/STG/ - Star Trek General

Adventures Edition

Previous Thread A thread for discussing the Star Trek franchise and its various tabletop iterations.

Possible topics include Star Trek Adventures - the new rpg being produced by Modiphius - and WizKids’ Star Trek: Attack Wing miniatures game, as well as the previous rpgs produced by FASA, Last Unicorn Games and Decipher, the Starfleet Battles Universe, and Star Trek in general.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures, Modiphius’ 2d20 RPG
-Official Modiphius Page
Playtest Materials (via Biff Tannen)
>mediafire.com/folder/36m6c22co6y5m/Modiphius Star Trek Adventures
Reverse Engineered Character Creation.
Core Rulebook

Older Licensed RPGs (FASA, Last Unicorn Games and Decipher)

Other (Unlicensed) RPGS (Far Trek + Lasers and Feelings)

WizKids’ Star Trek: Attack Wing Miniatures Game
-Official WizKids Page (Rules and Player Resources)

Lore Resources

Memory Alpha - Canon wiki

Memory Beta - Noncanon wiki for licensed Star Trek works

Fan Sites - Analysis of episodes, information on ships, technobabble and more

Star Trek Maps - Based on the Star Trek Star Charts, updated and corrected

/stg/ Homebrew Content

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll repost these from the previous thread to get more eyes on them.

File 1:
File Name: Star Trek Adventures Core Rulebook Collector's Edition.pdf
Description: Normal Version
File Size: 38 MB
Download Link: sendspace.com/file/ra1chb

File 2:
File Name: Star Trek Adventures Core Rulebook Collector's Edition - printer friendly.pdf
Description: Printer-friendly version
File Size: 36.7 MB
Download Link: sendspace.com/file/u0um99

To download the files, simply click on the download links.

For the First Time in Recorded History, We Discuss Tabletop Gaming Edition

So what do people think about the Modiphius RPG now we've got a finished copy to look through?

I'm a bit torn honestly, I'm finding the art varies wildly in quality, it's very dense and doesn't leave me wanting to read any of it, and I feel that the mechanics are a bit clunky. As a rule I think the mechanics should be designed with a setting in mind, and speak to that. So I'm more than a little skeptical of Modiphius making one ruleset then using it for everything.

I know, It's concerning to me too.

I've added both links to the op-post, will make sure to note the printer friendly version next time.

thank you.
I wouldn't want some user trying to print the normal CE version, with its black pages with white typeface.

The rules seem fine to me. I like that you can use different attributes across different disciplines, it seems like it'll free up characters from being chained to their role. The Main/Supporting character dynamic is pretty sweet and helps in that regard too. Character creation seems good but I would like more options to choose from. Figuring out the threshold to roll under does seem like it requires a bit more thought than most other games (reminds me of THAC0 to be honest) but it'll probably become easier during play. The lore, fluff and flavour is pretty much perfect. The art is hit or miss but most of it works for me.

The one complaint I have is that the momentum and threat mechanic seems like something that will catch out a lot of GMs. Either threat will go unused or balance will be broken and the game will be too easy or too hard depending on how the GM plays and when/if the players gain threat. I haven't read through it all yet though.

To be fair, they have heavily modified the system to suit Star Trek, even as it has 2d20 at its core.

I'm liking it so far, from what I've read. The design for playing command level characters right from the start instead of lower deck nobodies - and the lack of bloated list of skills and talents you never going to use anyway - already raise this above the LUG and Decipher versions.

I also like how this handles starships. As their own unique characters with their quirks and history along with the crew running them.

But yeah, the art is inconsistent. Sometimes really good, sometimes not so much. But I give them credit for going for an actual art direction instead of lazily slapping screenshots from the shows as their artwork. And the 3D ship pictures are pretty neat.

So, overall, very good first impressions. But I've got to see how it handles in play, of course.

Alright lads, what with the excessive Cryptic jewery right now I'm looking to splash out on the T6 Vesta pack - they're pretty, sci-orientated, have hangar space, and are just about within reach. Thoughts?

Best sci/combat boats around, can mount dual heavy cannons and have hangar slots like you said.
So, if you wanna use something sci oriented that can still kick ass, you definitely should.

And yeah, this is odd, a ship sale AND zen charge sale simultaneously.

of course they hold a double sale this weekend, I bought a ship last weekend. Figures...

