Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Typhus edition

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>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Old crap

>List Builder
Deader than the Emperor.

>WIP Math-hammer doc


>Orks are a melee race!

second for arresting abbadon and stuffing him in a van

Hugs for everyone!

++ Vanguard Detachment (Imperium - Inquisition) [10 PL, 140pts] ++

+ Elites +

Acolytes [5 PL, 70pts]
Acolyte: Needle Pistol, Power maul
Acolyte: Needle Pistol, Power maul
Acolyte: Needle Pistol, Power maul
Acolyte: Needle Pistol, Power maul
Acolyte: Needle Pistol, Power maul

Acolytes [5 PL, 70pts]
Acolyte: Needle Pistol, Power maul
Acolyte: Needle Pistol, Power maul
Acolyte: Needle Pistol, Power maul
Acolyte: Needle Pistol, Power maul
Acolyte: Needle Pistol, Power maul

++ Vanguard Detachment (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [10 PL, 162pts] ++

+ Flyer +

Valkyries [10 PL, 162pts]
Valkyrie: 2x Multiple Rocket Pods, Multi-laser

++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Adeptus Ministorum) [37 PL, 694pts] ++

+ HQ +

Celestine [14 PL, 250pts]: Celestine, 2x Geminae Superia

+ Elites +

Arco-Flagellants [4 PL, 75pts]: 5x Arco Flagellant

Death Cult Assassins [3 PL, 85pts]: 5x Death Cult Assassins

Ministorum Priest [3 PL, 39pts]: Bolt pistol, Power maul

Ministorum Priest [3 PL, 39pts]: Bolt pistol, Power maul

+ Dedicated Transport +

Immolator [5 PL, 103pts]: Immolation Flamer

Immolator [5 PL, 103pts]: Immolation Flamer

Who's your least favorite Guard user? Mines all of then.

>arresting abbadon
>abbaddon is armless thus immune to handcuffs

Checkmate Arbites

Mk7 > Mk4.

Mines any who actually like those hideous fucking cadian models


I chuckled when i read Cadia cut Abbaddon hands in Gathering Storm.

Nth for this isn't bait, it's cute.

WIP at the moment.


>mfw nobody translated the 40k doujinshi

and no, it wasn't hentai.

>Tau are a shooty race!
>BS: +4


A-user? You didn't make this right? user?

Is that a Bolt Rifle with a scope attached? Looks dope.

I need this. This is something I need.

What if flamers had this rule:

This weapon automatically hits.If you target a unit with more than 10 models this weapon is Assault 6 instead of Assault D6.

I'll post what I have. Unless you meant Japanese Hentai Doujins. Then, well, just find R34 or commission one.

Grade-A bait.

Looks decent
kill yourself furfag

If I remember, they released some unique models in Japan. I think they're trying to increase sales there.

Repostan from previous thread.
Currently making my very first babby's first 40k army, namely some fluffy combined arms T'au. No commander spam bullshit or mecha bigger than my crisis suit team. Can anyone recommend the sort of magnets you should use if you want to be able to change weapons on models (for instance, changing burst cannons to fusion blasters or vice versa on stealth suits, or the many combinations of loadout possible on crisis suits, or even just changing strike teams to breacher teams by changing to pulse blasters) and any general tips on using them?

"2+/4++" implies that the piece of equipment lets you take both the 2+ armour save and the 4++ other save, instead of getting to only take the better one?

If they wanna boost sales, just release large Sisters of Battle models that have changeable outfits.

Can't remember if this is the right one. But it'll do for my point.

You have both, but you can only use one save.

Up to you to choose which.

This is amazing for the reactions alone.

2+ is the save
"4++" refers to the Invulnerable save

You only get to make 1 save roll, but you can choose which one to use

Other abilities that let you ignore wounds are often called a "save" by players but they are not actually a save, so you can take any number of those.

Cassius has tyranid ptsd?

Hmm is there any instance where something does 1 damage but does something like -4 to AP?

I ask because the 'All is dust' rule adds +1 to your saving throws. Would this then give them 4+ invuln against 1 damage weapons?

And they shall know no fe-

That or he's REALLY into role playing.

People barely talk about Guard. The only people who post are like 5 anons who play and post pictures of their games. People only talk about Marines and occasionally Eldar and Ad Mech. The fuck are you on about.

crisis suit plasma rifles are Ap3 1 damage I think? and they can take ATS to make it ap4

If it doesnt specify it modifies the invuln save then it does not modify the invuln save

>Would this then give them 4+ invuln against 1 damage weapons?

Why does he have a bunch of ribbons on his helmet? I mean, I see the ears, but ??

It's MLP

I have this thing about smelling people before i decide to game against them. Any non sealant ways of doing it without making it look like I'm being a creep?

All is dust gives +1 to your saving throw.

Invulnerable rules just mean it cannot be reduced by AP.

So it can be buffed from how I read it.

