Have any of your characters ever forced themselves on anyone? PC or NPC...

Have any of your characters ever forced themselves on anyone? PC or NPC? Fade-to-black or did you RP out the whole nasty?

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why do you people exist

Go watch some punishtube, profligate

>did you RP out the whole nasty?
Creepy as fuck dude.

Nobody wants to RP sex scenes with a bunch of overweight men. Can we just get back to killing monsters and stealing their stuff please?

I tend to keep it pretty asexual in my games.
Is that weird?

Yes, usually fade to black, once had a side RP in an online game

I'm pretty sure that if someone even suggested they wanted to do that, in or out of character, I would pick them up and throw them out the door. If they tried to get back in I'd call the cops and tell them there's a crazy man screaming about raping elves and trying to break into my house.

you always fade to black

Is it rape if they're unconscious because of drinking but the only reason you were both drinking is because they said they wanted to fuck, and you're also heavily inebriated because they pressed alcohol upon you?

I ran a black crusade game where one of my players had his cult kidnap unmarried noble women and use them during their rituals to Slaanesh. We never went into detail but it was implied they were used sexually.

our female necromancer went into a tavern and passed out.

(She had no pants on)

Strange man started the dirty deed, she woke up and splattered his brains


Just say that you have a vagina dentata down there.

I miss having quest threads on Veeky Forums.

>Has supernatural powers over death itself
>Still can't afford pants
Sounds like the she was a third rate jobber that had it coming, if I'm honest.

I had to break the concentration of a villainess in order to stop a ritual, so yes.

>Have any of your characters ever forced themselves on anyone?
Sorta. He wasn't aware the character he was fucking was mindcontrolled at the time.

>PC or NPC?

>Fade-to-black or did you RP out the whole nasty?
Fade to black pretty much instantly, with a couple of semi-covert text messages with the GM that seemed weird at the time, but made complete sense in retrospect.

>Slaanesh sacrificial rituals
>implied they were used sexually

Slaanesh ain't subtle user...


I once raped a animal. My game is basically one big rape scene with me raping every animal monster and npc I come across

Slaanesh is EXCESS not "lolsex"

We have three people in our current gaming group that are causing this sort of problem, two are playing with one being the GM. The two players are a couple but we always have these really weird moments in game where the female player keeps having her character fuck this one NPC. Her and the GM always begin to roleplay it before we all freak out, but her boyfriend just gets on his phone and tunes the whole thing out. Its pretty depressing to watch this guy get cucked in game. Now on the neck beard spectrum of things were not helping the situation by making a pot of magic items to bet on how long it takes the Girl and the GM to fuck for real

I made it my character's quest.

>being this much of a fucking pussy about one of the most basic acts an organism can do

lol and no you wouldn't, you'd awkwardly stammer out about how triggered you are, cuck

>one of D&D greatest villains is a female rapist
>rape is too taboo to have in your game

No, keep doing that. is the weird one.

And that comes from someone which eats sandwiches while watching maggot removal videos and assorted nasties. youtu.be/uVnDJMjNySg

I was playing in a post-apocalyptic campaign one time and we were at war with this warlord who was literally into drinking blood, he had this psychic bitch who he used to mind-break two of our party when we were captured. Finally we broke out, and after killing some guards by garroting them with some rusty wire we found in a broken wall in the cell, we stole their weapons and started fucking shit up. We realized we were going to die most likely as there were like 40 guys in the complex, so we killed a few and eventually I got to the psionics bitch's room, shot her in the leg and then cut her eyes out with a knife (psionics required eye contact in this to work) then proceeded to rape her violently, I was really pissed at this fucking NPC who had basically held us down and fucked us in the ass for 2 straight sessions torturing our characters. After I was finished, I dragged her out and used her as a human shield while shooting more guards with my guns until they gave in and figured she has no eyes she's gonna die soon anyway so they opened fire and the bullets went through her and into me and I eventually bled out, but I made sure she died by shooting her in the head. The other characters made it out but the warlord is still alive, I made another character which I am still playing. The warlord isn't dead yet but apparently he and the psionics bitch were lovers so he drank her blood as some kind of bonding ritual, it was weird as fuck, but some minion we captured talked about it.

>one of the D&D greatest villains
Literally who?

If you have a problem with rape but not brutal murder and or torture you're a weird first worlder autist

I mean I kinda have a problem with brutal murder and torture as well, at least if committed by the PCs...

Iggwilv m8.

Sex and violence are different things.

>No mention of sexuality ever, even amongst adventurers of mixed gender that spend all of their time in close proximity
Yeah you sound like a weirdo desu

A lot of Americans a super prudish. I am honestly not surprised.

This is why RPGs will remain as kids entertainment

And combining them gets the worst thing ever.

I was dming and a player did some sexual harassment to an npc. In hindsight I think his character had borderline personality disorder.

