Dated Science

Found these old charts and had some weird ideas.

>temperate forests like those of Asia harbor strange gibbon-like men, rather simple, yet social

>northern islands, covered in large fields and plains, but dotted by small forests, are inhabited by large chimp-like animals, with brains like those of man, yet behavior more akin to chimps

>northern continent is similar to the isles, but is dominated by brutish beings, like man, but stooped in posture, and simple in the mind

>but a new race has arisen in the central continent, with a sleeker build, larger frontal lobe, and weapons of all sorts: true man
>this group has spread across every continent, devastating the local populations, save for the isles, whose inhabitants will fight tooth and claw to defend then

Other urls found in this thread:'s_theory_of_gravitation

>this group has spread across every continent, fucking the local populations, save for the isles, whose inhabitants will get truly nailed by them.

You're not wrong.

>Caucasian more intelligent than Chinese
inb4 muh creativity

The Irish are more ape than men, really. Their skull measures 24% smaller than that of an englishman, and their uncouth behaviour only betrays their inferiority.

Meh, I'm not really distinguishing between the modern races. Was primarily using Cro-Magnon.


I always loved the Root Races shit. It just seems like a fantasy writer made it up.

If Chinese were intelligent they're realize skimping on infrastructure and creating human-eating elevators and escalators is a bad idea. The Chinese are the most back-stabbing, two-faced, lying cunts on this planet.

>95% of all cultural and intellectual achievements of the past 2 millennia are western instead of eastern

Really tickles my pickle.

Such as?

I'm sure that there are worse that don't get such attention.

2 millennia? Uh... I would say that Western Europe in particular started doing great in that area after the crusades/15th century.

The Greeks and Romans of course were powerful Mediterranean empires, but I'd say that they're a little over-represented, many nations had comparable cultural achievements and conquested lands.

During the Islamic Golden Age, the advances that were made in Mathematics and the Sciences were insane, their conceiving the numbers we've all come to use today were just so much better for education and calculation. Aside from the fact that we all use their system, for more context, consider that the Romans, for all their other accomplishments, were notably horribly mediocre mathematicians.

As for China, we don't learn about it much in Western education, but it's really really hard to overstate their contributions, even if their philosophy is overlooked in lieu of those of the Greeks, the scientific developments made particularly during the Han dynasty are remarkable. Even disregarding all their other achievements, their invention (200 AD) and spread of paper alone was probably one of, if not the most significant invention ever. I like to think that their spread of paper to Western Europe in the 13th century was probably what made the speed of western cultural advancement possible in the first place, though I have no proof of that, but I dare say it definitely helped to have paper when Gutenberg invented the printing press.

Oh please.

Scientific American lurked a lot around here i see

crazy to think about these proto-humans walking around, some of which didn't even go on to become the modern human

>their conceiving the numbers
They got it from India fyi.

Remember, these are rather dated reconstructions. Hell, the second one was a mistake. The guy that found the tooth thought that it was some kind of "American chimp" and people went too far with it. Turned out to be a peccary (weird pig).

>During the Islamic Golden Age, the advances that were made in Mathematics and the Sciences were insane
Funny it's called that, seeing how it ended almost immediately after the zorastrians started being persecuted.


This just gets me wondering:

A lot of our "modern" interpretations of primitive man and other spin-offs of the Homo genus still look like those 1800s interpretations of even fake fossils, like the Piltdown Man. How can that be?

Is Science literally just the biggest group-think hallucination of our time? Maybe all the scientists are just lying for grant money and e-fame, and what we actually know of our ancient biological history is nothing more than the equivalent of some kid pressing flowers in a scrapbook.

You don't sound like you work or even study in any scientific field.

Old scientific ideas are all sorts of fun to fantasy settings.'s_theory_of_gravitation

As the kind of autist that tries to explain how his setting's gravity works in ways allowing huge and deep caves, I read a lot of those.

Have you ever seen their work on remote viewing atoms? Inspired my setting's alchemy, albeit it ended up unlike the inspiration.

Spelljammer is based heavily on 18th century and earlier astrosphysics.

So objects leaving the atmosphere take a bubble of it with them, 'Empty' Space is filled with a highly combustible medium known as Phlogiston, and within the Crystal Spheres housing the different Solar Systems you can find all manner of worlds.


This is a special kind of madness

Make sure you put on your helmet before you leave the house today.

I like the stone age comics be Roudier.
Beautiful landscapes, good art and varied hominids, inclueded not-Hobbits, not-elves and not-giants/ogres.

Someone just got dumped. What was her name, user?

>why do scientists still think humans lived with dinosaurs? Don't they know any better?

>you can't be doubtful of anything unless you are an expert
I also think that he is an idiot but you certainly are one too.


Got any English sources for this? All I can find is pages in some weird dead language.

>How can that be?
because they were close to the truth, even while wrong. Thats why the ideas took hold in the firstplace.

Of course we now know they were wrong ideas, because science has lead us to a clearer understanding of history.

If you can read French or Spanish I think you are out of luck m8. Latin best languages.

>Is Science literally just the biggest group-think hallucination of our time?
No. Scientists can delude themselves into believing things that aren't true, but it would be difficult to pick a collective human endeavor which resembles a group-think hallucination less than science does.

>Maybe all the scientists are just lying for grant money and e-fame, and what we actually know of our ancient biological history is nothing more than the equivalent of some kid pressing flowers in a scrapbook.
Science basically involves loads of tedious labor for relatively little money and no fame; anyone who was after that stuff would go for law or finance instead, if they had a shred of sense. I can't even make sense of the "lying" part, honestly. Achieving fluency in a scientific field takes a lot of time and effort, and I can't begin to imagine why someone would spend a big chunk of their life doing that just to lie about it later. "After studying this subject for fifteen years, I'm FINALLY in a position to get paid for lying about it!"