Can we have a wh40k reaction pic thread? Im making my collection.
Can we have a wh40k reaction pic thread? Im making my collection
anyone have the bigger version?
All time favorite
I've seen this Artist before...
Well I've posted it on this board before
Was it in one of the "field kit inspection" threads?
Is it bad that I've seen the Smugtarbo edit so many times, the original looks wrong?
Not that specific image but I have drawn quite a few images for those threads like the catachan I posted
Hey! So it is you!
This is Knochenmus!
Oh hai
You coming to tomorrow's thread?
Shit I didn't mean to reply to anyone, whoops
>my life
>when guilliman saves your squad and you say thank the god emperor
Probably not, I've got work tomorrow
>when you try to have reaction image fight with someone but get ignored instead
Oh, you wanted a fight? I was just dumping my folder...
Not anymore. Feeling really sleepy now. Maybe some other time.
Yes, some other time.
Sauce? Im curious what circumstance has an IF and a Blueberry together side by side.
Its from 6th ed SM codex, UM & IF fighting agaisnt IW like they did during the Iron Cage.
Since when were the smurfs at the iron cage?
God that art.
Is that servitor eating the CSM?
They were the ones who save the butts of the Imperial Fists back then.
>pic not related.
Since forever? Its the Ultramarines who come to bail the Imperial Fists at the end.