>make a lesbian PC
>all female NPCs are straight as fucking arrows and unrealistically unwilling to cheat on their husbands despite my TWENTY CHARISMA.
Rage at Shit DMs thread
Go fuck yourself, you dyke impersonator.
Why the hate, asshole?
Homophobia is wrong, user.
I miss having quest threads on this board.
This is a bait thread.
But in the slim chance it's real, you should realize that most people are indeed straight.
>unwilling to cheat on their husbands
Even 20 charisma only gets you so far dude.
All I'm seeing here is a great setup for lesbian rape, which is, like, one of the best kinds of rape there are.
Samefag spotted.
Low quality bait is the best bait. Go on, give it a nibble luv.
If you don't react to lesbian rape ingame the same way you'd react to a guy raping a girl, you're scum.
>boy-hungry trap character
>creates zero drama, is loved by everyone
>hawt lesbian character
>infinite drama and creepy bullshit
I don't know why it always works out this way, but it does.
Newfag here, how do I identify bait? I've seen these threads before, what makes this one bait?
So... Fucking hot, right?
I want to fuck Kei!
Considering that after the third reply the poster count was still 2, you're probably right.
Homosexuality is wrong, user
Tip N° 1:
If it's all greentext and not storytime, it can safely be dismissed as bait.
Your comment is literally breaking the rules and belongs on /pol/.
OP here. I GAVE you the story! I made a lesbian PC, because I am, guess what, a lesbian. The DM then said none of the women my Sorceress approached were interested in some of that old yuri magic because they were straight, no matter which ones I tried, and even rolling near-maximum results on Diplomacy (and Intimidate, once or twice) convinced married ones to cheat with me despite that being a normal thing for women to do when shackled to a man like you, fucking asspig.
So, the GM is shit because he didn't let you seduce married NPCs? I mean, this complaint really makes you sound like some sort of spergy That Guy prevert. You do realize that, right?
>one of
Coming on to strong there my friend. Bit of advice, when baiting less is generally more, assuming you don't want to be found out. As is this is pathetic and over the top enough that no one will believe it. At least I really hope it's not real, cause if it is I have now seen the female equivalent of a deluded neckbeard, and it ain't pretty.
Fuck off with your fake concern trolling asshole.
This board always replies to bait because it's the most autistic board on Veeky Forums. So if you want to fit in, reply to shit like this
Girl on guy rape is best.
Pretty much this. OP is really going all out with this bait.
Now who is actually dumb enough to engage him?
I'm not trolling. I'm pointing out that your false flagging and bait aren't going to fool anyone.
Apparently I am, assuming calling them out on it while saging counts as engaging with them. Out if curiosity we allowed to report this sort of shit? I mean I know we can report pol threads and whatnot, and I generally do, but is it allowed to report this manner of shitposting?
Threads like this are typically left to rot and only deleted if it goes way off topic and a bunch of people report, in my experience.
But what about Orc on Elf rape?
Can we derail a bait thread with bait? When did you realize d20 was shit?
Nah fuck of mate, if the DM doesnt want lesbian sex their wont be lesbian sex.
Insufficiently advanced to titillate Veeky Forums these days.
You can be the best motorbike salesman in the world, but if i'm looking to buy a car, I'm going to buy a car.
Sorry user but you a shit
Okay, okay, listen to me, then what about Elf on Orc rape?
Again, I think you will find that you cannot late a single tittle.
I'm a girl and I've been raped by a girl and its not fun.
>thinking fantasy reflects reality
It's a fetish, there's nothing rational about it. They don't think women actually enjoy rape.
Not with that attitude.
>Just once want to play a cute girl that develops a relationship with another girl over the course of a long campaign
>Something that isn't bs'd or forced and takes a lot of time to get to
>Don't even want to play a "I AM LESBIAN" type girl, want it to be subtle
>Massive backlash against anyone playing girl characters, let alone ones that would show an interest in girls
Kill me.
OP starts a thread with a semi-legit topic - Bitching about bad DMs. Then OPs contribution to the thread is a clear example where they are in the wrong and references a bunch of incinderary topics as well. Basically, if you read OPs post and are shocked at the level of autism, it is bait.
Sooo, to actually have stuff to actually talk about.
I wouldn't call this as raging as DM's shit but so far I have a concern in one of my games I'm in
>join tournament game which is about fighting with semi optimized characters
>made a combat sniper type character
> 5 sessions in and no combat and heavy RP
I enjoy RP as much as anyone but I feel kinda out of place when all my character was made for was for a fighting tournament and the RP is semi interesting but I'm waiting for the payoff for the tournament to actually begin. Otherwise it feels like false advertising. Any one else had this experience?
If anything I've heard of the opposite.
GMs claiming to have moderate or story driven campaigns but then they turn out to be these combat heavy things.
Alright how many levels of irony are we operating on here?
Yeah happened to me in the past but I tend to make balanced characters so those tend not to be a problem, just kinda funny how its the opposite case here. Been blessed with decent players and gms so far
First and best sign is "It's going to start shit-flinging fest with high chance"
Second is "It's stupid as hell, much like a parody"
>I belong to a 4% minority
>I expect that everybody will belong to that 4% minority
>I expect that 20 on Cha gives me mind control powers
My char has 24 on Dex, does that mean I'm suddenly untargeteable?
>4% minority
Sadly there are enough real life people who already act like that. Truth is stranger than fiction and all that.
By that logic, having TWENTY INTELLIGENCE means my gnome wizard can make 2 = 3.
Who knew, you're actually right, is around 1.7%. 4% is the whole LGTB community.
I'm sure you could find a formula that proved it using imaginary numbers or something.
