Some nifty commons and uncommons finally
Hour of Devastation reveals
Basic lands are pretty good this set
>caring about basic lands
plebian get out
Gotta appreciate em when you can
>jazz hands demon
I like this card
>slightly shittier ammit eternal in red
Rare footage of a decent red cantrip?
But it seems fairly decent as cantrip and as a pusher for say, boros exert decks, as it means that you're going to be getting *something* out of the all in exert turns, they can't just be chumped.
instant speed on a spell like that has no reason to exist...
At sorcery speed, it influences your opponent's blocking choices.
Instant speed could outmaneuver your opponent.
the full art lands are shit tho... the "mountain" is a red plains, the plains is a yellowish greyish plains, the forest is a cloudy plains... only the swamp looks swampy.
not bad. instant speed could have added some extra spice but is not necessarily needed.
I play pauper and pic related is the MVP of this set, imo. 4 of them and 4 thermo-alchemists, in monoR burn or UR, are gonna be fun fun fun
This one has even less reasons, yet it's an instant
So the curse existed before Bolas? Thats pretty interesting.
Hey that's pretty good.
maybe it's for teamplay?
2HG players play their turn simultaneously. The only advantage is being an EDH politics tool in some extreme edge cases.
you must be disperate for using that spell as a combat trick without the certainty of a lethal damage...
damn this is pretty bad
target creature =/= creatures
Seeing that card that lets you cast cards with cycling in your graveyard makes me want to make a cycling deck, but because that card exists and cycling is a set mechanic I already know Wizards went overboard on balancing it and it won't be competitive compared to the "whoops accidentally made the pushed mythic overpowered" decks.
Might make the deck anyways because I love graveyard recursion.
>No monogreen Legendary
Instant speed would let you punish chump blocking
This is instant because "why not" is good design philosophy; maybe some day someone will just want to cantrip at instant speed or some incredibly stupid jank with making his opponent's creatures attack.
This isn't instant because is retarded and doesn't understand that trample with surprise is far better than trample without.
This makes me want to put her in a deck with Guttersnipe and that thing that spits out 1/1 elementals.
>Djeru looks like a bald woman
>Samut looks like a man with weird haircut
And Samut's chin. WTF was wizards thinking.
She looks even more like a man in this one
Throw in Thermo-Alchemist as well.
Samut the ugly KANG planeswalker probably took that slot
WotC is run by SJWs
following this retarded instance every spell in magic should be an instant and every permanent should have flash "just because".
If I didn't think it was market testing inclusivity pandering bullshit like it is... I'd point out that women can be bald, muscular, masculine, ugly, have shitty hair, have resting bitch face, and generally not look like a pinup.
But Wizards doesn't have thoughts about making unique characters, they have business models and graphs and idiots.
I have a red of red vampires that is basically 1/3 mountains, 1/3 burn, and 1/3 vampires. Maybe I just resleeve the creatures when I want to ping someone to death.
It kind of amazes me that no matter how much Wizards has tried to push lifegain spells, they still haven't come up with a constructed playable one. Speaking of cards that do nothing but gain life of course, not Kitchen Finks.
What would it take? Would "G - Sorcery - Gain 12" be enough? Or is that still too low key?
Man, that's some olde timey bad rare creature design. Like, sub-Lord of the Pit bad.
At least LotP had good flavortext when it was put in Duel Decks.
>I'd point out that women can be bald, muscular, masculine, ugly, have shitty hair, have resting bitch face, and generally not look like a pinup.
They can, but why the hell would you put them on a collectible card? I wouldn't put myself on a card.
And trample, and not dying to graveyard hate...much inferior dance moves, tho.
Where were you during best standard in years?
Quit being illiterate, I used an example in that very post saying why not everything can be made instant. For most cards there is a very good reason for why they shouldn't be instant: they couldn't be printed at the same cost (by Wizard's reckoning). But if the amount of uses for a card can be widened (instant versus sorcery, "target player" instead of "target opponent", etc.) without breaking it, then it should be. Someone, out of the millions of matches of Magic, will appreciate it.
them feels when you could play ramp, control and rdw in the same standard
So every character in Magic should be an attractive 20 something, or be inhuman enough to not be comparable?
I think it's more that the lifegain strategy doesn't work without a win condition. Cards that gain you life while making your opponent lose (Lightning Helix or Seeker of the Way) are attractive, but any spell that isn't outright broken lifegain (like your 12 for 1 example) are a missed opportunity to hurt your opponent's position. G for 12 life represents a creature that isn't dealing 3-5 damage a turn, absorbing your opponent's removal and resources, or blocking damage.
An illustration: Lightning bolt lets you bolt yourself or a creature you control, even if you rarely want to do that. This could have been restricted solely to opponents, but it was not because this incredibly minor upside wouldn't break the card if it remained at 1 mana. The card has been made more applicable and more interesting by allowing the rare cases where you want to bolt yourself.
G: 6 life & cantrip
Look at this little shit-eater.
My goal is to get into the MTG Hall of Fame. I have been tested to have a 133 IQ but never took card games that seriously before.
How difficult will it be for me to achieve my goal?
I don't get the flavor here. So you kill a rat and somehow after it dies it eats a corpse in a graveyard?
problem is they can't push it into being a maindeck thing, once straight lifegain is good enough that it's just convenient to have it, too many decks just throw it in and aggro completely dies. Lifegain should be a fringe / sideboard card.
for example this card was good enough that in conjunction with siege rhino it killed mono red, which was decent prior to that(it was still played, but it got a lot worse)
this is an example of a clearly too good card, that's almost free life, no reason not to include and would make any kind of aggression absolutely shit.
how poor are you?
