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What's one good thing about Mage?
>5th editons cliffnotes
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
The magic. And also how easily it triggers hopeless whiners.
Once you expel all the complete shitheads like the "that guy" type trash that shitlorded up the last thread, Mage really has a lot going for it - at least the Awakening.
I mean it's basically the Matrix meets Lovecraftian horror meets Doctor Strange and more. But it takes a much more mentally agile storyteller by far than Vampire the Requiem, which is a much more grounded sort of game, a different style of horror. But when you have one, and some good, respectful, reasonable players, it is fucking amazing.
>hopeless whiners
Magefags will be suffering the most once you have pushed out everyone else.
>What's one good thing about Mage?
Mage: the Ascension
Magefags tend to devour each other once they've kicked everyone else out.
This. And Vampfags have groups and other places to go too.
The thread will be very boring after you have discussed enslaving Luna often enough. You will miss us.
Not even a magefag, but I would love for whiny bitches like you to be pushed out. No, you will not be missed. If you have somewhere else to go, please go instead of hanging around here threatening to leave if the general doesn't shape up, as if you actually matter somehow.
The magefags won't miss anything. They'll be too busy arguing 'Ascension vs Awakening'
Only when the ashes have settled will non-magefags migrate back over here.
Oh fuck off with your bullshit.
>"not even a magefag"
Yeah sure.
>threaten to leave
You really don't get it. Have fun in the shit Ruins of this thread. Not a threat just stating the truth.
Moving beyond First Edition Mage was a mistake.
>quoting within a quote
And I will have fun in the ruins of this thread, because your absence can only improve it exponentially. Your whiny bullshit will be gone, and magefags will get bored, or just do what they always do. You don't matter.
Both versions of Mage are flexible enough that you can run almost any type of game.
Almost any.... I'm trying to think of a way to run a decent murder mystery when the characters are all walking crime labs that make CSI scriptwriters explode in jizz fountains.
What does everyone think about Vampire V5?
Asked this question a few threads away, got no answer
Would Datura extract poisoning be an effective way to assassinate a Mage ?
Datura Stramonium, aka Jimsonweed/Devilsweed is a lethal poison, but also a delirant that causes powerful hallucinations, with the added effect that you *don't* realize you are hallucinating
It basically triggers brutal psychotic outbreaks before killing you (heart attack if I recall)
Keep in mind that the effects I described are that of the natural plant, not of an extract, which would be much quicker to act, much deadlier and much stronger
My theory is that, even if the Mage manages to realize he's been poisoned (very unlikely), he would have enormous trouble to focus enough to cast anything and, if he does, his spells might go awry, be imprecise or have unwanted effects (especially with creative thaumaturgy)
He might even get annihilated by paradox as he panics and starts casting at things that don't exist, or just loses the sense of reality
Thoughts ?
As long as Mages are still better than Vampires
Everything will be A OK
Magefags are coordinating all of this
I swear to god
They're probably all sitting in Skype mouth breathing
V5 is shaping up to be pretty terrible. Not surprised in the slightest. Can't wait for Signs of Sorcery to be released.
Anything nuWoD related is fucking retarded. V5 is going to be ass vomit.
>Signs of Sorcery
Not until 2020
I feel like I've been out of the loop for too long ...
Didn't they stop at VtR : Blood & Smoke (2e?)
Or am I retarded ?
You are sad angry little user
In an unnecessary attempt to make every vampire different, they made it neigh impossible to have a different stat sheet from one another by removing too much shit turning most vampires into a homogenized mess.
I had a friend who dosed himself on that shit. GF left him and he wanted to die. He ran out into the street and insisted he interrupted criminals "breaking into cars". They said that they owned the cars and were dining in nearby restaurants, and came out as he broke into the cars and removed the stereos. He was charged with 30+ counts of property damage, affray and disturbing the peace as well as over a dozen assault charges. He was thrown in a cell where he screamed at what he said were garden gnomes resembling his friends until he went blind (a common side effect). He survived, but there may have been permanent brain damage - it was hard to notice with him.
Another guy up north, young, went swimming. Swam down instead of up, lungs bursting, scraping at the river bed until he drowned.
Not even once, man. Huff oven cleaner or something.
This nigga knows what I'm talking about. Still huffing that oven cleaner "Mr Wizard"?
>Or am I retarded?
You are retarded
...says the guy who couldn't leave it in the old thread? Irony, thy name is neckbeard. I guess the truth cuts deep....
