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Shipfag's Starship Combat Fixes for EotE/AoR/FaD

Other Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Star Wars: Destiny and the Star Wars LCG)

Fantasy Flight Games Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the Star Wars RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)

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Just What IS Canon Anyways?

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide


Shipfag's hangar

Heroes of the Aturi Cluster, co-op X-Wing campaign

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First for Jakku Defender

X-wing players, what ships in each faction are considered to be really good?

Scum: Protectorate and Jumpmaster
Rebels: K-Wing, X-Wing(Biggs only)
Empire:Tie Defender(X7 title)

This came up as a rules question in my last game and I checked everywhere I could think of online but couldn't find any clarification on it: When using Jyn Erso do you count the ships in arc of the ship carrying Jyn or the ship you've designated to receive the tokens? A more experienced player told me it was measured from the ship receiving the tokens but based on the way the card is worded it really seems like it's the carrier who checks for targets in arc and the arc of the receiver is irrelevant.

For Rebels it's mostly the K-wing, though the Millennium Falcon isn't bad and the ARC, Ghost and E-wing all have very powerful builds. Biggs in the old X-wing is also a big deal but you're hardly taking him because of the ship, his ability would be stupid good on pretty much anything.

Empire has TIE Defenders and TIE/SFs mostly, and a TIE/FO with Omega Leader is pretty much a mainstay in every list. Pure Sabacc in a Striker is up there too as basically just a homing missile. Decimators seem to be doing alright as well and Phantom's might be making a comeback too but that may just be how my local meta is shifting.

For Scum it's Jumpasters all the way with basically any combination of more Jumpmasters, Protectorates, Lancers, Jumpmasters, maybe YVs, and there's a high chance of people soon fielding Scyks, Khiraxzs and Starvipers alongside their Jumpmasters as well.


If you're hesitant to just give them straight cash rewards, give them opportunities to procure or liberate their own equipment, either as a mission given to them by their superiors or as something they do on their own initiative. Maybe they hear about an opportunity to raid an Imperial supply depot or cargo convoy and decide to sample some of the selection before sending the rest back to HQ. Maybe have a neutral gun runner make a deal with them for a side mission, sending them on a personal job but with arms & armor as the reward. Alternatively, put the cart before the horse and have HQ send over some supplies before a mission that's expected to be particularly dangerous or require a specific kind of approach.

Or, depending on the group's style, have them branch off on their own to rob an Imperial bank or a Hutt's treasure vault or another non-strategic target simply to acquire more resources to fund their operation. The rebellion doesn't exactly have it's own stable economy, especially if they're rogue agents like it sounds.

Hope there's something in there you can use!

Question didn't get answered in last thread, so here's shorter version: Is the reward table in No Disintegrations good for figuring up cash rewards in AoR?

Son of a bitch, didn't see this when I reposted. I'm not hesitant to give cash, I've just been afraid of giving too much and ended up giving too little.

AoR is more about the Duty, running bases, blowing shit up and getting things with that Duty rank. If you add money into the whole equation that generally means you're not giving them Duty
Generally I personally try to avoid cash in AoR games as it tends to dampen their enthusiasm for blowing shit up, making things with tech skills, their negotiation + looting, though you throw in some money from Rebellion sponsors as a 'resource' means to an end so they can continue operating. Make them get the sponsors though!
That's just me though.

My frozen arse needs to feed the wampas before it gets really out of hand

Those are excellent points, and I totally agree, but they recently reached Contribution 2 and as one of my players pointed out, C2 only allows up to Rarity 5, the grade of a standard blaster rifle that they've been grabbing off of defeated enemies left and right. They've successfully completed multiple suicide missions (where I was deliberately trying to kill them). Should I reduce the requirement to 50 Duty gets 1 Contribution? That would let them grab some Rarity 6 and 7 goodies.

