This game was mentioned a couple weeks ago or so, and there was a flurry of activity and interest. Did anything come of it?
Super Mario RPG
Other urls found in this thread:
A Discord and a couple of online games.
Well, we got two games going after it, and I'm happy to say I love the system. It's pleasantly simple in practice and I love how easy it is to get your character to perform wild or interesting maneuvers in action scenes.
Where's the Discord?
How are the games?
>How are the games?
The games are very free-form.
Actions are broken down into complex (Specials) or simple (Standard) witch makes the combat and action scenes very engaging. It all comes down to descriptions done by the player and/or GM rather then pre-writen spells or abilities.
Dice rolls are very simple, rolling a pool of D6's, based on your character's stats, against any challenges you face. Basic things are always a roll against flat DC's, while against other characters you roll 1 stat vs. another. There is commonly no math involved when making a check, you either roll above 3 on several dice and add those together.
>How are the games that are going on right now.
So far, the games are lighthearted, with an undercurrent of darkness to them, much like the SMRPG and Paper Mario series. Honestly I haven't read too much of the Galaxy Adventures! game, witch seems to be about traveling the stars and finding treasure, but the archeologist koopa and narrator seem to be amazing at throwing banter at each other. The Missing Toads! game seems to be off to a good start and everyone involved is having a great time, even if they haven't gotten too far in the story yet.
I'm not creative, Veeky Forums. What would a Chain Chomp's racial ability be?
How about...
Ferocious Nature: Chain chomps are so well known for being fierce guardians that even reasonably thinking chomps are still looked upon with fear, and with good reason. A chain chomp gets +1 to any intimidation checks they perform or assist with, and gain gain a special bite attack.
This bite is treated as a basic attack, but once the target is hit the chomp stays latched to it indefinitely until it is either knocked out, or it let's go of it's own volition.
Just had my first session in my "Minions of Bowser" campaign.
The group rolled up characters, and landed on the first island of an archipelago.
Their goal is to conquer these islands one by one, and form a military foothold on the archipelago.
Then they attack the continent, Sarasaland!
How the fuck does that leg even work? It's hurting my brain looking at it.
Don't worry about it. All you have to know is that Jolene has legs for days.
Ask me anything about my awesome group and campaign!
Storytime would be appreciated.
Storytime! STORYTIME!
I want to play as a whacka.
I've played 3 so far.
2 of them were with one group, the third with another. The group that had 2 had a reasonably good game, and one that derailed into nonsensical, but fun bullshit. (At a certain point, our party, in a collective roil of terrible laughter, decided to storm Gannondorf's castle and steal the triforce of power.).
The second group was a bit more awkward, and my character was poorly suited to icebreaking, and nobody else took the initiative.
It's fun shit, but to get the most out of it you have to play with a group you are comfortable with, or at least one that dgaf.
Posting resources.
Here's a character sheet!
Here's the quick guide for character creation & combat.
I want more stories!
Tell me about your character!
Have Kremlings and Koopas dealt with each other before?
How good of a idea is it to try and do a Kamen (Masked) Rider inspired Shy Guy?
Those stubby limbs aren't very conducive to Rider Kicks.
I swear that someone already did this I'm an older thread.
I didn't do it in an older thread, I did it in an older game... the food-based one.
His free "Invention" was a Henshin-Belt that let him inverse the stat bonus/penalties of Shuy-Guy. He also had a "beam sword" that was mechanically a magical-focus/magic-wand. Maxed out coolness, and shot sentail lasers everywhere.
He also wore the heaviest armor when in henshin form, but mechanically the reduced movement represented the wasted movement from unnecessary acrobatics.
He was generally well liked by the table, even though he stole focus sometimes.
Fucking sweet.
Post the pic of your PC.
Would thus be a decent system for a one-player campaign (possibly with DMPC if needed)?
Also, is it as taxing on the DM as it seems?
Biggest I have unfortunately. I had to clip it from the character sheet of the now defunct roll20 game. Not sure where I filed the old one, or what I named it.
The character that went over best was my Koopa, Kroupa 'O' Keen. He was a lazy, sleepy bastard that dumped most of his shit into durability, and sleeping gas breath. His mission objective for combat was to put everything to sleep, include himself in the blast, then make use of a few badges and such that rewarded being asleep or immobile. He also knew some wrestling moves, and his signature was pinning someone beneath his extra-heavy shell, then passing out, keeping them stuck as well as sleeping.
Otherwise, he was the party look out (One of his perks made him much more likely to notice encroaching danger if he was asleep, and the strongbox for keeping all of our important shit.
He was the voice of calm reason in most social settings, somewhat like The Dude Lebowski, except with a bad Irish/Scottish (I'd slip from time to time) accent.
His best moments were when at the end of a dungeon, the boss set his flying castle to blow (Which we were on), and the party used him as a re-entry shuttle, and in the last two sessions where the Shy Guy dude (Something like a ninja, but notoriously unstealthy) upgraded his gadget to give him super strength, and he then used 'O' Keen as a shield and battering ram for everyone.
>Would thus be a decent system for a one-player campaign (possibly with DMPC if needed)?
I'd say no, but I don't know the player you have in mind.
It's a very barebones rpg that requires the players to power it, and I'm not sure if 1 player and 1 gm could juice it up enough by yourselves.
That said, if this person is a long-time bro of the sort you can just babble with about random bullshit for hours on end, you can probably manage.
>Also, is it as taxing on the DM as it seems?
Yes and no. On the one hand, as stated, a lot of the game is carried by the hive mentality of the group, and the game is generally light enough that you can fuck up now and again and nobody will probably care much.
On the other hand, you have to manage that energy, and internally balance a lot of stuff. You get a lot of responsibility.
If your bob-omb and yoshi player come up with a move in which the Yoshi eats the bob-omb, then throws an exploding egg, you need to determine how much FP that costs, who has to pay it, what kind of modifiers it has, how the bob-omb player is effected, and so on. If a player shows you a badge that reverses poison damage into healing, you have to decide if that's okay, then how much bp it costs, and so on. And you have to do this quick, and while you might be able to talk to your players if you make a mistake, just going backsies on them is in poor form.
I made a goomba wizard. He was a pretty stereotypical wizard, through about halfway through the campaign someone suggested that he wasn't any specific goomba, but just some random goomba who found a wizard outfit, and that he probably died regularly and was replaced without anyone noticing.
I ran with that the rest of the campaign.
This seems pretty light and fun. Would you recommend it to a beginner like me? I've only played some short sessions of DnD in my uni's board game club when a group that played brought their stuff to the club meeting and nothing else.