Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Death to the False Emperor edition.


>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Old crap

>List Builder
Thoroughly Squatted.

>WIP Math-hammer doc

For the greater good!

2nd for Sisters a QT!


What do you memean Y'varhas don't deepstrike from Mantas?

Xth for malevolence.

When will FW give me this tank for Elysians?

So what meme juice do I give wytches?
Strength or attacks?

What's up with the Death Guard mini codex having different stuff to the index?

Some stuff costs more in terms of points, though power levels are the same.

Also in the mini codex the marines don't have 'Death to the False Emperor' while in the index they do.

My store manager says to trust the mini codex, as it is more up to date but I'm not sure I trust that.

Reminder: Cawl is really Kalbor-Hal

It's not like you need to buy anything from forgeworld. You can get a cheap plastic contemptor from BoP, stick a blade on the asscannon, put some Chain bits on the hand, and boom, you have a murderbot.

Kek, he wishees he was Cawl.

Isn't the "mini codex" just for playing starter set battles against the starter set primaris?

If you have a Manta can you by RAW Manta Strike models out of it instead of disembarking normally?


But its all you can get from Death Guard at the moment, so I'm curious which set of rules are more accurate.

Not fanservice-y enough. He's probably Arkhan Land.

You still can't deep strike into combat, the rules make that very clear, so you're at best getting 1.0000000...1" away. and if getting within garunteed charge range is what were talking about, space marine teleport homers have the same ability, deploy 9.0000000...1" away, set up termies within 6" and be garunteed a charge.
And any sane person should fear garunteed turn one termie charges more than fucking tau getting into combat turn one
But that's not unique to tau, the Space Marine has the teleport homer has the same rul

He's probably a redeemed Anacharis Scoria or something.

had anyone played against conscript spam yet? is it real or is it a meme?

>Only Legion to literally have your bitch Primarch killed twice
>Turned against the Emperor on the word of fucking xenos scum
>"H-Hydra Dominatus"

Gulliman is really Alpharius

Except Land and Scoria were on different places at the time?
Unless they're like Pain or something like that.

Neither because they're still shit at combat. Give them +1T and tarpit with them. If you want combat wyches take brides with +S and Hydras.


No, Manta Strike doesn't reference actual Manta units. Either your unit is inside the Manta you have on the board, in which case it needs to disembark from it normally, or it's in one of the Mantas in low planetary orbit, in which case they enter via Manta Strike.

Are there any Homer Simpson figures small enough to run them as Teleport Homers?

Well, for playing games against anything other than the exact primaris marines you get in the starter set, I'd recommend using the index.

The only people who can deploy the conscript meme at this point are long-time infantry-focused IG players who probably don't want to be called WAACs after spending so long collecting a non-WAAC army.

So they're kinda rare.

>tfw no combi lasguns for Elysians.
Btw did they have those morale rerolls before 7E?

Show the seal

>had anyone played against conscript spam yet?
>is it real or is it a meme?
I mean it is real in that it can exist, but no, it's not nearly as good as people thought.

Didn't she blow up after OCDONOTSTEAL SUPER ULTRA UNKILLABLE EVEN BY THE EMPEROR AND HUNDREDS Of SOS DAEMON possessed her and the Blood Angel (who are the only Loyalists ADB like) solo'd her with a bunch of grenades?

Depends if you take Lelith. If you do, she should get the Strength. Attack, Toughness or Movement is neat too.

Are wraith or aspect armies for Eldar worth building an army around? Is it best to just take a squad or two of them and use TAC elsewhere?

When your this mad

Has anyone here had dreams or more specifically, nightmares relating to Warhammer?

I've had three or four, and they always relate to Nurgle. First was when I went through a really, really rough hangover, and another involved my body slowly atrophying and desiccating until I was a plaguebearer that looked kinda' like a bog body.

>Didn't she blow up after OCDONOTSTEAL SUPER ULTRA UNKILLABLE EVEN BY THE EMPEROR AND HUNDREDS Of SOS DAEMON possessed her and the Blood Angel (who are the only Loyalists ADB like) solo'd her with a bunch of grenades?

you wot m8?

user, I know we like the pretend we've got a hive mind going on round these here parts, but sometimes people will actually say conflicting things.

I'm sure the emperor would have noticed when they had a chat. Fairly sure, anyway.


>Didn't she blow up after OCDONOTSTEAL SUPER ULTRA UNKILLABLE EVEN BY THE EMPEROR AND HUNDREDS Of SOS DAEMON possessed her and the Blood Angel (who are the only Loyalists ADB like) solo'd her with a bunch of grenades?

