In a setting where color was that universe's equivalent to elemental magic, what would each color do and how would you divide each color?
Assume that black and white are not colors.
In a setting where color was that universe's equivalent to elemental magic, what would each color do and how would you divide each color?
Assume that black and white are not colors.
Brown is butt stuff
Red is the color of the Phyiscal, Yellow the color of Spiritual, and Blue the color of the Mental. Everyone manifests an Aura when invoking one of the three "Primes". Combing colors produces different results.
>Assume that black and white are not colors.
That's accurate to real life, so sure.
Where do you draw the line between where one colour stops and another starts, though?
And are mantis shrimps, who can see many more colours than we, more gifted in magic?
pity the colorblind, for the realms of magic are denied to them.
Magenta must be psychic because it's only a color in your mind.
Isn't color blind just you see colors as its opposite though?
Like reds look like greens and vice versa?
Discworld MUD answered this with its eight orders of Unseen University.
White wizards are masters of elemental magic.
Blue wizards are illusionists.
Red wizards are all-rounders.
Brown wizards are artificers.
Green wizards are seers and sages.
Black wizards are demonologists.
Grey wizards are necromancers.
Wizards of the eighth color are the biggest assholes.
What about other primary colors?
Like Red/Green/Blue for light or Yellow/Cyan/Magenta for ink?
RGB are the primary colors of the physical, CMY are the primary colors of the mystical.
No, colour blind usually means your eyes lack a type of photoreceptor cones. Typically, red or green. So a colourblind person would see an absolute red as black, and have troubles seeing different shades of blue from purple, etc. There's other, rarer types.
I'm sure google'll show you some fancy webpages that turns pictures into whatever a colourblind person would see.
And here we go:
Sceen - A brash blue. Under light of this color burnable things may catch fire.
Wheen - The red of the gods' own fire. Under light of this color drugs have strange new effects.
Bamsae - A light purpleish-blue. Under light of this color falsehoods are revealed.
Cetafre - The yellow of sunlight.
Bildicaba - A brash yellow. Under light of this color fungus grows.
Castetch - A fluorescent blue. The color of both new dreams and of order.
Anyteld - The yellow of amber that you've forgotten.
Itudawn - The orange of amber that can only exist in the future.
Moerra - A vibrant orange. Ink of this color is something everyone knows how to make.
Matanastre - The purple of amethysts. It is the color of things that will be put out of your mind.
What? What the fuck would possibly make you think that?
Astromancers would be a cream or light beige color because that's the average color of the universe (cosmic latte)
manti shrimp are equal to lovecraft beings in magical ability.
Mantis shrimp can see fewer colors than we can. Their photoreceptors are just a physical hack that let them recognize a few specific colors very quickly in light of their tiny brains and shit visual processing systems.
I am content with grafting the Green Lantern system onto this.
The most common type of colorblindness is anomalous trichromacy, where all three types of photoreceptors are present but the sensitivity of one is shifted closer to another, most commonly "green" shifted towards "red", so that the brain believes it's getting both intense red and intense green light when it's only getting red-to-yellow light and so interprets the signal as yellowish.
This is the only type that Enchroma glasses are able to fix, as an aside, because they block certain frequencies where photoreceptor sensitivities overlap so that one type will always activate distinctly more strongly than another.
Red - fire
Orange - earth
Yellow -lightning
Green - growth
Blue - water
Violet - wind
Physical elements
>blue, green, and orange
Energy elements
>red, yellow, and violet
>orange and green
>red and blue
>violet and yellow
Brighter instances of the colors would be more holy, darker instances more accursed. Illusions, astral projections, enchantments, and all the other traditional magic styles would be either rooted in one color, or made up of a mixture.
I'm not an eye doctor mate, I just remember a picture from way back when showing a green strawberry or some shit relating to color blindness.
Don't all Lantern Corps just utilize hard light projections though? Like what's the difference between a Green Lantern, an Orange Lantern, a Star Sapphire Lantern, etc.
They all have to access a different emotional state to be able to do it.
I think the first step is to recognize that in a fantasy setting, colors have some reality in and of themselves, outside of being a point on a spectrum. And that primary colors or other artifacts of human perception are basic to the colors themselves.
Mantis shrimp are of course the spawn of Great Old Ones, non-sapient creatures tapped by their biology into the Deep Magic itself. Their primordial connection to the Powers is beyond anything a human could hope for, and yet until one becomes old and developed enough to achieve self-awareness, the Earth itself is safe from cataclysmic change. Such an awakening takes millennia and is unlikely even once it becomes possible, but They who reside in the frozen, hungry dark are very patient, and have seeded countless worlds.
Orks memetic powers effect things based on color
>Red makes things go faster
>Purple makes them sneakier
>Blue makes them... magicier
I was about to talk about irrigo magic, but I seem to have forgotten.
Indigo would be the insufferable magic that everyone makes excuses for rather than tries to fix.
I'm not sure I get the reference, but man, fuck indigo. Newton should've put cyan in the 7-color rainbow instead.