Is this love?

I just wanted to share this with all of you guys. Some balls to the walls brotherfucker drew a whole fashion magazine for 40k.

Will post all the pages if you guys are willing.

Here first few pages.

Sounds neat.

Page 2




Love this guys stuff. 40k's been without a sense of humour for way too long.


And that is all folks.

Now that I look at it again, is that charlie sheen?

Now I have this idea of a Chaos Marine to Slaanesh who's going around turning whole worlds over so they can publish his magazine

>Some balls to the walls brotherfucker
You know this is an official GW thing, right

Nope, i didn't. Is this really offical?

Looks like Ben Stiller to me.

Which makes sense because it says "Xulandr" right on the image.

Well, since you guys aren't interested in this as much as i hoped. How about i post some "IT'LL ALL END IN HERESY" comics instead?

its gr00t

I saved them all to read later, as I am stuck at work at the moment.

Okay then. I am going to go grab some sleep now.

Wait, that's it? No more pages?

I know right?. Sadly, that was all i could find. It seems there aren't any more pages.

This is from the Eagle Ordinary website, it's a 40k webcomic fyi.