What if we discover that we are reborn? No hell, heaven or the like. How would the established religions react?

What if we discover that we are reborn? No hell, heaven or the like. How would the established religions react?

Christianity could argue that heaven exists in the future.

I'd think something like the Cathar heresy becoming the new standard for Christianity.

Basically, the world is a sinful hell, and we're trapped here until we can learn to reject the world and all it's sinful ways.

A lot would depend on how we're reborn, and how we found out. Namely if it looks like karma is a thing or not.

They'd quietly alter their doctrines and claim that rebirth was in them to begin with.

Like says, a lot of religions would try to squirm around it. They'd still probably lose some followers but retain a core of believers.

Other religions that actually have reincarnation already, like Hinduism or Buddhism, would feel vindicated and quite likely have a surge in popularity.

Also expect a lot of new religions, some home-grown, others new off-shoots of various neo-pagan ones.

>Basically, the world is a sinful hell, and we're trapped here until we can learn to reject the world and all it's sinful ways.
If it's like that, I can see everybody again killing each other over blaming each other for making the world a sinful place. "It's not my fault I'm sinful, it's those people who made a sinful environment"

Basically something like If it's really somehow undeniable, which is pretty impossible desu, they'd just make excuses to incorperate it in the existing framework without actually changing much.


One of the major reasons it was a heresy was that the devil made reality, it's inherently sinful not the result of men. And the catholic church was all "Fuck you the devil isn't that stronk"

I think all of the Judeo-Christian branches would flatly deny it regardless of proof. Not all churches reject evolution, but those that do are not swayed by the amount of evidence presented because they are unwilling to believe anything which is against their religious teachings. Even the more mainstream ones are going to have difficulty accepting it for decades or centuries even if they eventually stop fighting it. They'll lose followers either way.

And you're not actually changing the proof for the afterlife unless you can state with certainty that each soul has been observed to reincarnate. As long as there are some souls not being observed, that is the gap into which the belief that an afterlife exists will be shoved into. Some of the more fire and brimstone types will declare that all of this reincarnation is the devil sending souls from hell to possess infants, and we're back into the realm of things that are unfalsifiable.

It makes sense to me. If a "supreme" deity had lots of souls with personality and free will, he would likely pick and choose which ones go into existence at any given point in time, depending on how well, the world is running, and if there's any person in particular that pattern needs down the line.
You wouldn't have to have complete and total omniscience/power for normal humans to do normal decent things, or even see /that/ far into the future, if you can think years ahead based on your predictions within free will tolerances.
When people die you work on their flaws, or see if they remember what they've learned in the past life. When the world ends, you remake it and start it up "better" this time.

judeo-christians get blown the fuck out again, and in their asspain, go on a wartime rampage.

Sounds like a good reason to Deus Vult to me.

Won't be the first time they decided to bury the truth by killing people.

A better question would be how atheists/agnostics react DESU

Probably two camps like most other regions deniers, (This thing getting "re-incarnated" isn't a soul, it just has soul like qualities) and people who change their beliefs to fit whatever "facts" are discovered.

As soon as you tell me souls are real, I begin consuming them.
Like, fuck. That is what you DO when you find some kind of soul well or god pit. You try to eat it, or die trying.

An eternal cycle of rebirth into a slowly dying world, which one day will be unable to accommodate the souls of mortals?

If only there was a way to END THIS TWISTED GAME.

Or reset it.

This leads to an interesting question: where do new souls come from,? The world population is constantly growing after all. And if there is a finite number of souls, what happens if we run out?

I don't see why we need to limit ourselves to only thinking about Earth. Maybe souls are coming from all over the universe and even other universes.

Or maybe pic related is correct.

Cute, but I prefer the ouroboros in 'All You Zombies'.

Buddhists get smug

buddhists are already smug

their religion basically is a framework for sick burns and enlightened one-upmanship

That and the whole "women could be "priests"" thing dint help and the fact they were getting pretty big and the pope was loosing money.

This. The kingdom of heaven is yet to come. In he mean time the dead are just waiting. No reason why they can't be waiting in new bodies.

>"Brother, I set her down on the other side of the river, why are you still carrying her?"

This must've hurt Jesus more than having his liver stabbed, fuck that burn.

>tips fedora

not until I get to play 7

>that's like your opinion on how it works
>we told you so
>no you see, where it looks contradictory it's actually a metaphor
>but what about "TRUE" death?
>if you don't see god then you're just not a believer

Well, Buddhism, Sihkism, and Hinduism don't change much.

I think most of them are not attached to their beliefs as religious people.
Obviously some are and many would simply be unable to believe it.
Reincarnation does not really imply the existence of God though even if many would become more open to it because God is heavily associated with general supernatural beliefs.

How do you discover you're reborn?
Do we develop the technology for soul readings? Is the soul reading for newborns being the same as the soul readings of the recently dead proof enough? Do we need to be able to see the soul leave the body and fly through the air into a new one? That would pretty much settle the abortion debate.
Also, it's demonstrable that newborns don't have memories of their past lives, so the claim that it's actually a rebirth and not true death even though the entirety of the person is lost is shaky.

It wouldn't be a huge deal for me. I already don't believe in heaven or hell proof of their nonexistence makes me even less likely to believe in a God or gods. Proof of souls is interesting, I'd certainly be re-examining my view on ghosts and spirits, I'd need to know more to make any kind of decision. I don't see anything in OPs post to make me believe God is real or that the various religions have any kind of special insight

Babies are tortured from birth through their entire lives for the crime of having been born with the soul of Pol Pot, Baghdadi, Mussolini, ot other socially unacceptable people.

Got any more sick buddhist burns?

Not to be a fedora tipping shit, but most organized religions would just call bullshit and go on believing what they want, just like they do now.

>It's what our Holy Book was really saying all along!

They would deny it. It is not like we do not know how they react when proven wrong.

>Also, it's demonstrable that newborns don't have memories of their past lives
What? How the hell does that work?

"You managed to prove souls exist and we reincarnate? That's pretty cool. Now can we use them to power machines?"

Please stop this meme. Jews believe in seven Heavens and no matter what they do in life they get in one of them. Christians believe that only those who accept Christ as their lord and savior and follow His example get into Heaven.

We've lived on this planet for thousands of years. The premise isn't that reincarnation is a recent development but has always existed and only now can be proven. Therefore, this changes nothing about normal human development, which involves having to learn how to speak and how the world works, with no experience from previous lives on which to build.

The only true answer