It might work, but by no means would be a universally successful method. You have to consider how you would get the Mage to ingest the poison, and that with a number of Arcana, if they suspect something enough to cast before they drink, you're screwed. Life could help them (make their body immune to poison before drinking, Life 3 at the most) Matter could help them (immediately know the exact composition of the drink or just change it another liquid entirely), Fate could help them (Divination, Fate 1-2: "Am I about to be poisoned?" "Yes."), Time could help them (peek into the immediate future) Mind could help them (read your mind or emotions to see what's up). That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are more ways to handle it.
If you can get it in the drink or whatever without them being incredibly paranoid about eating or drinking something offered to them by a potential enemy, it could work. But then again, so could sniping them all the way from across town. It's not any more a foolproof strategy than anything else I've seen proposed.
It's not CtL 2e.
Are these threads beyond saving?
I guess it does rely heavily on catching them unaware, as does any method of eliminating very powerful creatures
I was thinking of something more along the lines of aerosol or dart gun for instant effects, but slipping them a magic mickey works too
Thanks man
Care to develop ?
I know, I have relations who did it too and I have no intention of using it recreationally (if that's even possible) after seeing how it fucked them up
>resorting to petty poisons and underhanded tactics
Geez, you guys are desperate when up against wizards.
It's not an understatement to say that Mages outclass most other supernaturals
It's just called leveling the field, and it's not like mages fight fair either
Aerosol would probably be the best bet. Anything approximating a physical attack would probably just be stopped or diverted by whatever Mage Armor the Mage has up. Wait, how long does it take the poison to actually kill? Because if it takes a while then it probably won't work out. Mages rarely operate alone and a berserk Mage would definitely catch the attention of Consilium officials who handle that sort of thing. Chances are pretty good that he could be cured by another Mage with Life if it isn't fast acting. Then you're in trouble with the Mage's Cabal and possibly even Sentinels or GotV, for attacking a Mage and endangering the Veil respectively. Shit, even if it worked you would still be in trouble. Postcognition is like Time 1 now, and just knowing your appearance is enough to get a workable sympathetic connection to use Space magic. Cabal out for revenge, Sentinels out to eliminate a threat, GotV out to protect the Veil. I know that this sounds really unfair, but these games just weren't made with this kind of crossover in mind.
Although Mages mysteriously going berserk and casting vulgar magic before their death could be a neat Mystery to play.
Would a Requiem Bloodline of superstitious vampires that shun all things they consider "magic" and use exclusively physical disciplines (and maybe Auspex 1) work ?
I've had this idea but I'm aware giving them all three physical disciplines as bloodline disciplines is OP as fuck, so what would help balancing it ?
Maybe make it so that they have no clan and bloodline disc anymore and have to buy all their powers at out-of-clan xp costs ? Maybe an in-between cost ?
They would have strong Greek / Roman / Fascist superman themes and be unsufferable faggots
Probably aligned with the Cartians too
Don't know much about Requiem but maybe make it a group instead of a Bloodline? Like they take all comers and will teach the physical disciplines, so long as you renounce your "magic". It's my understanding that you can learn foreign disciplines anyhow.
Poison is the only cure for mage players.
Nice trips
I wanted to make a bloodline out of it because I felt they needed a bit of a balancing boost
Of coursz I forgot to mention that in my post but they would probably get a passive resistance bonus against mental vampiric disciplines (specifically mental control and intrusions, aura reading, obfuscation, etc ...)
Does that sound too powerful ?
Well I'm not hellbent on having the perpetrators survive the experience, I just thought it would make a nice threat to mages, tool for hunters or just generally a plot point that would make a serious mess
Datura is also heavily linked with witchcraft and vulgar sorcerers who have magical means of delivering it could pose a serious threat
Good to know about the possible backlash though
Thanks user
>What's one good thing about Mage?
It's not Beast.
Well, if you did something like make the aerosol weapon and the dartgun and passed it around to hunters and other vampires, you could definitely get Mages to freak out a bit. And to complicate things further, you could maybe even get the Seers on board with it as well, if you just targeted Pentacle Mages with it. That would give you some degree of protection from Mages instantly figuring you out, and maybe they could even enchant a rifle to pierce through Mage Armor. Have the scope be the imbued item, with some kind of Prime dispelling spell on it, and have it activate when the trigger is pulled, so any old joe could use it. Plus, Profane Urims. Those are fun. Yeah, it could make trouble for Mages.