Nah, keep it at 100
Rarity 5 for a gun is kind of 'meh', considering Rarity 4 will get you a Y-wing...5 will get you an X-wing
So, sometimes its just a matter of perspective :)

So i was recently playing X-Wing with a friend. He and i were doing well, playing fine, until one of the furballs we had created moved too close to a table edge. 1 bad manuver choice from him, and one lack of manuverable yt1300 from me, andd suddenly we both lost ships because their choosen flight paths and dials, but it got me thinking.

If kturns and immelmanns exist, but require a lot of room we think that other manuvers should work too. Namely a loop. Our house rule goes like this.

>any craft that can perform a k or immel can instead choose to perform a loop.
>similarly, any craft flown at pilot skill 7 or higher may also perform the manuver, regardless of craft, but will recieve an extra stress token.
>any craft may choose the loop manuver, and in the movement phase, move their craft in reverse the width of one full base of their craft's size to then be placed on the original heading.
>so any craft, choosing this manuver is backed up one base width of equivilent movement back to front as if moving regularly.
>looping is a red manuver, and the pilot and ship that performs the manuver recieves a stress as usual.
>looping follows all usual rules of manuvering with relations to bumping both other ships and battlefield debris.

We then played two games with this rule in play, and while it didnt see a lot of use, it was triggered twice, once to prevent another run off the board, and once to try and shake my tailing xwings.

What do you think tg? Would you use a rule like this?

Is there anywhere that has sample builds for these ships to help give me some ideas?


This is a good resource that tracks ships, polots, and upgrades across multiple tournaments. It isn't all-encompassing, but fun to look through.

What's everyone's thoughts on the Quadjumper? It looks like a lot of fun to play with

It's jank personified and I love it.

Spacetug, vizago, cloaking, pattern analyzer

21 points of pure irritation

That's awesome! Any advice on how to fly it to be as irritating as possible?

Chumbalaya, did you ever manage to get the krayts to Git Gud at checking their email?

Also, while the Krayts may not be advertising the bounty as of yet, to anyone in this thread-

If you can either win a tournament or come in first in swiss with a list comprised solely of a single small base ship, I'll send you a custom playmat.

if this doesn't get claimed in a month, add "go undefeated in swiss" as a claiming condition.

Cloak turn 1 and turn 2 have vizago switch it out for emp or slicer tools. This way you get to stay cloaked. Fly up at an enemy ship you don't like and tractor it either onto an obstacle or into your firing range. Light it up. Rinse and repeat.

I'm but one man. If they don't get to it, The Kessel Run has got u senpai.

How does vizago work?

Vizago lets you cloak and then toss your cloaking device- meaning it can no longer fail.

I prefer using Intelligence agent instead- it lets you see where your opponent is going, and lets you position them with the tractor beam best to make sure they hit a rock/bump. It's also a point cheaper, and a generic.

Bring 5x Jakku Gunrunners with Arrays, Pattern Analyzers, and Intel agents- Tractor the fuck out of someone and melt them with your 2/3dice attacks. Sure, you have no mods, but they have no agility and no mods. Turn Defenders into Decimators.

Thanks man.

Is it possible to tractor someone off the board?

No, but you can put them in a position where they would have to fly off the board next turn

Not from a Jedi.

Hey swg, I'm a long time lurker, first time poster. I've spent the last few months working on a hobby project that consolidates all the RPG material. I still have a long way to go, but here's my current layout for the races. I would very much appreciate any feedback (good or bad) about the UI, or features you would like to see.

I thought you couldn't attack while cloaked

You can't, that's why you use EMP device or Slicer Tools because EMP is instead of attacking and Slicer Tools is an action. The jury is out though on whether or not you can use "instead of attacking" triggered moves while cloaked though.

As a man who recently started filling in a spreadsheet to store racial information;

Looks good to me. I assume the columns are filterable/sortable (as in, I can select to display races in order of, say, Agility)?

Have anyone seen the new Quad Battery Turrets yet for Armada? I heard some stores got the new wave already.

>Imperial Boba not even recognized as a ship on this website
>Friend insists on running him with every slot filled
>Friend wonders why he keeps losing

Yes, you can click any of the columns to order by ascending/descending (ex: highest/lowest Agility).

