Has tabletop ever costed you a relationship?
Has tabletop ever costed you a relationship?
Kind of, although it wasn't the real cause.
I was dating a guy a few years ago through a tabletop group, the kind of guy when you meet him he just seems like the center of the world, so strong and handsome and self assured... I got into a lot of games with him, running games for one another, and we eventually hooked up. And for, oh, a year or so, it was awesome.
And then I started to notice the repeating pattern... He'd told me when we met about some old friends of his who'd turned out to be assholes, but as I met some of them through other people they all seemed like reasonable people who were upset and angry he'd turned on them. And I started to see it happen to other people, people he got along with fine slowly becoming more and more vilified by him, him taking any chance to blame them, to accuse them, seeming increasingly paranoid and irrational.
I tried to help him. I tried to get him therapy, to make him aware of what he was doing, to let him understand that he was destroying the people around him... But I guess that just caused him to turn on me faster. He started accusing me of cheating in his games, of actively trying to undermine his characters or working against him in games I ran, until I couldn't cope with it anymore. Eventually I just had to leave, to completely disconnect from him and everyone still around him... Then again, by that point, I was closer friends with the group of exiles who'd all been driven away by him than I was by the crowing sycophants, the only people he actually kept by his side.
So yeah. That was a fucked up couple of years.
I met my ex-girlfriend of 3 years via historicals. I used to play against her father a lot (they are a Polish Jewish family, I play Wermacht in Flames of War, looking back it was honestly a weird situation). Her dad introduced us and we got along well, started dating. I actually flew out to Gdansk a couple times to meet her extended family.
However eventually she started getting into wargames as well and she wanted to play the same ones that I did. But she kept painting the uniforms wrong because she thought it looked better. I told her the point was to be accurate, she disagreed and we started to argue - at first just over that but soon all the fucking time, about anything. It was unbelievable, we had to split up. I don't even talk to her dad anymore. Krysia, if you're reading this IT WAS THE WRONG FUCKING SHADE OF GREY.
Haven't followed adventure time, but is the OP's pic still relevant?
Apparently Finn lost an arm and it got crazy with his dad and I just went nope.
The rabbit hole looked way too big
I don't think tabletop is any kind of a cause except maybe imagined.
Wrong insult. What you're looking for is 'faggot'.
Glad you got out.
I met my partner through an exile group like that.
I've used Diplomacy to break up a relationship and then hookup with the girl. Life lesson, if you don't know who's the sucker at the table, for god sake don't play Diplomacy.
>jumping to that instead of gay
Did you even read the post?
Nope. Because I am one of the few smart people who learned the lesson that you never get into a relationship with someone who has the same hobby you do.
My wife of 7 years is really not into this stuff at all, and I don't try to make her. She is just supportive, knowing what to get me for gifts, and lets me go play games with other guys. Otherwise she helps curb my proclivity for buying stuff I don't need, and spending too much time on it.
If she leaves me because of my hobby, then I know it's because I am spending too much time on it or am letting it become an addiction that gets out of hand.
It's all about balance, especially in a relationship.
Not tabletop, but online (mmo) roleplay.
I had been friends with a girl IRL, really close. I'd say best friends. From the get go I had been clear with her that I wasn't interested in ladies, and she had been clear I wasn't her type.
... far forward a few awesome RP campaigns on that mmo. We were DMing a big war between two guilds, the kind of thing that's pretty hard to pull off but is very satisfying. She was on one side, the "bad guys", I was on the other with another person, who was co-leader of the "nice guys" guild.
She got so damn jealous of my co-leader, someone I really liked but had no real relationship with outside of roleplay.
She started exploding in my face at any and all occasion.
Apparently, she had fallen for me and was extremely jealous of the other person, despite the fact that we were still talking a lot outside of the game and seeing each other IRL, which I did not do with any other player.
So our friendship ended there. I could not return in kind what she felt for me, and she was an ass and a drama queen to everybody (me included) because of it. I realized how toxic it had become.
Still hurts a bit because I really liked that girl as a friend, and the reason we parted ways was so stupid.
Yeah they're still not a thing. Finn's not really romancing anyone anymore, (although there's a nice episode with him and huntress wizard). That being said there's a really cool mini series called islands that goes into Finn's Parent's backstories. His dad used to be a pretty cool guy. I'd recommend watching the previous season first though, or a lot of it won't make sense.
Stop that.
