Do you honestly believe that Slaanesh hasn't made some changes to Chaos Space Marines to make them either Hermaphrodites or Women just for shits and giggles?
Get woke
Do you honestly believe that Slaanesh hasn't made some changes to Chaos Space Marines to make them either Hermaphrodites or Women just for shits and giggles?
Get woke
That horse thing gives me weird feelings.
It only gets wierder user
Go on and give it a lick
Congrats, you're a faggot OP, It's a fact that the end of follower progression has them turn into herms. Just not the fappable kind most of the time, and instead, cancerboob with intertal testicles and engorged penis-clit. Not that you'd actually know of legit intersex conditions caused by unwarranted changes in womb chemical hormonal environment which can damage gestation.
To note, Biological hermaphrodites have a different set of XY chromosomes whereas intersex conditions have either a Male of female sex, but their genitals formed from because the mother is surrounded by plastic every other day of the week.
It's unknown whether or not Slaanesh simply makes them a herm in the sense that they're no longer male or female but both with according genitalia, functionality or malformed is unknown or if it changes chromosomes.
No official writer has ever mentioned that happening, maybe slaanesh prefers male marines?
Also, on the note of Slaaneshi Cancerboob looking good, one has to see this one picture of a Daemonette to get into to it to be turned on, but basically imagine a well proportioned breast next to a flatter chest with the kind of nipples you'd see on an early HRT subject, or trap that's been put under constant nipple play, stimulation and pinching, and you've got the right way to fap to it down.
The only unappealing past that point is if the dick, which is supposed to be your ideal size is half 'feminine penis' and half bulbous warted, hairs on the tip of the foreskin you can only see under certain light conditions so it's a bitch to remove with tweezers or if you leave them to long to grow about it.
That, and if the dick is misplaced. If the herm anatomy is balless, they'd better not have the gall to make it look anything like futabu, which is pure garbage, as everyone knows Bible Black's Dick in place of clit with well proportioned firm Vulva is the correct way to go as to imply internal testicle placement within each respected side of the vuvla.
You don't rock a clit and a futa cock goddanmit, it's too many levels of stupid, the head of the penis is literally what the clit would be, blurring the lines just means you can't into the correct projection of the infintasmal detail required for this delicate art.
Most writers probably prefer to maintain their dignity by avoiding the topic of space marine genitalia and it's functionality as well as Slaanesh stuff. Does the gene seed make their dicks bigger or is it still normal human sized? We will never know.
I honestly believe that you people should drop the redditor mentality when dealing with 40k.
Storm of Iron had a woman donning a Champion of Khornes power armour and went on to become His next Chosen.
Right, lastly, the most important thing about Slaanesh? The faggot elves made it with their concentrated elven issued shit-taste, and they woke it up EARLY. Meanwhile, every other Chaos god is primarily driven by mankind, but this thing is the odd-one out.
If we take that into account, it means Slaanesh encompasses mostly the elven ideas of perversion and excess, and overdoing it. This explains why it's all about the pain and torture, and why you rarely see much deviation to more common fetishes of the 21st century, it never had any point of reference to human interests long enough to become something which people could say "This looks pretty good." Slaanesh is basically an incomplete Chaos god in a bitch fit, sodomized by the collective eldar species into waking up, and is shit taste incarnate, and the Emperor's Imperium is oh so pure that you bet your ass after Terra became a blasted wasteland, no thanks to him, all of the glorius porn, and the centuries long achievement of our internet long, lost and ruined because of him, so it's no wonder Slaanesh seems to be missing 99% of what would make it appeal to humans opposed to faggot elves with their filthy xenos shit taste.
Basically, if mankind went weimar and went full fall of Eldar, we'd not only fuck up, be we'd do it better than the elves ever could, but they took the fall.
This explains why Sigmar put Slaanesh in rehab to turn her into a vanilla loving waifu, because he saw a Diamond in the rough out of her and wants to bang the glory of mankind into her oven and remove the concentrated Elf poz to be filled with the glroius all-encompassing love of mankind we've had to repress for so long or some shit.
it tastes just like rasins. I think I'll stroke on it's mane.
dude, you are dealing with chaos, everything is possible then
>This explains why Sigmar put Slaanesh in rehab to turn her into a vanilla loving waifu, because he saw a Diamond in the rough out of her and wants to bang the glory of mankind into her oven and remove the concentrated Elf poz to be filled with the glroius all-encompassing love of mankind we've had to repress for so long or some shit.
We actually kind of do know. The Emperor's Gift, an Inquisitor watching a Marine shower implies he's hung as fuck.
Sig's found a yet unnamed beautiful woman he calls 'perfect' And just to note, Slaanesh immediately turns into your most desired thing that is basically perfect to you so you instantly devote yourself to it.
Have a feel of it's hoof, you'll find they're all bulletproof
You a... you sure know a lot about dicks user. In seriousness though yes. Clitcock vulva balls futa is the best option. Shame it's one of the rarest.
There are female Chaos marines, no doubt. The question is whether such a thing is possible without warp fuckery.
Female Space Marines exists - just look up Daemonocubla
> Genetics >>> Genitals
Traps are gay, their gene sequences matter much more than their twisted warp mutations.
>Traps are gay, their gene sequences matter much more than their twisted warp mutations
So are Space Marines just regular humans?
Ya, probably.
>the god of drugs, sex, and rock n' roll
Start collecting Slaneeshi daemons when GW?
I'd rather breed with a daemonette.
She can get me buttpregant as well so double the fertility right there.
I like them.