Sounds good, for reference, my current boat's a faithful (if unexciting) T6 Intrepid I got a few sales ago

Seeing as we're discussing the merits if T6 ships. Is the Malem Light Warbird worth getting?

The withering barrage looks pretty good (increase duration of cannon scatter volley) and the console (shoot 6 plasma torps at a time) looks also breddy gud.
So yeah, go for it.

wait, isn't the Vesta class a T5?
I assume you're referring to the T6 Multi-Mission Explorer ships? (Palatine, Brigid and Esquiline class).

Similar situation here, but I can't quite afford 'em - should I get the zen anyway and wait for next ship sale, or concentrate on grinding for a Paradox?

That might be a good idea.
Converting dil to zen atm doesn't seem like a good idea.
What with the prize being at 314 dil per zen while yesterday it was 294 dil per zen.

The Paradox is really nice to fly I admit.

To be fair, we do discuss Ascendency fairly frequently.

Is the Wells not better value? You lose the trait and the carrier pets, but it's a tenth of the price.

I had enough Lobi to buy one outright, so I did.
I do have an Eternal as well, which is also quite a fun little boat.

My one concern is that the Vulcan Nerve Pinch basically exists purely for science characters to be good at melee.

It doesn't seem to actually add much to a Vulcan tactical officer, despite being very fluffy for them.

Feels like it would have been better remapping your melee combat from Daring to Reason rather than giving you a melee attack based on Medicine or Science.

The security officer can still use his Security skill to do it, of course. And it does have the Intense quality.

Is it worth spending a Talent for, that's debatable. But melee abilities in a setting where everyone is armed with infinite ammo, pocket size disintegration beams are of limited value in general.

But then again, *all* the Talents have very restricted uses, so I guess it kind of evens out. Seems to me, an Intense melee attack for a security chief is about as useful as once per scene per mission Focus is for the a scientist Trill character or whatever.

Point taken.

I'm pondering mostly how I'd do up the Vulcan Star Fleet Intelligence character I played once (Sadly the game died).

Security + Command seems most likely?

Depends on what kind of agent he is.

Security for a field agent, Command for a more handler type, Science for an analyst, and an Engineer for Q (the Bond Q, not "Q" Q).

Then a bunch of espionage related Focuses and you're good to go.

Good point on the Analyst front. She was a data analyst (And winner of the Starfleet academy martial arts tournament in her final year).

Security and Science makes some sense.

Still, I suppose I shouldn't worry too much. It seems like PCs in this are all very well rounded. Even a guy at the absolute worst (7 and 1) is rolling vs 8s for the skill. With 2d20 that's a pretty decent chance of one success even at the worst.

She was a bit of a Mary Sue, joining Starfleet's endless line of half-breeds. The daughter of a Romulan defector and a Vulcan diplomat to Romulus. Though Vulcans and Romulans are functionally the same race.

Are T6 fleet ships inherently better than their normal T6 counterparts?

they're PvP hulls, so generally more HP and more console slots I think.

Why do so many Cryptic ship-skins insist on looking like ass?

Cryptic blows at design.

With some rather notable exceptions.

Also the Perseus, Gemini, and Pioneer classes.

Maybe Cryptic should stick to designing 23rd Century stuff...

Cryptic is fine designing everything but 25th century Fed ships.

This. It's so bad it has got to be a running joke that they can't into decent designs. To the point that things that should be good designs are often fucked up by a single huge stupid fuckup like retarded looking warp nacelles or weird bolted on hull shapes really poorly placed.

I'd argue that nearly all of their Romulan ships turned out great.

The Romulan ships are good, the 23c ships are good, the Klingon ships range from good to generic but not bad, the 31c ships suffer from the source inspiration but aren't bad in and of themselves. It's just the 25c Fed ships that Cryptic has issues with, because "lol we Mass Effect/JJTrek now"

Thank you for your sacrifice.

more sun hike art plox

happy to help, but I imagine many of us have been there with that game.

Sun hike?

brightball farwalk, whatever you call it

It's a very pretty book and the rules seem solid but I wish there was just some more oompf to it. As is it will work fine but I think I'm going to stick to trying to bend Machinations of the Space Princess to my goals.

For real dude, what the fuck are you talking about?

I'm assuming he's doing dumb synonyms for Star Trek.
So he wants more art I think.

