A genetically enhanced killing machine and a sadistic torturer trying to lure a little girl into their shop
A genetically enhanced killing machine and a sadistic torturer trying to lure a little girl into their shop
Space marine knows a xeno when he sees one.
Is this fan art or are they admitting they're lowering their market demographic to include 6 year old girls?
It's official. They got he artist behind Eagle Ordinary to do a bunch of art for them. This has triggered incandescent rage in a portion of Veeky Forums, because of course it has.
I think that might be a Craftworld Guardian and not a Kabalite Warrior, but I'm not sure.
Well. I don't know who that artist is, but trying to appeal to kids that young could mean they've both given up on the tone and are going to dumb game mechanics down to make it easier for them to play.
Just a guess though.
Or they just want kids to play the game. I started playing 40k when I was 10.
And where is the problem? Are you an american oversensitive mother or what?
Its confirmed they are dumbing everything down
its over, the memesters won, they warned us about this when that image was released. But I chose to be an optimist, I was retarded.
This is my new cover photo, I think it's great.
That's pretty cute. Is there supposed to be a problem? Am I not seeing it because I'm not an autistic manchild?
Could be. It's not like it's a super hard wargame to wrap your head around, and if dad already has the models and rulebooks it's not too bad. The lore for the setting is the only part I wonder if it's fine for children in the single to early double digits, but that's something the parents have to decide for on their own.
I was taking a guess as to why it was making people angry. I really don't know, or care too much.
The shape and design seems to suggest kabalite but it's missing the markings and details kabal armour has.
Maybe it's young vat born who hasn't earning his spikes yet?
Nah I think it's cute too, It's obviously meant to be a cute little drawing to show that warhammer is all about capturing your imagination.IT;s a nice change from gw's ALL DARK ALL SERIOUS ALL THE TIME style of a few years back.
>Implying 40k wasn't always marketed to kids
They just dress it up as being for older audiences so said kids can feel cool and mature
I started playing around 11 or so myself, found greater daemon of tzeentch at my LGS while I was looking for magic cards and decided to save up for it.
I'm glad kids are getting into the hobby, it's kind of nice to see people enjoying new things and getting into the fantasy of it all.
Kids have been playing since the beginning.
The lore just needs to move away from super ultra unironically grimdark and back to 80's hair metal turned to 11 and played for laughs.
So true. GW is really digging their Own Grave by marketing 40k to dang dirty kids who will not be able to Appreciate the Setting among which.
The game has already been so dumbed down that it can be played in Under Four Hours. Soon the lore will follow into the Most Despairing Direction such as trolling stupid memes and heXbox pixelated, low quality gameplay
Is this bait?
>lowering their market demographic
what lowering
they've been marketing themselves towards kids since the milton bradley board game days
Those kids are older than six you pedantic fruit.
Looks cute. I approve
little NIGGER girl
let them do their job
Fuck you I started when I was six
Actually the ALL DARK ALL SERIOUS ALL THE TIME style is exactly what drew me to it. When you're a kid the last thing you want is to think what you're doing is for kids.
So what you're saying is only grownups play tau.
Well one of my best friends at the time played Tau, so, no.
It's true that most kids play Space Marines though, and Ultramarines at that. They look cool, with their huge fists and pauldrons whilst keeping that goody-two-shoes hero spot. Personally I played Eldar, because I was a special retard.
This is already a much better thread than the previous one. Good job Veeky Forums. Maybe this board can be saved.