebay for literally double the cost of the kit.
How about you check the website? Last I checked they're still there.
yes they continue to sell them, however their prices are very steep even by gw standards
For quite a while a few years ago you could pick up the SoB Rhino kit FROM the GW webstore for £5 cheaper than the SM Rhino. It was about a year before Gee Dubs figured that out and stopped it.
>Battle Sisters Squad
>10 Miniatures
So, how Heretical would it be to have Sororita and Astartes as part of the same army? Would it even be possible, even if just as an honorary thing?
I know it is dumb fanwankery but I don't like the idea of female space marines but I really dig the idea of Sororitas sharing the heraldry of an Astartes chapter. Maybe even the other way around, having Astartes with Sororita heraldry.
Imagine Blood Angels Sororita, White Scars Sororita, or Ebon Chalice Astartes.
>Astartes with Sororita heraldry
Veeky Forums fluffed this once. Order of the martyred heart and the blood jaguars.
Don't see why not, I play Ultramar Auxilia so go nuts
The majority of my AS army was purchased on e-bay. Twice a week I check in there to see what's cracking.
I don't see why there couldn't be an order based in the Ultramar sector that views Rowboat as a saint or something
Order of the Girly Man?
It may be unofficial, but there's a pretty badass home brew Chapter/Order on 1d4chan that does this:
The Ecclesiarchy probably has some sort of contact with the felinids. There wouldn't be felinid Sisters just because it's so wildly inconsistent with how the Sisters recruit.
A felinid Sister of Silence, as has been pointed out before when the question was posed, might be possible. Because the SoS only care about your effect on psykers, not about any "modern" Imperial ideology.
That's heresy you fucking heretic
Sounds like a nice and interesting idea but it would have to be Sororitas with Astartes heraldry, never the other way around. Space Marines are a higher up on the ladder than the Sisters of Battle.
That and the sororitas are members of the church, which is specifically banned from having men under arms.
Just roll Sisters and Black Templars
I recognise those sideburns
Can't be, it's not a lesson in running away and sleeping with anything that moves.
Didn't you see how she was eyeballing those sweaty Sororitas?
She is, Cain isn't.
I love-hate how well that works in ultramarine colors.
Heraldry doesn't cross but they work with the black templars quite often, to the point where gathering storm had a formation for it. They both share that whole DEUS VULT IMPERATOR REX thing.
Love how Cain always has a bolt pistol/bolter in the cover art but literally only ever uses a laspistol in the novels (heck, he even refused picking up a hot-shot pistol because he is so familiar with his good ol' flashlight).
Well, I just wanted an excuse to post Sisters doing physical training.
There needs to be more art of this.
That's the point. The novel illustrations are written in the style of propaganda, and the bolt pistol is ubiquitous with Commissars.
This reminds me of a character from my Dark heresy group.
Tell me more about the Tomboy Sister of Battle in your campaign.
Played by a sweaty neckbeard, wasn't she?
>Not converting to Slaanesh
that's why you pad out the list with some melee units. Sisters have access to priests, crusaders, cultists, flagelents, repential etc. Each of which has uses under the right circumstances. They have dedicated melee same as most armies, you just have to pick those up and run them with your girls. Penitent engines are great this edition.
Works out pretty well. Thing is the flamers are nice, but if you go all in it kinda hurts. Just gotta be smart in your list building and not just spam nothing but short range shit.
Slaanes is too mainstream.
Seriously, most Sororita end up falling for Slaanesh, from that I gather that they are either so sexually starved that they become easy prey for Slaanesh or their secret tantric diciplines sometimes gets out of hand.
You know, despite that being an obvious choice for an already fapbait faction, I don't think I've ever seen this actually done.
Literally who?
>Played by a sweaty neckbeard, wasn't she?
No, not really. It was a guy playing her but he's played a lot of female characters in our games.Hes decent at it.
He played a young sister of battle named Hana. (she looks like Korra from legend of Korra) She was from the order of the ebon chalice and had been sent to the party from her canoness for a personal penitence crusade. She quickly became the spiritual leader of the party. She was in love with the Interrogator character until he betrayed 2 key members of the party to the Inquisition under orders from their Inquisitor. They were suspected of heresy (they were innocent but he didnt know that). This led to a split in the party and a lot of characters being hurt In character. Currently when we left off she felt broken having had her trust in the sisterhood questioned by the Interrogator as well as having had the man she loved betray her comrades to the uncaring inquisition.