I thought about a spreadsheet, but I wanted to have the option for more functionality. I'm on my phone so I don't have a screenshot, but the Talent tab looks like the tree's from the book, but you can select them to get the full description

In the future I plan on being able to link available attachments to weapons. For example, you could select a rifle from the table, and list possible attachments.

Holy fuck, this looks pretty cool. I'd definitely use it, or give it to my players.

Which of the two games is better if I wanna get into competitive gaming?

Loopin Chewie

Thanks! I'm away from my computer until tomorrow, but when I'm back I'll see about uploading what I currently have.

I have 100% of the races, and the majority of Force and Destiny careers/specializations/talent trees. The item tab is just a placeholder.

I'm slowly making progress, but it takes forever to grab all this stuff from each book.

Gotta love how the trophy for the Loopin Chewie World Championships is bigger and cooler than the trophy for X-wing and for Armada.

Also, since I assume no feedback from the krayts means they didn't read/get my email with the bounty, do you want me to put Kessel Run stuff on the design in lieu of Krayt logos?

Does the Kessel Run even have a logo?

Get into whichever game you find more fun- If you are getting into a game to be competitive, you are going to play it a lot, so play the one that you like more.

It depends. In my armada group we are super competitive, but in other groups they are super casual.
My advice to your situation would be to go find your local groups for X-wing and Armada and hang out with them on their game days and scope them out. Sometimes the thing that helps decide between two games is realizing what kind of people you would be realistically playing it with.


Swg i need to talk about my players and the dumb shit they do. They are currently rhe three protagonists in a rebel story set in the OT empire era. They are acting so erratically i cant figure out whats happening, or what they are trying to accomplish.

They have the current goal of getting to muunalist to meet with a former separatist banker who has acess to a hidden vault that may give valuable supplies/information for the rebellion (it doesnt, but they dont know that) and it has taken them a few hyperspace jumps to arrive. They told me they wanted to do two things:
>1 stay under imperial radar, and not draw attention
>2 earn the respect of the black market to aid in rebel procurment

I was okay with these goals, and thought they were great, well planned, and well considered. I let them stop on Vinsoth on the way from Yavin to Muunalist and they met the Chev and Chevin. They hated slavery, and when they tried to approach the black market were given two options to earn trust of the local gang of thugs. They could run slaves, or run ryll. Essentially people or space crack.

They choose the ryll, but without any provocation or warning they berated the drug manufacturers, killed a bunch of people, and torched the gang crack den. Then they were pursued off world, and decided to leg it. I thought that maybe they had forgone the 2nd objective due to the unsavory characters they would have dealt with. They told me they wanted to help the rebellion, not help people poison themselves. I am okay with this, and made changes accordingly.

They then jump to a small agri world named Generis, and after hearing an obvious distress beacon, decide to ignore it and land at the world's official spaceport which was also an obvious pirate stronghold. The imperial presence was nonexistant and they decided to confront the pirate king.


They get in to meet him, posing as good traders, watch the pirate king kill a man, and then decide that he needs to die immediately. They start a firefight, and with the use of their freighter's cannons do very well. However, an imperial taskforce searching nearby jumps in system and DOESNT ignore the farmer's distress beacon, find out about the pirates and decide to "liberate" the pirate stronghold and reassert imperial authority.

The imps show up in the middle of the firefight and shut it down pretty quick. They destroy the base defense turrets, and begin landing sentinels and lambdas as well as flying TIEs in as top cover. They dont shoot at the players, or their ship, since they really are just returning fire from any pirates that shoot at them.

The players however, when confronted dont try to explain themselves, make themselves look like pirate captives, or even as a freighter crew trying to do the right thing (which they are) instead they just leg it and act like idiots. They of course manaved to get the ship, and get airborne, but are about to get jumped by a lot of ties and landers. And even then if they make it to orbit, at least 1 ISD and probably more than that.

I feel like this murder hobo attitude is not okay. And as mean as i could make Imperial entanglments and pirate/blacksun bounty-hunters, it would start fucking with the story a bit.

