Well, should I join?
He can't spell "parlay"?
>my le D&D game
>Should I join?
Sure. It's not like you have fuck-all to do anyway.
Respond in kind, write a note and stick it under this one. Bonus points for using cursive.
It's not nice to make fun of retarded people.
What would the significance of cursive be?
It gives the message extra touch of traditionalism.
But mostly just to fuck with him.
>What would the significance of cursive be?
It's unintelligible and he'll spend a few minutes trying to figure it out.
I never found it harder to read than any other handwriting.
But then again I'm writing cursive by default.
Not OP btw.
I am OP, and my main concern is what does he mean by 1E? OD&D? One of the Box Sets?
Good cursive should be as legible as print, but in practice, bad cursive is often complete chickenscratch if you're not used to reading that person's particular writing.
There's no need to make fun of your superiors. The dude has Ro1120, after all. Can you say the same?
The retarded reddit memery aside, of course you should play.
He's one of the very few rare people that actually reach out to persons they don't know, and that should be rewarded with some interest at least.
Eh. I did the same, but I at least put some effort into my signage. Nice fonts, aging effect, watermark, plus, you know, literacy.
I can only assume that if this is the quality he brings to trying to attract a group, it's also the most you could hope for at the table,
I think it actually says "party" but he forgot to cross the T.
Maybe you're reading it wrong. Maybe it's L and E
>I am looking for people to join my le DnD game
>le sigh, it'll be totes epic
>praise kek XDDDDDDDDDDD
But seriously just try it out, how bad could it be? Worst case scenario, a fun story for tg that isn't shit that never happened assuming that the note is legit and not something you wrote to post here, 'Kevin'
>I would like to sit down and party
It is commendable somebody has not yet been jaded enough to be discouraged in doing this.
Every time I see a picture like that trying to make Trump look like a badass, I have to wonder if the maker ever bothered listening to him speak. I mean really, are fat retards supposed to be cool now? This isn't even political, he's morbidly obese, ugly as hell and talks like an 9 year old. Not really badass material.
>Good cursive should be as legible as print
That's really only the case for people who were educated well in a form of cursive similar to the form the document is written in. Good penmanship certainly helps, but it doesn't overcome lack of familiarity with cursive scripts in general.
Why, it's because of his majestic hair :^)
Dude it's just a phantom pain joke, chill
>I am OP, and my main concern is what does he mean by 1E? OD&D? One of the Box Sets?
By convention (and consistency within a scheme where 3e is, you know, actually 3rd edition), 1e is 1st edition AD&D.
the only reason you should join is to abuse in some way that poor fucker who is almost certainly weak in some mental aspects.
Are you a terrible people that wants to profit or pleasure himself by abusing someone else? if so you are welcome.
So a dude (maybe dyslexic) is searching for people to play with and... it's funny because he has terrible penmanship?
> he's morbidly obese
Obviously never seen a fat person before, so not only not an American, not a European either.
Do you want to play a D&D game? Are you interested in meeting new people?
If yes to both: join
If no to either: Maybe not, think about it.
If no to both: Stay at home and jerk it to anime girls.
>are fat retards supposed to be cool now?
Danny DeVito has bee "in" for over a decade now.
Trump Derangement Syndrome in action