We had a female player who was playing a male PC get into an honor duel weeb shit sword fight with an NPC, the fight resulted in them being perfect equals and unable to get a blow in on each other. They exchanged a lot of dialogue throughout the duel and found out that they held very similar ideals but were both pushed to the very brink and had to fight it out. We joked about them getting very very close, so the player had her character break the combat lock by kissing him. The GM rolled with it and the two characters became a deadly gay swordmaster power couple which lasted until the end of the game. On several occasions they would get into some steamy situations, and I'm pretty sure this was the player living out her fantasy realm, things got weird but the game was kinda cuh-razy to begin with so we all just rolled with it. We got together sometime later and played a "years after" game set in the same world and she played there adopted son and constantly referenced having gay dads, it was admittedly pretty funny though when it was kept under control

No, he came so it was making love.

Good thing my characters do none of those things.

I know, right?

Fade to black.

I played a half-orc LE warlord, you can imagine what happened every time his war parties torched a village.

during a game of black crusade I let a daemonette loose in a hive lord's home as a prank.

Maybe stop posting.

What the fuck are you talking about people have responded more strongly to rape than murder since the beginning of time.

what the fuck am i watching ?
is that a squid hugging a dead spermwhale ?

Only if your game is set during the last couple of decades.

Not really. It also used to be a big deal because in muh patriarchy, used goods were shit, and rape made people used goods when it wasn't their fault.

In a world of birth control and paternity tests, rape is basically a grosser form of thievery.

When beached whales die, they rot, releasing gas. The gas generally escapes through wounds or the corpse explodes. It's pushing out, and entrails are coming out with it.

It's not a squid, it's the whale's innards. Carcass bloats with gasses as it decays.

>what's trauma?

Gee I dunno, must be nice being an ancap shithead
>it's just theft! Like everything else!

>>what's trauma?
Nothing anyone used to give a shit about. Hell, they still don't in many places.

Just pile in some more trauma in what little time she has left with accusation, before stoning her to death.

This. Personally, if people can't deal with rape in one of my games, they can leave. The only people who are offended by rape in roleplaying are nu males (because it reminds them of how Jamal cucks them on a daily basis) and women, although in the case of women, they usually don't like it because it turns them on and they know it shouldn't, they want to deny their urges to be violently dominated by men, but deep down they want it so it makes them IRRATIONALLY angry. Rape in RPGs is perfectly acceptable, it is not any worse than gore or death in general. If you are okay with descriptions of an orc having his head chopped off and a fountain of blood spurting out, but a penis going in a vagina while the owner of the latter is being wrestled to the ground, then you are a beta male faggot who puts pussy on a pedestal. Rape is nothing special, it should barely be classified a violent crime any more so than beating someone up or pinning them to the ground and giving them a wet willy. It's no different, and if you can't deal with rape in a game then you are either not old enough to post on this website, or else you are just a titanic pussy and you need to go back to whatever safe space you crawled out of. Maybe D&D 5e Adventurer's League where you can't even die and get to play as a tranny or fag if you want to. Pathetic.

>Not really.
Do you know what the medieval punishments for rape were?


This was my first game. I raped EVERYTHING for the sole purpose of edge and laughs. I made sure everyone was cool with it beforehand. I did go into graphic detail for extra edge.

90% of trauma is an emotional luxury that didn't exist before about 1920 and the first world. The other 10% is something people deal with until it becomes background noise.

Our games tend to pile rape down to the same pile as puppy-kicking: gratuitous and pointless.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure somewhere in the world a maiden is being forced upon. It's just that it's the sort of a thing that adds very little to the campaign: barring pointless cruelty, there's no point for either a PC or an NPC, even a BBEG, to do much of any of those things - and if there is, then there's even less reason to bring it up.

Like, picture the PCs saving a group of peasant girls from a band of ogres. Upon being rescued they're obviously pretty distraught, in a poor shape, and happy to get back home. That's all that's being told, and really all you need to know: anything beyond that you can maybe imagine in your mind if you like, but it's no longer needed - cruelty was done to womenfolk, righteous heroes saved them, the end.

I mean really, what would it add to the campaign if a PC were to ask the girls outright if they were raped? What kind of a PC would it require to go ahead and ask for the details of their captivity? What would they need this knowledge for?

>"Did he ram it up your ass?"

Nah, I'm really more into consensual stuff. I get the sense that that's weird.

Gay-rape in the prison showers against some evil motherfucker to establish dominance and avoid him and the rest of his party getting harassed.

Fade to black, and entirely appropriate in-theme and for the benefit of the group.

Also made sense for my evil male drow barbarian misogynist, who was gay.

Example: jiggers. These live in African loam and infest people in remote villages, who can't afford shoes. Their toughened skin doesn't feel the pain until its too late.

How do they deal with it? By pencil rolling their way for kilometers to any traveling jigger-remover they hear of, so they can have the parasites cut out with special scalpels. No anesthesia of course. Not even whiskey or fermented milk to dull the pain.

