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>How to Jumpchain
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>JumpChain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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In the servant supplement, I built an NP that let me boost my stats. Given that I assume there's a mana cost to turn the thing on, what the fuck happens if I boost my magic stat?
Nice title OP.
So there are alot of novels and such with gamer like abilities, status etc.. Do you think it is possible to use The Gamer ability we get and sort of share it with others and when they get powers and skills it somehow feeds back into us? Maybe when they die an auto devouring thing happens?
Yeah, we're a classy bunch.
Your capacity would increase, but you would still have the same amount of magic that you did before. So, let's say you have a capacity of 100 before you activated the NP, and that capacity was completely full. Now, you activate the NP, and suddenly that capacity is now beyond 100, possibly way beyond depending on how strong the NP is. However, the actual amount of magic you now have is now something like 60. Unless you have some method of quickly regaining magical energy, it just seems like a waste.
In the sense that The Gamer would enhance any abilities that let you eat people to gain their powers, like it would enhance any ability you have, sure. As an inherent ability, no, what the hell are you talking about? Why would The Gamer let you eat people? It's based off of generic tropes of JRPGS and MMORPGs, "eating people to steal their powers" is a rather specific trope.
How many times have you Jumped?
How many subjective years did you live through?
I mean, that's sort of but not really what the Company does in the Gamer. It's just that what they do is closer to a hive mind that shares their abilities. Hell, lately there's a religious sect or something that's doing something very similar, but more powerful. You could learn to do that and alter it to devour them or something. Or do what the Company did and collect Thought energy or whatever it was and become a fledgling god.
>How many times have you Jumped?
703 times.
>How many subjective years did you live through?
Aside from the time-extending drawbacks, I have a time-chamber. And a lot of time-manipulation magic. So subjective time would be around the millions years old.
Being immune to boredom is a real blessing when you want to train things like your Ki or develop new spells.
If we are talking about memories, I'm sure that I have taken some origins that are as old as their universes.
>some origins that are as old as their universes
We have those?
Something like this showed up in the latest chapter as some sort of semi-divine hivemind.
Been considering adding it in, as the drop in origin is primarily based on the arc company.
If they died you'd lose the things they had though.
Typically I'm not the type to dispute posts made after I fall asleep but I'm making an exception.
>EMIYA's a Dawn
Um? No? He's a fucking Night caste. I'm an EMIYA expert and clearly my headcanon is the most correct for that reason. Or at least not a fucking Dawn.
The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Sword of Polaris from Devil Survivor 2, which places you in the role of Alcor.
EMIYA's not even a Solar, the man is clearly a Battles-caste Sidereal.
That is indeed way more fitting, but we were talking about what Solars they'd be, not which exaltations are the most fitting.
Nights are good at stealth and very aware, but also athletic, good at dodging and larcenous even by Exalt standards. And not all Dawns are the charging into battle type.
Emiya's a bowman with a really, really good copy-fighting powers power. He's less agile than Rider, less stealthy than Hassan (who are definitely Nights) and his whole legend amounts to Shirou, but more intense. And Shirou used to be an archer.
It's a close call, though. His powerset is Dawnish, his approach is Nightesque but ultimately he has to build the latter around the former so he's like a very weirdly built Dawn.
I thought you were a Cu fangirl.
>And Shirou used to be an archer.
I thought Shirou was literally a living sword.
I can be both, buddy. I can be both.
That's fair, I suppose that makes sense.
That's the point of Shirou. Shirou is a really weird case. That's also why EMIYA uses swords as arrows (Which is impractical even if he does custom make the swords but really fucking cool). He's a sword archer.
Only after his adoptive dad jammed Saber's sheath in him to save his life. He hobbied at being an archer before embracing swordhood.
To late for the last thread.
>I could push it up to 200 per purchase.
>Feels like eighteen story tall mecha are at least worth 200.
I't split it into two groups, because the "eighteen story tall mecha city protector" (Or a Mecha Mothra I guess) is way more then a flying motorcycle.
If 50 CP is a Wondrous version of personal sized existing tech (A powerglove with holographic display and AR glasses instead of a laptop; a Martian Ray gun instead of a some lame bullet shooting gun)
100 CP is stuff like the Jetson's Smart house or Compact flying car. (OF THE FUTURE versions of common tech, up to RV or upper middle class house size)
200 CP is the stuff beyond that, like at industrial sizes. Domed habitats under the sea, giant mecha or kaiju, that group of G. I Joe vehicles that turned into a mobile base, a building complex that is actually a transformer
Yes, and he shoots swords from his bow instead of arrows. It all works out.
