Without just making a "snailzilla" how would I go about making a horror themed story with snails as the main theme?
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Fungus, spores, worms, all the worlds slimy creatures supersized
and this
The slime somehow makes you sick just by being around it.
Harpoon shooting carnivorous snails.
Ever seen Kong:Skull Island? Try and replicate the "Literally ever part of the environment has the potential to turn out to be a monster and kill you" tension, with giant Snails. Perhaps they're acidic and can carve out anything as a shell. While they may seem quaint at their current size, an almost formless, yet alive, giant blob appearing from nowhere has horror potential.
Heavy Weather.
Have you ever read the horror manga Uzumaki, by Junji Ito? It's about a town being taken over by malevolent geometry, with spirals warping and twisting reality. Snails are therefore a pretty major theme. Check it out, it's creepy.
People slowly becoming snails.
Now just add Shells and done.
A giant fucking horde of snails just eats everything plant-related.
Use them as a vessel for a starvation-crisis horror plot.
Stephen King, please stop trying to make scary movies out of things that aren't scary. Things were bad enough when you decided to call one of your monsters Shit-weasels.
They already exist.
Make it so they have a natural camouflage and their slime is extremely acidic melting anything that is comes in contact with. I think it would work better as just slugs (it would be harder to camo shells) but a species of snails that use animal skulls would be neat.
Snails mate by first stabbing its partner with a dart filled with spermicide in real life. So maybe they can turn humans into one of them by these darts.
Do what I did: there's is one snail about as large as a dog. It knows where you are and will constantly move to your location. The snail does not sleep, it eats while it moves. Slowly, constantly it follows you. You cannot run far enough or fast enough; it will find you.
That is how I do horror: constant, unending inevetability.
Beggars can't be choosers when you gotta fund your coke addiction.
Shin snailzilla
It's raining snails. Stepping on and killing a snail causes it to explode. This can kill other snails, creating a chain reaction. Players would have to make ability checks to do something as simple as move, because they need to find somewhere to step that isn't occupied by an exploding snail.
Go with some sort of seepong ooze. Don't make snails the enemy, so to speak, just have them be a constant physical reminder of the presence of the true danger - some sort of predatory liquid that infects and digests.
The players finding raw meat and corpses covered in snails, attracted by whatever waste the ooze produces, will teach them to equate snails with danger while also acting as a bit of a red herring.
Que a scene where they walk into a bathroom fucking covered in snails all trying to get into the bath, which is full of pinkish slop that was once a person and is now semi-digested goop.
Spectral, soul corroding snails slowly, endlessly crawling INTO you
"Sorry I'm late for class children."
user we both know you're just copying the exploding frog thing.
Exactly what I was thinking of.
Peopel are hypnotised by the rhythmic drumming of unceasing rain and are often found coated head to toe in snail slime as the snails swarm and eat them, first their hair making their head appear alive with a forest of undulating snails and then their skin or their lungs as the snails fill their nose and mouth in the victim's half-awake slumber.
as the rain continues and the damp and slime and snails fill them up, the moist and sodden corpses of those snail eaten wrenches bloats and finally bursts like a ripe pimple, and the snails march onward, back into the rain they came from.
Parasitic ear snails.
Bury it in a hole with salt?
And he STILL came in to work that day.
What a fucking trooper.
not scary
>sea snails
slightly scary
>flying snails
absolutely horrifying
Just make them the size of cats and they eat anything soft and there are millions of them. Think zombie apocalypse. Individually they're very easy to deal with, but you can't kill them all, you have to survive their presence.
They could easily be poisonous but they don't have to be. Like zombies, the zombies that convert you with a bite are scary, but they're scarier in a way without that.
here's some irl snail inspiration, predatory, cannibalistic wolf snail that hunts other snails, it's tentacles look like a mustache which is always a plus
cone snail. one of the most venomus things on the planet, the venom itself is remarkably complex so there is no antivenom, they stab you with their deadly, paralyzing venom and swallow you whole.at least it would it it was big enough, although it can kill a human it will probably stick to eating fish.
They lay eggs inside people that hatch like those parasitic wasps inside spiders. Think Tetsuo the Iron Man, only instead of metal, it's snails. The victim's body slowly morphs into a shell like husk for a colony of snails.
Meanwhile, at From Software
Oh man, this brought back some memories.
Giant african land snails are nasty as fuck my friend: washingtonpost.com
They're nocturnal, they live underground during the day, they carry parasites in the copious amounts of slime they secrete, and they're fucking HUGE.
Remember "Heavy Weather" episode in JoJo part 6?
The previous user was actually referencing real life aquatic snails, which use a modified raphe as a harpoon to spear and paralye small fish.
A snail that can use weapons is pretty fucking scary.
>nasty as fuck
I think you mean fucking adorable, friendo.
This right here,
And not limited to that.
Go crazy with the spirals.
Snails slowly becoming people.
Snails and slugs are full of parasites.
