/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General:

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This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Darkness and World of Darkness General:
Each game line has its own set of weird sexual undertones. What are the ones you've encountered in your favorite line?
>5th editons cliffnotes

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This may be a dumb question, I haven't been following very closely but is there a date for fifth edition being released?

Besides 'winter 2018' or has anyone heard anything more concrete?

also is it going to be full of sjw-stuff? they keep using words like 'diversity' when I see new videos talking about anything new come out and as an admitted owodfag, I just want new, old content.

Though I suppose all people that made it what it was have moved on a long time ago and ability to make said new content is long gone.


Sure is magefag. Techies versus Nephandi?

I'm not really sure about the ones for Geist. I mean I played a male Sin-Eater that had a geist that was a lesbian, but aside from me jokingly ad-libbing for my Geist whispering in my character's ear "Doooooo herrrrrrr" to throw my DM off while talking to female npc, nothing particularly sexual came up.

Why does no one run CtL. It's clearly a good game. Probably one of the best in both WoDs. I would sacrifice my left testicle to play in one.

I would honestly have no clue how to run it.

The Master on Buffy - Nosferatu, or really ancient Gangrel?

My thoughts are, while I believe he does scream textbook Nosferatu, the possibility that he is a Gangrel who has been around a REALLY long time, who has started to heavily take on the characteristics of his bat transformations over that time, as gangrels are wont to do with their animal characteristics.

Motherfucker there's a reason Geist isn't called "Wraith: the Sin Eaters. "

I'm saying that the differences between Ascension and Awakening are such that it should have been called "Wizard: the Awakening" or some other term to drive home the rather massive concept shifting of everything.

And I still maintain that "Ignorance is Bliss" is the real theme of Awakening.

Really? Outside of Vampire and Werewolf I hadn't noticed.

I ran it once with the 'Fear Makers Promise' SAS as a one shot. It was great.
CtL has a way of creating interesting PCs. One character was an blue collar foundry man who carried a rod of iron rebar around because it helped build his legend. The player had no idea they'd face off against a True Fae at the end of the scenario. He managed to chase it off almost single-handedly.

Because Wraith is Cursed

Say I wanted to do Inception style shifting of rooms, gravity shenanigans, impossible infinite loop stairs and whatnot as a mage. The spells in the core I'd most want to get comfortable with would be colocation and alter direction right? I'm not missing anything glaring in the established spells am I?

What should I read to get a grasp of politics? I want to write a story about a neonate wheeling and dealing their way into becoming Prince of Hong Kong. Preferably VtR, but I'm sure Masquerade stuff can't hurt.

Yeah, it's a new, better thing. Wraith was intellectually interesting, but ... just a lot of work to play. Geist makes for no less great storytelling, but it's much easier to set up, get new players for, keep the play flowing... Geist frankly one of the best game lines White Wolf has put out.

Orpheus was also better than Wraith btw.

Living with PTSD is bad. Not Tumblr PTSD, but the kind you get from unplanned vacations in south central Asia.

Seriously though, it is a great game. It's not just PTSD/Childhood Molestation Memories: The Suppression. Great urban fantasy with a hell of a nice dose of horror. Crosses over well with stuff that isn't the big three. (Hunter versions work nicely though).

I honestly would read about real politics contemporary and historical and Vampirize it.

One of my main plotlines for my upcoming game is a weird mix between Pinochet and Operation Valkyrie.

Develop interesting characters. Think about underlying conflicts and let the sandbox go.

No one plays my favorite White Wolf games.

Hunter: the Vigil - god, this game, every fucking time I've played it, it's just been amazing. Dice pools seem to stay reasonable, too, which means the system actually sort of works.

Geist: the Sin Eaters I love ghost stories and occult weirdness.

Changeling: the Lost I also love the hell out of folklore, and this lets me really explore it as a player, and expose my players to it as a storyteller.

To my knowable, no, nothing 5e has a concrete release date, not even the Werewolf game.

>Start new chronic
>4 players
>One is a newbie and plays a gangrel ex soldier, nothing to,spectacular but its alright and goes well with the group
>One is going to play a Ventrue, no worries here
>One has a great concept for a Brujah struggling with himself and his Clan

>4th One wants to play a malkavian
>mfw when
>gently try nudging him towards Another Clan or at least paranoia
>heyyy i have multiple personalities
>A good ground idea for that actually and lets work in a third lol so randdumb personality
>no,thats not going to happen.png
>develop a somewhat ok ground Concept
>Baseline character is a coward and gangster, can be triggered by high pressure situations (i call a roll with a modifier so its random) so a Violent and confident guardian character takes over

Is this going to end up as a Fishmalk?