How the hell do i deal with this shit? I already talked to the players ooc about it, and they dont want to retcon the last two sessions, and they still want to hold onto their two side objectives, but they are purposefully initiating combat and ignoring story hooks. They dont seem to realize that they are being murderhobos and yet continue to do shit like"this guy is annoying, roll to blast him"

best setting for fanfic?

well, what kind of fanfic?

whichever one you want

from experience, the clone wars are probably best for writing the kind of crap fanfic that people like me enjoy laughing at, but is also good for character study-type pieces
If you want to write straight military stuff, it's either the clone wars or the Legends ICW that wins straight out
Pre-Vong NR is probably the best era for Jedi stuff if you don't want to make the utter fuckery of the late OJO a major part of the plot. I suppose the ToJ era would be great as well, but nobody actually uses it

Newcanon is really good for nothing, except possibly something savagely mocking how retarded the NuRepublic is, but that could easily turn out retarded and terrible

The Zone of Alienation circa 2011-2012. Or the Imperial Civil War era. Whichever one sounds more fun.

>Joshua Starwalker is a Legendary Jedi Master, who fought for the Jedi Order and became a General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars against the Confederacy of Independent Systems; Joshua played a vital role during the time known as Darth Bane's Reckoning; Joshua survived Order 66 and became involved in one of the earliest conflicts against the Empire; Joshua Starwalker would later become a Rebel Leader during the final days of the Empire and help bring about the end of the Empire; following this Joshua Starwalker became the first king of Tatooine. He is the second born son of the Kiffar Guardian, Jaster Mereel and Korun Ambassador, Leilamiochi Starwalker. Joshua Starwalker along with his older brother Elijah Starwalker and their elder cousin Bobby Stormwalker became one of the most renown and respected Jedi of all time; and as such created a legendary Jedi Dynasty. Joshua's greatest feat was wining the Clone Wars for the republic as he defeated his former Master Darth Tyranus and General Grievous, becoming intergalacticly known as "The God of War".

Count Dooku then stated “What a reunion this is my former master, and my former padawan, all that we need is Qui-Gon Jinn and this would be a real party...anyway good-by my master, we shall all die together” just as Count Dooku said that he hit the self-destruct button. They ingested in as lightsaber duel that seemed even until Yoda delivers a powerful force blast and Yoda is winning. However before Yoda could finish his former padawan he is distracted by a powerful force vision in which He saw the burning of the Jedi Temple. Darth Tyranus then took this brief moment and proceed to blast Yoda with Sith lightning.


>fanon wiki
Don't bring that evil here

>As Anakin flew down the tunnel he was greeted by 2004 battle droids and bounty hunter Aurra Sing. When Joshua finished flinging down his tunnel he broke through a room. Inside that room Joshua saw Plagueis reading a book siting right next to the security cameras. Joshua didn’t hesitate to start battle, rushing Plagueis with blind rage. Plaugeis unsurprised and un-amused quickly bested Joshua. However a furious Joshua soon rose to do battle again swinging wildly. Plagueis defeats him although he almost was hit with Josh’s saber. Plagueis now a little amused stated “I’ll let you live. There is some quality in you” Plagueis then stabbed Joshua in the shoulder.

>As Anakin rises Plaugeis continues “Never trust anyone, not your loved ones, not even yourself. Now Go!” Anakin leaves and Plaugeis turns his attention to Joshua, and places his hand on Josh Plaugeis does his chant and proceeds to tell Joshua “I am your Master. You shall tell me what you regard as your strength, so I will know how best to undermine you. Tell me your greatest fear, so I will know what I must force you to face. Tell me what you crave most, so I might deny you. Tell me what you cherish most, so I know what to take from you.” “Yes, My Master”

I remember that thread. Wasn't he partnered with a waste removal expert or something like that?

Alternately do a fixfic where the new republic wasn't completely idiotic.

