Big daddy Karn edition
>Current Modern Metagame
Big daddy Karn edition
>Current Modern Metagame
So, we have Fishmen on Ixalan, what are the odds we get
a) a reprint
b) a playable addition to Merfolks.
I would say very unlikely for A and downright impossible for B given the state of Standard
Maybe a cursecatcher reprint? But for some reason they avoided that like the plague.
Well, Ixalan was designed under different conditions than say, BFZ. I do have some hope for the new sets. While it's doubtful we'll get any meaningful reprints, some new tech for various decks can be hopes for, if not also expected. A lot of the rare leaks were absolutely unreadable, so there might be something there.
Why did Mirrodin lose against Phyrexia?
under played decks with 60%+ winrate edition
Grixis Death Shadow.
So I recently joined the SS and built dredge. Any tips from more seasoned players?
If that new fish Kira's ability says 2 instead one 1, it'll be sweet in fish. Text is blurry though
Merfolk gets stomped by Grixis Shadow dude
Merfolk are fun, I've always been a big fan of tribal synergy. I'm just waiting for another couple of good soldiers/humans to push that group into playable territory.
Got 3 modern masters packs in the mail. Here's the not commons. How'd I do?
forgot pic
deathshadow is easy as fuck for merfolkbros m8
>oh you killed yourself for your shitty 5/5? let me swing for unblockable 20 and help you make it a 30/30
>jk u ded
>not buying chinamen
I should. But idk where to even start
pretty good if you paid them for msrp or close to it.
Imagine being this incompetent
>mfw opened a half box in drafts
>best card was path to exile
>friend opens one pack on a whim
>fucking marsh flats and path in one pack
>"grats bro nice pull"
Think it was around 8.99$, free shipping
Is it just a case of emailing the dude? Also the worry that they'll be shit is real
Check the commons for max jew value.
Burningtree and spell pierce, those add up!
>go halvsies on a box with a friend
>crack the whole box while hiking and drinking
>karn, Goyf, and some other shit
>tally up everything notable, barely break even
>go home, back the next evening
>he traded everything for a standard deck
Except this is how it actually goes retard
>deck has 4 pushes, a bunch of terminates and snapcasters to replay them plus block your low power creatures
>kills every creature you put out while slamming 1 mana 5/5s
>you lose
I'm about 50/50 against ds. I run 2 kira which wins games with lords. It really depends on what they get with thoughtseize and whether they get value k commands, but it's definitely winnable.
>opening MM2
you deserved tit desu
Check out this list Veeky Forums and if you could give some advice id be appreciative
4 Deaths Shadow
4 Monastery Swiftspear
4 Steppe Lynx
4 Wild Nacatl
4 Renegade Rallier
4 Street Wraith
4 Thoughtseize
4 Tribal Flames
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Path to Exile
1 Hallowed Fountain
1 Godless Shrine
1 Watery Grave
1 Overgrown Tomb
1 Stomping Ground
1 Sacred Foundry
1 Temple Garden
4 Arid Mesa
4 Verdant Catacombs
4 Windswept Heath
Too many lands? I could cut two fetchlands and replace them with Battle Rage, Fatal Push, or Become Immense
how much is a playset of modern playables / staples?
Depends on the card. Id say between 20-50 bucks on average with a few outliers like Goyf and Hierarch
Just find a deck you like and learn to pilot it best you can. Nobody buys a whole playtest of staples.
He is asking for a playset, not per card.
Can you imagine paying 20 bucks and getting a playset of Arid Mesa?
Anyones opinion? Thinking of cutting two lands and throwing in Battle Rage, since technically its a 56 land deck with a super low curve probably as low as Burn despite the Ralliers
56 card deck*
Honestly I don't think Tribal flames is worth it. I'd rather just play a Boros Charm and cut the blue, because blue is bad in modern. Charm also gives double strike too so that is another upside.