>To my knowledge
fixed, fucking auto-correct

That seems paradoxical since mastery of protean increases with age, which seems like a parallel with gaining more control or perhaps tapping more into the beast and coming into a balance with it over time which gives them an advantage over almost all other cainites save maybe the tzimisce in terms of understanding the beast?

Nosferatu makes more sense in that all of his childer were pretty things that got more ugly through the blood and his blood enhanced the ugly aspects of their personality.

Angelus is seen as one of most cruel vampires to ever exist through pure artistry in that cruelty.

But really they're neither, the original vampires in season 7 of buffy are closest to nosferatu. Old and strong and ugly.

Angelus and darla are more like ventrue

Spike is more like a brujah, druisilla is obviously a malk etc.

Well just make sure he doesn't randomly start saying fish, don't even hint at the concept, ground his lolsorandum by incentive, feed beneficial information to him and force him to be subtle that way.


>Feed beneficial info to him

What do you have in mind exactly ?

My general plan was to make his Personal shifts really shitty. More frenzy rolls, Social mali etc. Basically something you want to avoid. So he will actually try avoiding pressure situations

That would just give him more attention and spotlight. It would make other people hate his character to. By punishing him, you punish the others that just want a good story. You don't just incentivize to play better by being subtle but you force others to compete and look for advantages of their own, what I am suggesting is more complicated than making the lolsorandum a shitty experience.

When I mean incentive, say something crucial to another character's personal journey, maybe they want to recover something or gain a relic or power or whatever their personal goal is. You make the malk be a font for getting closer to that goal, so malk plays at what you want and is like by others, reinforcing that it goes along with what you want instead of whatever waypool-esque shit he is going to throw into your story.

Wraith's main draw for me was the universe the characters inhabited

I usually play Malks in Camarilla games.

If I start doing Fishmalk shit, It usually is because i've either a) agreed to be the decoy or b) I'm trying to get close enough to someone to slit their throat

My most recent has Alien Hand Syndrome, which is actually pretty interesting to play out. Especially when my hand fails a frenzy roll but the rest of me is OK

Collapse might also be one you'd wanna pick up for direct offense, but yeah those spells would be the ones you definitely want. I recommend getting them on Rote for both Mudra bonuses and increased Reach.

Let him do it, make sure its as horrifying a process as possible for the character

Don't let them Fishmalk, instead make them dread "waking up" every time it happens

assuming you had fourteen players
and assuming you got rid of the major historical/lore butchery and It took place in insert city you know well here and not japan
could a fate/stay/night style campaign be pulled of with mage?
Would it be fun?

>assuming you had fourteen players
Are you LARPing?

Thanks /wodg/ for fucking me over in crossover

After four amazing sessions I actually got into a theoretical 'werewolf vs mage' fight and decided to use Ban on her. She got mad because "that's too easy REEE" and the ST fucking relented so it never happened. Instead I mentally forced her to shift back to human and I cut her throat with a silver pencil.

She left the chat room and now things are really awkward. I feel like I should leave also. But I only did what I learned here.

Who started the fight?

>But I only did what I learned here.
Never take the advice of someone on Veeky Forums.

Your ST is a cunt and the Werewolf was a total whore.

You did nothing wrong.

no but how else you do have each mage have a summon with similar but no the same goals?
have them play two?
have each mage also play the summon of another mage?

My mage kind of instigated it, she was the one who started the actual fight.

So where the fuck did you get a Silver Pencil?

Going from argument which is fine ic drama to pvp is only not super shitty when both parties are cool with it.

I turned the only sharp thing I had into silver, immediately after I melted her brain into a pile of euphoric mush. At least she died happy.

The actual player on the other hand...

And this is why nobody wants to play with Mages. Even unintentionally you fuck everything up.

here we go again

How long had this game been going on? What Path were they?

Our sessions were quite lengthy, this being the fourth one. We barely had any combat encounters until now.

My mage was Moros

Why anyone would fight a mage without some advantage or resistance to nullify the advantage is just stupid on her part.

General advice - let the other player walk, or crawl, away in a pvp fight.

You need space 3 to do a Ban and weren't starting as a space specialized Mastigos? How many beats were you guys generating per session, dang


Perhaps frog user should have spared her instead of using that pencil, the encounter having already cemented the Mage's dominance by that point.

that's a lot of XP for 4 sessions....

I say he did us all a favor.

Fuck werewolves. Fuck them all to hell!

This. It may not make sense in character where I think any rational character would probably kill the werewolf off in a fit of panic or anger but sometimes you shelve that in the name of smooth player relations

Or even if they wanted to really dig it in that they have dominated the person they could just give them a cut with the knife to give them a scar to remember

What is gonzo?

Again, these sessions were quite extensive. We were having a blast until now.