That's actually part of a premise I'm running with which is basically rewriting the nucanon era to a space cold war between the new republic and imperial remnant, with the resistance and first order being their extremist offshoots openly fighting each other in the outer rim and unknown regions.

That was a Roll20 app that got mocked here for a while user. Not fanon.

>Joshua stared confused thinking if this strange man could be the Jedi of Legend, the man who joined the first Sith and killed the last, but he was only a myth, or was he. Just then out of nowhere the man reapers as a force ghost and tells Joshua to travel to the Mustafar planet. As he is about to distappear Joshua asked if he was in fact the great Jedi, he responded “yes” and Joshua asked what was his name and the ghost responded “George Lucas Qel-Droma”. George then told him that he will train Joshua to defeat the new Dark Lord Darth Vader. Joshua asked George who this Darth Vader is and the response was Anakin Skywalker. Joshua was in disbelief but George continued telling him that in order to defeat Vader Joshua had to control his pain and anger and channel that it to a weapon of light, to clear his mind and his heart. Joshua was about to decline George’s grandiose offer, feeling preoccupied with finding the Book of Revitalization, but then remembered all his friends and Elijah, and Bobby, and felt that it was his duty as the last of the Jedi to avenged their deaths and destroy the Sith.

>George Lucas Qel-Droma
>George Lucas Qel-Droma
>George Lucas Qel-Droma

I'm sorry, user, this is the only path left to me.

>>George Lucas Qel-Droma
This shit has to be a parody, right?

>At first training seemed easy, just doing simple things like lifting heavy objects with his force power then it got harder like lifting the biggest mountain on the planet (90 stories tall) then picking up two mountains with two hands then both of the mountains with one. George then taught Joshua to focus on his saber while picking up the two mountains. When George felt Joshua was ready he took him to a secret and sacred place of the planet when out of nowhere a clone of the extinct Massassi tribe came and battled Josh, when he bested the Massassi clone it disappeared then returned with four more. After sometime Joshua defeated the fearsome five, and George congratulated him, they went inside a dark cave which lead them to a door, George opened it, and force pushed Joshua inside. Joshua had been transported to the First Sith War. He was immediately confronted by two Jedi who were being chased by 11 sith that surround the three Jedi. The three Jedi just look as they were going to reach their approximate doom, then Joshua charged at all 11 of them killing 9 while the other two Jedi finished off the rest. Joshua was baffled by this, he didn’t know what was going on but he pressed on. The War lasted 4 years and Joshua killed and saved twice as many lives than George.

What about a Taoist interpretration, where dynamism wins over central control and the galaxy dissolves into a hundred small polities connected by a circuit of trade?

>Alternately do a fixfic where the new republic wasn't completely idiotic.
I mean I guess you could, but in my experience those kinds of fixfics tend to spiral into million-word autism odysseys really rapidly, (see mass effect) so I can't in good conscience make such a recommendation

>Tears then fall form her eyes as she says “Joshua that’s not what I mean...we have to leave this Rebellion...for all three of our sakes she then puts her hand on top of the hand Joshua has on her stomach. He is confused and knocked back by this statement and tells her “How can you say that, how can I give up on a cause I truly believe in, I believe we can win Mara I know we-” Mara Jade then erupted with emotional furry saying “NO YOU DON’T! YOU KNOW NOTHING! I’VE SEEN WHAT HE CAN DO, WHAT HE’LL SEND AT YOU!” Joshua is clearly taken back by this and Can’t muster words to say as she continues crying saying “What if he sends Vader, what will you do? Huh, What Can You Do!” Joshua then tells her calmly “I can handle Vader, George has taught me-” She then cuts him off again and says “All you can say is George this and George that, well if he comes George isn’t going to be there to coach you through it! George won’t be there to help you, to save you when you need saving! What will You Do?!!? YOU CAN’T WIN!!!!!!!” Joshua then yelled at her for the first time since they met and He screamed “I GOTTA TRY! I HAVE TO TRY,OR ALL THE DEATHS WE HAVE CAUSED, ALL THE PEOPLE AND THEIR SACRIFICES WILL HAVE BEEN FOR NOTHING! HOW COULD I EVER LOOK AT OUR CHILD IN THE EYES KNOWING THAT ITS LIFE IS HELL AND I, EVEN IN THE SLIMMEST OF MARGINS, COULD HAVE HAD A CHANCE TO CHANGE THAT!...I love you with all my heart but do not ask me to choose between my honor and my family. Mara Jade then looked deeply into Joshua’s eyes and told him as she wiped the tears in her eyes “Don’t ask me to watch you, die, because I have seen enough good people die. Our child needs a father not a dead hero."

