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Could someone post the Space Refugee CYOA? Wanted to base some writefaggotry off it.
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user delivers, ty.
There's bits and pieces of material floating around.
How many of you really want to commit to mastering a world?
I always considered myself an ashling guy, but I think I'm good with Elysium, maybe contracts. All that monster making is not for me, and the alignment is one of the most restricting things I've encountered.
it's not readable
V.2 updated with changes to bath size and slight changes to choice descriptions.
Same as before
I'm still waiting for the new Kuiper to come out.
Considering that the last update was January this may take a while.
But yes, aligning with a world seems to indicate that you become something other than mentally human. At least there is a way to buy off the other changes.
>going inside strange worlds, probably getting used and abused with the dangers you're taking on
>he doesn't want to settle down with a nice worldfu, and take responsibility
>he isn't all about COMMITMENT
Your loss fag, I'm saving myself for Sunless Sea
Why is there no Canadian NEET girlfriend companion?
Not enough room to fit in every anons perfect waifu bruh.
Because the author didn't include every possible companion.
Because you didn't ask nicely.
He was going to but then a fucking Canadian goose came in and ripped his arm off before he could save his progress.
What do I have to do to get a gf who makes this pretty CYOAs?
>no bagpipe
Into the trash it goes.
>Bard Dagger
>Fancy Hat and Monocle
>Tiny Money Pouch
>Song of Contract
>Song of Preparation
>Song of Perception
>Song of Travelling
>Song of Regeneration
>Old Druid
>Dwarf Berserker
Is there a second part to this? Because it feels like it ends very abruptly.
Maybe if Bleak Fields monsters were a bit better I'd take the dive. The whole field branching of Maker of Monsters costs 6 years worth of investment, and you barely get anything in return other than making your shades miserable. Meanwhile the Prison has a kick-ass psychic network and the Void has minions that are manifestions of emotions or nightmares.
I'll invest in the Bleak Fields for creating a domain, but if I want footsoldiers I'll look elsewhere.
Sorry, brah. I guess I'm just not a one-world man. You know how demanding they get when you align your whole life to fit them.
anyone got good art genie cyoa's?
You must make one
Why not just check Beri's Drive?
>tfw no qt3.14 autistic Quebecois gf
Will post build shortly
3-topping small with 3 sides because there are 3 sides pictured
Pepperoni for long life
Onion for cash
Pineapple for waifu
Calzone to give waifu long life and cash, total of $6K per month
Breadsticks for more cash - save for a year, hit Vegas hard, become millionaires, then play roulette a few times. Between that and the lottery, become billionaires
Cinnamon sticks to make sure my waifu is mine
>live 200 years with my waifu, living off our billions, seeing the world and giving to charity, and doing things so romantic they'd make Aphrodite blush
>mfw progress is slow
Do you like cute, slightly socially awkward daughters instead?
>implying user puts any work into things
>Considering that the last update was January this may take a while.
I think updated Bleak Fields was just yesterday. Pretty sure it was only half finished before that.
But yeah at this rate it's gonna take years for all the worlds to drop. I don't think my hype can take it. W-when is neo-Bevin gonna happen.
>tfw have trouble doing this one since I'm not a mathematician.
1 Large with Pepperoni, and Onion. Ham if cured of conditions means mental disorders, olives if not.
>mfw no progress because I haven't worked
It is you the one who is making the Kancolle CYOA?
Blessing of Magic
Blessing of Mind
Blessing of the Sages (Medicine, Magic and Biology)
>Point of Emergence:
Deep Forest
The Mentor
The Powers of Old
So, ending up in the land of the elves, who value knowledge, as someone with blessings that make me more wise and knowledgeable, will certainly be quite neat. Then, meeting up with an elf wizard who recognizes my potential and takes me as an apprentice, I will slowly but steadily grow to be quite the mage.
Then after I've learned enough, work on improving medicine and healing magic all over the world. Extend my lifespan with magic, or go down the lich route if it comes down to that.
>you will never be a little girl who has a CYOA become real
I like it. the trade off between power and responsibility is a fun thing you don't see in a lot of cyoa and the tone of becoming the devil mixes well with the underworld/hell theme.
I dunno, I think the potential is there for the demons to be pretty good foot soldiers if you build up their backing.
Say you go the whole way and push each demon to the max, a few shades gestalted in it, summonable, some shades back home on a rack and a few others fucking their brains out in an elysium. Not even aware shades, just grab the wandering ones and shove them in boxes and crap.
Then you've got a smallish army that pound for pound is stronger/faster than others maybe crucible homunculus levels? I dunno there, but kinda close at least that can heal themselves, fight on past fleshy death and recover from it, tear through nearly anything via attrition with the red sun power, and all it takes is getting one into place before they can summon the rest of their cohort with a few minutes of bloody finger painting.
And you don't suffer from attrition. they don't die when killed after all, just turn back to intangible shades that you can summon back home for a literal quick fuck to health before throwing them back into the fray.
I'm waiting on Rim so I've got it worsse than you.
Anyone have that one waifu cyoa where you meet the waifus dads?
Karin best girl.
All of the dads are pretty bro though.
The alignment for Bleak Fields is a lot harsher than other worlds. It basically negates all your deferred obligations. The devil theme is also a bit sunday school for the more classical kind of underworld.
When empowering your demons to their max potential you need to build up a small infrastruture per tormentor. They each need a trio or more of tormented in your domain, if you want to do the best you can you need mortals, which means a supply chain of vital products. I don't think Wages of Sin is a reliable way to do that, things lose their taboo value after a certain amount of indulgence. You'd pretty much have to go full cenobite. Which means you need torture to properly use your demons. (I guess that isn't a downside if you're already willing to go alignment.) And the minions you get for it aren't even fun like the Dark Id or Eyeless Converts, they're just some monsters with regeneration powers.
