Listening to this podcast now. I hardly come here so I don't know the board culture, curious what you guys think.
In my opinion: gay/queer/transcharacters count as multiclass and have innate weakness to fire.
Listening to this podcast now. I hardly come here so I don't know the board culture, curious what you guys think.
In my opinion: gay/queer/transcharacters count as multiclass and have innate weakness to fire.
>innate weakness to fire.
Don't be silly, user. It's witches that get burned. The queers get tossed into the bog. ;)
>there are people who don't know how to write gay characters
>There are people who want to force LGBT issues into a faux medieval setting... instead of you know, more period interesting stuff like DRAGONS, MAGIC or HIGH ADVENTURE.
>There are people who literally want you to have a character be defined by 'gay' or some shit. Gay isn't an interesting character traits, it just means you like butt fucking.
I can understand tonnes of gay fucking in a greco-roman setting, but come on guys.
That gasp when the main speaker mentions how pic related thought of body changing magic as corrupting.
Cos you know, drastically morphing your body/species/whatever isn't going to have detrimental effects on you in anyway
>I hardly come here so I don't know the board culture, curious what you guys think.
easy bait/10 user, try again
Yep, that is the exact issue with how tumblr and "allies" want representation: characters that are literally just their label. I don't want "The Gay Fighter", I want the fighter who wants to buy his parents farm from the local noble, find a nice man to /d/elight in and adopt war orphans together.
You know, a realistic gay man.
Bump for interest
Which is hilarious because that game is the sort that would use it for trans people.
I really just would prefer politics to not be shoved into a game that I am playing. I would say the same if the seminar advocated right wing opinions as well.
Tell me what number of gays is the neutral number of gays.
I don't know, and I don't see why it matters, or should really be brought up in a game.
For some reason, people think that games need to be mirrors for our world. This kills the game.
The setting, when done right, relies on nothing external to provide context for what is in it. Why deliberately shove some race into being the setting equivalent of black people, no matter where you are, when you can provide the same situation to multiple races depending on area?
Don't shove politics into settings, it stands out too much. Let the politics arise from the setting and its issues - I guarantee many will be similar, but it will feel natural. If you absolutely must put your politics in, you must know the historical and social context that lead the issue you're putting in arising in our world. Then craft the same style of issues in your setting that would logically lead up to the issue you want the players to deal with.
Faggots have no place at my table.
Did anyone else listen to the podcast? Pic is the mentally ill voice of the "lesbian" in it.
How about that part where they say you can only ask a question if you also tell them your favorite queer element of an rpg world.
Stormlight Archives did this well
Most, but not all, of the societies on Roshar are stratified based on eye color. Lighteyes are in charge and Darkeyes are labor. There are sub-castes and the highest Darkeyes can have better lives than the lowest Lighteyes, but there's a definite current of "know your place" in the Lighteyes and resentment in the Darkeyes. Slavery is more of an economic or judicial punishment than based on this.
If it was just straight skin color I doubt I could read it. I hear about MUH RACISMS every goddamn fucking day I don't want 1:1 examples of it in my escapist fantasy
>"What impact do queer characters and roles have on your fictional worlds"
I'm gay and this pisses me off. My stories are about dudes going on epic quests and slaying dragons n' shit, who cares what hole they stick their peen or taco into. This isn't F.A.T.A.L.
>not agreeing with literally everything out, loud and proud fags say
>not making your very existence about what kind of things make extra blood flow to your genitals
Umm, sweetie, your internalized homophobia is showing
It's not for us, it's for them to feel good about pretending to give a shit and "make a difference" without actually having to do anything. That's probably what pisses me off the most.
>I'm the GM
>the player says they're trans and their character's biggest issues are with their body.
>I tell them a few sessions later that there's a person in front of them in this town that can change their body and eliminate their pain not because they're distrusting but because their would be invalidated.
>mfw I literally do their character a solid and they refuse
>mfw I want to just bring another character with the same type of magic and make them super fucking masculine and then when they call me transphobic just say "but now they're even MORE valid."
Some trannies are fashion trannies and don't want their problems solved because being trans is so special and brave
I'm a faggot in real life so if my character wants to have a partner of the same gender why is it such a big deal?
The bigger issue is that the games they are screaming about the queering of are inherently discriminatory, lumping people into very defined boxes based on their race. If they really wanted to """Fix""" these games they would be tackling that issue first and fucking foremost.
No one makes you write homosexual on your character sheet.
No one makes you add/subtract stats based on your sexuality
No one canonically defines and holds true your entire background based on your sexuality in these games.
But in the game?
People make you put your race on your character sheet
People makes you add/subtract stats based on your race
People canonically define and holds true your entire background based on your race, even if it isn't true.
Aren't these faggots supposed to be "intersectional"? Why have I never heard why orcs are "problematic"?
Motherfucker if you let me bypass the side effects anti-androgens give me with literal fucking magic, I would take it.
Nobody would notice my clothes change, because fuck losing my goddamn pockets, but who gives a fuck?