The world may never know.

>As Joshua stands in front of of his squadron of rebel soldiers, he turns toward them and addresses the nervous men and woman that stood before him, a grand army of the republic. He began to speak “Today, in mere minutes fate will come barging through our doors, it will look each and everyone of us in our eyes and speak to our very soul as it tells us: you're time has come; we will say no, fore we alone choose our fate, we alone will not falter, will not wavier from our desired task. Until the last man, till the last lightsaber,till the last blaster, we fight ! We WILL FIGHT, fore we do not battle for ourselves here, not any of us. We fight for the person standing beside you , I fight for each and everyone of YOU !!!” the crowd roars as Joshua continues “Today our might will know no end, we will strike with such fierce determination that the heavens them selves will open through it's ominous clouds, and shine upon us, as we smite the evil that tries to reign yet another blow upon us, we will face the Sith in open combat, this will be the last battle...Let Us end it, let us go home as to be with our wives, husbands, and children, free of tyranny...Let Us fight one final time, I ask each and every one of you raise your lightsaber, and your blasters, ignite them, blast them; for freedom, as the Sith come we will shout: you may take our lives, but you will not take our FREEEDOOOMM!!!!!” the Rebels roar with overwhelming vigor, and chant “FREEDOM!” as a sea of red light appears before them.

Fuck this, I'm out. The vast canon of the Starwalker universe is too much for me.

I actually like that idea a lot, it'd be interesting to see how such a situation would change the dynamic of groups like the jedi. You probably wouldn't have a central order, let alone a council. Just individual knights travelling the galaxy, righting wrongs, protecting people in need, and passing their lessons on to individual apprentices.

You're definitely right, but in this case we have the convenience of legends data books and articles to pick and choose from where all the most autistic details are taken care of. My premise is moreso for the purposes of having FUCKHUEG space battles because my party are big Legend of the Galactic Heroes fans.

Yeah, definitely a parody.

I really have no idea, even if this is a parody, the fact that it goes on for 76 pages and uses the actual photos of his family members worries me more than if it's just some unbelievably uncreative autist. For what it's worth, here's what he has to say for himself:

>J-Fizzel decided to create this character 4 years ago after watching all six Star Wars movies again. Along with his brother, J-516, they decided to make their own universe that would correspond, yet stray from the films. J-Fizzel's character of Joshua Starwalker is based on the actual Jedi Master Quinlan Vos and his exploits during the Clone Wars. In this Universe Quinlan Vos still exist and all of his activity before, and after the Clone Wars is still canon. However Quinlan's role in the Clone Wars of this universe is greatly diminished to that of a minor character. Everything Quinlan went through during the Clone Wars happens to Joshua. The reasoning behind it is so the reader is able to believe Joshua Starwalker as a formidable Jedi that can stand toe to toe with Sith elite such as Count Dooku. Other than this small portion of a much larger scale, EVERYTHING is 100% ORIGINAL.

That last sentence really makes it sound like a parody.

Any other Imperial Assault players in here?

Anyone have scans of the full campaign books for the expansions? Like Return to Hoth and all that? The books on Fantasy Flight's site are just the rules, none of the campaign maps.

>million-word autism odysseys really rapidly, (see mass effect)
Oh God, don't remind me, I was really into that shit back in high school

I went to an FLGS today and saw that they had a few y-wings in stock so I grabbed two of them. I'm pretty excited about it!