Some of these parasites can live for a while in humans. But they cannot live their full life inside humans. So they try to eat their way out. Which is fine if it's in like your limbs or something, but sometimes it happens in a part of your body that's very sensitive, or an organ that the parasite just can't get out, leading to endless chronic pain that has driven people to suicide. And if they get in your brain or spine, you're either dead or paralyzed.
Also, if you're an American living in the South-South, have fun. Tropical snail parasites have been migrating up thanks to climate change because Southern winters aren't as cold anymore, allowing these tropical snail parasites to survive higher up North. Especially Florida is hit bad, extrapolation of the current data indicates that all of Florida might already be crawling with these parasites.
Fuck you OP
But also thank you for exposing me to my phobias.
>hordes of snails eat all the cabbage
>group of brave monks has to embark on the path of war against them and save the garden
[Junji Ito] Spiral
It's not hentai though.
the floor is lava: acid snails wave from hell edition
No, it's Junji Ito, that's even better.
keep them small and flesh burrowing.
Like so..
I read a horror story as a kid where a boat gets stuck at sea cause there's no wind (it's a sail boat I am not well versed in nautical terminology) and it gets beset upon my baseball sized fleshy red carnivorous snails from the deep that dissolve their prey down like giant Berocca tablets. Could be cool in the right setting?
>Heavy Weather generates various rainbows to fill a vicinity If someone touches them, their body will morph into that of a snail.
Good shit
Fuck horror, go with this.
>Drop the cabbage and no one gets hurt.
A snail western, the slowest guns in the west.
>PCs end up in a dark area
>One PC feels something flicking against their arm or leg or whatever
>Shine a light at the flicking
>It's a jet black snail, tubular mouth flicking its radula at the PC
>Its eyes are stark white, pinpoint pupils contracting in the light
>It looses a hiss and retracts into its shell
>Shining the light up reveals more and more eyes extending from the shadows
>The hissing multiplies
>Something heavy falls from above
Get yourself a copy of this.
fast, really fast. Carnivorous & very, very hungry.
Longolier snail eating the world.
The killer snails ARE super slow, but super-durable, and if they actually get you your body spawns ultra-fast but squishy killer slugs, who make people they kill spawn ultra-slow snails, which spawn....
Snails are only slow while you're looking at them
This. Seriously.
Honestly it'd be better for them to move faster when you look at them - honestly seems like that's what they do anyway, you'll glance at them and they'll have hardly moved but the moment you stare at them for a good second is when you realise they move at about the same pace as a spider when they want to.
also: just letting the fuckers fly with little wings would terrifying enough.
Just bbbbbzzzzzzzzz and then schluckpusch as they smack wetly into your face and STINGSTINGSTINGSTING and smearing the most viciously viscous slime over your face as you try to get your fingernails under their foot and tear them off you
And then there's just when you have a mad fucker who keeps massive ones for pets.
gotta look in his basement lab, where his pretties have escaped, hungry for flesh or lettuce.
the real creepy part was when the town started going to hell properly, they started singling out those turning into snails and just... waiting for them to fully turn so they could be eaten
Does anyone remember that Deltora Quest book series? I remember that it had a book dedicated to a slug villain that guarded one of the magical doodads that the heroes needed.
Essentially, the story made it a fairly large, man sized creature that secreted sticky goo that functioned as a persistence hunter. You would essentially be thrown into its lair and it would slowly follow you around until it caught and ate you.
Damn. Beat me to it.
Listen to OP. You know how Gurren Lagann has spirals as channels for totally radical manly energy that can let you make reality your bitch? In your setting have spirals be conduits through which strange beings possessed of mercurial whims influence the world. A cult has sprung up around revering the sacred spirals and snails are seen as a sacred creature and as such as cared for and bred by the cult.
Think this image but with snails...
It's a disguise. The rabbit's will think it's one of their own, and when it's close enough it strikes. Its poison paralyses the prey, it then vomits up digestive juices and begins to feed while the rabbit is still alive. It usually begins to feed at the eyes or ears where it's easy to gain access to meatier parts. Though it may also scrape off the fur in an area where it's not so thick and make its way into the rabbit's guts.
It is quite clearly Slügs!
Sea-snail like eldritch abom. Nearly indestructible, capable of erratic flight, emits EM radiation to subdue prey. Capable of altering the physical properties and consistency of the slime it produces.
Consumes aspects of the identity of prey, communicates via sampling the voices of the dead it has assimilated.
I wish I could have a African land snail as a pet so badly.
fucking this, with several other suggestions. i recommend a red herring approach. like adventure time did. the snail is there every ep, turns out to be evil
I like the idea of a beachball sized snail just fucking emitting MASSIVE amounts of radiation from its surface, with glowing trails and it just tunnel melts through walls and shit.
And then there's scaled up to the size of battleships, ANCIENT BEHEMOTH SNAIL NEONHOGGR
If you find the right speed, can't you just orbit around an opponent like that? It'd be stressful, obviously, and dangerous, but it's better than running away and hoping for the best, isn't it?