Assuming this book is at all canon to somebody, the Constellation launched in 2285, and the Constitution was retired in 2290.

Sounds about right. For the most part, the Connie didn't see service in the 24th century.

Seems fine, I mean the Constellation is essentially a Constitution replacement, last of the pre-Excelsior exploratory cruisers.

True, though it does mean that Star Trek VI is an odd duck, since it's set in 2293. Also, the Miranda enters service in 2274, while the Nova enters in 2368.

That all sounds about right. It explains why they're decommissioning the Enterprise A at the end of The Undiscovered Country. While ships like the Miranda and Excelsior are taking on workhorse roles.

Their 25th century Fed ones aren't as bad as the temporal ships, mind.

Links are dead.Got a New one?

I think the Miranda should have an earlier service date, due to I think Reliant being seen in name and registry in TOS, but with the caveat the she could well be brand new in 2266 (rather than later refit to tmp styled).

The temporal ships only suffer from their source material, especially the Fed exclusive ones which are just the 23c ships with shiny future redesign. The 25th century ships have no excuse.



This is Admiral (You) in a nutshell. I'm impressed.

I actually want to run a carrier in STO and pretty much do this - Warp in, blow shit up, lauch hanger pets to ruin anyone still standing.

They're up in the folder in the OP.


I think your PDF reader has had too much Romulan Ale.

Only difference between this and my admiral (you) is that i would have rushed into the Ferengi formation and then started beam fire at willing AP-beams all over the place.

Then id recommend getting the Escort carrier.

Really? I was thinking the Herald Vonph Dreadnought Carrier myself.

Well, i thought you wanted to do a "akira flies in, torps everything to death and then unleashes runabouts upon the stragglers" thing.
And since escort carriers are basically Akira v2.0, i figured that would fit your intended purpose perfectly.

I just want a carrier to do that in. The HVDC is nice since it has lots of weapon slots, 2 hangar bays, has the Oblivion Gateway ability, as well as a fairly balanced number of consoles (something I actually like because of the flexibility it offers). Only drawback is how one has to get it - Lockboxes. I fucking hate these things. Either that or buy it from the Exchange for massive amounts of EC. Either way sucks.

Id recommend you buy keys, sell them on the exchange and get it that way.
Luck boxes are never worth it.

>want to try this new game
>remember that I have no group
>remember that I have no local friends
>remember that I have no spine to go make new friends
>remember that I have never played a Veeky Forums game
At least the book has some cool fiction.

That feel when that hits a bit too close to home.

I don't enjoy online games, but you should take a gander at them to dip your toes and get a little more comfortable so you can tackle your local stores :)

Put it up on Roll20, user, then post the link here. I bet you get a good group of people in on it.

Have you tried gaming online?

Chat room games are faster paced, while play-by-post games can get better in the mood and details of the setting. Both can be pretty good.

They can be really shitty too, but that goes with offline games too.

Is 11 console slots the limit that STO ships go to?

T6 Pioneer when?

We got the Miranda, why not best ship?

So how many Vulcanoid species are there and what are their primary differences?

Those bronze age Romulans in the fedora episode
possibly Remans

Aight Veeky Forums, how do you like my new ride?
Commencing image dump.



Looks better with that colouring than the normal one. As for the actual design of the ship, it's alright. Sort of like a Xindi Aquatic cruiser fucked a Vulcan ship.

And now for some more action packed images.





>that fucking star

>"You did well little fighter! A gold star for you!"

That's the holiday event ship I presume?

Yup, from this summer, just unlocked it today after grinding for it every day since it became possible to grind.

I skipped out on this one (don't play actively that often), but that is a very nice looking hull indeed.

The hull coloration is caused by the new ship item set.

interesting, might need to look into getting that set, it's a nice effect from the shield, certainly.


Did the artist intentionally make it look like a Constitution-class ship fucked an Imperial Star Destroyer?

I was wondering something similar myself.
That is one angular saucer section...

So, that makes three of us thinking that thing looks like a connie that fornicated with an imperial class?

It could be a goodish look for the rewrite of ENT that we did last(?) thread.

Make that four. That hanger bay and tower bridge can't be coincidental.

Fuck you, the NX's aesthetic both interior AND exterior was the best thing to come out of ENT


Caitian has wares if you have latinum.

I find Caitians to be silly.

