What is your favorite Veeky Forums movie?
What is your favorite Veeky Forums movie?
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Road to El Dorado.
Escape from new york
The Fall
was thinking of Starship Troopers because I play both IG and Nids but I'm going to have to go with my childhood favorite.
The Mummy (1999). Still the best dungeon crawl movie ever made, although Labyrinth is a close second.
Old boy.
I agree with The Mummy. Actually a great way to imagine the movie is that it's two simultaneous campaigns: One featuring most of the veteran players (the Americans and Beni) and one featuring just one veteran player (Rick) and a bunch of newbies (Eevie, Johnathan, and Ardeth Bay).
Heck, given some player attitudes I've come across, Rick is DEFINITELY a PC: "I only gamble with my life, never my money."
journey to the center of the earth (new version)
Don't try to fight it.
I legit just watched labyrinth, Jim Henson would be a great DM, he's funny and imaginative
Big Trouble in Little China!
Also the porn version, Big Trouble in Little Vagina.
>porn version
Didn't know there was one of those for this movie.
2nd'ing Big Trouble in Little China.
Also throwing in a nod for the original Terminator movie.
Sadly the Uwe Bowles version of Starship Troopers is more aptly titled 'Star-Shit Troopers'. I've heard that there's an Anime version that's actually true to the book, but never been able to find it.
Beyond the Black Rainbow.
Does Mad Max: Fury Road count?
Bakshi's Lord of the Rings
I came here to post this, Blade Runner, and the Drunken Master.
It will soud quite normie, but LotR trilogy. I'm too much of a Tolkien fan, and the films, while skipping few certain themes and doing a little things wrong, did most of it very right.
Separate strong points for realistic, and yet fantastic costumes and sceneries and no plastic fuckery, and soundtrack.
I only re-watched it recently after some years and I was really surprised how much I still like. I can't normally watch most movies without pausing every 20 mins to do something else by now. Movies I have never seen before. And then suddenly I start watching this old shit I already seen so many times and end up with getting sucked up for hours, basically finishing those 10+ hours of extended trilogy in two sessions.
I also quite like Conan movie even if I don't exactly like Howard's original writings much. And this is a soft spot as well. But nothing beats LotR. I can't believe to this day that the same people who made it butchered the Hobbit so terribly.
>I can't believe to this day that the same people who made it butchered the Hobbit so terribly.
It just goes to show the value of prep time.
Nothammer 2.047k
A Krull is fine, too.
It's on the recent side of things, but damn if it wasn't amazing.
>There are people in here legit posting movies made after 1995
You people are why gaming is in the shit state its in.
>muh good old days
One day I will run this in FATE or something
Currently, Moana. Good thing we're going to Chult next.
Isn't this what Spirit of the Century was made to play? Sounds like FATE is the way to go.
But I'd also allow Hallow Earth Expedition.