>breaks up with gf over historical inaccuracies
Good man, don't take any bullshit.
Probably ESL my man.
Fuck dude, I've had that scattered over like 4 separate experiences. What is it with seemingly chill people in RP guilds losing their goddamn minds.
Fun side story, getting contacted by the police after my batshit insane GM in WoW told me she was going to murder some girl for ruining her special snowflakes RP plotline and then attempting to drive crosscountry and attack said girl. That was fun.
Guilds appeal to our instinctual sense of tribalism.
Fuck the red team!
Yes, just as I was getting into it I invited my friend to play, he was so autistic I knew he would end up ruining games and sperging out. So i stopped hanging out with him so that I didn't have to deal with that shit. He would always talk about killing himself and just be super autistic. He would like EEEE and turn his eyes up in the air if he really liked something.
now here, ladies and gentlemen, is the textbook definition of pathetic.
That's BPD, dude, gaming's not the issue.
I don't know. Mmo roleplay is indeed a very good catalyst for bitterness and drama. I suppose it's the fact that you're not seeing the other persons, and the lack of an absolute GM leads to some pretty nasty competition.
I still miss WoW RP though. Retail is shitty and the only people who are interested in RP on private servers are ERPers. I really wish I could get it back even with all the dumb drama bullshit that went on.
No, but a relationship cost me a tabletop.
somehow, I laughed cause of the last sentence
That is the lamest reason to break up.
I am disappointed in you user.
t. guy who paints his soviets as the ra 2 soviets
>Because I am one of the few smart people who learned the lesson that you never get into a relationship with someone who has the same hobby you do.
That's odd worlds of advice. my gf and I have never had to puzzle over what to do for date night, because it's always been game night. It's just easier that way.
Don't listen to this fool If she cared that little about doing a hobby right think of how she would have taken the rest of your lives!
>Jew caring about historical accuracy
Nope. The wife has tried a few times to play, but it's not really her thing. She'd rather play an FPS or at least skip the dice and character sheets and do some ERP
No idea. once I realized Finnceline wasn't going to be a thing ever I stopped watching
Finn is God. He is every character, all acting along different timelines of his existence ever since he created this reality from his home dimension where he's a sentient comet. He eventually refuses to go home, but his dad hitches a ride back to that reality while Finn stays to see how his universe ends up.
kek, please tell me this is trolling.
I honestly think you are right
Nope. Also the Lich gets turned into a giant baby and adopted by that senile little elephant lady
Last I saw Finn had met his mother and found a bunch of humans, but I stopped watching after that. I'm kind of curious if they actually did something that dumb
I've kept up with it since his father and the vampire series, about to go update myself on it, its the best kids cartoon out now, Finn is only LAWFUL GOOD character anywhere
Are we including opportunity cost?
If there's any risk of this happening, talk to them. Maybe leave yourself a day or two to calm down, but TALK TO THEM.
Games are still just games in the end, and not something to lose a friend over.
>unterraten post mein freund
>mein freund
This is bad German.
Just because I play Nazis in a wargame doesn't mean I'm a /pol/nigger.
That was the joke you imbecile.
I laughed. But still totally fake
>Grew up with playing 2.0 dnd with my older brother and his friends, he died when I was 15.
>moved to a new town after he died, met some computer nerd kids, who were vaguely familiar with the concept of dnd, offer to GM for them.
>open invitation to our whole group, my girlfriend heard everyone was getting together, she was kind of a jock(cross country, soccer, track)
>start explaining a simplified version of the rules to people, going through character creation.
>about 30 minutes into the even girlfriend has a random meltdown, due to not enough attention, basically threw a little temper tantrum, tried to guilt trip me, cried, and I told her to go home
The relationship quickly decayed after that night.
>Meet girl
>Girl is into board games
>Invite girl to game with group
>Girl brings new game
>Insists on teaching everyone how to play
>Does a terrible job
>No-one knows what they're doing
>Girl insists we play it
>Girl proceeds to curb stomp everyone else for first few rounds
>Everyone else is fucking lost trying to figure out how to play because she did such a shit job explaining it and won't let us look at the rules
>Everyone proceeds to target her in every situation possible
>She's the only one who knows what she's doing, so why target the guy next to you when they're just as likely to lose because they're not even sure what card stack they're supposed to be drawing from
>Girl proceeds to get mega pissy
>Calls players pathetic
>Says we're being vindictive and petty
>She gets curbstomped
>Comes 4th in a game of 5.
