I fear that fat Ali G is being neither 'satirical' nor 'ironic' in his choice of attire.
When I made my commitment to wargaming as a child in the 80's, the douches that listened to early hip-hop wouldn't have been caught dead within 10m of a gaming table.
The gamer set was fun, and the hip-hoppers were all wannabe gangsters, smoking weed, being violent (if cowardly) little shits and constantly trying so very hard to project 'cool'. There was no crossover.
This is my hobby. Wiggers stay out. Problem is the increasing ratio of retards is leading douchebags from other unrelated subcultures into mine and I DON'T LIKE IT.
Now find a segué into your favorite political topic. Nobody will notice, you're so subtle and skilful!
>Nope. It's literally "baby's/normalfag's first wargame"
My first wargame was Donald Featherstone's 'Battles with Model soldiers' circa 1982. Back then, other than Featherstone's works, most wargames were a $2 sixteen-page typewritten booklet made of photocopied A4 (with a light cardboard cover if you were lucky). My second game was a Medieval historical called 'Retinue'. It had a light cardboard cover that was pale yellow.
So fuck you, and fuck your disdain for 40k. I've been wargaming for 35 years and the best games I've played have always had simple rules that make the gameplay flow.
Not saying your opinion is wrong, just saying fuck you (smiley face emoticon)
>You cannot do it, because that's GW target audience
I'd agree that they're trying to appeal to a wider demographic (females, non-whites, not quite SJW's (no female marines...yet)). But their target audience? People that pay $150 for sneakers that cost $8 to make aren't going to pay NZ$74 for a single model that cost $0.12 to make.
I don't want them playing it at all. Seriously, look at the guy in my original post. Why is he playing 40k when there's fake gold chains to buy, hummus and falafel to eat, and white wimminz to proposition from the kerbside?