Oooh, those darn skeletons strike against!
Oooh, those darn skeletons strike against!
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We all know how this ends.
Deathrattlers™ *
You mean IG conscript spammer now.
Umm.... they are in the UK.
Its 95% brown now.
>pakis want to play
>no money
>start working to get money so they can play
My god.
The UK is over 85% white anglo saxon.
Meanwhile 'murica is only 56% white. Probably 55% by the time you've finished reading this.
Memri tv is the best.
Reminder that American statistics list all types of Arab and Middle Easterner as well as hispanics as white.
You realise that you will die in Brazil-tier 3rd world country surrounded by people who look nothing like you right?
Yes I'm aware of that. Americans have a very liberal definition of what "white" means. They actually think that north Africans are white. Fucking idiots.
>hispanics as white
American here, they have Latino as a category now. IIRC last time I took something that asked for my race (DMV, college apps, military, etc) the selections were
Pacific Islander
I think maybe Native American was on there too.
It's because the artist is one of those faggot SJW tumblr dykes.
Hispanic is generally a second category you pick in addition to white, or else your choices will be something like hispanic white, hispanic black, and hispanic other.
I think ops image is quite cute desu.
Was this drawn while someone was raping his wife?
This isn't real news though, right?
Google memri tv. It is real
All I see is a cute image of a turkish man and his wife strolling pass a tabletop store
fuckin' memes, man.
well played.
I do believe Orks will become immensely more popular in the coming years/decades, they just need a little cosmetic/lore update.
>gork and mork become one diety
>and ghazghkull is his prophet
Fund it.
>War Trukk of peace
I'd buy it
Looks like they are guarding the store against pakis
Pakis probably think wargaming is some sort of pagan witchcraft.
In all seriousness, if I found a lithe and beautiful Pakistani girl playing warhammer I'd snap her right up, hopefully her family won't honour kill her for playing battles with a kuffar.
Alahu Orkbah!
The fact that you need to make the joke about honor killings happening in Europe, tells a sad story about the state in which Europe is, and where we are headed.
I dread the future lads.
I truly dread it.
I can't tell if you people are even being ironic or not anymore.
>puny westerers have to fill the void with technology and progress
>glorious man of Allah achieved eternal youth long ago
Well its just innevitable when a civilisation starts to collapse it begins culturally, when a society can no longer enforce its own moral system it opens the way for permissiveness and moral relativism. Our society no longer believes in anything being 'more true' or 'more right' than any other lifestyle, so now we have honour killing, child marriages, and female genital mutilation in Europe and the authorities turn a blind eye.
>That feel.
I no longer want these emotions.
just play the latest D&D edition instead. oh wait...
We are in the period of collapse of our civilization.
I hope Europeans will wake up before it is too late. I do not want to abandon the ancestral homelands of my people.
They would most likely disown her at the very least.
I know a few Pakistani families who don't like their daughters speaking at all to westerners.
It is generally common to maintain and perpetuste insular traditions, this is one reason tribal areas of certain races or religions grow in host nations, instead of "integrating".
You might have better luck finding a sikh woman, although they generally prefer to arrange marriages as well.
Despite conforming to western society better, they don't like what they see to be extremely degenerate practices by them.
One of my Sikh friends is dating a blonde white haired girl, his mother hates it and refuses to talk to her at all, because she is a western whore.
it's because people are competing with each other over who is more right and more intelligent. this leads inevitably a significant portion of people in the west to become ultra-liberal aka turning all minorities into good people who are the unfortunate victims of the evil right-wing... which in turn means they get to play Robin Hood.
left-wingers need "victims" to root for and "evil guys" to fight. and if there aren't any, they will create some.
>I hope Europeans will wake up before it is too late. I do not want to abandon the ancestral homelands of my people.
the reconquista will start in the east. with training and weapons supplied in the former warsaw pact. i think we're headed for civil war.
Poles seem to be aware of the threat, and are not taking any of EU's shit.
I wish my people were the same. And yeah, it seems like war is looming in the horizon, but like in the past, most people are too blind to see it, or refuse to acknowledge the threat.
>Our society no longer believes in anything being 'more true' or 'more right' than any other lifestyle
That is a massive heap of bullshit.
Honour killings, child marriages and female genital mutilation occur in Europe, but they're certainly not accepted or relativised.