The best scene however was the player rolling a natural 1 to distract the crew of a imperial navy cruiser into believing she was a appointed church official that was there to led the sermon. Here she is a 23 year old Sister of battle, never really battle tested before being called upon to lead thousands of faithful in prayer. The player pulled it off wonderfully
>The Emperor is good
> Applause
>The Emperor is our god
>All hail the Emperor
>More applause
>Uhhh Death to the heretics?
>room goes wild with applause
>rest of party pulls her off stage
> Interrogator Redneck
> Krieger Sniper
> Tech Priest Monk
> Sister Hana
> Administrator female
Helps the team:
> Death watch marine angry
> vindicare assassin edgy
>implying Cain wasn't a pure hero that never ran from a fight
My fucking sides. The average Imperial trooper being straight out of Idiocracy definitely fits. Interrogator Redneck makes me think of a stereotypical rich, fat Texan in a white suit and cowboy hat, only with an Inquisitorial Rosette on his bolo tie.
She looks like some background character I saw with Lucius once.
"Interrogater Redneck" makes me think of one of those stereotypical mile long side burns with a mullet hillbillies who will tear all the fat out of your ass cheeks unless you cooperate
>MFW my boner has transcended into a new level of heresy
Praise Slaanesh
>Come brother Sandalphon, I wish to "praise the Emprah"
Ya know, now I wonder on that question. The knights hospitaller had to take vows of chastity but the people of Malta complained of them enjoying their young women far to much. Do the Black Templars take after their real life counterparts and go full Space Wolves?
>implying Sororitas enjoy grown men
Oh, my sweet summer child...
>Thinking the Black Templars don't help repopulate the planet by smashing every female before leaving
I mean, when your student did really good in battle I couldn't think of a better way to reward him then with emperor's finest poon in the galaxy.
Astartes/Human relationships would have difficult sex lives unless the girl was a 6'7 Giantess that is
We also have no reason to think that their dicks get any bigger during the Geneseed implementation process and a 8'0ft tall demi-demi god with a 4in dick would look really strange
>implying Vandire didn't ruin that for everybody
Sebastian Thor is still a fucking square, though.
Yeah and he's a trophy piece for a metal fucking zombie. Times are changing if you havn't noticed.
There one line on one page in one book about the Grey Knights from the Black Library that implies the Brother Captain is hung like his bolter.
You wouldnt be far wrong. Less Texan, more Mississippi or Alabama. Really deep south. Thats how he played the accent.
in truth
it was all a ruse to cover the fact that he is actually competent (somewhat) and the leader of the party. Most people assume otherwise. Pic very much related when he ordered a Krieg unit to charge in the name of the inquisition in one such game
I'm actually thinking of doing this.
So on an entirely non-meme related point do you think chapters who are still in good with thier human relatives actually do bone human women?
I would think the Smurfs are very much a part of their families still so imagine the honor of having your daughters unmentionables penetrated by a marine and bearing his children?
>Bearing his children
I would assume having a bunch of utterly horrific shit done to your body with the use of 0 anesthesia would mess up your reproductive organs
Hell the victim of a child rapist Hillary let free became infertile do to trauma
Also why is there new font on the Capthchas?
I've honestly done similar with my Shadow War Sisters Killteam. I have them hail from Fenris and wear similar heraldry to the Wolves.
Oh, good job.
I intend to do so with my Seraphim, I just need to figure out HOW.
>dat image
Flick is doing Emp's work.
I don't know what I'm looking at, but I fucking love it
I am trying to decide the route I am going to take in my desire to start up with the AS.
I can actually buy the models.
Throw money at the crazy french bastards at Raging Heroes once they start releasing theirs.
Or go the route of Dreamforge Valkirs with headswaps.
This is a damn hard decision, any of you know any other routes to muddy this up more for me?
That's how I roll.
It's an anti psyker thing I think
It fires a bolt that if made of some material that Psykers FUCKING HATE
The kit's just Inquisitor Greyfax with a SoB Helm, a Space Wolves frost axe, and some SW bits.
The cross bolter is a Commendator Boltgun.