That's not trauma. It's bad luck that happens to people, who deal with it.

Having nonconsensual PIV for thirty seconds just doesn't really register on the scale of fucked up shit. It's a big deal because it's economically ruinous for women living in a patriarchy, and 99% of cultures are male dominated because matriarchies fail 99% of the time.

My group is always sexual for whatever reason. One of them even wanted to play as a half orc rape baby. It's not just one person either.

Is anybody else's group like that?

What if they're both girls?

You're missing the point of what makes rape traumatic. It's not having a dick inside you, it's having your autonimity stolen. You are made completely and utterly powerless. That is what is traumatic.

Then they can rape each other.
Ditto if they are both minors.

Like getting the shit kicked out of you until you can no longer move?

Basically, yeah.

The trick is to see the two as mostly equal - and to not go into details. No one really cares to hear about all the grisly details of what you did to her.

Having things inside you can be traumatic in its own right.
- t. man after colonoscopy

Crazy Fey Witch type in an evil game who went full Yandere for another PC (A wannabe warlord type who thought the LG king was pleb tier and revolted against him since Muh Ambition)
Basically the entire game was her corrupting him into a glorious ruin of the solidly LE figure he'd once been, turning him into a complete monster, then eventually at the point of his supposed triumph fucking over him, becoming Queen, leaving 3/4 of the party to die and retreating onto her honey moon with her beloved and leaving their son on the throne.
The one she'd kept secret for several years in character after raping him during a magic ritual.
Never trust the fey.
Not even once.

That's not an experience limited to sex or violence.

It's arguably not an experience people were capable of feeling in many cultures. Everyone is powerless before death, fate, the natural world, etc. The meme of "empowerment" didn't even exist before the last century.


-t. man who was cathed against his will after revoking consent

>the female player does not want to be raped
Sounds like she's off to a good start to roleplaying getting raped.

I once played a character whose backstory involved seducing her adopted father when she was like 14.

So, technically, she instigated her own rape.

Yeah, I'm not particularly proud of that character.


Only one of those things is sexually arousing, and it's not rape.

We once had a party of kid heroes and my character was this really seductive lustful forward girl, that always came on strongly on any male NPC she really disliked or wanted to blackmail. They were intensely creeped out, terrified of the consequences no matter what they did, so she usually got what she wanted (never actually sex) with them.

It was a rather progressive game, obviously. Sometimes those get you amusing moments that a gritty, realistic fantasy won't.

Nope, my characters have only had consensual (sometimes questionably) interactions. Most of the time I'm too busy playing the romance side of things to get too rapey.

Sex and violence are the same in one very important way: If everyone's consensual to come to the show but there's dispute over who gets to win, it's fucking radical.

You sound like a little bitch.

What does "winning" mean in the context of sex? I always thought it was a co-op game.

Whoever comes second.

Yeah, in my case it wasn't played for comedy. The character had grown up on the streets, and she couldn't understand why this man had taken her in and cared for her unless he wanted something from her. So she started this clandestine, fucked up relationship with him that ended with him dying horribly at the hands of one of their marks.

I did it as an excuse to have drama in the character's background, and as an excuse for why a 34 year old woman 1) was a spinster and 2) had about as much sensuality to her as a bucket of horseshoe crabs. I didn't want to do the attempted rape backstory, so I flipped the script.

That said, I wouldn't use that kind of story in the future. I'm not sure there's a way to do that story as someone who didn't have that kind of experience without it coming across as disrespectful.


Step one: Obtain consenting dominant-types.
Step two: Disperse light bondage gear across the theatre of operations.
Step three: Place heavier gear in critical positions, leave strap-ons and onaholes on common lanes at regular intervals.
Step four: Last team with an unspent player wins.

He grabbed her by the pussy.

The idea is to make your bait posts NOT blindingly obvious bait, user.

This if you're playing teams.
The last person to use the safeword wins, if we're talking free-for-all.

Stand there while I ram a hose up your dick and you get to have an opinion.


That actually sounds like it would work better than just attacking.


So we're making sexy X-Crawl now.


Two teams, 2 sides to a team. One side chases the other one down and fucks them into submission, the other team tries to complete the dungeon. Whoever beats the dungeon boss first wins. In the event of a mutual boss kill, the remaining players on both teams have an orgy and the last person to pass out wins.

We're mongol expies, at this point my character will be responsible for 90% of future bastards in the entire continent.

Dammit, user, sexual molestation is something we can live with, but don't bring grappling into this!

Like I've never had that done before? Go cry your bitch tears somewhere else.

You do realize there is more to the world than Christian Europe, right?


I love grappling, you go to hell! I'm gonna read the grappling rules right now just for fun!


t. autist

Women's problem with rape is that sex is their product. That's why they hate prostitution, male homosexuality, male masturbation, porn and even attractive fictional characters. It decreases their power over the only resource they have a monopoly on.