This is some 'rape culture' bullshit. Just because it happens, doesn't mean our society as a whole is fine with it.
>left-wingers need "victims" to root for and "evil guys" to fight. and if there aren't any, they will create some.
Kind of like how you're creating a left-wing bogeyman right now?
Explain Rotterdam child rape gangs that police refused to do anything about. That is tacit acceptance of that shit.
Well the left wing is a broken record that only knows how to picket and protest and lives in the 60s civil rights movement. Since they have already broken down every traditional institution under the guise of liberalism, they have to look for more and more absurdly petty battles to fight to maintain their relevance. These agents of decline are just unthinking robots though.
Those who are supposed to enforce the cultural norms do not, because they no longer have the authority since the institutions like the church no longer exist to provide such authority. Doesn't matter what individuals think.
Bureaucratic incompetence, not cultural relativism.
Cousin in Pakistani. He loves it. He also love boardgames. I'm introducing him to DnD.
We're all Muslim.
fite me
>they no longer have the authority since the institutions like the church no longer exist to provide such authority
If you think the police derived their authority from the church, you're very fucking confused indeed.
Whoa a picture that recognises that brown people exist, this is genocide.
It is, sort of.
They are real people, who say these things, or something close to it, but memri has a reputation for being selective (and not always correct) in what they translate, quote mining and cherry picking from some of the more extreme views on middle-eastern TV to make it look even more objectionable
If the church is so great, be a good little Christian and spread your asscheeks wide for the oppressors.
Nothing in this life matters anyway, your 'real' life awaits in the post-apocalyptic kingdom of YAHWEH.
>They actually think that north Africans are white
They got caucasoid skulls, so technically they are. But classing them as whites in any statistic is still stretching it.
That stems from the fear of being labeled a racist. The fear of leftists labeling you literally hitler, was more relevant to the police, than the lives of the children who were being raped by Pakis.
Glad to know I'm not the only one wondering where I was exactly.
>brown people
>in MY hobby
As a proud white American, who is also a European Nationalist, this is nothing short of White Genocide. I bet the Jew-Cuck-Numale-SJW-Communist-EU is behind this.
>european nationalists/knowing what happens in Europe
That's cool m8 I was joking. The more we do normal stuff together the less tension we all have.
I know most Muslims are just normal people who enjoy fun.
I'm not talking about legal authority, I'm talking about an 'objective' basis by which a culture 'knows' what is right and what is wrong. Without institutional religion and a strong cultural sense of who we are, then we have a weaker platform by which to criticise and stamp out these practices.
Our government can't even explain what 'Britishness' or British Values are anymore, except maybe as tolerance to non-British immigration which is a self-destructive system by its own definition.
I recognise the utility of having an transcendental institution by which a society can have unquestionable moral fabric to maintain stability and prosperity. But I don't necessarily believe in heaven.
>The church
>Transcendental institution
>unquestionable moral fabric
If you're going to pretend christianity is an unquestionable and objectively superior moral framework, I'm going to laugh.
Secular humanist 4 lyf.
>That's cool m8 I was joking.
Eh. Sorry. Mosque got shot up earlier this year by a white dude. On edge, my guy.
No system should be unquestionable, that's a huge part of why these any of these things are a problem in the first place
>implying that the remaining percentage is European white and not "American white"
Man I had no problem with you being a Muslim of Pakistani descent, but this is too much
Unlike this brittish fellow, I have no tolerance even for you "moderate" muslims.
Your religion is fucking reprihensible, and the man you venerate as your prophet and regard as the perfect man, and seek to emulate in life, was a slave owning warlord pedophile. Islam is cancer and an existential threat to all non Muslims. Removal of your kind, is necessary for the safety of my people's future.
Every culture needs an unquestionable mythology about itself to maintain its identity.
>you being a Muslim of Pakistani descent
That's just my cousin.
>but this is too much
Thanks for being chill, bud
No it fucking doesn't.
>The fact that you need to make the joke about honor killings happening in Europe,
Honorkillings still happen in Spain, don't pretend Euro's aren't just as bad
>Removal of your kind
I.e. shoving those Muslims that are undergoing secularization right back into the arms of fundamentalism.
Yeah nah, you're 'saving' all us white folk.