>Leaves group
>Sends message saying "We're just different sorts of gamers, I don't enjoy that sort of competitive gameplay."
>Unfriends us all on social media
>Group laughs our asses off.
Get gud, Ally.
Can't I just paint every shade?
Its half true, finn was a magic comet in a past life, but he was never a god and he didn't create the world or anything
That's the Helen (or Hylas) I'm searching for.
No , that is a bad example. Because each of them is different for another reason altogether. Some are uniforms of diffrent branches, some are officer uniforms, some are late war others are early war and each of them has been subjected to different degrees of degradation, either exposed to sun or humidity. I feel angry each time i see this picture posted and peopel try to use that as an excuse to paint their shit as a carnival of colors without any prior historical research.
How wrong are we talking here?
If user had seen your post beforehand, he'd still be getting sweet, sweet Jew pussy.
Very appropriate thread for a saturday night
so, in the end, it wasn't wargaming, gaming, or even the uniform's colors.
It was autism what slayed his chance for puss.
Even with all the cringe and autism, I still miss the golden days of WoW RP. End of BC to Cata were good times, I know now I was shit, my guild was shit, and the plots were shit. But fuck, man I still miss that stuff.
In college, it was a choice between going to friday game and listening to this clingy oversexual manipulative freshman who had problems, a lot of problems, and wouldn't take my advice to make use of the counseling services on campus because it wasn't the therapist she already had a rapport with.
I unfortunately in my dumbness, made time for her bullshit whenever it wasn't friday, because boobs.
But it wasn't enough, and she dumped me, and then dated a friend to try and make me jealous and play mind games, and then I just straight up started avoiding her outright and obviously and when she, her sister, and her small cadre of friends were in the way of the one way to get where I was going they confronted me about being a terrible person and abandoning her.
...fuck her.
Since her I've had one serious almost decade long relationship with a person who was ultimately a different type of toxic and now I'm getting over her with some casual dating with some women who are cool with that but one is way more into me than I am into her and the other is way too lax but I can see myself falling in love with her and her mythic level of bitchmode.
Now that we're all introduced, tell me about how you blew a chance to blow a load because of your games of make-believe.
>girlfriend is a nerdy 16 year old I met when playing minigolf
>because I live on my own, have a job and a car she thinks I'm the world's coolest guy
>no need to hide my powerlevel
>top notch sex to boot
I play two nights a week, sometimes three, and it's never a big deal
I hope the author of this comic gets their foot run over by a car.
>>girlfriend is a nerdy 16 year old I met when playing minigolf
>>because I live on my own, have a job and a car she thinks I'm the world's coolest guy
Uh...how old are you?
>assuming everybody is american
bruh I'm not him but I still know he probably isn't from the only country with an age of consent higher than 16
It costed me opportunity to make out and fuck hottest girl in school. She was my classmate and she was one crazy bitch, could literally break lesson because of tiny shit. When someone was roasting her, she could go cry or go punch clown in the face for joke.
It's long story, so, I'll divide it into 2-3 parts. Also, sorry for my english, I need practice.
We were 8-9th grade, some classmates got into their first relationships already. So, she was developing fast, attended some art classes and gymnastics, being pretty tall and having gorgeous butt and nice face, she was sort of girl all boys would fuck, but none would want to marry.
When I remember her behaviour now, I understand that she was fucking my brain for attention sometimes. So, she sits at my table because "she forgot textbook", teacher pauses lesson and goes outta classroom, because principal came to say some shit to her about school language tournament. I felt how bitch slightly touched me with her leg. No reaction given, I never did homework for some subjects, and was using pause to ready myself for buttfuck from teacher. Again. No reaction. She touches me with elbow. I finally turn to her.
- How's it going, user?
- %Teachername% always checks me. What do you want?
- Let's go for a walk today.
- Sorry, I have no time.
- Why?
- We agreed to finish DnD campaign with guys today.
Her face was priceless. She was so self-centered, and she knew about being 10\10 fap material. And I got her surprised.
- Maybe they will be okay without you?
- Nah, I'm cleric, and we got no heals besides me.
- Let's go to mall after 17:00.
- Nope.
- I'll meet you at %shop_name%.
- Nope.
- We're going for a walk today, user.
- I'm going for a perfect battles with thoroughly picked supplies and witty decisions.
Finally, she understood that I can't or I don't want to.
I'm 25, why do you ask?