Finally got Thrawn today.
Also, my Barnes and Noble had a fucking Y wing in stock, so that's cool.


Why hasn't anyone uploaded Disciples of Harmony for us poorfags?

Wait, has there been some massive shortage of Y-wings? Maybe I'm just spoiled by living in New York with all the different game stores to choose from but I haven't had a problem finding anything recently.

there's so much shit awaiting reprint right now

check amazon for example just normal ass small ships are like $30 because everywhere is out of stock

this screenshot is just a third of the stuff


Y wings and K wings are out of production at the moment and are awaiting reprint. Hard to find right now.

>How the hell do i deal with this shit?
I sympathise, I really do.
But its mostly a case of bringing in some consequences for their actions, you've given them the freedom to go initiate things in a way they see fit and in some ways that's also given you the go ahead to deal with things as you see would be a result of doing those things. They're making lots of enemies, not making any allies and sooner or later that shit will catch up with them. Empire, pirates, thugs etc- the galaxy can get really small on a long enough timeline where there's nowhere left to run, because someone there is pissed off with them or just downright out for blood.

>The empire is a big lump hammer that will simply blast everything they own, maybe not the most agile, but they can keep just throwing resources at a problem until it goes away
>Thugs, generally are tied into organised crime groups and they don't like seeing their bottom line being chewed on by Johnny B Good's. Assassins... assassins everywhere to 'clean' the problem
>Pirates are a lot more cunning and can approach from two angles- land and space, maybe drive them off planet into a trap and wreck everything.

Don't pull any punches, the PC's haven't.

I had a longer version of this post, but lost it to trash mobile shit
But the short version is, if they're in it for sincere Vendetta against evil motherfuckers, give them opportunities to do it for free, and then if they're really for it, benefit the rebellion by REMOVE SLAVER like discount kebab, because despite certain horsecock enthusiast, possibility australian, nonsense, this is still a heroic universe
If they'd just murderhobo faggots, then give them increasing risky jobs for money until they run into North Hollywood time and have to choose between going to guns and dying hard or not, and dying soft

someone shared this a while ago, it's missing pages


On that note, how many y wing expansions do you all have? Is one enough or is it typical to get more?

The thing is they seem to lack some vital idea based on the fact that they are players. They run into something assuming they can do anything, so they do what they want. This isnt always what they SHOULD be.

Another example is that when they were assaulting the crack den, they found a chev slave inside. They talked to it, and threatened it. Then they let it go and it ran off. However they were 1 secong from blasting it because 'no witnesses' is a thing.

They hated that the gang minor boss owned slaves, but they werent really interested in freeing the slave, just killing the gangster. They even brought it up in their dying conversation with the gangster.

They are either retarded, or playing me, but this murderhobo two face attitude needs to stop. Should i insert a dmpc? I really dont want to railroad, but i want them to act with common fucking decencey.

Im considering inserting a jedi character soon that will guide them to the lightside.

Let them cause a little more mayhem, then have Alliance HQ call to chew them out for turning up the heat on their operations and try to reign them in. If they keep going after that, have the other rebel groups shut them out/sell them out - they're too dangerous to allow continued action with impunity. At that point they'd have every faction but the few hiding Seppies out for their blood.

Oh why can't you just be more like an American, the kids want to play hardball.
Play hardball with them.

>When using Jyn Erso do you count the ships in arc of the ship carrying Jyn or the ship you've designated to receive the tokens?
Any reference to "You" or "Your" refers to the ship that has the ability or euqiped upgrade card.

The only exception is the new Jabba The Hutt crew card for which people are expecting an erata or FAQ because with the rules as written he only applies to his own ship.

Some ships already have full stop moves if that's sort of what you're trying to do.
But seriously you're playing a dogfighting game on a 2D plane.
Just use the rules that exist and learn to not fly off the board.

Because im convinced that they dont want hardball, they just dont know what the fuck to do. They see a situation and dont know what to do so they default to fight or flight. If they had the deathstar they wouldnt use it out of anger, but they would use it all the time, mostly because everytime they hit a difficult challenge, they would just say
>cant we just deathstar it?