"Oh, my character is trans, they have real issues with how their body is, and they hate it."
"The wizard can tell what your issue is, and offers a spell to change your body to fit your instinctual mind-map of it on top of your reward."
true story, I always moved like I was trying to keep my center of gravity at womb-height, but biology just made me clumsy
Fucking fashion allies, I will cut you and drop random implants into your body so you can understand how wrong it can feel.
Can we trade? I want pockets and I would enjoy going a month without vomiting from the pain of of my period.
I'm a cis female and my center of gravity is near the top of my body. Not all females are the same you know.
>Why have I never heard why orcs are "problematic"?
Cause they're green instead of black
You can just say female
Not anymore.
Nice bump retard
>haha I hate this let's promote it
I'm listening to it now, I'll make a post with some highlights in a sec.
sure, we just gotta develop easy organ swapping first. My partners enjoy my d quite a bit, so I can't give it up fully. Unfortunately, I've gotten used to the detransition that was my only option - anti-androgens will literally kill me from nervous system damage and muscular atrophy, and I still need to unpack the gender issues my mother's misogyny left me with. If you didn't have D cups, you weren't a real woman. If you did have them, or bigger, you were a whore.
Pockets are easy - if you live near a military base, find the store where goodwill sends the stuff goodwill doesn't want (also called the goodwill outlet), or whatever is closest in your area, then wait for logistics to dump old inventory. With the right ass, ACUs and BDUs just flatter it even more, and you can dye them too. Just make sure to use salt and vinegar to make it stick to the fibers, or just salt if you don't mind keeping the digicam pattern in a lighter shade.
My mom hated me looking like a tomboy during my social transition though.
>Paizo is entirely filled to the brim with mentally ill marxists (same thing I know)
>Paizo is tanking just as hard as ubisoft, bioware and every other company who hit critical marxist cultist mass
Always nice to see a disease destroy something you hate
Let me get the few good things out of the way first:
>Talking about aliens and how their genders would be drastically different and how they would view us.
>Cultural thought experiment stuff written by other people.
>Talks about how StarTrek and how it pushed the boundaries.
>"Not every queer character needs the story about them, not every story needs to be a coming out story"
>Insect alien race in Starfinder have 3 genders, which could be cool.
>Gnomes are down for whatever.
Now all the bad stuff:
>Tons of awful jokes.
>Talks about Hatoful Boyfriend and says how it's a "gay dating pigeon game" even though like most dating sim games being gay is a choice.
>Talks about "Twilights secret shipfic folder" a fucking /mlp/ game.
>Talks about how gay men representation in RPGs are oppressing women not joking, she actually says that she feels oppressed because of it
>"Mass Effect has a lot of good gay relationships, but you don't really get to know where gay people exist in this world" "but you never really learn stuff like do gay clubs exist? How does the military feel about this? If I am a gay person playing Mass Effect what is my role in this world?" Your role is to stop the Reapers, duh
>"There's lots of queer stuff in Starfinder, don't worry"
>"I'm not quite sure we're there yet for bisexual, pansexual, trans people" lol what? So you're going all-out with the LGBT thing but you're not going to include the B or T?
>Lesbian runs a campaign where the PCs are trans who are put in literal concentration camps and have to escape paladins who are hunting them down totally not ham-handed in the least
>"Progress can be marketable and lucrative" gay is the new marketing strategy meme.
I will approve gay characters in my fantasy rpgs, IF you are willing to turn the entire thing into a gaysploitation comedy with constant gachimuchi and inmu references. Those are my terms.
The default position of almost all my settings is that homosexuals exist. That being said obvious homosexuality is something whose acceptance varies greatly from region to region with some places not caring one way or another to Russian "we don't have gays" stances with everything in-between (my favorite is the open secret scenario where people know but the discussion of such things is just not done; very prim and proper stuffy England style).
>gay men representation in RPGs are oppressing women
Guess we're not progressive enough anymore, huh? Once we've served our purpose they'll toss us aside and write about how much we hate women for not wanting to fuck them.
Truly amazing mental gymnastics.
...THAT was what you needed to hear to know that Starfinder was going to be shit?
Literally who the fuck cares. Homosexuals will be extinct as a 'sexual orientation' in a generation or two according to demographics statistics anyway unless Islam somehow becomes pro-LBGTQWWTFBBQ
>inb4 go back to I'm not wrong and you all know it.
It was weird too how she said it, it first started about how "gay men were being represented more and more in fantasy" and how lesbians "we're barely represented at all" before she casually drops a "and that makes me feel oppressed" line.
It has existed since recorded history though, literally if homosexuality didn't exist until now then why was it referenced in so many cultures and scriptures such as the bible?
It's always nice to have direct confirmation.
And yet lesbians seem more socially acceptable and have been getting representation for a while. Shit, there's an actual romantic relationship between two women in a french fantasy kid's cartoon, pic related.
What won't socialist regimes do to children?