I wish it had more toughness so I could put it in my big butts edh deck.
probably they wanted it to exile upon entering, but it was "busted"
Magic takes zero skill, so you're basically participating in a lottery that takes 10 years and lots of money to qualify for.
>No Green Non-Eternalize Eternals
Bolas just HATES green, doesn't he?
Very, considering that to have any fame in Magic you either have to innovate some kind of new and good deck archetype/idea, win a world championship, have a card created in your likeness, or be involved in some big controversy or change in the foundation of the game. The more achievable of these will require a lot of money and excellent knowledge of the game.
How's it supposed to eat something in the graveyard if it's on the battlefield, mate.
>kitchen finks
>take 3 or lose 1 and have me gain 3
its difficult in the sense that luck plays a huge role in your success. most pro players have won tournaments because of how many they have attended, which means countless hours of testing/playing and tons of money spent. pure skill doesnt get you anywhere in mtg.
being an mtg pro must suck, I seriously wonder what motivates those people.
You might be brain damaged.
Vanilla lifegain is never maindeckable, it's too situational and only good vs burn kind of decks where you're trading your lifegain for multiple spells.
IQ is useless without common sense and good knowledge of card interaction.
I wouldn't say zero skill because you at least have to know how to play and side against different matchups. It's just that pure skill isn't enough in mtg. Knowledge of how your deck plays is also important and giving an expensive meta deck to a complete noob isn't the same as giving it up an experienced player.
When you kill a cute creature, your consciousness makes you forget spells.
2.2% of people have equal or higher IQ than you
1 million registered DCI players
44 of those have made it to the hall of fame
You're the genius, so do the math
this is it right here
He looks like he's right out of a Blooth movie.
What green mechanic would you use to remove tokens? Or cards in a graveyard? Reshuffling them into your opponent's deck?
Ignore IQ and look into what kind of people get into the Hall of Fame (assume that they all ahve to be pretty smart).
Let's look at the most recent inductees: Owen Turtenwald and Yuuya Watanabe. Yuuya has been competing on a big scale since 2007 and has top 8'ed all four PTs he's gone to. Owen has been competing since '07 too and won back-to-back GPs in 2013. Both of these guys worked with all kinds of groups and teams to get to that point.
So I guess the absolute minimum takeaway from this is even if everything completely goes your way, don't expect to make the Hall of Fame anytime before 2027
Does Magic have a version of this card or any effect that triggers on lifegain?
sanguine bond among others
Lots of things trigger of lifegain, one card that has a somewhat similar effect to that one is sanguine bond
Learn the rules. Maybe take those level 0 judge tests just to see that you have a good enough understanding of most interactions.
Learn the metagame for the format you're playing. Standard changes every so often, so if you're good at card evaluation you could learn to make top tier decks without having to wait for some other pro to build it and copying him. Not saying netdecking is bad, but you would get more wins in a shorter span of time if you came right out the gate swinging.
Learn how to build a good sideboard. This requires metagame knowledge that could possibly be more specific than just general format stuff. Knowing that there's going to be a lot of aggro decks at a particular event, you might want to have more slots for anti-aggro cards.
Learn when to mulligan. This might take some play-testing, and also requires some knowledge of the current match up you're playing.
Also, if you're going to try and become pro, you're going to have to travel a lot. Some events you will lose, simply due to variance, and most events don't pay out that well, so good luck.
You could always try grinding MTGO.
Assuming I didn't just get baited
Git gud at the game, write articles, cozy up to the guys at wizards.
Worked for LSV and his endless goiter, now he even gets his brainless friends jobs at wizards because he's gotten so chummy.
Pretty old reprint
MTG has plenty of lifegain sources and triggers, even decks built around it (ex. soul sisters, martyr proc, janky aetherflux reservoir storm lists). It's still not enough to play pure lifegain spells. You need to impact the board or hand state with your spells, otherwise you fall behind the opponent.
Behold, the second of the two equipment cards in this bock.
Is WotC trying to phase out equipment? Or have deserts simply taken up all of the slots that would otherwise go to equipment?
Should we expect another drought of equipment in Ixalan, where we get more vehicles?
No idea what you're talking about since that spider nor Finks does anything remotely close to either of those.
>all these salty fags who couldn't even sweep an FNM
Whoops, meant to respond to .
I really like this card, but people will say it is a bad turn 3 card I bet
They haven't made any playable equipment since original innistrad and thats more than 5 years ago.
I just said it wasn't all luck.
>Egyptian leonin scimitar
Why are there suddenly elementals? it doesn't seem a good fit for the plane personally.
if you ramp turn one you could drop it turn two, or dark ritual it in turn one
it also taps the turn it comes in so it only costs two mana
In that case you might as well run Sol Ring or one of the Alara Fieldposts.
The only format I see it being used in is EDH, and it sucks there too. Rule of thumb for EDH mana rocks: 0 or 1 mana: very powerful. 2 mana (good if untapped), 3 mana (good if untapped+additional quality like indestructibility, extra mana, basic fixing, etc).
So.. there are still rivers n sheet in the desert close enough to attract massive crocs?
Kek. I remember my friends telling me this card was awful, because life gain sucked.
smug little fucker, get in my draft decks
haha jk still forcing boros
More tools for the Jund Jank!
There live crocodiles in egypt
You should have used a better example. YGO has a lifegain triggers archetype now. It's also a "highest life matters" deck too, really neat to play.
the card depicts the precise moment when Djeru realized that MTG creatie team wrote hundreds of fanfics dedicated to Samut pegging him
>that face
That's not the point, user. Naktamun is an oasis, thers no river running through it.
This + hapatra looks pretty punishing
I'm glad the art sucks, so does the card.
Surprisingly playable