How would you create a dualistic religion between a solar and a lunar deity?
How would you create a dualistic religion between a solar and a lunar deity?
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You know how
Both are necessary for life, without one or the other everything would die. The sun provides warmth and light, but the moon allows the world to cool and moves the tides. If the sun ruled alone, the world would dry out and shrivel. If the moon ruled, the whole world would be flooded by a cold dark ocean.
Neither of them are actually particularly interested in humanity, besides expecting reverence for what they do. Life and the earth is actual made from pieces of both that got cut off during the initial battle.
Temples to both are expected in most settlements, but they must be kept at opposite ends of the town or else the gods will become angry. Praying to one god more than the other will also make them angry. There are dawn prayers thanking the sun god and sunset prayers thanking the moon god, and when making them you must look away from the shrine to the respective enemy god.
I think the second to last episode of star trek tng handled it fairly well
Like this.
But no really, the idea of the Moon as a deity represented through different forms for its various cultures and incarnations as opposed to the monoformed, unchanging Sun is a cool concept.
Or you could just do what I did in my setting, and have the Moon not actually do anything when people worship it, forcing it's clerics to advance scientifically and create lots of parlor-trick style versions of regular clerical spells in order to keep up the charade that their religion works.
Came here to see if it's been posted.
I had a faith that the Sun and Moon were considered Watchmen, and that crimes seen by them will be forever be known in heaven. This superstition runs deep, and is strongly adhered to.
The sun is the Vigilant Watchman, sacrifices made in his name go towards law, order, light, protection, that sort of thing. Those who uphold laws and law abiding citizens pray to it.
The moon is the Lax Watchman. Some days he's rather vigilant, but his gaze wanders from night to night. He's worshiped mostly by criminals, prostitutes, and those who seek to break laws in the form of sacrifices as bribes so that he does not see their work.
On Eclipses, both Watchmen are out in force, the Sun punishes the Moon, and all crimes done on those days bring misfortune to the perpetrator, including death. Furthermore, anything could be considered a crime on those days, and so those days the streets are often empty, cities eerily silent.
Lovers that have been forced apart. Think like Ladyhawke.. The Moon and Sun were husband and wife - the Sun gave birth to the earth and stars, but an attack by the great darkness outside our world left her crippled and the Moon cold and dead.
Now she holds off the darkness from her children for as long as she can manage each day, and such is the devotion of her husband the Moon that when she sleeps he rises again to watch over her (and us).
The traditional mother goddess and warrior god, really. The Sun: light, life, joy, warmth, youthfulness - but also a respect for the aging of things, sleep, the inevitable decline. The Moon: watchfulness, devotion, war, stealth, stoicism - maybe also a peculiar and unselfish strain of necromancy. Both count love as a domain.
worship the sun at night, worship the moon in the morning
>Worship them in their absence, my child, so as not to draw their attention too closely.
>Corellon Larethian is actually two Elven gods that were joined together in worship some many years ago.
>Corellon the Moon God was seen as a fickle trickster of the woods, living by his cunning and his blade in the night, outwitting or outfighting his many adversaries that may stalk him as he runs from underbrush to canopy every night. His greatest trick is his ability to disappear, but as this trick would endanger his followers even as it saved him in battle, Corellon began to do it with more warning and would disappear for only one night a cycle. As his power grew and his people settled down in the canopy, he was able to extend his powers even while hiding, though this power is somewhat weakened.
>Larethian the Sun Goddess was a caring but adamant and unyielding provider, living and dying over the day to be reborn the next, defeating all that would challenge her through fire. The same fire that burned all that would dare defy her even to look upon her visage also graced the plains with growth and life. She had no need for subtlety or subterfuge or, as some suspect, even worship, for she sustained all and envelops all with her loving embrace. There was one, however, that had given her pause. Corellon could use his disappearing trick on her as well. The trick rarely worked and would only last for a few hours at most, but he would cut her off completely from her followers, such was his jealousy of her brilliance.
>The plains elves and forest elves would fight bitterly at the edge of their respective dominions, the plains elves setting fire to the trees and the forest elves culling stragglers at night, but an intervention by the gods put an end to the fighting when, in an event known as the Midnight Sun, the god and goddess joined to become Corellon Larethian, casting aside their former rivalry as more than husband and wife but truly one being. It is this being and their avatars, the Sun and Moon, that all elves worship together.
One of them is an evil destroyer and the other is a kind life creator. One is chasing while the other is fleeing.
No one fucking knows which is which. No wants to even try guessing.
Source of the Picture?
By the solar/lunar religious orders focusing on making blessed mecha in each's image and seeing how much enemy territory each could conquer during the day/night. Best mecha gets more festivals. Festivals are held inside of mecha. Losing mecha team are invited into winning mecha festival but usually instead work their fingers to the bone, trying to improve theirs.
Its part of the pantheon from Path of Exile.
OP is talking about Solaris and Lunaris
I dig that.
I sure do hope so.
> Prospero never
> Lady Justice never
They are fuckbuddies.
First post best post.
Stop making gods.
Don't even think about this deity thing until you have got a firm idea of the philosophy of these people. Their "god" is just a fancy add-on to their metaphysics.
Do not give them names. Do not give them faces. Do NOT give them names. Wait until you've built the geography, the culture, the fundamentals of their society, worked out.
Only when you can explore the average person in this world should you start exploring their intellectual class. Only when you're satisfied that their intellectual class has an intellectual culture as mature, deep, refined, and self-sufficient as our own should you start devising theology, cosmology, religion. And only when you've done all those things should you determine if there is a "god" here, or not.
Never mythologize when theology will suffice. Never theologize when philosophy will suffice.
Do NOT make gods. Make religions.
>Do NOT make gods
And if these are physical gods like in the greek mythology?
The sun is a woman, and the moon is a man.
For some reason absolutely no culture ever did this at all, except for the inuits.
>For some reason absolutely no culture ever did this at all, except for the inuits.
>Male Lunar Gods are also frequent, such as Sin of the Mesopotamians, Mani of the Germanic Tribes, and the Japanese god Tsukuyomi. These cultures usually featured female Sun Goddesses.
user, I...
>Only when you can explore the average person in this world should you start exploring their intellectual class. Only when you're satisfied that their intellectual class has an intellectual culture as mature, deep, refined, and self-sufficient as our own should you start devising theology, cosmology, religion. And only when you've done all those things should you determine if there is a "god" here, or not.
In shirt, don't build worlds, because you're never going to make one that's up to snuff.
Allah and basically every pantheon chief in pre-islamic arabia was a manly lunar god.
Don't believe Christian propaganda. The Graeco-Roman pantheon was as theologically complex as any modern religion. Gods were not actually believed to be physical beings. That is a widespread lie meant to delegitimize pagan beliefs. Gods were representational, and most adults in these societies didn't even believe in the supernatural.
Rich Burlew once did a series of worldbuilding articles detailing a Dark Age world with a Sun/Moon Dualistic religion.
Link to relevant page:
I keep seeing this faggot in setting and worldbuilding threads, and I just gotta say 1/10 made me post.
>and most adults in these societies didn't even believe in the supernatural.
that sounds implausible