>make a trap PC
>all male NPCs are straight as fucking arrows and unrealistically unwilling to cheat on their wives despite my TWENTY CHARISMA and disguise checks out the ass
Rage at Shit DMs thread:
He doesn't have to cater to your magical realm bro.
>Bitching about husbands not wanting to cheat on their wives
Male npc's don't have to be straight to fuck your trap. I think your trap is just ugly.
I mean, sure, 20 Charisma, but that charisma is more of the "Conversational" variety.
>refuse to indulge autist who wants to ERP gay sex instead of adventure
Sounds like the group is good, you're just That Guy.
For people bothering to reply see
>that guy is enraged by straight people not wanting to fuck traps
traps are gay
you're unlikely to find overmarsturbating low test men outside of wizards towers and the nobility
I know about the other thread but the idea of not wanting to give Felix Argyle a thick shot of hot clotted cream does make me angry
Nice kool-aid bruh
Is this this month's fresh pasta?
Agreed, catboy traps are best traps
>using /polr9k/ slang
>not the actual low test
Just a reminder that traps are not gay.
Giving a feminine boy the dick and watching him writhe and moan while his tight ass spasms around your thick hard cock causing him to cum without so much as a touch to his smooth feminine penis is the most manly thing imaginable.
Why would you not go after actual girls as a trap?
Vaginas look like something that would lurk in the ocean and try to eat shrimp, they smell and taste weird and are just not good at all. Dick is love dick is life.
You know, I too used to think it was just a meme since I'm particularly above average in free testosterone and never really felt a particular attraction to large breasted women over, say, lolis; that was until I recently happened to cease masturbating for little more than a week and, in that time, shapely, mature women gained a whole new attractiveness to my eyes that they didn't have even during my teenage years.
it's probably still an overused meme, but I now can't seriously discard the idea of it being grounded in some form on reality, more than before at least.
the idea of testosterone having influence over behaviors is not far fetched after all, why shouldn't attention to secondary sexual characteristics not be included among these changes (possibly enhanced by sexual frustration not released through masturbation)?
>when I stopped masturbating, women I saw more frequently made me horny
>clearly the conspiracy is real
>there is no other explanation for this
>women I saw more frequently made me horny
The fact is, that despite having stopped masturbation during that period, both due to habits and increased temptation I did look for porn, mostly lewd imagery, and I noticed a distinct shift from my usual tags, mainly loli, to actually mature forms.
contact/vicinity with actual women was minimal as I'm mostly a shut-in, I wouldn't be discussing with you about how my pepee reacts to women under specific circumstances otherwise, I think.
Normalfag here, guys talk about their porn habits, sexual life and the like very often in all the social groups I frequent, assuming they are reasonably close friends and alcohol is involved.
You are just horny because your balls are full.
If you masturbate then they are not full and you are not very horny so you are pickier and you have more of a type.
It doesn't look like the trap is going after the girl there.
We already have one /pfg/ thea... oh, never mind.
What does /pfg/ have to do with this?
As others are saying you do sound like that guy. Even if I give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you wanted stuff to happen off-screen I feel like tour gm's response is pretty accurate.
I fap to 2d traps relatively often and I wouldn't go near anything that claimed to be one in 3d with a ten foot pole.
>being mad about not being able to ntr wives
Idk what to say to this. It just paints a sad picture of modern marriage norms.
>I fap to 2d traps relatively often and I wouldn't go near anything that claimed to be one in 3d with a ten foot pole
That's okay because nothing, male or female, will touch you except with a billyclub or taser
>I fap to 2d traps relatively often and I wouldn't go near anything that claimed to be one in 3d with a ten foot pole.
>I-I'm gay but not that gay!
Yeah, dropped. Any campaign without trap-fucking is no real campaign at all.
I, myself, hold the role that at least one trap must be fucked per session, and there should always be a mega-cute, but super-powerful trap DMPC who ends up in a holy bond of matrimony with one of the PC's.
And there's always a trap temple, of course.
To be fair 2D trap are just "draw a girl, give her a dick and call her a boy" , 3D trap can't even compete.