You dont play with tractors do you? Or center heavy rock placment?

You only need/want one. The only thing good about the expansion itself is the ship. The aces are generally not worth bringing and none of the included upgrades are that good, except maybe R5-D8.

The Y wing is good (competitively speaking) for only one build, and that's stresshog (Gold squad pilot, R3-A2, BTL-A4 title, Twin Laser Turret)

Just play by the rules and git gud.

desu, MOST metas aren't tractor heavy. They aren't the effective against people who know what they're doing.
>center heavy rock placement
Not uncommon, but you still have no less than range 2 on all sides of that asteroid field and a rock is a lot better to hit than a table edge.

It sounds like you've got a young meta (in that most of you are new to the game) and you haven't exactly gotten a handle on how to deal with certain situations yet. Keep playing and practicing before you start fucking with an overall decent ruleset.

Horton is pretty solid with R2-D6 giving him expertise or VI. Very accurate and/or PS10 torps/TLT is good. Generic TLT caddies are fine, too. Some rebel swarms run golds w/ plasma, extras, and targeting astro as some extra beef/punch.

Would you recommend getting more than one y wing expansion?

I have 2 but I rarely use both. I don't play much rebel swarm desu so I may be biased. 1 is probably plenty unless you just really want to fly 2.

>Garm Bel Iblis teaches dodgeball

I am considering more than one because it's the only source of r2 astromech

If you guys want to use the app as is, here's a download to play with. I'm only done working on the Race tab, but feel free to take a look at the others (though they are missing a lot).

This is my first time attempting to code a UI, so I know there's a lot of work to be done there.


I'm new to the game but I've never seen a rebel swarm before, are they even viable?

Is the r2 astromech that good?

Disregard Meta

Quick questions:

1) I'm trying to build a list for fun of Poe Dameron/Red Ace/Blue Ace; anyone got any ideas? My ideas keep running to 101 pts

2) Does anyone think that Bossk would make a good Z-95 pilot, independent of the Hound's Tooth title? I asked this like a month or two ago but I want to gauge interest again

Yup, there's even a bunch of variants.

You've got the Blair Bunke type swarms:

2x Ys w/ targeting astro, plasma torps, extras
4x Zs, 2 of which have tracers

A swarms:

Adapt/Crack/Autos, Crack/Snap, Juke/Snap As either x5 or mixed in with stuff like Ops Specialist Zeb, Rex, Swarm Leader Jess, Biggs, etc

Junkyard Dogs/Fair Ship Rebels/Gerry's Kids

Biggs, Rex, and some combination of Jess, Braylen, Thane, stresshog, Wes, and soon the autism cruiser.

And it's not as popular nowadays, but 4BZ or BBXXZ can still do work.

It's not often you'll want to run more than one thing that wants R2 astromechs though, Y-wings definitely want them but most people only run a single Y with R3-A2 and pretty much everything else either has sufficient greens, doesn't generate enough stress to need better greens, or really prefers more specialized astros. I guess if you wanted to run 4 T-65s or 4 T-70s with integrated astro then R2s are probably the best astros for that though but I don't think that's worth buying four Y-wings to do.

People used to run a list of 2X, 2B and a Z-95 but I've tried that a few times recently, as well as that with the Z swapped out for a rebel TIE, and I don't think it matches up well against anything that's popular these days. Shit just dies too fast, even B-wings get shredded like paper by most lists these days.

>implying the empire is evil motherfuckers and needs a vendetta

It's a little funny, honestly. When Empirefags show up a few people are quick to say "b-but the empire kills people!!" when nearly every cringe story or tale of murderhobos is people being edgelord murderhobos AGAINST the Empire.

I'm excited for the Heart of the Empire expansion lads. I want those riot cop stormtroopers. I want to beat the rebel characters senseless with batons and shout "STOP RESISTING" at their respective players.

I want walkers that aren't garbage

>missing pages
How does that even happen?