All Kobold Game

Your players have gotten together and decided they want to try something new: They want to play an all-kobold group of PCs. So, which system would be the best to play this in, 3.5? Pathfinder? OD&D?

And what kinds of things would you present as adventures for a little band of xenophobic tunnel-dwelling monsters?

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Pathfinder is actually pretty good for this. Most classes have some option available to make anything viable. Also they get a feat line that turns them into mini dragons.

We have a game of all-kobold AD&D going on for this, with a fighter, a fighter/cleric, a witch doctor, and a thief going around in the frozen north and basically taking on the fight against some powerful demons because they don't want anyone to tread on them.

It's a lot of fun.

Good adventures you could run would basically involve much the same they've been doing a lot of times: work for various other races as a band of disposable mercenaries, the sort no one likes but that do damn good job: Pathfinder or 5e would likely work well for those. Or you could do something different and go down to the Underdark to do dungeon crawling: being more exploration-oriented and likely involving plenty of resource management and dungeons, you might want to look at AD&D for those.

Kobolds Ate My Babies 3rd edition

"You all know I'm a furry, right?"

I guess I'd try to coerce them into settling on a group gimmick to further focus the type of game before picking a system
I remember someone here talking about running a game where the PCs were kobolds and the overarching mission was running their cave home, along with managing other kobolds, finding and securing resources, dealing with threats, etc.
Something like that would be pretty neat, but I'm sure there are a million other reasons for a group of kobolds to be working together the players could invent
>the kobolds are a band of travelling merchants/con artists
>the kobolds are champions of [insert kobold god here] with a divine quest to steal certain artifacts
>the kobolds are elite spies/agents of a human kingdom who disguise themselves as common cave-dwelling mere-nuisance kobolds
>the kobolds are actually entertainers but get caught up in hilarious courtly hijinks

GURPS is best

How would you stat up a kobold template for GURPS?

Post more round kobolds

What if there were more kobolds than just lizards or canids? Like opossum kobolds for like, swamps or deep forests if you wanted more than tunnel dwellers?

Well, according to D&D 3.5's Races of the Dragon, Gnomes are the mortal enemies of all kobolds, so maybe have them deal with gnome hunting parties and and the like?

Fate Accelerated.


You basically described our Pathfinder game's running gag right there.

See, that game involves a whole lot of entire worlds being scrambled together into their own weird mash-up of landscape and cultures. And they all have different kind of kobolds: you've got dogbolds, lizardbolds, then also bigger dogs, rats, little humans, opossums, all sorts. It's really starting to annoy the party ranger (who is a lizardbold), especially when they keep referring to him as a "weird newt".

The reason? The word "kobold" itself is a catch-all term for a small magical nuisance creature, so the people of these various worlds attributed it to their local variant.

Hehehe. Sounds pretty fun, user. Good luck with it.

The main question, domestic kobolds or wild kobolds, one plays nice with others(be it sincerely or because it's smart), the other doesn't

>The roundest

Both. Start with wild, then have them gradually domesticated as they realize it's smart.

I wrote this up with the intention of running an all-kobold game using Swords & Wizardry: White Box.

fifth edition DnD is the optimal system, 3.5 is the better game for characters clawing their way to godlike power or creating incredibly complex character builds. Pathfinder is over-bloated trash that takes the already over-bloated 3.5 system and added more bloat without resolving any of the crippling flaws in the system.

My advice for adventures would be the kobold eternal war against gnomes. All of which stems from Garl Glittergold, the gnomish god, and the First Genocide. Part of the kobold creation myth. T dragons created kobolds by accident, but the kobolds served them loyally anyway. When the largest and most powerful tribe went out to build their own civilization, with their dragons' blessings, they constructed a subterranean city and called all their kind from across the world. Garl collapsed the tunnels and killed nearly every kobold in the world as a 'prank'. Io the Dragon God offered the most powerful survivor, Kurtulmak, a choice. He could kill Garl and all gnomes, *OR* he could turn kurtulmak into a god and empower him to forever safeguard his people from further genocide attempts and help them rebuild. Kurtulmak passed on vengeance, but still holds the grudge. That's why all kobolds hate gnomes, because they want to safeguard against the descendants of Garl.

