Your top 5 favorite campaign settings:

Your top 5 favorite campaign settings:

>After the Bomb

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What, no Spelljammer?

Mythic Europe
Pendragon Britain
The Dying Earth
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay but only as I specifically misremember it

>but only as I specifically misremember it
Your honesty is refreshing.



>OWoD: Dark Ages
>Strange Century/Kerberos Club
>Weird Wars
>Warhammer Fantasy


official settings are cancer

>From RPGs
Alpha Complex
Spelljammer 'Multiverse'

>Outside Media i'd like to use in RPGs

Nikolai Dante's Tsarist Sci Fi
Destiny's Setting
Middle Earth

Everything I play is either homebrewed by my DM or alter substantially by said DM.

Your pic related
Fantasy Pike and Shotte
Shadowrun/Xcom combined
Spelljammer Rogue Trader
Regular Rogue Trader

I have an awesome DM.

40k [highest subsettings are: Jericho Reach, Calixis/2e Sector and Koronus expanse]

FR is trash, so is alotta settings.

Forgotten Realms (it was my first)
Wraith the Oblivion
Delta Green

The One Ring version of Middle Earth
My shitty low fantasy germanic heroic age homebrew
Dark Sun though I'd like it more if they'd limit the shit that is wacky/contrarian/kekish instead of just weird and alien
Star Wars

>Forgotten Realms
>early Mage: the Ascension
>Jedi Academy Trilogy/I, Jedi era Star Wars EU
>Shifter (

Spelljammer works better as a way of connecting settings than a setting in its own right. I'd love a Spelljammer supplement for that reason, but the setting books themselves don't make my list.

Warhammer Fantasy
Lots of history times and places, with or without extra weirdness.
Dark Sun

>My rennaisance-era comfy low-fantasy neocolonialist NASApunk homebrew
>The Infinite City
>the Soviet Union

>using settings written by other people
>being this much of an imaginlet

You're the kind of person that goes out in public and gets weird looks, ranging from mockery to pity, right?

Pre-made settings are often a service to the players, as we don't have to guess at what you have in mind for the world and can independently research and read about the setting to get ideas.

When a GM says "We're playing Forgotten Realms" sure it's shit, but at least the group is all on the same page as to the world. Unless you pump out several pages of details on your setting and everyone is up for reading, new players have little grasp on your settings.

>People read about Forgotten Realms in 2017
>Players reading about settings in general
Are you for real?

Are you saying players are all lazy and selfish and want everything handed to them without any work on their part unless they're being a snowflake?

Dark Sun
Dungeons: The Dragoning
My weird fantasy/video game/space opera setting
40k circa 831.M40

>implying players read
There's a reason they're the players user
If they read things then they'd be the smart one in their friend group, and be forced to take on the grolious bulden of DMing

>Dark Sun
>Al Qadim
>New Crobuzon (totally counts, it was in a Dragon article)
>Cthulhu Mythos (especially as depicted in Delta Green)
>Transhuman Space
>Fading Suns
>Al Amarja
>The Old World (As depicted in the first two editions of WFRP)


Yes, I'm pretty confident there were black gladiators.

Dark Sun

And now I'm out of settings that are both proper published campaign setting and I wouldn't change large parts of.

>everyone says Dark Sun or Planescape
>no one ever runs games set there


A lot of players have been turned off on Dark Sun. Dunno why. When I rip whole chunks from the setting to use in a homebrew, they like it, but as a whole they think it's shit.

First game I ever ran was a Dark Sun game. I used Pathfinder though, as I had been told it was "3.5 but better" and my group knew nothing but 3.5 at that point. I won't make that mistake again.

I'm also running a Planescape game in 5e right now, and it's going great! About a year and a half into it.

My own homebrew of Sci fi Monster Hunter + Sengoku Warring States because its fucking great and lot of reason why mercenaries are prevalent.
Star Wars because muh chosen ones and laser swords.
Eberron because it's basically post-WW2 on magic crack and airships.
Middle Kingdoms of RoTK because wuxia fun.
Glorian because Pathfinder Kingmaker is pretty fun even if it's messy and overwhelming.

This weird low magic alternate history setting my GM homebrewed, puts us in there at different times.

In no particular order:
>Dark Sun
>Alpha Complex
>OT-era Star Wars
>That one homebrew where we were stuck in a time loop for the duration of the campaign

I love any setting that is a hodgepodge of old sci-fi and fantasy goodness and this one takes the cake for me.
>Low Life
The best, funniest, and weirdest post-post-post-post-post-post-apocalyptic setting I've ever come across. Andy Hopp is amazing.
I agree with and would love an entire setting book for D&D's outer space.
>Deadlands Noir
I love wild-west gun-slinging but something about great depression settings really hooks me.
Call me vain if you like. I will not deny it.

After the bomb
Middle Ages

I run Planescape. Technically all of my 5e games are Planescape/Spelljammer because of my unifying cosmology but that doesn't always come up in play.

>Dark Sun
>Ars Magica

Needs a "BLACKED" logo OP.

Dark Sun has a bad rep as being anti-Caster and anti-fun that it doesn't 100% deserve. A lot of players first exposure to it was pure nihilist grimderp and that rarely appeals, especially on anything long term.

I think if it was positioned as the dark times of a cyclical universe and hyped casting as still important, but strange and unfamiliar there'd be a line to play it. I'm just not sure if they can rehabilitate the name.

But boy would I love to see them try. I'm hoping for an actual Planescape/Spelljammer sourcebook next and then Dark Sun after that.

>Monster Hunter + Sengoku Warring States

Envy is a form of pain.

want to run some weird Gantz-like campaign ?

"That name sounds made up" the setting

>using brony fanart
>being that niggardly

so I guess, original rpg settings?

Unknown Armies
Vampire: The Masquerade
Barbarians of Lemuria
Fading Suns

>No Wilderlands of High Fantasy

Pleb youngsters, all of you.


>Call of Cthulhu's setting
>Mutant Year zero
>Mutant Chronicles

Spelljammer multiverse for basically every dnd setting
Warhammer Fantasy

me too user

>Unless you pump out several pages of details on your setting
>several pages of details
>not several dozens
>not several hundreds
Get on my level

Anyone play a campaign based on the Wheel of Time?

The Pheonix Guard
Warhammer Fantasy

Eclipse Phase
Iron Kingdoms
Fragged Empire

Might & Magic
Auriga / Endless 'verse
40k without lorefags on my tail
Huhmmmmmm, probably Eador


I'd be happy if a GM gave me 100+ pages of settings for their homebrew instead of "it's kinda D&D ish except for these changes that make it less fun or make less sense"

>Drakar och demoner trudvang
>Warhammer fantasy
>The one ring

It's interesting to see so many people list Warhammer Fantasy yet it seems so rare to find games for them online.

Forgotten Realms
The Dark Eye

people don't actually play rpgs online do they? isn't that just a green text meme where people make up total autists?

Some of us do, or at least try to. Doesn't often work out too well.

I won't tell mine, but you're a gentleman of the highest order.

>Tsarist Sci Fi
What the hell does that even mean? Warhammer 40k is pretty much Tsarist sci-fi

Nikolai Dante could be set in 17th century Russia if it wasn't for the superscience.

I'm surprised how many people mentioned Talislanta. It doesn't get much conversation around here.