Right, you just outed yourself as an SJW male. or a wannabe lesbian who is actually bisexual and desperate.
>I belong to a 4% minority
But how many girls experimented a little in college, or at least thought about doing it? A 20 charisma will turn a lot of heads.
>I'm a girl and I've been raped by a girl and its not fun.
These things take practice. Stick with it and I'm sure you'll get there.
Alser, girls can't rape girls. Neither girl has privilege. Or a penis. And both are required to rape someone.
Good job outing yourself as retard.
Gr8 b8 m8
Nonsense. Fingers and toys work perfectly fine for raping.
If that's the best response you can make, you're definitely not a woman.
Meh that's basically normie sex because all elves secretly lust for orc dick.
desu senpai if your wizard cant bend the laws of mathematics to his will hes kinda shit.
Hope you recover or have already recovered user, cheers.
How many times have you masturbated to the memory?
I find that people who say things like this tend to be people who can't detect satire or bait and are trying to justify their autism.
>actual lesbians
>using the word yuri to describe themself
something tells me your doing it for the attention user.
you are not an anime
you will never be an anime.
Wow. That was a surprisingly good read. It'd be better without the porn, though.
Orcs were peaceful and getting killed by humans, so they switch their bodies with the humans that attacked them and go back to live with the humans, leaving the old humans as orcs. Except that they plan on being peaceful and no longer attacking the new "orcs".
Pretty nice story.
We're in too deep.
Aw. I was running a Gundam game once and although everyone had Gundams they were used a total of zero times. I think everyone felt like it was false advertisement.
I probably should have gone with a legit War, though, then using them would have worked. I just couldn't fit them into the "ok we're here just talking and now we're going to fight" plot.
Not that many people have sex outside committed relationships in college. It's something like 8%.
That seems like way lower than it should be.
Well, that's because most people don't consider what should have been a committed relationship in college as a committed relationship.
That doesn't mean they're not cheating on whoever they're with, though.
Not OP, obviously, but I just want to point out that the kind of people who make lesbian PCs tend to be That Guy/Girl and this might actually be legit. If it's bait, I'm still gonna take a bite and remind them that homosexuality is an abomination to all of the Life-domain gods and therefore they can't be or hang out with the best Cleric subtype.
>reporting when scornful comments would do
This isn't reddit, we'll respond the way Veeky Forums always does, discuss it to death and not help OP at all.
Eh, that's thinly-veiled interracial cuckolding, which is both a libshit meme and boring.
>fucking Yakuza 0 Best Boy .gif
My melanin-enriched sibling, fucking saved.
>Kill me.
Gladly, degenerate.
So every d20 thread is bait?
Yeah, because you have professors literally preaching that dyking out is female empowerment and it gets spread because it fits a convenient narrative the people in power want to perpetuate.
You would fail so hard at it that you will end up killing yourself
>Expecting a gm to change the orientation of any of his established npcs to fit your desires.
Entitled douchebag.
>women are perfect and can't be cunts! Especially lesbians!
What's wrong with you, son?
Nogamez detected, I envy your naivete profoundly. Lesbian PCs, in particular, tend to play like very creepy, aggressive male PCs because they think they get a pussy pass on grabbing pussy.
God-damn. It just feels like shitposters aren't even trying anymore, right? This is isn't the autistic rage-fest we want to hate, this is just... stereotyping. That's it stereotyping.
OP, you REALLY haven't put enough time into creating and developing this lesbian persona. We're just not getting that sense of rage or indignation that would really make this entertaining for us, or for you as well.
And, if I'm wrong, and you're actually not baiting... well, I'm sure you've already made peace with the fact that your personality is basically indistinguishable from poorly written lesbian blackface.
Come the fuck on people! We're Veeky Forums! If you're gonna bait, the least you can do is do it right and create a good solid character, you know, the thing we're supposed to be good at, and really sink into the role. The bait is fun because it's practically a freeform roleplay of Veeky Forums reacting to a bait thread. If you're failing to do this right... well, you're just making a bad RP that's even worse than your average Quest.
Come back when you're old enough to post here.
i really hope this post is bait because it's the cringiest garbage i've ever seen on this board
So leave faggot
>Come back when you're old enough to post here.
that's a really funny statement coming from an underaged redditor who actually uses "degenerate" as an insult
It's just wayne doing wayne. I don't even bother trying to fathom what he's doing any more.
>defending lesbian PCs
>Muh No True Lesbian Scotswoman
>Ending sentences with insecure questions, using ellipses, and employing reddit spacing
>We're Veeky Forums!
Honestly... I don't either. I see a bait thread, and criticize it in whatever capacity I feel fitting. Usually with my own bait.
It is a well-crafted piece of work, isn't it?
>Lesbian PCs, in particular, tend to play like very creepy, aggressive male PCs because they think they get a pussy pass on grabbing pussy.
Fucking this. Gay PCs should almost always raise red flags, not because of any real or imagined war on gays, but because it means your player sat down and decided that their character's sexuality is going to come up enough that they needed a definitive answer.
Looks like a nerve was struck. It really is Summer!
>wants to play a lesbian
>does the Internet Tough Girl thing
>these responses
Degenerate is the exactly right word for what you are.
None. They're just idiots.
>It is a well-crafted piece of work, isn't it?
bait is supposed to make people angry, not make them cringe at how awful you are
It's just bad. You can't justify legitimately bad posts as "bait", it has to be at least somewhat clever.
Eh, I'm getting three parts irony to five parts idiot. Not a bad blend, really.
p-pls don't group us all with OP.
Some of us are just regular people looking for love and happiness on this floating rock, just like you guys.