Wut. That's probably another magos. Nah, Scoria is just responsible for the single most bullshit CCW in the game.

Doesn't say the manta you set them up in needs to be anywhere specific.

user are you a Psyker?

oo wat dis? OwO

What is it? I've not seen this before.

Sorry, I thought the Loyalist Fabricator was named like that. Am I confusing her with the named model FW do?


Ah so the FW guy?

I had just about 50 lasguns to fill out various squads before 8th. Im finding a 30-40 blob pretty neat.

Opinions on running a CATACHAN detachment without actual CATACHAN models? From what I see Sgt Harker is 200% more efficient than a Master of Ordinance and I want to stick him with some entrenched infantry squads near my big guns.

RAW that actually suggests you can't Manta Strike if your army doesn't contain a Manta.

If its an envelope it should have a wax seal keeping it closed

Giving toughness to muh bikes.
Considering movement for the succubus to try and snipe characters with a blast pistol.
That leaves 5 wytches I put in to make a battalion.

Justify this, teegee.

The tau deep strike rules don't reference enemy positioning at all when using homing beacons. Deep striking into combat is legit.

>using autocannon this edition
>when heavy bolter exists.

Face it autolets, S7 is a waste. S5 is the real magic number.

As I said, if you take Lelith, take +1S. So she can do decentish damage to chaff.

If you're taking bikes, Toughness will push them up.

Wyches I'd go with attacks then as they'll be able to do more each when they get there.

Succubus with movement will mean getting into combat quicker so that's not too bad.

I don't think so, but if I am I wish it wasn't fucking Nurgle bothering me.

>2 damage

>that one guy again wirh the horrible 7th ed playgroup

So fellas, help me to purify my group and get them up to move to 8th asap. I need to bash them so hard one the table that they refuse to play 7th anytime soon and I want to abuse the fuck out of the rules and my potential list. The switch to 8th needs to be done.

We're doing a small 500pts tourney tomorrow and I'll attend with my Skitarii box. What are some bs choices I can get to make them cry? I know the most critical guys about 8th and 7th lovers till the end are playing Orks and T'au.

So far I packed up the following
>Dominus with Stubber and Blaster, Anzion's, DigiWeps, Infoslave and Conversion field. Using him as a 'Advance and Melee' option vs the T'au
>10 Vanguards, equipped with 2 Plasmas, 1 Arc Rifle, Pater Radium, Omnispex, ConversionField. Another advance and melee option to clear both sides.
>Crawler with Neutron Laser + 2x Heavy Stubber. Mostly for PEW into the clusters and hope to kill as many as possible.

I know 7th is old and rotten, but since my group refuses to move up, I need to show them why 7th is bad and why we should play 8th. For the love of the Omnissiah, help me on this task. Thanks so much in advance.

Here you go.

What meme book is this? Fucking BL always put out their books in digital form first and it's lame.

>AL cucks this butthurt
My sides.

Heavy bolter for GEQ/MEQ. Assault cannon for TEQ and medium+ vehicles.

Alright, do the math faggot.

2 shots, S7, AP-1, D2

6 shots, S5, Ap-1, D1

In 95% of situations, the heavy bolter comes ahead.

>thinking anyone is going to sit and read all that shit

So someome at my flgs argue that its possible for a Tau commander to be fielded with 4x High output burst cannon and fire 32 shots at BS2+.
However the HOBC is takin 2 "slots" on the model compared to a "normal" weapon.

Whats the ruling on this ?

>Dmg. 1 > Dmg. 2

You're not even trying anymore.

Which is better?

Anyone here have experience 3d printing parts?

wraith because they are in fucking plastic.

the exarch, stupid

Heavy Bolter has three shots you cuck truck.

>6 shots

Think you mean 3.

>5 wyches
Literally does not matter because they will fail at everything. Dump +Ld into them then.

The general best use of drugs is:

Hellions get A, T, or M
Brides get S or A
Reavers get T or M
Wyches get T, S, or A
Beastmaster gets Ld
HQs get M, T, or S

Twin heavy bolter is cheaper than an autocannon and STILL comes ahead.

Seems about right.

>Didn't she blow up after OCDONOTSTEAL?
No, that was the Archimandrite chick. Scoria is a dude and the loyalist FabGen was called Zagreus Kane.

Scoria is the Dark Lord of Xana, which considering his capabilities makes him Admech Sauron.

