>push enemy out of a cliff
>"technically you didn't kill him, the cliff did, so you get no EXP"
Because lord forgives the player if he tries to take advantage of the enviroment
ITT: Times you left the table
That's retarded. Clearly it was gravity that should get exp.
That's wrong because it's whatever he hit at the bottom, or drowning that actually killed him, not the cliff. Also the same logic could be applied to any situation where you used a weapon to kill someone.
Also I hope to fuck that GM never does jury duty.
The correct response to that is to ignore the GM and write down the exp on your sheet anyway.
Also, all my attacks have +20 counting all the bonus, honest :^)
If tree falls in the woods, on a squirrel, who gets the XP?
At higher lvls you actually could pull that off.
I have a hard time believing this actually happened. Then again, there's all sorts of people in the world.
Not counting the exp unless you kill is a really shit method. There are things way more impressive that just kill your way out of a problem
Who was pushing the tree
I wish I wasn't bullshitting you. I fucking wish with all my might. I wouldn't have so many problems at the table if that were the case.
no you kys
>nature and the elemental forces are all slowly accumulating XP from kills over time
>soon, mortal, god, and demon will all know suffering
The dwarf.
And he steals it from the elf.
Also OP, your pic offers a clear representation of how I feel for your poor bait.
>I wouldn't have so many problems at the table if that were the case.
By all means, tell us more.
>the carp stand up
That explains evolution and climate change.
>The correct response to that is to ignore the GM and write down the exp on your sheet anyway.
This is the best solution.
>that wizard throwed me a fireball for the lols and I wasn't allowed to even save
Doing this from now on.
>technically you didn't kill him, your sword did, the sword gets the EXP
The cliff is the real BBEG, and it just gained enough experience from the kill to level up
>tfw starting zone is nothing but grinding Lv.3 Cliffs for weeks at a time because of all the goddamn HP they have
So, for the sake of argument, what class/level is gravity?
Your DM is blatantly disregarding the rules. Break the game on purpose from now on, meta game with all your might, user
Depends on the gravity. Supermassive Black Hole? Lv.9999, obviously. Earth gravity? Barely through the double digits. I mean, we can escape its hold on us here, it has a ways to go.
The more you do it, the more exp gravity gets.
Eventually, it's going to level up, and the gravitational constant will increase slightly. This will be a bad time for nearly everyone
>technically your sword didn't kill him, blood loss did, the blood gets the xp
>climate change
You have to go back.
That's where you say "Show what page states that you have to kill something to gain XP"
99% of the time, it doesn't.
My first DM that ruled that if an enemy ran away we didn't get the experience because we didn't 'defeat it' but he admitted his DMPC gun toting goblin gained experience every session it showed up to take a pot shot at us and run away and was able to out level us.
>technically you didn't kill him, bleeding from the wound did
It's undeniably a thing regardless of whether or not you think it's driven in whole or in part by human activity and whether or not you think we should be trying to do anything about it.
Shhh. Don't respond. Let him drown to death when the tides come.
Earth gravity is level 9, it just put all its feats into grappling.
Did you hit him?
>Every time you kill something it's your weapon that levels up
>Every time you block with a shield it's your shield that levels up
>Every time your armour prevents damage it's your armour that levels up
This. In 3e at least the book goes out of the way to avoid mentioning killing
And what if there were no observers of tree falling, will XP still be given?
The right answer would have been
>So if I push you down the stairs, it's fine because it's the stairs that kill you, right?
This is how you get +1 magic items, user.
Technically nobody kills nobody else.
Death does.
That's why nobody can defeat Death.
I'm starting to see a setting taking form here.
EVERYTHING in the world can gain experience, and thus can theoretically be played.
You wanna have a party comprised of A Swarm of Rats, A Poorly-Timed Gust of Wind, Tuberculosis, and A Fish Bone That Didn't Get Removed From the Food? You can do it.
Just use a phoenix down.
Or be a Belmont.
Crafting spends experience.
The act of creation lowers experience, but only death increases it.
Shit, Death must be OP compared to every god.
Wakfu is garbage.
Well, they have to share XP, at the very least.
I want to play a Level 8 Gonorrhea.
>Gravity levels up
>G2 on earth's surface
>carry capacity reduced
>damage reduced
>distance moved per day reduced
>fly speed reduced
>fall damage increased
Gravity really is the BBEG
>Necromancers, Vampires, and other creatures of unlife seek to find a way to drain the levels off of gravity itself
>Testing is proving more hazardous than expected.
>All everything becomes smaller because gravity between particles is now bigger and particles are grouped more densely.
>tfw increased gravity drops your height under 6'2''
Technically wouldn't everyone eventually get XP for fighting gravity, leveling up themselves and then balancing the world back out?