The guy has done several, but I have no idea where to get them for free.

That one is called Death Struc Force. Artist name is R-Worcus.

This is his second one.

Ah, OK then. Just curious.

That's pretty creepy in general.

If my retarded sentinels do not bring you joy then I am sorry user.

Suicide I hear is pretty good.

He also did this one. Again, I have no idea how to get hold of it. The name in Moon is.



Invulnerable save is different from a regular save. It cant be reduced by AP.

You can choose which save to make.

Read the rules

And this one is C92夏コミサークル参加申し込みしました!

That depends on your definition of 'Saving throw'.

Because all is dust buffs that. Is an invulnerable save a saving throw?

>asaruto sutoraiku fosu

my sides

>this is a page from the book


The rules define a saving throw and an invulnerable throw

Read the rules you twat

Are they drunk?

Yes, all is Dust should effect Invul saves because it doesn't specify that it only effects Armor saves. Just Saves in general.

Man 20 man blobs of T Sons seem like a good walking foot force

Wait what? C92 is this August.
Do the moon runes speak of "preview"?

Just like Marines/Chaos Marines/Daemons/Eldar/anyone else with access to invisibility psychic power would


There is no such thing as an "Armor Save", there is only a "Save" and "Invulnerable Save"

Stop making shit up and read the rules


They are. Reserve some points for surprise flamers and grab a sorcerer, and you can slowwalk across the board and dakka everything into flaming gibs.

GW japan need to hire this guy for advert department.

What's good for armor in this edition?

Is armor shit this editioN?

This cant be legit...


How are you so cool user?

Think it's just the preview from his site telling buyers he's got another 40k doujin at C92. A preview page.

Slot in some r&h and get guard tanks. Vindicators are gud. Laspreds are very handy. YMMV with land raiders, but if you want a metal box for your scarabs it's what you will be taking.

Hilariously angry wrong. HA

I finally understood these numbers on doujinshi.

Armour is shit because according to Veeky Forums the answer to everything is conscript spam
>nobody does conscript spam

Well, seeing as he draws loli's... I dunno man. Plus he's obviously a neckbeard. He plays D&D, AoS, Steamcity and a few other things. Or at least is interested enough on them... I doubt they'll isk it, sadly. They'll just get tumblr to do it for them. Oh and DA.

I think I have a problem

Anyone who says the Leman Russ actually looks good.

Only problem is how small those all are compared to the new dread

Took me awhile too to realise it mean Comiket No.X back in the day. We need a based Nip and or based Nip based person to go buy them all and translate them and upload them.

Having this much money to casually toss on toys is the opposite of a problem. Go get 'em.

>He thinks the Telamon doesn't dwarf the Redemptor

Huh, AP is a modifier on the save roll, so, for example, Prince Yriel's cursed ability that requires him to re-roll saves of 6 means that it doesn't work vs weapons with an AP value

Telamon is bigger than the new Dread.

Still smaller than knight.

Well, at least it's based on the best one.

Buy and field a 3rd Basilisk Y/N?

Can a knight fit in a building? Checkmate, atheist.

Custodes Dreads look sick, I might have to run a detachment of them in my Dread army.

>not buying Earthshaker emplacements

Wewwwwwwww ladddy boy!

>Custodes Dreads
>40k Rules


A leviathan can wreck a knight easy, Telemon will probably juggle them if it ever gets 8th rules.

Different user, I don't understand the difference between an Earthshaker battery and an Earthshaker carriage battery.
I thought both were stationary cannons?

Towed artillery vs fixed artillery.

Does Ghazghkull benefit from his own Great Waaagh! ?

If he does then he gets to advance and charge and gains +1 attack correct?

The new Leviathan Dreadnought staline looks insanely good to me. I have only one problem though: Where do they fit in to a chapter's organization? For example, would they be part of a normal company or would they be a special unit? Would, say, Blood Angels have Death Company Leviathan Dreadnoughts? Or Dark Angels Deathwing Leviathan Dreadnoughts? How exactly does this work?

Does anyone have the Squiggoth rules / stats from Forgeworld (regular squig not giant).

Not in the rules. They're exactly the same except a carriage battery has 4 guardsmen and a debuff where they can be killed and the gun doesn't fire. The platform/battery can just fire on it's own, no need for crew or shit.

I don't either. It's a mistake imo.

Japan is progressive free country, they dont have any objection to lolis.

Aren't Earthshakers like 72" range? Why would I ever want to tow that?

Cmon man, let us pretend that FW is actually competent and will make nonbroken 8th rules for 30k cuckstodes.
i just want my glorious bananamen

"They don't have an objection" kinda sounds like "they have an obsession"


A chapter will generally have roughly 2 boxy dreads assigned to each company, and may have spares if the chapter is particularly old or well equipped.

Contemptors are going to be rarer, leviathans and Deredeos are kinda a your chapter is damn lucky to have even one deal. Relics like that are gonna fall outside day to day operations.