>muslim are primitive because they follow a religion
>I do the same, but mine is the right one
Nah. Just make them Sunni and Shia
>I.e. shoving those Muslims that are undergoing secularization right back into the arms of fundamentalism.
The task of reforming your religion is your own, not ours.
>Yeah nah, you're 'saving' all us white folk.
I don't care about saving you. It is not my moral obligation, and to be honest, I don't care what happens to you. Your problems are not my people's problems, and I don't want you bringing your issues to my homeland. You are not my kin, so why should I care about you?
Oh good, The Finn Nazi has named himself once again, the thread can officially be trashed
to be fair honor killings happen in all societies, we just tend to use the word murder when it involves non asians
No other culture in the world questions itself to the same extent as the West and it is to our disadvantage. They don't live in the shadow of guilt for their past, they don't mock their own religious figures or tear down the statues and flags of their past. The Turks and the Chinese don't sit there and think "Hm maybe out cutlure should be more tolerant of outside influence, after-all our beliefs are just a story and can be open to interpretation."
No they push their own interests because THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE. People who try to undermine that are dealt with and they will be the ones to inherit the earth.
They don't doubt themselves, this is the sign of a healthy culture. Ours is one that has been dragged down by the culture of critique. We have barely anything left now except materialism and promiscuity.
Mate, autism doesn't have a homeland
Nice to see how I have a reputation here already.
>mfw I just got accepted to university in our capital, to study political science.
It's gonna be fun. Our capital is full of treasonous leftists, and the better I understand them, their thoughts, and rhetoric, the better I can go about ensuring their utter elimination.
>The task of reforming your religion is your own, not ours.
It's not about reforming a religion, it's about abandoning a religion in favour of secular, enlightened principles.
You can't do that if a secular society kicks you out.
> it's about abandoning a religion in favour of secular, enlightened principles.
Why do you think west is in decline, exactly?
>You are not my kin, so why should I care about you?
Because you're wrong. You are my kin.
The UK is not europe you retarded burger.
You and those treasonous leftists is why I'm a big ol' centrist, cuz both of you are so full of your own shit it might as well be a form of memetic Autism.
>They don't doubt themselves, this is the sign of a healthy culture.
You should read Popper
>all these edgy college nazis roleplaying
Truly the saviours of our identity
>city university
>political science
Watch out you don't become one of them
Unchecked materialism, consumerism and anti-intellectualism, not simply the absence of organized religion.
This man
I'm glad to see that someone realizes that with or without religion, people are going to be just shitty.
I'm making a quebec joke.
Quebec is the joke.
It combines most of the mockable parts of France and Canada, that's a twofer for the anglosphere (and probably the frankosphere as well, idk?)
But you're cool.
Cousin by marriage, or are you the sort who considers themselves based on where they grew up rather than whatever their great-great grandparents may have been dong?
The transition of a society built around mythos to one built around logos is the crowning achievement of Western civilization, you uneducated fuck.
>Why do you think west is in decline, exactly?
Because it got bombed to the ground twice by authoritarism and fascism.
Shit has left quite a scar.
So what's your favourite flavour of man in the sky?
Logos was our mythos and it started with the Greeks, we have abandoned logos in favour of relativism.
He's just being enlightened mind you.
>Logos was our mythos
Course it does, Finland.
Don't you know about the Hyperwar?
Exhibit A:
>implying he likes western civilisation
He's just like a muslim extremist, he just doesn't like Allah and prefers something else
Are you a Finn?
Because unless you are, no, you are not my kin.
Centrism is the viewpoint of those with no strength of character to have a strong conviction.
I have no intention to. I am thoroughly inoculated to their bs, because I was on the track of becoming one of them, before waking to how fucking insane their ideas truly were.
>Unchecked materialism, consumerism and anti-intellectualism, not simply the absence of organized religion.
Yes, but those are side effects of our culture losing our core values.
I am not religious. I simply recognize the essential role religion plays at the core of any society. It is the root of the moral fabric that keeps the society together.
Closest thing to a "god" I have "faith" in, is the ideal human, a human who has reached his/her full potential in every aspect of his/her life and being. I strive to be a person, who constantly improves, and thus becomes closer to that ideal, though never reaching it.
I don't hate other races, but I sure as hell hate other cultures.
If I moved to Switzerland, I would sure as shit do my best to be a model Swiss citizen. I would like to expect the same from others.