T. Burnfag
Im not playing any Blue cards, just blue for flames. You are right tho Boros Charm is really good and has the potential to be a lot more then 4 damage. I think ill run it instead of battle rage and ill cut two lands.
blue is the 2nd best color in modern right now. It's less represented than just colorless cards though.
BANT Coral people
thoughts on your deck rn? Stuck between it and merfolk to get into modern again
Might wanna add Ghore-Clan Rampager while you are it champ
that dude is a fucking blowout
Blue is trash desu
Is the colour for cucks who are willing to pay 50% than they need to on their mana base.
what's the likely hood of Karn being reprinted soon
100%, he'll be in iconic masters
the original karn though
How does mono-red burn fair nowadays?
OG karn is reserved list
Oh yeah, I forget that they used to be able to reprint them in from the vaults
Is Obzedat any good outside of the Goryo interactions?
no. If you have the mana to hard cast him he's a fine threat, but there's no reason to put him in a deck without goryo.
Tron players HATE him!
Learn this one weird trick to keep Silver Golems and Spirit Dragons off your board!
>Gaddock Teeg
>Against Tron
Is he good enough to play 1 breeding pool and side in uwr
Because they don't just slam wurmcoils and ulamog instead. Sweet.
I know he's going to do nothing against a hardcasted Ulamog, but I'm thinking of sideboarding him in bant spirits just for all is dust
I have lost to topdeck all is dust with the tron player at 1. Never again
no. he's exactly good enough to side in death & taxes to stop them from ever accomplishing anything because you locked everything but ulamog cast trigger out with thalias, revokers and stony silence. your basic plan is to:
1. stop turn 3 karn
2. turn off oblivion stone
3. lock out wurmcoil engine with path to exile, eldrazi displacer or multiple golem tokens.
4. kill them with flying creatures
extra credit bonus round: arbiter and quarters on time!
the black and white variants don't really factor. you're resilient to removal and hand disruption as a consequence of being a low-variance, high 4-ofs hatebears deck with cheaty mana and card draw effects. as a matter of fact i think the red version is worse because they might be running multiple pyroclasm or kozilek's return, which is a lot more impactful then a thoughtseize-you or a path-your-guy if it resolves and you don't have a selfless spirit on-line.
It's worth a shot if you don't play any Cryptics or Revs.
Fuck off.
its at LEAST 6,000,000% of the meta
don't be silly, we're not standard yet
They do well against Tron though.
You can't have everything, modern decks beat one or the other.
*casts pyroclasm behind you*
shh, nothin' personell, teeg
The next big deck is going to be deaths shadow vehicles.
Dont know where else to ask
Does anyone know any good modern cube lists that let me draft storm and splinter twin?
Pretty sure Merfolk beats Death's Shadow for the same reasons it uses to beat Grixis Delver before that deck RIPed.
Tonight I draft Modern Master '17.
What am I in for? What archtype is a trap
Not too great imo. You'd probably be fine g1, but not having any real sb options would definitely catch up to you. Deflecting palm and path are pretty great. You're best bet is to at least go boros
Have you play tested it at all my man? Rallier seems hard to cast and is 3 mana so cutting more lands makes him harder to cast might wana consider cutting 1 and 1 land to lower your curve if you r worried about flooding but thats just my gut telling me this
The best mono-red deck is 8-whack goblins, followed by Skred. Unfortunately, Skred is pretty bad against Death's Shadow and Tron.
Boros Charm, Atarka's Command and Destructive Revelry are simply too important.
Naya agro is where you wana be
That's where I'll be come dinosaur land
>what is kira
>what are mutavaults
>what is unified will/delay/spell pierce/negate
They will kill a couple of lords sure, then you slam the rest down and they can't do shit about dying.
>what is Thoughtsieze
>what is Inquisition
>what is stubborn denial, Kommand, whatever
See? I can play magical Christmas land, too. :^)
I've seen the literal opposite in that dimir control is the best thing in the set.
Is it just a strong draft set, or are people taking the piss?
Finally got a playset of windswept heaths to get into modern and drew a few test hands after adding them in. Jesus, how did I ever win without fetches before?