But yeah, that's just me. I prefer to get my bodyguards elsewhere. That's the whole fun of conduit, isn't it? You get to mix and match.
Looks like TokHurr finally went to /trash/
I hope he stays there.
Yeah, me.
Also for anyone wondering, the /d/ cyoa thread has been banished to /trash/.
Where would you go first if you gained dimensional travel, anons?
Mystery box pls
He won't and you're a faggot.
A world where I was happy
That's like, your opinion man.
Just embrace the fact that trash can't move.
Tomo best girl
I got to imagine that 1.6 Crucible conduits are the kind of people who take on endless armies on a daily basis and "win"
Overcoming impossible odds is kind of what they do
But aligned conduits at all of the worlds are incapable of deferring obligations.
Here you go, I guess.
I like her, but Karin is way more interesting my opinion.
Uh, here I go again.
I hate it when that happens.
Looks like bleak fields conduits will be the nemesis/counter for polyamora conduits
How is the CYOA progressing? i have some questions if you don't mind answering them
Personalities part is almost done. Then costumes and figuring out the base part. Then companions/events&drawbacks/missions.
Only if you think sexual thoughts are vices. You know what is a more universally maligned crime? Slavery.
Yall niggas got that neet dragon cyoa?
Keep in mind, they can't get jaded to the indulgence and sinif you wipe their memories occasionally.
I'd probably commit to mastering Kuiper, or maybe Crucible. It depends a lot on the costs, as well as the benefits - not just in power, but in true connection to that World.
>The air girls additional slots per size how do they work one medium or less slot per hull size starting by scout hull?
>Will your second-in-command count as a unit in battle?
>You mentioned something about transports does the super-heavy air girl count as one?
>The light air girl has a melee weapon will it stack with swordmaster or swordmaster is going to be a different thing?
>Is there going to be more things to spend your resources?
Is the updated Void out yet? I must have missed it
Yep, it's posted:
I like the 'power at a price' thing but I feel like anyone who goes in deep on a world would just buy that stuff off. And alignment for the current worlds just seems so bad. Like, even if you're really power hungry, who's gonna saddle themselves with a destructive monomania that probably leads to abandoning whatever your original agenda was?
>I'm waiting on Rim so I've got it worsse than you.
I was waiting on Desert and Crucible too. Can't wait for 2020 to get here.
Obligations for the Kuiper and Rim will probably make you act more distant and arrogant (or obsessed with authority) respectively.
I wonder what the obligation for the Crucible is.
Probably something like becoming the eternal hero, always fighting and moving, never able to settle down or be done.
That is what I figure, another possibility is you become broody, melancholic, stern and depressed.
Normally I'd say it's a trap for the -greedy. But alignment does give you access to rather specific things so that makes me think he does expect you to use it.
Maybe it's for if your personality fit the archetype anyway. If it was your goal all along to punish evil Bleak Fields alignment isn't too bad.
The hulls now have preset slot loadouts, so you can just look at the hull option.
For Construction event rules, allocate them as you want, with max slots as the limit and no slot can be higher tier than the hull.
And you'll be able to exchange, for example, 2 slots for 1 higher tier.
So scout air girl will have 2 scout slots, or 1 light.
No, your squad leader is outside of battle.
Basically, hulls will give x mission points and weapons will have x mission points upkeep to be paid between mission stages. Lighter teams will run out in a few stages, while heavier will last longer. So, heavier hulls are kinda like transports for lighter ones.
It'll stack with both swordmaster and deflection, yes. Unfortunately, gadgets wont have much influence on base cyoa missions, outside of emergency systems. For now, at least.
Yes, base buildings that will be enemy targets for defense missions, different rooms for girls that will give/unlock you something, probably, if you have a costume/personality combo. Companions that help in battle and transports.
I don't think even thrallherd knows yet.
Where the fuck is everyone? I've never seen this place soo quiet.
Probably in /trash/
/trash/'s rather quiet as well.
Did someone ever fully update this cyoa?
Alright so the slots are already there on standard right? thanks for answering
The way the text describes it, at that point you think that everyone alive carries horrible guilt that stains their entire existence and they need to be punished up the ass. To the point where you're tempting innocent people into becoming bastards just to "prove" that they were really bastards all along.
desu I don't expect any world to top that in terms of driving yourself nuts.
Soon™ hopefully.
it's weekend, we're totally working hard on our oc
I've got a pitch. Hear me out on this one.
You've found a book of sigils, made by an ancient conduit connected to a great many worlds.
Every tormentor is a least conduit, given control over their own Hayden kingdom.
If you summon one, you get to hear out the contract they offer, but they will also have knowledge of the fact that you have their sigil. The first few demons you can summon with pretty much no consequences, their sigils are easy to get and you're no suspicious for finding them. They're Least Conduits to places like Polyamora, Rim and Tupilk. You can get turned into a girl if you agree to carry a child for nine months, buy serf servants for money or similar things.
This is presented as the demons talking to you and giving you their best sales pitch.
When you progress through the tiers your sigils become rarer and more noteworthy, the demons start to note that they will have to share that information with others and the chances increase that you will draw the attention of a conduit. The demons also become more sinister. One of them could be a scared kid talking on behalf of the bodywalking Void Least Conduit hiding out in the back of his skull. Their deals offer higher rewards for higher prices.
The last sigil is for the ancient conduit himself, a sigil unique to this book, he thought he had destroyed all copies. You're definitely in trouble for trying it out, but the deal he offers could negate that problem and then some.
I'm trying to, at least, but I'm feeling completely out of it today.
I'll post the latest complete version as well.
Is he even still alive?
He still posts sometimes, although only very sporadically.