AS you may have heard battle brothers, A heretic by the name of anita sarkeesian verbally abused the youtuber boogie2988. this is ABSOLUTELY HERETICAL. I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS TO STAND. Veeky Forums, this is a call to war, we will find this feministfag, and we will purge her for the heresy she has performed. we will expose her to the world, we will show her no mercy, the time to act is now! BATTLE BROTHERS, IT IS TIME!
A call to war
Okay, first of all, not your personal army. Second, don't use the Emperor in vain. Third, this isn't some glorious war, it's a violation of convention rules and lots of good people are already on this. Fourth, you're a bundle of sticks.
>eceleb drama
>using the image of the mothefucking emperor as a promotion
>fucking feminists and fat fucks drama
>that cringy text
I know that Veeky Forums has been shit for some years already, but come the fuck on, this is reddit-tier.
We're a little harder to wip up into a mob to go raiding then other boards mate. You'd probably have better luck elsewhere. Also, you're trying a little too hard.
>is ok with supporting feminist bullying person who went out of their way to not offend her.
Veeky Forums, this is SERIOUS buisness, whatever happened to Veeky Forums getting shit done? we should not stand by with someone so friendly getting treated this way.
>anita sarkeesian verbally abused the youtuber boogie2988
Cunts being cunts to other cunts. Nobody cares.
>time to get shit done
So how long ago did you read 1d4chan and decide to start posting here instead?
Try posting this on /v/. The Gamer Gate people love Boogie and hate Anita.
Report OP for breaking the global rule against raiding.
Also; fuck boogie the fat piece of shit.
Veeky Forums gets Veeky Forums shit done. This isn't Veeky Forums shit. Veeky Forums makes games, improves games, makes artwork related to games, and tells stories..about games. That is the "shit" that Veeky Forums gets done. Veeky Forums getting shit done has nothing to do with lashing out at the outside world. That's /b/ and /pol/ and sometimes maybe /v/'s shtick not ours.
>Tg supposed to be best board ever
>post to try and get shit done
i am dissapoint.
Seconding this. Loose the (less than paper thin) "Veeky Forums" gloss and go stir up /v/. They'll actually give a shit.
You know you're defaming the name of a better man using that trip.
am i supposed to go to /pol/ to get shit done?
>pol are fag's
>too much autism to handle
>get shit done
Dude you're obviously new so let me tell you this, all your little 1d4chan articles might say they're about Veeky Forums, but they're not. They're about the reddit-tier filth that congregates on that site and that site alone.
You are making yourself look like a massive cunt.
We've already told you. Hit up /b/ or /v/. And stop trotting out that phrase. You're using it incorrectly.
ill go employ weaponised autism instead of the skub exterminatus, i really didnt want to go there but fine.
Say it with me kids
Try infinity-chan too. It was literally made for this shit.
Ain't nothing wrong with 1d4. It's a memory of times past and a collection of old creativity and things of note (and yeah some misserable shit that we all wish would just die and be forgotten). Newfags just need to lurk a bit is all. Veeky Forums can get shit done, Veeky Forums shit specifically, not this youtube shit.
I really wish you would stop that shit. You aren't the emperor. We have a name fag who uses that trip, and i'm 99 percent certain you ain't him either. You being associated with them kind of makes me sick.
My issue with it is that people read it and think that reflects current Veeky Forums, come here then start posting this sort of shit.
Why would this fag even try and come stir shit here when I haven't seen anyone on Veeky Forums mention Boogie during my time lurking here
Boogie's like. /v/core too.
Since when is Boogie /ourguy/?
Why are you trying so hard to rally up a raid to protect that waste of space? And it's painfully clear it has nothing to do with Veeky Forums beyond you larping an autistic space marine. You can't manipulate us that easily; I'll bet you're under the age of 18 and this is Babby's first year on Veeky Forums.
I wanted to tell you to kys, but you will die from a massive heart attack soon anyway, you fat fucker.
You really don't see this kind of shit due to 1d4. This kind of shit is just op being a bit crazy. Nowhere in 1d4 does it imply Veeky Forums goes raiding. What 1d4 gives us are people who parrot the old memes that have long since died out like HERESY *BLAM* and stupid shit like that, but they learn. It brings us decent shit from time to time, depending on what you like.
This just seems like the sort of thing femenists think will get us to act.
She probably just wants views for her shitty drama videos.
Also, OP you failed your charisma check.
He failed his lore check is what he failed, this isn't even Veeky Forums related. Don't know why he thought we would care honestly.
>asks for a personal army
>for e-celeb drama
>cringeworthy posts
>1d4chan memes
delet and go away or I call the mods
First post, best post.
I meant more the general meme spouting than the action he's proposing being a result of 1d4. What he's asking is quite clearly motivated by the fact that he's 15-17 years old and has decided he's too hardcore for reddit so he'll come to Veeky Forums where the guys hate women and love fighting wars over internet drama so cool.
Well the attitude about Veeky Forums isn't really 1d4's fault. The meme's I admit perpetuate due to 1d4 to an extent, but I personally do believe in a Veeky Forums that can still get shit done from time to time and try to do so myself. Now whether or not that shit is well...shit, that's another matter, but still, it's nice to believe we can be more than a cesspit full of trolls and assholes with /pol/ and tumblr and reddit pissing into us. It's nice to believe we can be traditional game enthusiasts who have a good time exploring our interests.
Rolled 2 (1d6)
Rolling to hit first. OP isn't in cover and I'm armed with a red dot sight (+1). Ballistic skill of 4.
Hitting on a 2+
By the skin of your teeth user. But the real question is what weapon are you using and what is op's toughness and armor save?
Rolled 1 (1d6)
So I got a hit roll of 3. Excellent
Rolling to wound OP. OP is a mega faggot so he has toughness 5, my boltgun has a strength of 5 so I'm wounding on a 5+
no, it's not nice.
Shit comes out exactly because you don't expect it; when you project expectations shit either doesn't come out or isn't as good as you wanted it.
begone now.
I didn't wound OP but OP is now pinned and unable to post anymore faggotry.
Can anyone slay the mega faggot?
OP has toughness 5 and an armour save of 4+, I doubt he'll his armour save though because he is too busy being a faggot on other boards.
Rolled 2 (1d6)
Rolling to hit on a 3+
You know you sound a bit bitter m8. Why are you being elitist about peoples opinions about a Vietnamese tile painting board?
Rolled 1 (1d6)
Shots fired
On a 4+ successfully kills >54085081 and rapes his corpse.
Rolled 2 (1d6)
Hey, who said you could roll dice for me? I roll my own dice, I don't trust yours.
Jesus christ nothing higher than a 2 has been rolled in this thread so far.
NYPA, get this eceleb shit outta here. I don't come on Veeky Forums for shit flinging and political stuff, I come on here for comfy tabletop stuff. Fuck off.
What did you expect. The dice gods have cursed this thread, for it is not of Veeky Forums and it dares to encroach upon the board. For the murder of another this thread has been cursed.
Veeky Forums doesn't do early-noughts /b/ style invasions, we make homebrew and drawfag and shit.
Also, Anita Sarkeesian is making a living by being a cunt again, news at 11.