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>JumpChain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Google Drive
>JumpChain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
Well baked breads are hard.
Rolled 679 (1d816)
Rolling for a thread topic.
If it works, never rolled dice here before.
How do jumpers with regen handle battle scars?
>Last Thread
You forgot a whole thread.
Does anyone know who did the Sonic the Hedgehog jump with like 8 pages? I kinda wanted to take a shot at updating it.
Stranger Things.
What's that about anyway? The most I've heard is SCP foundation story set in E.T.
Stranger Things.
I've never even seen the show. Didn't realise we had a jump of it. Anyone done a build for it?
Oops. Is it too late to delete this and try again?
It's avoiding strangers who offer you candy or classic rock albums.
Mysterious realm called 'Upside-Down' lies on the flipside of normal reality. Full of weird psychic monsters.
Super secret psychic-child-soldier lab discovers it's existence, which triggers Upside-Down Predators discovering Earth.
It's not a big deal, this thread isn't even the right number, we've lost at least a dozen threads over the years and nobody wants to go back and count.
Sonic Classic was Digger, the other Sonic jump was Spyro. He used to say he wanted to update it, but he may have decided not to after Sonic Classic came out. He's been around recently putting out updates to Super Smash Bros so you could probably ask for permission and just run it by him to ok it for the thread.
I'm feeling up to some crazy shit.
Should I use my return perk to go back to pokemon and reign terror upon that /trash/ RP thread?
I rule that i don't get any. Otherwise i would be all scars by now, and that would conflict with my appearance perks.
>tfw you remember when jumpchain was just some odd offshoot of cyoa general and thought they where a bunch of NERRRRDS
>tfw you eventually got taken in by their sirens song
its been a long chain hasn't it?
Righto, thanks.
I thought the Sonic Classic jump was pretty fun, but Sonic the Hedgehog just feels really sparse. If Spyro said he was gonna update it, I can understand why.
I remember when hard heads still tried to post jumps in cyoa gen.
the dubs demand it, user
Offer your help, he'll likely appreciate the assistance.
Jump #370: Exalted - The Solars
>Page of Swords, reversed: The approach of an unexpected challenge, met with muddled thought and unjust action.
It was at this moment that Crux knew he fucked up.
>Location: Gem
>Identity: Scholar
>Caste: Zenith
What did that line say? Oh well, I guess it wasn't important.
>Drawbacks: (+800) Burning Bright, Child of the Earth, Yozi-Friend, What's A Combo?
I'm not sure what the deal is, what with certain parties here having some version of the perks I could have bought, if perhaps a bit less effectively. And the whole thing where there are minor demons that seem to be following in my wake is annoying. It probably doesn't help that I could swear I've seen this setting on Veeky Forums in the past, but I've never been here and definitely don't have any powers from this setting at all, perks aside. But that's okay because I'm a mid-game jumper who's been to a number of places where this sort of power level wouldn't be entirely unexpected... right? I can take it. Right?
>Pages And Words (Free, Scholar)
Not that I need it, because I already have it, but speed-reading is nice.
>Brought To Light (1600, Scholar)
Now here's a useful perk. I can think of all kinds of conspiracies that need to be pulled out into the sun so that people can know their conspirators for who they are.
>Mind of the Sun (1300, Scholar)
Now this... I have to admit it is interesting. Forging artifacts is a thing I do as a matter of course - I have a constant influx of exotic materials of several kinds that I draw on - but the empowered aspects to it... getting the abilities to build tools that can play with souls... oh, yes, that is something right down my alley. Later on, anyways.
>The Three Circles of Sorcery (1000)
Sorcery being as rare as it is... well, I'll be focusing a great many efforts into expanding my abilities in this regard as much as possible. Few use magic here, but the local magic is very, VERY interesting.
The Dubs must be fed user
Right, forgot my name. Moving right along.
>Unconquered (600)
Well, that seems to be another thing that I don't have access to at this time. Tsk. Whatever it is, I bet it would have helped me an awful lot during my stay!
>My Prayers Be Heard, My Will Be Done (500, Zenith)
Might as well just embrace godhood at this point considering all of the deity-type powers that I have behind me. Gods looking upon me as an equal, prayers always being answered in some way... it's good to be connected, even if I'm not a Solar.