What happens to your companion's levels when you switch them out of your Gamer’s Party? Do they keep them? Lose them until you put them back in your party? Lose them permanently?
And is every purchase of Gamer’s Party discounted for The Gamer? Or do they only get that first free purchase?
People keep their level ups in the comic. You can party with The Gamer for a weekend and come out of it permanently strengthened.
>How many times have you Jumped?
i stopped counting at 300
>How many subjective years did you live through?
I stopped counting at around 3000
They keep them, and first is free rest are discounted.
He's also a super Archer. He can only miss if he wants to miss. Otherwise he's a perfectly accurate aimbot 100% of the time.
>The auction can get things from past jumps, but only from this jump onward, and the prices quickly go through the roof the farther back in your chain you try to buy from. Five jumps back would bankrupt nations.
Why both? It was suggested that it only work from that jump forward as an alternative to buffing the costs the further back you go, why did you add that in addition to increasing the prices?
What is the point of increasing the prices anyway?
Why is the Gamer's Party in the companion section instead of perks? It doesn't give any companions and in setting there is no shown limit to party size.
Groovy. Thanks for the info.
Well he does wear red, doesn't he?
Also as a neat aside the explanation for Thaumaturge and Magecraft are spot on, both being 'natural processes that have been shortcutted' via rituals and magical energies.
Most of the the god/angel/demon origins would fit in that.
I thought Gil was shit at magic outside of basic reinforcement.
You know that other Noble Phantasm that he's constantly ignoring. That.
If I take the arachnid needle from solars but import the tattoo needles from lunars would I be able to tattoo liquid stone or crystal or what have you tattoos safely onto people?
The clairvoyance thing?
Eyup. He knows every form of magecraft of his and the modern era because of it. Doesn't mean he can use it all but he does know it.
So speaking of technicolor boobs...
How did you honestly react when meeting non-human girls?
Were they everything you hoped for, or did you find them less than appealing?
>in setting there is no shown limit to party size.
How many people has he ever had in his party at once though?
A girl's a girl. Boobs are boobs. An ass is an ass. It doesn't matter to me.
Is it necrophilia if ypu are both undead skeletons?
Sadly, not every non-human girl is attractive. That was disappointing to realise, but the same as with human girls really.
They're still pretty cool though.
Not sure, I am actually rereading it right now but haven't gotten that far. I do know it is less than 8 though and that if there is a limit it should be whatever limit (if there is one) shows up in canon not 8*purchases.
So a man-boob is a boob to you?
Moobs for life?
I had zero expectations, so I wasn't disappointed.
Jumpers, how exactly did your benefactor contact you for their offer?
Was it in a dream, did they just walk up to you, or teleport you somewhere, etc?
I would've preferred to ask this kinda thing much earlier in the thread, but fuck it, I'm desperate for ideas for my own new chain. Hopefully the pantymelon will be enough to draw people's attention.
It was all fascinating and great in bed.
kinda odd waking up to it the first two or three times though...
But that's a moob, not a boob. It doesn't count.
I think four, during the rescue of pres from the god who has been copying his power. Three allies and the pres who was in the party so they could find her.
>Ao Usagi art
Truly, you are a tasteful and cultured user.
But to answer your question, my jumper hasn't met them yet. If they're a distinct entity at all, that is. My jumper's thrown around according to my core desires and beliefs, though exactly what each jump is in response to isn't always clear from their point of view.
It varies. I actually found Asari to be kind of strange to look at. It's like...they look similar to humans in someways, but are different enough that you can tell they're clearly a whole different species. With the Miraluka from Star Wars, you could look at them and see only humans born without eyes, even though they're a totally different species. With Twi'leks, they're clearly different, even if they also bare some resemblance to humans. But Asari? They just look...weird to me.
I fell down a hole somewhere and ended up in a star-filled void. Miraculously, I could still breathe and walk, like there was gravity. Eventually, a door appeared and I walked through.
I then found a strange girl in a sweater playing on an NES. She turned to me and stared in astonishment and confusion before handing me a controller and asking me to play.
The rest was history.
Unrelated, but Armour Zone is such a baller opening song, even if Amazons looks weird and J-drama as fuck.
why do I need a benefactor?
what purpose in a narrative does having one serve?
Fuck jumpchan, fight the powa!
I'm traveling the planes to take the power back!
Time got frozen in my kitchen and I collided with a mid-air coffee mug.
Mysterious white cat appears on my dining table that wasn't there before.