I'm american, just not from a state with dumb age of consent laws
Truly you are our son
Part 2.
After this failure, she was trying all the shit possible to get me into her boyfriend or get me butthurt.
And no fuck was given by me. I was exploring WH 40k, ravenloft, all possible settings, building mine. If I haven't my party and tabletop, loneliness would make me fall for this foul wench.
To give you some picture of her personality and what she was doing, I'll list some of this shit:
>Follow me after school, talking about her life. I would be ok with that if she wouldn't try to spill shit on every human being bitch disliked.
>Be sweet with me for a week or two, help with pencils and pens. I forget those quite often. Proposes to meet at her house, watch films and play something. I deny. "Give me my things back then". Next months she roasted me about me being poor\ugly.
>Her mom proposes to our classroom teacher that other families should to sponsor me for a class trip.
>Classroom teacher asks me personally about it. I was very shy about being little hobo, so I deny.
>I ask teacher where the hell this idea came from.
>"You know it, user. Think about trip for little, you shouldn't deny it."
I was really thinking, class was going to second biggest city in our country, I still want to see some of it's museums and curiosities. GM called me, and I made final decision to deny.
>We write dictant
>English, not my native, and as you see, I'm pretty bad with it
>For month I was getting straight A's
>Teacher stopped checking me every lesson
>I haven't slept, mom stumbled and got her ankle fucked up, so I was in hospital
>I cheat this time
>She gives me list with "I want to go out with you this sunday"
>I wanted to read Dark Heresy addition book
>She snitches me to teacher
And after this I began ignoring her. She butthurted couple of times, but then went silent. I was calming myself that this madness is over, but I was never so wrong in my life before.
>I had to read your comment before I realized the image was AT related
Jesus, have I gone retarded?
I didn't even realize that was an adventure time pic until you pointed it out, none of those characters were drawn in a way that is even slightly recognizable.
Part 3.
So, when I was enjoying calm and nice life of little retard, she was scheming. How foolish could I be to think that persistance of this wench will wane?
>1. Bitch aknowledged my only school contacts: weaboo man and brown korean nerd.
>2. Begins pandering to weaboo man, meets with him 3 times\week, watches anime with him. He falls for it, speaks about his feelings.
>2.1. She friendzones him, saying that "%Weaboo_man_name%, I want you to help me with my relationships with user%. Weaboo man gets butthurt and stops even talking with me for 2 years.
>3. Gets her ass to korean nerd. He's into physics very much, but I'm only one who talks with him on that matter. She begins asking him about science, even says that she wants him to prepare her for elective physics exam.
>3.1. We stray further from each other because she just listens, when I often go in arguments. Loneliness intensifies, so sit in the Biology class and study even at breaks in school.
>3.2 Tries to hug him and get me jealous. When I say "Ok", she spregs out and three days after drops him. He gives no fuck, returns to me, we discuss shit sometimes, but I can't trust him anymore.
And here I was. Basically, I was absolute loner at school before 10th grade, but it's another story, and this story isn't over.
>I am ignoring her still, because I have daily portion of dialogue with my party buds and geeky conference in skype.
>Korean guy is childhood friend of Chad and chadsquad.
>Chad is playing his role when squad and crowd is around.
>We're left one on one in empty classroom with him. Awkward silence pushes him to start a dialogue.
>He's not so retarded. He says what was happening with weaboo man and korean guy.
>Flame from my ass can incinerate tarrasque.
>I can crush carnifexes with my sphyncter
>The butthurt is annihilating my mind. I ask him politely to give her a letter from me.
>Letter consists of just place and time.
>He delivers.
>fastforward to time from a letter.
So you're from Portland, Oregon?
other side of the country
Well, I'd say 50\50. I was denying her not only because I have been busy and wasn't interested in pussy, but also because she was one of the worst bitches I ever encountered.
Part 4.
>I wait her at the said place, time comes near.
>She shows up, and she looks so good that I've got a fucking boner watching she moves her legs. Clothes, makeup, hair, all done in somewhat serious, but suggestive manner.
>- What we're gonna do?
>Bites her lip, sits close to me. I grin wide. She smiles.
>- Getting your brain straight, my gorgeous piece of retard.
>her hope is gone.
