Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

When was the last time your character tried to solve a situation the social way, and not just because of being outmatched? Did they end up fighting anyway?

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Which saberface is this supposed to be, Lily?

Ignore and report.
Real thread:
>inb4 hurr page 7
Both of these threads were made on page 7.

About damn time

Go to sleep or open your discord.

Dont worry we will be sure to report your shitty autist thread

Gudako gets Major Artifacts for Valentine's Day. Also the City of Rome. Why haven't you become a Gudako yet?

I am Gudako though.
fite me

On the bed?


What are your characters' biggest secrets? What have they done to keep them hidden, and what are they willing to do?

His biggest secret is that he's gay.
To hide this from others but mostly from himself, he tags with an all girl party and fucks them on the regular.

With Starfinder appearing to be more and more trash by the day, how should we scratch that science-fantasy itch? Can Paizo really handle juggling Pathfinder and Starfinder at once, or will both end up imploding, especially since the latter especially seems to market itself entirely through pandering, expecting political activists and literal faggots and nignogs to buy into the hobby?

>How different was Moscow/Russian aristocracy compared to typical structure during the times of Ivan the Terrible?
Not very, as far as I know. Why do you ask?

That's extremely fucking gay. And not in an in-character sense.

Taking into account I cant jump during a charge, I cant jump and attack a dude in midair, if I jump too high I fall prone when landing, etc, what can I do as a martial beyond full attack in a static position that doesn't require high levels and tons of feats?






To know who would be the best kind of patron for a sellsword/mercenary/assassin.

holy shit


I... what? I don't understand this at all. How does your link have anything to do with anime?

Well Ivan the Terrible had a militarized police he used against the aristocracy and others deemed corrupt, althoug the name escapes me. They would probably make for an excellent group in a Not!-Russia to hire sellswords, especially for things that require plausible deniability.

He's multiple kinds of legitimately autistic. Just ignore him.

Yes, the Oprichnina, with their dog-heads and symbols brooms, and black robes. However, I'm thinking of something much earlier in his reign, around the time of his coronation.

At this point, I'm actually hoping that Paizo crashes and burns. There's enough Pathfinder to last a lifetime, and Paizo has gone from bad to worse in so many ways. With Pathfinder content running on empty and Starfinder turning out the way it is, Paizo doesn't really deserve to live as a company anymore.

It is Ilya as Lilly. We can expect that somewhere out there is Kuro waiting to molest her again.

Like I said, literally autistic. Go back to your trash thread and wallow there, instead of shitposting in this one. Shoo.

Are we talking actually a historical scenario here, or just Not!-Russia? Because if it's the latter, it shouldn't be a problem. The mercs and sellswords might even be a part of the burgoining Oprichina, either hired by an officer of Not!-Ivan, or becoming officers themselves.

Otherwise, dukes of various regions make excellent nobles. If memory serves, Russia was essentially divided into dukedoms.

Oblasts, I think.

Oblast is a Soviet era term.

...I want to say thank you, because I'm genuinely interested, but goddamn, how am I supposed to remember that?

A duke is called a Knyaz.

So.. Principality or Grand Duchy, I guess...?

Samefagging much?

Principalities work fine.
Knyaz is good for flavour, tho.
What I would suggest as a Russkie is:
A Knyaz rules over a Principality. (the female equivalent is Knyaginya).
A Grand Knyaz is the ruler of a Grand Principality and has other Knyaz's as vassals.

I approve.

>claiming others are subhuman garbage
>telling others to be banned
Uh huh.

Play more Ck2.


Thank you, Rusanon, I have learned stuff today.

Photoshopping much? Only took you 25 minutes.

If I had access to Photoshop in my current circumstances, it sure as hell wouldn't have taken 25 minutes to shoop that, had I had a reason to do so. But autist gon' autist, I guess.

The worst thing is thatthey've created a system perfect for expansion, and then decided to shit all over it. Starfinder could've been the Pathfinder-killer, but instead they turned it into a pandering mini-game where equipment (yes, starships are equipment) is tied to level advancement like a fucking boardgame lr MMO or something.

Makes me fucking what.

I kind of want to play in Queerland now, a setting where sexuality gives you magical powers.