>A Shepherd of Light (300, Zenith)
And this works quite nicely with the previous one - if I were to start a religion or even simply have individuals worship me, it would empower me nicely... never mind that this already empowers me via other means.
>Body Strengthening Liquor (200, Zenith)
Solars sure as hell know how to party. I'll be studying this to figure out just how it works later. Might be a new way to empower individuals.
>The Arachnid's Needle (0)
Now this is an interesting thing. Forget combat acupuncture, forget everything in the needlekind strife specibus, this right here is where it's at. Amateurs could use it to weave the impossible into glorious crafts. Me? This is what I'll be using to tweak the fabric of space and time when the time comes.
Spoilers, incidentally: that time is not going to be coming during this jump.
Alright, gimme a bit to get really set up, all my perks and shit organized, in the mean time, watch the autism I'm about to interupt live:
Now I'm not going to go into a whole lot of detail about how things went in this jump. Generalities are fine. Especially when the sum total knowledge of the Exalted setting was locked away while I was here, which meant other sparks of exaltation were likewise inaccessible. Not gone, just... no context in which to identify and use the powers.
Dealing with demons hounding me and those around me, that wasn't something that was new, frankly. Some gave me a run for my money, others were trivial to deal with. The Second Circle demons, though? Those had a tendency to kill me. Granted, I have so many ways to survive being killed that it's not even funny, but... I still burned some extra lives on them before I learned that the only way to deal with them is to practically go all-out as quickly as possible. Overwhelming force right out of the gate. And even at that, I STILL was rendered effectively dead several times.
Much of my time was spent dealing with Solars, seeming to be some sort of out-of-context empowered being who was neither mortal nor a god as they knew it, and apparently my ego wrote some checks that my body couldn't cash. Who knew that those damn Solars would punch as hard as Kaguya? Except without prep time beforehand, I had to burn extra lives. With the demons I could at least fake it, but with the Solars, even faking it didn't work.
And then when my magic hit a tipping point I was finally able to-
>"Hey Crux! Found you again, you hypocrite!" BAM.
FFFFFFFFFF- nope, dead again.
There goes my last extra life, time to lay very, very low for the remaining two years. I'd rather deal with the demons than these cheating bastards. I'm supposed to be the one that cheats, damn it.
Huh, maybe they were right to call me a hypocrite. But then, as Doc Holliday is reputed to have once said, my hypocrisy knows no bounds. And why should it? These guys get the Unconquered Sun, I get Unbound Hypocrisy. It all even out, surely!
I don't scar easily, but when I do I decide whether they're flattering or not. If not, biokinesis eases them away.
user, don't do this.
Don't reveal the power level. Don't reveal us.
Right. Disowning the shit. Fuck off, just fuck right the fuck off.
Literally pulling a goddamn Bancho / Tera right now.
Dude, seriously?
This is next level retardation.
No, no, this is to go even further beyond, user.
Why would you encourage that?
I don't, actually.
One of the first regen perks I got was a "perfect" regen ability. This means that scars are impossible.
I kinda hate it because I like scars. Sure, I could shape-shift to have scars, but it just wouldn't be the same.
Because they find it funny obviously
This is going to be beautiful
Konata no. Delete.
> tfw you hate something so bad, you decide to go tell the people involved how you'll beat them up in your pretend game
Holeeeeeeeee shiiiiiit
Oh they're discussing Vulpix rape. Jumper will fit right in
user, what the fuck are you doing?
And why are you using Konata pics to do it?
Seriously, this pretty much definitely counts as trolling and could get you banned. It's also a dick move and, as said is something extremely similar to what Bancho did. You don't want to be Bancho, do you?
His link isn't even working for me, is it gone?
>Implying jumpers don't romance their pokemon all proper like.
It "could" just get him banned, OR IT COULD GET US ALL BANNED.
Containment breaches aren't taken lightly.
>You don't want to be Bancho, do you?
I don't know what you're trying to imply here outside of namefag drama. Your whole post reeks of namefag drama.
