>This is a reminder to strip your figures of their paint at least once per year
This is a reminder to strip your figures of their paint at least once per year
Why? I am a dummy/newbie
>stripping paints
Seems silly given how much effort you put into painting them. What's your rationalization?
Sage worthless threads.
What if it takes me longer than a year to paint my shit
Take smaller shits then
why tho
I cannot begin to comprehend why one would do this. Except perhaps to repaint them after having improved one's technique, but even that is a stretch.
How is it Veeky Forums is incapable of spotting an absolute retard-tier shitpost?
You don't strip your minis?
are you some kind of shitter?
Everybody poops, user.
t. paint salesman
I have stuff I painted like 6 years ago that look faded and awful. I've often considered it.
Turning this thread into something useful
What is a good solution to strip your paints and erease glue without damaging the plastic?
Even pope?
Good job damaging your model genius.
Simple Green for americans, dettol for bongs.
I've also got something called biostrip I got off ebay that works incredibly well.
What about the larger europe? Is there some french or german stuff i can get?shipping from bongistan is a fraud
This is good. Airbrush cleaner is also good, but pretty expensive.
Can you recommend something for a Kraut? Ordering stuff from outside the main Euro Zone is a pain, I swear they delay shipment from the United Bongdom just to fuck with them for Brexit.
Grüne Seife if you're German. Just let it soak for a few days, harmless to plastic.
I'm a bong, so I can't really help. Can you get Dettol over there?
How much is fuse biostrip on ebay for you guys? It was £5 with shipping for me and has worked fine on everything from rogue trader rhinos to modern marines.
Super Clean. Comes in big gallon jugs for a few bucks. It burns through paint and glue like noones business, just wear gloves.
Doesn't that eat plastic?
I just found a tupperware full of minis that I forgot to take out of the it last week. They're fine.
Maybe you're thinking of a different super clean? The one I use comes in a big purple jug.
I never really checked, gonna try and see if i can get some off ebay.
Does dettol come with instructions and safe use rules? I'm not really used to handling solvents and might fuck something up
it's a disinfectant. just dump minis in it for a few days and the paint comes off, you'll need a toothbrush for some of it.
I've never had much luck with Simple Green; it's not ineffective, but it requires a lot of hard scrubbing compared to using nail polish on pewter minis.
All specific brands and shits are for plastics and resins, where you actually care about the model. When stripping metal, you're hardly at risk of damaging the model while stripping paint, unless you go out of your way to do so.
Fucking idiot, all that does is slowly melt the model. It'll get used to being unpainted, so the paint will stick less with each successive dunking.
Now, what you ought to do is when you, for whatever reason, feel you do not want the paint job currently on the model, instead of stripping, just paint over it.
You see, it's like giving your model a sweater, it will like being bundled up, so make sure to repaint it at least twice a month, six times during the winter.
I've used brake fluid. Works great. Be sure to wash your mini really well after.
It does not, I've left models submerged for like 4 months before and they came out as good as new.
generally not.
But you should try with some sprue or something.
ESPECIALLY RESIN/FINECAST. That stuff reacts to more than plastic will.
Those hot sauce packets from Taco Bell.