So make a thread about Wraethuthu.

Because that is entirely the premise.

Are Bloodforge sthein any good as a snek race?

Yes, Grand Duchies. However, by the time of Ivan's coronation most of them had already been absorbed or conquered by ascendant Grand Duchy of Moscow through force, marriage, or diplomacy with only a few independent ones remaining and the once mighty Great Horde defeated and broken into competing Khanates like Kazan, Crimea, Nogai, etc.

I've played 4e, 5e and various d100 systems but have never tried 3.5 or PF. Is PF worth getting into at the moment and if so what should I start with?
Any recommended adventure paths?
Generally how lethal is PF compared to other d20 systems?
the magical realm thing is exaggerated right?

>Is PF worth getting into at the moment

>Is PF worth getting into
Be aware that asking here is not likely to give you good results for objectivity. People disillusioned with Paizo are the ones that congregate in these threads.

Yes, yes it is. By a country fucking mile.

>Generally how lethal is PF compared to other d20 systems?
Rusty dagger shanktown is real.
Crits easily one-hit-kill at low levels.
And throughout all levels, the game keeps insane levels of rocket tag. The rule of thumb is that, if a martial can't kill a CR-appropriate monster in one turn, they're a worthless waste of character slot.

>mfw I thought PLD was a lewd game
>mfw I learned what people do in ACTUAL lewd games
The PLD girls are too pure

As far as adventure paths go, the ones that most people I've met say are the most fun are Rise of the Runelords, Curse of the Crimson Throne, Iron Gods (this one in particular gets a lot of praise), and Reign of Winter.

>one turn
Eh, It's usually two turns most of the time. If a monster has about 130 HP, it's generally acceptable to deal 100 damage to it; then a teammate can pick up where he left off, or finish it next turn.

>130 HP
What level would that generally be at? That sounds like a lot.


Currently playing one, and having a good time. Pretty solid.

Generally, that'll be around level 10-11 or so? It fluctuates dependent on how tough the monster in question is, but that's a good benchmark.

Nothing stops PCs from being similarly tough. An amped up kineticist can hit over 500 HP by level 20

>Is PF worth getting into at the moment and if so what should I start with?
If you have a group that has a guy or two who are experienced in rules heavy system of PF or the GM knows what he is doing, possibly. Otherwise you'd need to take a day or two to get to know the system and then think about it. It really comes down to "Am I willing to either embrace being an absolute monster and break every encounter by making the most optimal build or am I willing to ignore /pgg/ crying to me if I make a gimmick build whether or not it's really that good"

Yes and no. Mature themes come by the boatloads, but usually they aren't completely off the rockers and tends to be more disturbing than arousing (see every goddamn encounter with succubi and erodaemons).

Best AP featuring vampires?


Yes and yes, if you're asking about the game itself or games around here. While it's true the setting has a lot of content which can be considered mature, it generally never gets brought up or displayed with prominence unless it can be played up for tragedy or horror. For example, the few times we encounter examples of interspecies sex is talking to the half-breed bastard of such a union and how that fucked up his mother's life, or the aftermath of extreme monster rape being a very, very vengeful Nymph ghost begging you to kill the hideous creatures that did this to her.

As for the people around here... Well, the rule of thumb is our bark's way, way worse than our bite. Unless you apply for one of the games that unabashedly focuses on smut and sex, games advertised as mature around here just means it's a game with sexy art and the occasional description of a booby.

None where they are central antagonist. Also the Crimson Court aren't vampires as much as the are a bunch of mutants or some fucked up qlippoth corruptions.

Why cant they cast spells that requires somatic components serpentine form?
They still have arms dont they?

Mighty Max did it first! Vampires are bloodsucking flies.

"The sun nourishes all things, even evil"

New to PF?, welcome, user. Hope you enjoy your weak ass martials.


If you're depending on HP to be 'tough' that's a problem in and of itself.

Being tough in Pathfinder is a crapshoot regardless of how you go about it. Only attack nagations ala PoW counters actually work.

Welcome to Martials, nonmagical peasant. I cast Fly.

Should I play archer, two handed or TWF Slayer?

Also room filled with blood-sucking larvas drinking blood (vampire younglings).