>only one reply
Stop being melodramatic. Nobody's going to get banned over one post. If one post was enough to ban the thread this thread would have been killed a long time ago.
Dude it's /trash/. We're containment breaching FURTHER INTO CONTAINMENT.
Could you retards fucking stay contained where you should be, for once?
Actually, that's a good point.
What the fuck is WRONG with you
I knew this thread attracts idiots like flies to honey the minute people were seriously discussing Naruto fanfiction, but this is some /b/ shit.
Worked for me.
Doubt it will get that bad, but I also don't know what sort of reactions cross board posting get.
Just reiterating what someone else already said. Bancho once 'roleplayed' his jumper in that tg parliament thing. It went about as well as you could expect. This is pretty damn similar.
I wish we could. I also wish we had a way of screening out the idiots. It's like watching a nuclear reactor meltdown in slow motion.
He's trying to bait them into raiding you guys, you know. You can't reason with him since his only goal since the start was to shitpost.
It's next level shitposting! Who is the real Konata?! You'll never know, because I don't use a trip!
Let's just hope it doesn't work.
>implying /trash/ will bother raiding
>implying /trash/ is organized enough to stage a raid
>implying there's enough people on /trash/ to raid.
Are you serious? Do you think we're still in Habbo era Veeky Forums or something?
I don't give a shit about who or what /trash/ are, I ain't going to pretend I like this shit taking a shit in someone else's backyard
The shitposters here can fuck up the thread better than any raidfag can, unless they're going to try and ddos the whole site just to get back at one general on Veeky Forums.
Stop dickwaving. I'm telling you what his goal is, I don't care if you think it's realistic.
First rule of /JC/: It stays in Jumpchain threads, no where else. Period.
Second rule of /JC/: Ignore the shitposters.
Third rule of /JC/: Ignore the shitposters & shit stays in Jumpchain threads.
Three simple rules.
Fourth rule: Report, report, report.
That is all.
You're just fearmongering and blowing a situation out of proportion. Do you really think that the people over there will react to jumpchain like people here do? Even when your shitposter crossposted on /m/ people knew well enough to just ignore him.
There's a grand total of 20 people on that thread right now, they're not going to bother doing anything even if the jumpchainfag decides to spam. If he continues after they've told him to stop, they'll just ignore him and continue with their own RP.
Fifth rule: acknowledge that the mods give absolutely zero fucks, and ignore the shitposters.
They probably are them, considering you're more likely to get banned for replying to the shitposter than he is to get banned.
Mods are not your personal janitors.
I literally just said "fuck that guy, and fuck his bullshit", don't put words in my mouth. Fuck the shitposter who went to /m/ too.
God forbid I feel terrible because some community I don't know anything about has to put up with one of the worst pieces of shit from our latrine.
I have some bad news for you, that thread is constantly plagued by shitposters and quite frankly I'm surprised they didn't try to incite you guys to raid US, like they did with /vp/ a few times.
I'm not sure where the shitposter originated, but I get the feeling they wanted both threads to fight, rather than just trying to eliminate one.
That probably IS him either trying to self-justify or cause more shitposting in general. Ignore him and move on.
Rolled 810 (1d816)
Let's try for a jump people might know more about.
Blatant attempt to bring up some other topic is blatant.
Good idea.
Jumpers, what did you do in Age of Mythology? I barely remember anything about the game other than some Atlantean spearman going on a quest for Athena
Yu Yu Hakusho.
Anyone got anything to say about their builds or time in that jump?
I introduced Christianity.
/jc/, I wish to test my jumper's mettle. What are the most hideously dangerous jumps we have? I mean, if every fight isn't a desperate struggle for survival, then I think I'm doing it wrong.
I have three eyes now, but I normally represent it with a tattoo or gem rather than an actual eye in most jumps.
Do you think that every board outside of /pol/ raids people on a regular basis or something? When was the last time you even participated in a board activity like Veeky Forums or /a/ singoffs, or Veeky Forums cup? Honestly there hasn't been a legit raid in a very, very long time. And there probably won't be either, most fags have better things to waste their time on than coordinating a proper raid.