Suddenly spacial fuckery, cat's several times bigger than I am, and I go flying through an eternal white void with two giant cat eyes giving me the stink-eye. I land on a cold white floor, the cat's there, and I hear Alan Rickman's voice in my head giving me the low-down and the contract.
I think user is saying that if there is a limit to party size it should be whatever limit appears in canon (none so far) instead of the way it is now, 8 plus 8 more for every additional purchase.
But arent miraluka an offshoot branch of force sensitive humans?
Because in my eyes, it has more to do with them than anything else.
Not very many. Most I can think of is four, during the fight between the black magician and arc company. Blackie himself, the witch, the druid, and fire girl.
On the flip side of that, what's been shown is that he can have four people. Not that he's limited to four people. Maybe his limit is five, but we don't know that yet.
If a limit IS shown, i'll switch to that.
My Benefactor needed someone to go against the Jumper of a rogue benefactor who wants to destroy and reset literally everything. There was an old prophecy that predicted these events, and foretold a great hero who would rise and strike down the great evil.
I...was not that hero. The Benefactor meant to summon someone who is considered "heroic", but got me instead. They ended up just rolling with it.
We still can't figure out how that happened, by the way.
Oh, and their daughter chose to give up her powers she would have gotten as a benefactor to join me as a companion/secondary Jumper. Fun times.
Without perks, what are my odds of going full emo edgelord if I just embrace emotion and act like a normal person as a Force Sensitive?
Xenos are but a foul mockery of the divine human form and must be punished with death!
>but what about the time-
I think it got muddled in with some amnesia drawbacks and background memories so I was already used to it by the time it occurred to me that part of me hadn't met one before.
A vaguely remembered dream. And then I was in my first jump.
They're mostly girls. So nothing wierd. On the other hand, having another non-human biology for yourself (being a dragon, an animal or a weird demon) is much more complicated.
There is that thing that you still like humanoid girls because that's what your mind has been used to for the last couple of centuries, but your biology says otherwise.
Just like when you are forced to change sex for an origin. It's all really weird (man I'm glad that I bought the gendeswap option in the bodymod to skip that bullshit).
It depends on your will-power. Without training you are more likely to end up becoming a follower of dark side, but there had been instances of Sith Lords and followers of the Dark Side that were pretty neutral.
In one chain, I died in a car accident I couldn't come up with anything better that I could see myself dying in. Afterward, I woke up in a sort of Purgatory and I was given the choice of reincarnating, either as myself with mildly altered timeline or somebody else. The other choices were going on the chain or moving onto whatever afterlife there is, if there is one. Jumpchan didn't know. I was doing some writing with alt-chain builder, and I'd get the option to return home an hour or so before my death and can do whatever I'd need to prevent my death. I wrote it that I'd get a spark at the end instead of having no explicit goal, but at the cost that the chain would become a lot harder (No starting cp after the first few jumps, unlimited drawbacks, among some other things that I haven't decided yet) and if I die, my soul gets destroyed.
I have another chain where I just woke up in my room at home before the first day of Pokemon trainer with my new memories and shit. Then I just went about the jump as normal without any contact until I went to sleep on the last day and woke up in my warehouse.
I think it could go either way. The important thing is to keep control over your emotions rather than letting them control you, which is difficult for normal people to do and likely far harder for Force Sensitives to do.
Twi'lek slaves when?
If you choose to side with Kaan or adopt the Rule of the Strong philosophy in Bane, you're almost guaranteed to go full Dark Side before the end.
Only if we can dress them as lolis.
Think of the Force like a drug or alcohol. If you just use it occasionally or when you need it, it's fine. Even heroin won't instantly turn you into a junkie.
Most Jedi and Sith weave the Force into everything they do. They become dependent on it. And that's what ruins them.
I mean learning to tap into the Force, but not following the Jedi or Sith codes. Just being a normal person who uses it like magic or superpowers without some cult mentality nonsense.
Each side of the force comes with a mentality. The more you dwell into its powers the more you are dragged into that mentality. Jedis grow to be self-entitled assholes as well as developing paladin complexes, while the Sith have a tendency to back stabbing and 'survival of the fittest mentality'.
That's doable. The Jedi and the Sith are probably the best at using their respective sides to the Force. As long as you don't succumb to your negative emotions, you'll be fine. Plenty of Dark Jedi and other Force using sects exist that don't have an all or nothing approach.
>. Jedis grow to be self-entitled assholes as well as developing paladin complexes,
What the hell kinda book did you read?