Thank you for confirming that deathshadow can only win if they get a perfect hand, based retard.
Hope you enjoy the money you wasted on your fotm meme deck that will be forgotted by next year.
Dinrova horror is bonkers, but you really need things to hold on until you can cast him
I'd say with tri-lands shards are all pretty viable
All i was doing was ironically throwing your stupid fucking post back at your face. You can do this shit to any deck. Turns out, if your answers and threats like up perfectly, you can win! Who knew?
Also, I play Burn and Affinity. I eat faggots faggots like you for breakfast.
Hey, I don't know shit all about formats, but my friends and I play casually. r8 my dragons.
this is the deck I usually save for when I've lost a few and am feeling down.
4x Dragonspeaker Shaman
1x Archwing Dragon
1x Avaricious Dragon
3x Stormbreath Dragon
3x Thunderbreak Regent
4x Scourge of Valkas
3x Thundermaw Hellkite
1x Knollspine Dragon
1x Sol Ring
4x Dragon Tempest
4x Seething Song
2x Geosurge
1x Panharmonicon
1x Reforge the Soul
1x Divergent Transformations
3x Chandra, Torch of Defiance
1x Sarkhan the Mad
4x Dragonskull Summit
3x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
2x Spinerock Knoll
12x Mountain
This is it, Veeky Forums. I finally decided to make the jump to memedern. Should I build EldraziTron or Merfolk?
Whichever you find most fun
Build Death's shadow
>putting all the death's shadow lists together
woah guys, snapcaster decks are 25% of the meta, ban now
Another 2 decks that easily lose, especially affinity post side, nice to see you only play shitters and are a shitter yourself.
Why did everyone drop Infect? I know probe was a great card, but they didn't ban Become Immense. Just run fucking Street Wraith in that slot.
Merfolk only uses cards that merfolk cares about.
Eldrazi tron can be built into either tron proper or an eldrazi deck.
Do the latter.
The information that Probe gives is way more important than filling your graveyard. It meant you knew which games to go all-in, which games to play the tempo game, etc. Infect becomes way more fragile without that info.
>white gets a 2cmc enchantment blatantly designed to hose Tronlands
Why hasn't it happened yet.
Not him, but I think you're wrong. I've played Affinity for three years and I'm usually pretty happy to be matched up against Merfolk. I can probably count the amount of times I've lost to Merfolk with two hands. Also, if Merfolk is good enough to be able to beat 3 of the top decks "easily" you'd think it'd see more play, but it doesn't. Really the only people who have any results with Merfolk are those who've been playing it for years.
as a deck that went all-in, probe was great because it allowed you to see if you could
wraith could be used there, sure. I expect for infect what happened to death's shadow, bannings forced the deck to get better or dissapear
the only expensive cards are vial and cavern of souls which both go into a variety of decks
just reprint price of progress
burn instantly becomes the best deck in the format.
That is, until people start playing less greedy mana based. With the sheer number of lands tapping for 2 colors or more (excluding shocks as those have Price built in) and no reason not to expect more in the future, mana bases should be punished further. However, I'm not sure Price is the correct answer here.
>Greedy manabases are cancer and everybody should play monocolor decks
Kys faggot
This isn't the thread for your casual deck, friend.
>not running either atarka
>Mono color shouldn't be viable at all
Why play one color when you can play 3 and get better results? Only autistic kids would want to play monocolor decks to masturbate to it's color wheel shit
just print every legacy DnT card into modern, and unban SFM
Nigger just run some fucking basics, 12 fetches, 6-8 basics +4 manlands/utilities/duals should be enough for even the greediest of decks.
I need dual lands for eternal command fuck you
That's not what I said. There should be risk vs. reward to playing 3+ colors. Right now, there's 0% risk vs. 100% reward because there's no downside to playing 3 colored decks, outside of occasional awkward opening hands. Increase the risk with something that punishes mana bases a fair amount and make people think heavily about risk/reward when deck building.