And what's the point of telling people here that your jumpchainfag is going around trying to start raids? Get more people to go over there to apologize and post even more off topic shit on their threads?
All the demons hate me.
All of them.
Hey, I saw mentions of an "Owlfu" in a previous thread. Who or what is this mystical creature?
You could always go to Light of Terra and break the Deadlight.
With drawbacks or without? There are some impossible jumps out there with drawbacks, and Age of Ice DLC3 is always good.
I have a third eye that looked fairly human, if slightly demonic. After Bloodborne and the Jungle Hunt scenario that third eye's now decidedly more lupine, and any time I take my werewolf form the Jagan Eye goes nuts and I get more eyes on my shoulders particularly on the stump, arms, and chest.
It gets fucking nuts.
Is that painful?
This is a setting where gods can literally drop meteors or lightning bolts on your head as a sign of faith.
You could always go to Age of Ice and take on the DLCs. Although technially that Zendikar scenario where you have to fight 3 Eldrazi on 'roids at once is more dangerous.
A deranged Lunar who is not actually an owlfu, just a madwoman
Why are you defending him so hard? It's like you want him to keep going.
He sounds like a big user, I'm sure he'll be fine
Ew. And ow.
Random question just for something to talk about, what's your warehouse like these days? Do you let companions into it or is it your secret chamber, full of things only you know?
I keep them. Jumper is going to be a badass cool person with scars and tattoos all over.
>This is why I use a trip instead of using an avatar so no one commits atrocities in my name.
Question to Mardukth and Wukong. Well, more of a request. A dumb, dumb request.
So Solars has an import on the sewing needles. Could Lunars' Silver Needles of Intricate Design and Terrestrials / Dragonblooded's The Quills of Sextes Jylis have the same? I won't mind if it doesn't happen, but I just think it'd be really fukken cool.
Mega-awesome sewing and tattoo needles that can induce biological mutations and awaken Essence usage.
Oddly enough not painful. But definitely disgusting.
It doesn't help that the eyelid contours itself to the shape of the bite-scar where the arm got ripped off from.
>Containment breaches aren't taken lightly.
Why do I see a bunch of screaming serpentine xenomorphs with no back legs in my mind's eye right now, trying to squeeze through a closing blast door?
In Marvel Magic exactly powerful is a fledgling Skyfather[without any of the other God perks]? And what exactly would it do for you if you chose it as a demon?
>So Solars has an import on the sewing needles.
Actually, pretend I never said this.
I'm an idiot, saw an user's posting, thought they did a thing. NEVERMIND ME HURR DURR.
How late is it where you are.
>Odin Dogefather
>Why are you defending him so hard? It's like you want him to keep going.
There's a difference between defending him and pointing out meaningless assumptions. Even the thought that /jc/ is worth raiding to begin with is hilariously stupid.
It's like as /m/ said, this place has enough autism in one general to put several boards to shame. What's the point in raiding a place where the people are autistic enough to fuck themselves over already?
>Building for Solars
>Making a complete circle of Solars and their Lunar waifus
>Flip coins for their gender
>They're all girls
>Roll for how well the circle goes is a 69
>Jokingly roll for how Yandere they are
>Roll a 7 of 100
Send help.
Go away dirge.
>If he says something I don't like, just call him the shitposter!
Great response.
He's not wrong, mon ami.
Once there was a Lunar woman. Her Solar mate was a monster. He tortured, beat, and broke her in every way his demented, millennia-old mind could think of, until that Lunar woman was a shattered shell who only knew a twisted love for her Solar, because everything else had been driven from her mind and that had been beaten into it. She could not even flee, because he had bound her so well with spells. When the deliberative fell, she managed to break those bonds, and fled to the Wyld with all the rest. Now eons later the Solars are free, and somewhere out there her mate's Exaltation has found a new host. This Lunar, Lilith, never recovered mentally from her treatment, and so she has made it her mission to track this individual down at all costs. She doesn't know if she will fall in love with the Solar or kill him when she finds him.
People call her an owlfu because her favored form is that of an owl harpy. It's also appropriate because those anons that want her see her as a broken bird. They want to take her in and nurse her back to health and sanity.