>I think user is saying that if there is a limit to party size it should be whatever limit appears in canon (none so far) instead of the way it is now, 8 plus 8 more for every additional purchase.
This is a bad idea because the comic is in progress. We have never seen him hit a limit. A size of eight is because of the companion limit.
Making it lower doesn't fit the Jumper thing, and multiple purchases let you get to guild size. And guilds are a BIG thing in the games that have Invite to party systems and messaging apps, and other features the Gamer uses.
If he listens to you and makes the limit 4 or 5 (even if that turns out to be the party limit), it is a fuck up on two levels. One the standard eight companion theme the Jumper has going on, and Two when the Manwha pulls out some 40-100 person guild or 200 plus Raid/Alliance thing, that also give people access to Gamer system and do an end run around any party limit that may or may not exist.
Although I do thing getting Guild levels at 50 CP per 8 slots is to expensive, and a tiered option like Party Size 8 [100 CP] / Guild Size 40 [200 CP] / Alliance Size 200 [300 CP] would be a better system.
Possible, but unlikely. Using the Force causes emotions to be amplified, especially anger, and being a normal person isn't really possible with the Force unless you never learn to use it or specially train yourself to control it. It's essentially a drug, like what said
A sapient demiurge-esque drug that constantly is seeking more users.
What I don't understand is that in primary Lucas and Disney canon, there is no such thing as a "balance between light and dark" because the dark side is inherently unnatural and cancerous... But then there's The Ones which are primary canon because they show up in Clone Wars. The Father is the wisest and strongest of them and the personification of the balance between the dark and light sides.
What jumps have "magic" that is in all actuality advanced tech?
So how close is Bane, by the way?
>is that in primary Lucas and Disney canon
I don't remember if it was mentioned in the original trilogy, but the prequels clearly stated that they both were always going to exist. If the Dark Side wins, the Light Side will eventually find champions to overthrow them, and viceversa.
So Gazed into the Abyss makes you start out knowing about the Abyss and paranoid about being targeted?
>I don't remember if it was mentioned in the original trilogy, but the prequels clearly stated that they both were always going to exist. If the Dark Side wins, the Light Side will eventually find champions to overthrow them, and viceversa.
Bingo, That's why grey was the best choice and that was what Qui-gon was trying to tell the Jedi about
There is a REALLY powerful bendu, middle path, user in the disney show. He erases and hides the presence of an entire planet from the entire galaxy with just his will and at one point becomes a living storm.
>Lord of Light.
>MCU Asgardian technology
>Exalted. Kinda. It all boils down to science, but one that relies in cosmic beings and a weird set of metaphysics.
"La petite mort", huh? I can get behind that.
Though they usually don't consider it a punishment when i do it.
Maybe you need to work on your technique? I hear there's perks for that these days too.
I hear about this "unnatural and cancerous" thing a lot, but I've never seen anything Star Wars related that supports that. The prequels and OT are about Aniken Skywalker, the Chosen One, who is literally shown to be grey in every aspect. He brings "balance" to the Force by literally killing every light and dark side user. Then there's Bendu, who is also sort of a personification of the grey area like the father and who is incredibly powerful. And if we want to include EU too, we've got mother fucking Revan, probably the biggest badass we've ever seen and who walked both paths before settling in the middle so much he could be split into two beings, one dark and one light.
Grey is actually the hardest to tap. You need to have a really strong will to not fall into the security of each side.
>Grey is actually the hardest to tap. You need to have a really strong will to not fall into the security of each side.
I know that user.
>He brings "balance" to the Force by literally killing every light and dark side user.
Lucas said that was wrong. Balance was only brought when he killed Palpatine. Killing the Jedi only made it worse.
Everyone who has read the manhwa should already be paranoid about being targeted.
Except it's not paranoia because they're really out to get you.
Do you know where he said it? Because I've never seen it and I'm pretty sure I've seen him say the opposite.
But if you do its fucking awesome.
>who walked both paths before settling in the middle so much he could be split into two beings, one dark and one light.
Fuck ToR. Fuck it so hard.
No, Qui-Gon wasn't advocating balance. He was advocating the Living Force and being aware of the present instead of focusing on the future which was what let Palpatine fool the Jedi because they kept trying to peer into the future but he clouded their vision.
But I liked parts of tor...
Yeah but I assume it is based on Pres; who spends most of her time preparing to be attacked by the abyss, panicking about being attacked by the abyss, distracting herself from the abyss, or being kidnapped by someone from the abyss.
Well she has good reason to be paranoid.