So, gnomes make the perfect antagonists to kobold parties.

They're big on community building, so Kingmaker games work. The party being in charge of making and managing settlements.

Kobolds traditionally serve dragons, so a powerful dragon organizing a group of kobolds to go out, secure territory against intruders, collect tithes from demihuman settlements in its territory, and hunting large game to feed the dragon while it does other things.

Great ideas, thanks.

These are somewhat similar to the kind of mentality that I'm trying to get into when thinking of a monster's perspective. I'm also reading Patrick Stuart (False Machine)'s SAVAGES blog posts, which was a sort of alternate "play a monster" game:

He recommends making food and survival the primary focus of a savage-based game. Living another day is more preferable to hunting down gold and jewels (of course they'll take it if they can find it though).

Raiding demihuman settlements and doing work for a dragon also sounds good.

This. 5e is good, 3.5e is better if you want it to go full Tengu Toppa Kobold Lagann, which is honestly fine.


> Kobolds are reptile men half the height of men. Small, weak, and pathetic, they live a meager life, often as the slaves of larger, stronger races. They do make good miners, and they have the uncanny skill of surviving.
> Calculate height and weight normally for ST before applying the racial ST modifier, then halve height and quarter weight. A kobold has SM -2, regardless of height, and is subject to Tiny Tools.
> However, he is big enough to wield human weapons at -2 skill, and can buy off this penalty with a special perk, which is not part of the racial template:
> Giant Weapons: You’re familiar enough with the clumsy weapons of big folk (SM 0) that you can ignore some or all of the -2 to use them. Giant Weapons 1 [1] eliminates -1; Giant Weapons 2 [2] removes the full -2.
> 10 points.

> Attribute Modifiers: ST -4 [-40]; DX +1 [20]; IQ -1 [-20]; HT +2 [20].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM -2; Per +2 [10]; Basic Speed +0.25 [5]; Basic Move -2 [-10].
Advantages: Claws (Sharp) [5]; Damage Resistance 1 (Tough Skin, -40%) [3]; Infravision [10]; Nictitating Membrane 1 [1]; Peripheral Vision [15]; Teeth (Sharp) [1]; Wily Little Bugger 2* [10].
Disadvantages: Cowardice (12) [-10]; Social Stigma (Savage) [-10].
Features: Born Biter†

> * Wily Little Bugger: You know how to survive under the toughest circumstances, especially underground. This Talent aids Prospecting, Scrounging, Survival (Underground), and Traps. Only kobolds can have it, and may buy up to two more levels at character creation. Reaction bonus: Miners and survivalists. 5 points/level.

> (1/2)

> † Born Biter: You have an elongated jaw optimized for trapping prey. You can opt to hold on after you bite; thus, the bite doubles as a grapple. On later turns, you can worry, which counts as an attack but always hits – simply roll biting damage! If your victim’s SM is three or more greater than yours, you can only do this to an extremity (hand, foot, etc.), and the grapple is considered one-handed. If his SM is only one or two larger, you can target anything, and the grapple is treated as two-handed. The same is true if his SM is equal to or smaller than yours, but you can also attempt to pin him while standing! The catch is that foes get +3 to target your protruding snout, allowing them to attack your face (not skull) at only -2.

GURPS is best

If you're going with a 'kobolds are savages' thing, sure. I prefer to but them somewhere in the middle bronze-age.

I always liked the idea that Glittergold was framed by the god of the kender

Born biter is legitimately one of my favorite rules in a game. Relatively few games make an attempt to represent beyond it just being a damage value.

I thought kobolds were rats

or like goblins or something that had hunched backs and lived in mines

Pathfinder is pretty nice for such a game, they even get a bunch of archetypes, favored class abilities, feats and gear.