Seriously, he has a gargantuan hellish industrialised realm that used to be green and verdant when he took over from the old boss after his defeat, and is inhabited by dangerous predators, he is rarely seen outside of his tower or his Vodian representatives, when in combat swings around a REALLY fancy mace that knocks whole squads out with one blow, plus he has necromantic and combat-boosting skills for his favoured minions, (AKA daemonic robots). His hand is seen in events when strange phasing creatures (or in his case fighter-bombers) attempt surgical strikes against enemy artifacts and weak points. Scoria evidently likes old Terran literature.

What model has the choice between twin-HB and a single AC?

Well when we get invaded by demonic hordes at least we won't have to worry about smallpox anymore


And on platforms where it matters you can take twin Autocannons.

Now the real dubious machine gun of the edition is the Kheres. Why the fuck would I want a +1 strength autocannon for 4 extra points?

Addendum: +1 hit is nice early on, but loses value later. Possibly good on the already S4 hellions. I haven't done the math on A vs Hit on them. However, +1 A is best used on hellions, and +1S is best used on Brides with Hydras.

I don't see anything that says you can have more than one HOBC.

No Helbrute has the garbage 1 damage reaper autocannon.


Whatre you guys working on

Because I was so worried about that particular disease before

It has double shots though.

So it's the same basically.

>An entire planet cannot spare a mere fifty thousand men
That lady is obviously a fucking heretic, user. Fifty thousand is nothing.

I thought he turned used a live firing range to test his newest weapons? I don't remember all this extra stuff like necromantic shit and phasing creatures.

Still working on CSM cost-calcs.

Surprising to no one: Khorne Berzerkers are REALLY good at killing things.

Looking for advice on my list:

>Pedro Kantor
>2 Primaris Lt. w/ bolt rifle

>3 Sniper Scouts + Sarge
>Hvy Bolter Scout
>All w/ camo cloaks

Tactical Squad
>Sergeant w/ Chainsword Combi-Melta
>3 tacs
>Razorback w/ LC & twin plasma + storm bolter

Contemptor Dreadnought w/ kheres AC

Sternguard Veteran Squad
>Sarge w/ storm bolter
>9 Special issue boltgun vets

Primaris Ancient

-Hvy Support-
Centurion Devastators
>3 HB/ML Centurions

Contemptor Mortis
>2 Twin Lascannons

Really want to play new Nurgle. Models cool as fuck and it seems like they have good rules. Other than the Dark Imperium box, is GW planning to support Nurgle with new unit boxes and unit bundles and whatnot? Death Guard and TSon SC when?

Except it has the option for twin-HB or a reaper autocannon (which has 4 shots and Dmg. 1), and the point difference between the two is 1 point.

So you're full of shit.

Baby head. Anyway i want that for a Khorne lord tell me where you got the flaming skull.

Is that new Perturabo book any good?

I really want to know more about Olympia.

Play tzeentch daemons and summon as many bloodthristers as you can and laugh at their pitiful 500pts

here's hoping for new Berzerker models

WHat is the optimal setup for Deathwatch kill teams this edition? Now that Watch Sergeants can take whatever the fuck they want a 9 power for the most customizeable dudes on the planet is not a bad shout.

My current setup is 4 mono squads of each ranged weapon, ie 5 guys with 4 shotties and a sarge with bolter, 5 guys with inf heavy bolters and a bolter sarge, 5 guys with dwatch drag cannons and 5 guys with stalker patters and one boltgun sarge as my mainstay of troops with varied auxilliary choices throughout

i don't know if i'd be better off orienting them to close ranged warfare rather than sit back and shoot so to speak.

Its decent.

The revelation that Perturabo is gay and being rejected by Dorn was a bit heavy handed.

I mean, it makes sense and gives more motivation for his hate but it feels too convenient and 'story' like.

I second that.

I'm going to assume that you're fucking with me.

>The revelation that Perturabo is gay


Phasing is the Hellblade and Hell Talon aircraft, both Xanatite make. The necromancy is his daemonbots. They heal at the usual daemonic rate even before he inloads Cybertheurgy, so they're murderous, insane, regenerating and perceptive combat robots. The live firing range was just before he took power, they tested the Ordinatii out on everything possible. Xana was the Mos Eisley of Forge Worlds even before he took over.

This. And thank you user.
Used to running two 30 man squads of generic infantry.

Can't do that anymore 'cos I'm locked at ten, but still anytime people see me pulling models out I get 'CONSCRAPTS'.

Like bitch do you see seagull shit on their helmets?

Then I pull out my converted camo n' cara vets and cry

ad mech weren't an example of 7th being broken other than how complicated their rules were (other than war convo). I guess they had grav too but I didn't really mind grav.
tzeentch daemons were the really broken faction, psykers in general mostly. your army has none of that.

good luck, idk what you can do.