High touch AC from Monk shit and good decent saves will make you tougher than HP. If you go beyond the normal allowance, becoming an Incorp Undead as a Charisma caster and dipping Paladin makes you pretty fucking durable.

Switch Hitter.

The beauty of Slayer is you can play any of those things, and play it effectively.

Just apply to your character and dip Paladin.

With the advent of the Orc Hornbow, my vote goes to an archer.

Is the Butcher's Axe out yet? I wanna beat up dexfags with my big, fat numbers!

It is
It's a native 3d6/x3 weapon

it is!

It's 3d6, x3 crit, two-handed exotic weapon, weighs 25 pounds, and costs 65 gold. 19 strength is needed ti wield without penalty.

Stats can be found here:

What did we ever do to you.

Did the Starfinder mechanic preview happen yet?

>lesbian couple's characters start dating in-game too

just kidding, it's cute as fuck and they're not being disruptive with it

B-bad things!

Like mercilessly teasing me for being easy to do things to because of slightly slow reaction times! Don't bully your STRgirl!

Cool. Is the exotic weapon proficiency worth it for it?

>worth it?
Yes. Oh yes. Imagine a Vital Strike build with this nonsense.


This shit triggers me every time.

it should happen in about 4-6 hours.

I want to see a full armor version of Jalter!

Hey, if you don't want to get teased than maybe you should have a higher Initiative! We just do it because we're intimidated by your heaving STR score and toned To-Hit bonuses.

But I dunno how to make a Vital Strike build!

It's really pretty simple, user. Just take a Butchering Axe, make it as large as possible, and then use Vital Strike.

Is Cleave worth taking, or should it be left to rot?

It's easy!

what you do is you get the vital Strike chain, so that your weapon does double the amount of damage dice with standard, triple with improved, and quadruple with greater vital strike.

then you get to work on applying size increases. the impact Weapon Enchantment for instance, which makes it count as a size larger (4d6). Pick up enlarge person somehow, and it'll make your weapon large with you (6d6). If you have 3pp available, you can pick up powerful build as a half-orc through pic related and have it be baseline large size (8d6).

>Half-orc girl walks into town carrying an axe that weighs fifty pounds
Gawd, my mouth is watering.

Imagine if that build was mythic. you could pick up Mythic Vital Strike and assuming you hit, just deal enough damage to an enemy to delete him and five of his closest friends in one strike.

S-So... Do half-orcs exist in the Land of the Linnorm Kings?

Okay, user! Sounds fun! And you'd roll the dice twice, so it'd be 16d6+strength+enhancement? That sounds really cool! I can't wait to kick some DEX-ass!

But I thought Vital Strike was inferior to full attacking?

W-well, so what if my to-hit bonus is toned? Y-you're not jealous, are you? Wait, are you staring!?

How fiddly can a resource system be and still be fun? Does it just vary from person to person?

There's literally an entire community of Half-orcs there the size of a small country. It's canon.

Vital Strike, then Devastating Strike. When you get to high enough levels you can take Improved VS and greater VS.

>But I thought Vital Strike was inferior to full attacking?
Normally, sure, but the Butchering Axe is anything but normal. A full Attack relies on making extra attacks at a lower attack bonus; vital strikes lumps it all into one hit, but doesn't give you as many damage bonuses. That's much less of a problem once you have sky high damage dice.

Regardless, both options work.

>Devastating Strike
How the fuck did I not know this was a thing?

What classes\builds complements well build Summoner in the party, without feeling out-shined be said summoner in both power and versatility fields? For levels 4-6. No 3PP.

If you answer is full caster class, please elaborate what should it do when spells aren't needed (for example, he already used important spell for encounter and second would be unnecessary waste of resources). Because summoner has not only spells, but "expendable fighter"\s to keep himself busy after spellcasting. "Battle" familiars and animal companions are much harder to recover after inevitable lose. And "combat" casters (like "melee cleric") would be too inferior to eidolon, probably.

Martials probably wouldn't fill neither "versatility", not "power" departments. Though it wouldn't be hard to out-tank and out-damage regular summoned monster and maybe even optimized eidolon, expandable nature of this creatures and versatility of their selection can't be replicated. It's even before we start talking about spells of the summoner.