Literally every time I've ever done this, and I have done this many times because I'm always too nice and overly considerate of other people, it's come back to haunt me because the other player always just takes the opportunity to come back for revenge.

Never take half measures.

A muppet

A smart Mage ends the threat.


Since vampire heirarchy is largely unchanged even in modern nights, could a vampire have a vassal in modern nights? I mean you still need domain, usually better working territories are a mixmash of interwoven alliances to keep everything running smoothly.

What say you fellow neonates and turbomageplebs.

Then what made the fight worth escalating to combat? I get a good in character argument being part of the fun but unless everyone is in on it crossing the line into a fight to the death really isn't

>allowing mage nerd power fantasies to play in the same game as other splats


So we're all just going to blame the Mage for defending him/herself then?

You people really do hate wizards.

And what did you instigate the argument over, I know they were the violence?

I mean, IC it may have been justifiable, but OOC we're trying to fuckin have fun, not slaughter each other's characters.

That's not always true, I spent a great deal of time trying to kill tremere players.

Her character was a bipolar Indian drunk off her ass.

Start guessing.


>Her character was a bipolar Indian drunk off her ass.

Checks out.

Pocahontas or DESIGNATED indian?


Well shit like opposing factions is different, but most groups aren't made of opposing factions.

Honestly that sounds more like you should be using Ruling to put them to sleep rather than killing them

Let them sleep it off, turn it into a moment of humor out of character

She knew a mind mage but still had bipolar disorder?

Did she not ask or did you just not give a fuck?

It's half the reason why I enjoy playing the antagonist. Unfortunately people are too smart for their own good.

Tremere players then usually switch to some other clan that I don't care about though I got lucky on my last one. He went tremere to giovanni...

Sometimes people get what they deserve when they pick the shitty people bloodlines.

Why waste a spell on something so trashy?

I would say that I assume he didn't have Mind 4 to fix that permanently but then again with the kind of XP he was getting I wouldn't be surprised if he's a double adept

I thought you were talking about Tremere Liches, not Old World

Talking about old world. I usually run a old clan tzimisce, non-koldunic.

So I avoid kapula's influence, twice.

>not being a fun Tzimisce

what are you, anti fun?

>He thinks you can't have fun without vicissitude.

Did you forget how Dracula freed himself?

There are lots of ways to have 'fun'

>old tzimisce, non-koldunic

Just make a slav Ventrue dude

Mage Thread!
Mage Thread!
Mage Thread!
Mage Thread!

Unicorns fleeing so soon?



While I respect the ventrue, I can't stand them for what they did to cappadocians.

I'd sooner play a nosferatu slave that gets shit on from high.

I usually start with any tremere I can find but I also try to find any cappadocians that I can help raise, then we go kill all usurpers.

It's my favorite revenge story.


Just hate/kill the old farts if you're playing modern.

>This time, breaking up the general will work for sure!

You either gotta live with it or let the whole general die, we've been down this road before.

I hope you realize you've just sent this thread down on an even worse path, right?

I am a sphinx. Get some fucking glasses, normie.

What did the Ventrue do to the cappadocians? I thought they were buffed ducked by the filthy Incesto-Wops.

>only one poster in the mage thread
>false flagging


why don't you grow some fucking balls and just learn to deal with it

People that are drawn to tremere and giovanni are a certain kind of person because these know their histories and pick them anyway. I just can't let it go.

The ventrue were bought off by both tremere and giovanni and instead of helping to kill them off, they allowed them to join camarilla, they literally condoned their crimes.


I agree, but I do remember reading it in some White Wolf description of the Gangrel.

Christ that's autistic

I like Giovanni because I'm really into the "all for the family" theme, being a pretty familiar guy myself. Although Ventrue, Tzimisce or even Nosferatu. I don't find them super interesting besides that, but they're not even that bad for vampiric standards. The only reason they diablerized Cappadocius is because it made no sense for a milennia old clan to be italian mafiosi.

Tremere are cunts, this I'll concede.

I was talking about Ventrue tho.

I suppose he means that they were abandoned. Although all clans are to be blamed to some degree. And Cappadocians are to be blamed for abbandoning Salubri to the Tremere.

I've been killing them for over fifteen years now.


Of course. An invictus city/domain parcelled out in a feudal manner, or hell, the Carthians too - I mean the end result of anarchy is feudalism anyway, warlords with absolute power, parcelling out rewards to their strongmen, while everyone suffers under their "noblesse oblige".

>Quintessence isn't even wasted necessarily
Where is this stated?

>the Archmaster could spam Transfiguration to achieve dozens of rank 8+ Influences.
This is the part where your ST says "No.", even when it's mechanically feasible.

The Tremere are good people. If they approve of them, they can't be all bad.