But before that I have to run the All Ratfolk, All Teamwork Feats game my players started asking about.

Depends on the edition. Early on they were ugly doggish faced reptile goblins. Later they ended up as little lizardfolk, or even with draconic heritage. A translation error made gamers in Japan think they were dog people, and basically got conflated with gnolls.

In the folklore that inspired them, they were little blue men who stole the gold from mines and left behind blue rocks, aka cobalt ore.

OP here, after some brainstorming I'm thinking I'm gonna go with 5e, using Patrick Stuart's SAVAGES as a guideline. Some thoughts:

> PCs start off as leaders of a kobold tribe, maybe 20 'bolds total
> PCs start underground, in a small warren
> Thinking each NPC 'bold can dig about a 5 cu. ft. of earth each "working day"
> PCs assign kobold NPC duties, mining, creating traps, etc
> I pre-place enemies elsewhere on the "map" in the un-dug places. Gnomes, dwarves, etc.
> If the PCs run into these it becomes an encounter and leads to further complications
> Kobolds have no personal desire for treasure, but they want to gather a hoard to attract a dragon
> Attracting a Dragon should be their first major campaign goal, Dragon patron = best protection

From there I can come up with other hooks passed down to them by their dragon overlord...

> Get me food
> Go retrieve this item from this dungeon for me
> Go meet with these dragon cultists nearby and try not to die
> Steal me a metallic dragon's eggs so I can turn them into dragonborn slaves

Sounds like a good plan. Keep at it.

A kobold myth passed down by oral tradition:

Io whispered the secret of creation to the first dragons,
And the first dragon to use the secret was Caesinsjach, a green dragon.
Caesinsjach whispered to the earth and kobolds bubbled up from below.
The first of these was Kurtulmak, who was small but shrewd.

When Caesinsjach told the kobolds to dig her lair, Kurtulmak made the first pickaxe.
When Caesinsjach told the kobolds to secure her lair, Kurtulmak made the first snare trap.
When Caesinsjach told the kobolds to fill her lair, Kurtulmak used dreaming to divine the veins of gold.
When Caesinsjach's lair was complete, her hoard was greatest of all dragons and she let kobolds go free.

Kurtulmak then mined a lair for himself.
Although he never asked for help, every kobold came to aid him.
Kurtulmak found a place where veins of ore and gemstones stretched into the dark forever.
He made the largest mine in all creation and called it Darastrixhurthi: A fortress fit for dragons.

The gnome Garl Glittergold saw all this and became jealous.
While kobolds were busy working, gnomes had been playing useless games.
Garl came to Kurtulmak pretending to be a friend and asked to come inside to see.
Kurtulmak in his pride let Garl inside.

While within, Garl used illusion to trick Kurtulmak by making two of himself and snuck away.
Invisible, the gnome crept up to the keystone of the great fortress, and pulled it.
The mine collapsed and all inside were crushed to death.

When the Gods saw this they asked who had done it.
Garl Glittergold said that Kurtulmak had built his fortress too wide and too deep.
The Gods knew he was a trickster and none believed him, but they could not prove him false.
Since the kobolds were made by dragons, they had no god, and none would help them.

Io, realising that no god would help, searched the souls of those who died.
He found Kurtulmak still clinging to life, buried under a mountain of rubble.
Kurtulmak’s love for his people was so great he would not give up his breath so long as they would perish.
And so Io gave Kurtulmak a choice

The Dragon God would give Kurtulmak the strength to take revenge on Garl, but his people might suffer again.
Or, he would make the great kobold a champion of his people, to watch over them for all eternity.
Kurtulmak chose to protect his people, to remain trapped beneath the mountain inside the earth.
And so Darastrixhurthi is gone, but kobolds will always survive.

unrelated but anyone hae that picture of a knight carrying off a dragon with a fat butt

Call of Cthulhu, but instead of unspeakable horrors, the party is pitted against stray adventurers.