Yes, but it was generally viewed as either an action or a fetish, not in the almost exclusive paraphilia we call 'sexual orientations'.
In the Bible and other religious texts, condemnation lies in the action of homosex, there's no consideration that someone might 'be gay'.
In Greek texts, we see the same thing. Men fuck boys. They do it for the pleasure, not because they are compelled to by 'sexual orientation' (and even that is in question, as modern scholarship is starting to debunk notions that homosexuality was as widespread in Ancient Greece as we've thought since the 30s).
The concept of 'sexual orientation' arises from Victorian psychology. Homosexuality to them was a mental disorder, a syndrome known as a paraphilia (the same classification of disorder that zoophilia and necrophilia fall into today). The only real difference is that society accepts homosex now. We still consider it a type of paraphilia, just one that is 'positive' rather than a disorder.
Given the subjective nature of psychology, especially that of the time- and the fact that a discipline called 'queer studies' is as demonstrably unscientific as you might have guessed, we have no real objective proof that sexual orientation is anything other than an invention of our modern society. And when our society eventually fades and gets replaced by the islamic society our governments are so keen to import, there's no reason to believe that our apparent successors will keep the concept of sexual orientation around.
>innate weakness to fire.
>not electricity
Also I don't need to gay up my world, my party is pretty gay as is.
In other words, I'm not saying people won't be gay anymore, it's just that sexual orientation probably won't exist as a concept in the near future.
"Roll Seduction..."
There's actually no repeatable experiments that have confirmed that people are 'born gay'.
In fact, the whole concept is based off of a lot of misrepresented data and unprovable notions.
If anything, 'born this way' is just a philosophical concept, not really any sort of truth.
Wait you're saying that attention whoring degenerate fetish larpers are LYING?
Ok I see what you mean, even as a fucking faggot I can agree that being a homo is a mental defect, after all it's not exactly beneficial to not want to reproduce with the opposite sex. Plus, LGBT make up so few of the population.
Also same user who listened to the whole panel, the more I think about it the more it seems that Paizo writers make way too many of their characters gay just to be "progressive"
especially with the whole "There's lots of queer stuff in Starfinder, don't worry" line
Sanderson does some things well and others really badly, but the context for lighteyes/darkeyes is a pretty decent one. All the Knights Radiant are/become lighteyes, and that reverence followed over into the Alethi even without the Knights, so they see lighteyes as "inherently superior" to darkeyes.
Well I think my point is that you can functionally fuck women and even eventually like it if you do it enough times.
'Gay' is probably just an action, not a state of being. Fucking a man is gay, but you are not. But
that's neither here nor there, unless I actually proved it with a reproducible experiment.
I agree, though, paizo is being 'progressive' for the sake of being 'progressive.'
I remember, years and years back, being in a comic book store, and listening to two geeks salivate over the potential idea of Emma Frost and Jean Grey making out. About a month later, an issue of some Wildstorm comic came out with Apollo and the Midnighter (two gay guys, from back when Stormwatch/the Authority wasn't shit) kissing, and the same geeks freaked the fuck out.
So, yeah, I'll agree - lesbians have been seen as more socially acceptable for a while, though I'd accept an argument that factors have shifted things in favor of gay men in the years since.
It's some endgame capitalism shit when even social advocacy is marketable. I really do wonder how such people can feel oppressed when even tech giants are playing social advocate for their cause. Maybe they just like feeling victimized. Also why are we abusing the poor spoiler tag?
On the topic of Paizo and their tendency to insert their indentity politics into the products they put out, does anyone have the analysis some user did about how almost all the 'damseled' characters in their adventure paths are men, because muh feminism?
I want to read this too it sounds interesting.
Hate to break it to you but the number of trans in real life who would take this option like are probably in the minority
the issue is they identify trans, they don't identify as a woman.
Which means they really just get off on being a misunderstood snowflake, and don't actually want to commit to any gender. Just to being not what they want to be,
>I can agree that being a homo is a mental defect
I dunno if i'd say that gay user, it could be a natural form of population control. Plenty of animals do this shit too. It also provides 'training' for breeders.
>It's some endgame capitalism shit when even social advocacy is marketable
NPR was just talking about this on On Point yesterday, gay people debating the inclusion of straights, non homosexual organizations, and corporate sponsorships. Consensus seemed to be everyone was welcome, but they were leery of people co-opting gay culture as a way to make money or feel good about themselves without actually confronting how they treat homosexuals. The 'Straight Women Touristing in a Gay Bar' thing came up for example, because said women treat the gay men more like zoo animals than actual people and are just there because of the magical gay friend stereotype pushed by hollywood which homosexual people have accepted till now because they were desperate for ANY positive inclusion. Now, they're starting to realize they're being exploited.
>"I'm not quite sure we're there yet for bisexual, pansexual, trans people" lol what? So you're going all-out with the LGBT thing but you're not going to include the B or T?
Bi people aren't straight enough OR gay enough, so it's okay to shit on them.
That isn't a lesbian. I know lesbians, and that isn't one.