>level 2 fetus in his mother's level 2 womb
Gravity is just the "fall guy" for the real BBEG, Entropy.
You only gain xp for defeating gravity.
Does the rocket gain xp, or just it's thrusters?
Soul Eater rpg
You're welcome
I'd imagine a rocket is something closer to an adventuring party, so the components share XP between each other.
>implying they truly defeated gravity
Rockets might struggle gravity's terrible grasp, but it usually brings them back down sooner or later.
It's like wrenching yourself out of a grapple and saying you beat the monster.
You're both wrong. It was neither gravity nor the cliff that killed him; it was the ground below the cliff.
>playing dungeon world
>Jump over a wall
>Roll a 6
>Lol you fall onto a t-rex
>Sigh okay I run away
>Roll a 6
>Lol it bites your arms off.
>Whatever I attack it with my stumps
>Roll a 10
>Lol u break it's legs and it runs away
I don't think that's supposed to work like that.
>shorter and """stoutier""" the population is reduced to mexicans
They don't become stouter, they retain all their proportions but shrink in size because of high particle density.
What about light? It has no mass so gravity can't affect it.
Do you know how many people die to sun exposure? The sun is just an epic level lantern. It's so high level that it doesn't even get XP from defeating gravity.
But what about the sun's radiation ( also known as light)? It must be way weaker than the sun itself.
That's just the sun's unarmed melee attack
It still can't beat entropy though.
Stop being racist. Unarmed melee attacks have a right to gain xp too!
>Elder Scrolls the RPG.
Maybe I'm just playing with the right people, but the only time I ever left the table is when a friend had a heart attack
naeh it's not a bad time, it's in fact the answer to the last question
You should have hardier friends
Earth's gravity is nearly level 10
Your Jester should have used more Stress Heals.
>jupiter going for a meme minion build
He was actually in decent shape surprisingly, apparently its some running health condition in his family.
This sounds like a fun idea for a campaign. Everything in the universe has a character sheet, including concepts. If the character sheet levels up enough, it gets stronger.
The players are called to a wizard tower as part of a council of high level characters. The wizard has divined that "Gravity" is close to leveling up. The players have to find someway to stop it, or mitigate the effects of the gravitational constant of the universe increasingly slightly.
If that was the case, then explain how Goku and Vegeta can level up by doing gravity training?
Though, the fact that Saiyans get stronger when they get the shit beat out of them, makes me think their players are using Dungeon World EXP rules instead of what the rest of us are using.
Does the concept of "character sheet" have a character sheet? Maybe the higher it's level the more complex stats are?
>not swearing revenge on the Goddess of Earth for kill stealing
I doubt anyone missed you in the table.
why does girls with big, exposed tits flipping me off give me a boner
Are you suggesting my fists can level up but I don't?
Yes. Right now the Universe is in the age of 5e DnD character sheets. Moderately complex, but nothing crazy.
At the end, it's revealed that character sheet gained enough experience, and now we're playing with Fatal sheets.
You can level up if you defeat your fists, but you'll have to do it without using anything but yourself.
Is his death not the result of his birth, and is his birth not the result of all existence?
The universal is constantly growing stronger. It must be stopped.
If a baby is born dead, does the womb or the vagina gain the xp?
>the GM vehemently protects the powergaming munchkin playing the archetypical Mary-Sue
>he rewrites entire characters so that they will like them
>decides he doesn't like PvP once we try to knock her out
Because you've degenerate masochist that gets turned on though being insulted, disrespected and humiliated, but you're still in the closet about it sand keep convincing yourself that the tits play some part in it too.
The tree becomes a lvl 1 ent.
>Playing dungeon world
>Enter an empty field
>Attempt to discern realities
>Roll a 9 and pass
>Pick 'What should I be on the lookout for?'
>'lol russian bears of course
>Suddenly paratrooping bears appear from the sky and attack the party.
>Wish I'd never rolled.
thats a great image
Did the womb or vagina kill the baby? Maybe it's the corpse, maybe it's the umbilical cord.
Have you tried not playing Dungeon World?
What causes babies to die, anyways? Whatever it is, it should get the xp.
Fate. The highest level motherfucker out there. NERF WHEN?!
Yeah there's this cool indie game called Dungeons and Dragons made in the basement of some dude from Wisconsin.
It's great as what happens in game logically follows the mechanics and the GM just has to think of interesting situations and obstacles for the players to tackle and let the system do the rest.
>Man dies of heart attack
>Heart responsible levels up.
>Heart dies without brain
>Brain of man levels up by killing heart.
>Brain dies again because no blood circulation.
>Heart levels up again.
>dies again without brain.
>Dark Cloud the RPG
Dude, Fate is weak to surprise-type attacks. His resistance to them is so low that you only need two trickster gods to start dealing damage!