>I say all what I think about her behaviour. I say that until she won't grow from childish and hysterical bitching, she's no more than a fuckmeat
>I'm ace when you need to spill shit on people for their undoings
>I tear her personality step by step, ranting, remembering every shit done by her to anyone
>I don't even care about being punched in the face at this point, I am some fucking mad prophet, blazing truths to heathen
>I know that she wants to murder me here and now
>But I continue
>Finally, after almost a hour, I stop
>- And that's why I don't want to be friends or whatever
>I wasn't not sure if she digs me because I lacked expirience
>Only later it will be crystally clear for me
>She sobs and runs
>I feel like an asshole. Then I remember her behaviour and think that my tirade was well deserved
>She stops fucking around after this. Some think that we making out. I reveal that I exorcised her
>Three\four years forward. It's 2016, I play with new party DnD 5. I'm cleric and next session will be sunday
>Through those years, she fucked up some schmuk's life, he was dragging after her for quite time. Then she was in sort of asylum, but got out, became feminist and lesbian
>Writes me
>"user, I was into you in school. Parents aren't home, I've got wine and some MDMA. Wanna come?"
>It's Sunday.
In the end, life is a cycle, eh?
No user, I was saying that you must be autistic If you thought someone would believe this shit.
>Only later it will be crystally clear for me
may I ask, what exactly?
and where do you come from?
isn't a 9 year gap a lot? That's more than half her lifespan difference.
No, but it has cost me my life.
t. marriedfag
Sure on paper it sounds like a lot but in practice it's not all that different from a 5-year gap.
We're both big dorks, we like each other, we like to fuck; we take it from there and it just works out.
It's not gonna last forever but while it lasts we're both gonna enjoy it.
That she wanted me to be her bf. When I understood this my thoughts were "How the fuck could I be that blind? Am I retarded or mentally handicapped?".
I'm from Russia.
>lying on anonimous site for cobold herders
Because of this
Christ user, half your age plus 7. Thats the rule. Half plus seven.
A 25 year old screwing a 16 year old is just fucked.
Nigga what the fuck
What about the opposite? Has it ever gained you a relationship?
My wife was one of my old players girlfriend when we first met. She got involved in the game, we got to know each other better, her boyfriend at the time dumped her, we hooked up. That was about 8 years ago now. We collect minis and game together.
>user why aren't you following this completely arbitrary rule you monster?
If they're both happy and sensible why does it matter?
Are you trying to defend a 25 year old havong a sexual relstionship with a 16 year old? Really?
My ex thought it was pretty cool that I ran AD&D for my friends. She took this to mean that I was an "Advanced DM for Dungeons and Dragons"
I was concerned when she told her friends this, but they all had the same amount of knowledge of tabletop as she did, so they thought I was way smarter than I actually am.
Yes, but only when I was the GM. Never as a player.
I suspect that being in charge, being prepared, and all the other shit you gotta do as a GM appeals to them.
Romantic relationship... no.
Relationship with a former friend, yes. Not directly due to tabletop; it wasn't over the game, it was playing together that meant we ended up talking more than we used to, and in talking grew to hate each other over irreconcilable political and personal differences.
Literally met my wife through a combination of DnD and MLP.
this man is everything right with Veeky Forums and anyone who would disagree with him should leave this board, never to return.
i too feel the ability to take a situation going well and ruining it for reasons that matter not at all in even the minor scheme of things is something to be proud of and emulate.
If they both like each other, what is the problem?
Would you rather have him with someone he doesn't like but is his own age?
Not that user but there's definitely a gap in life experience there that seems like it could rebound much more harmfully on the 16 year old than on user. It really depends on the people involved.
>bf with psycho bitch who destroys lives and manipulates until she gets what she wants regardless of the methods or reason.
Some might think that any relationship is better than no relationship. I beg to differ. That woman would swallow your soul and tear you up from the inside and leave you to rot.
B-Bait? Maybe? I'm not even sure anymore
Reminds me of the time some bitch in high school sat on my lap, effectively rode up against me on the stairway and once squeezed my knees because I'm sort of sensitive to that. She also stole my notes once, forcing me to chase her. Some of my friends even teased me about her being my girlfriend and I was like "no way fag!". Only after graduating high school did I realize she might've had a crush on me, and I'm still not entirely certain. Don't regret it though, she wasn't all that hot and kinda smelled.
I'm sorry to hear that mate. The only people I've ever met who are happily married are hyper-Christians. Marriage is a trap unless Deus Vult.
Can't lose something you've never had.
Either a pedo or losser.
>cheering internally
So was GF a bitch or does she just want the D
Fucking lossers!