Guess what, faggots? Another one of these!
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so uh... you gonna post any?
Jesus OP what a failure
Oh fuck. How embarrassing.
I understand that reference
every day we stray further from god's light
>Pshh, nothin personnel kid
shoop? she isn't that tittied
iirc, that's a cosplayer who happens to be bigger tittied than the actress who plays the character.
Oh -you-
Is this gonna be the new reveal janitors?
No, because this already is.
And then Stank actually became a protagonist.
I just frothed at the mouth a little.
I don't get it
Read this in the wrong order. Got confused. Fuck.
I recognize the art style, it's that guy that did a doujin series on an alternate world where girls are the ones that are sexually aggressive.
I don't get it, and yet I am amused anyway.
ho boy
This explains it the best:
It's a lot of common fantasy tropes that are badly anachronistic to actual history. Some people get severely assblasted by that, others feel that unless a game specifically claims to be historically accurate to hell with it.
the fuck is an lsd cookie, that is like the worst fucking way to take lsd
What world does she live in where the concept of pole dancing is alien to her?
I'm assuming that something mentioned in the image is stupid or illogical, and it exists to express indignant rage at anyone intelligent enough to notice and point it out.
Nah, I well remember every glorious moment of that particular clusterfuck. I just don't understand what that has to do with a pic of the Chernobog looking motherfucker. Free hour in the ball pit to anyone who helps me out.
It's mostly nitpicky things like coffee, soft leather, cotton, refined sugar, and other things that wouldn't actually have existed in medieval Europe.
Sugar, potatoes, coffee (maybe), female warrior, studded leather, black guy, cotton. I think that's all of them.
So it's a case of the GM mentioning things that wouldn't logically be made in a setting with a medieval tech level, just because he's familiar with them, without bothering to justify them?
No, it's a case of somebody not giving a shit about historical accuracy.
got one
Essentially, but even more persnickety than that in that as far as I know the only one I can spot that isn't possible in medieval tech is soft leather. The rest of them are actually things that either were in use elsewhere but hadn't made it to Europe yet, or things that could have been done with the technology but weren't for cultural reasons.
I can only give you half credit on that one. For a full point he would have had to make a moral judgement regarding the decision to not give a shit about historical accuracy. On that technicality alone I can only award waza-ari.
>the only one I can spot that isn't possible in medieval tech is soft leather.
Depends on what you mean by soft leather. You could probably do chromium-tanned leather at medieval tech levels if you had a ready source of chromium ore.
you can give me nothing
"got one" is the only other post i've made in this thread
And the scabbard across the back
>gets something wron
>is corrected
>"You disagreed with me so that means you're the dumb wrong loser, lol!"
I assume that victories come quite easily to you.
Look at the silhouettes
Those are the monster kids from a Nightmare before Christmas
Hey, I'm about to be mean to you. On the internet of all places!
You're missing the point, but nice job being a smug little prick and sounding clever. Did it take long for you to think of that? Also does this count as two points for the poster now?
What dis from?
In a world where the concept of "sabotage" is also alien.
maybe there is a connection betweens those two ?
a world without the beastie boys is no world i wish to be in.
Enjoy your free hour and the knowledge that I laughed so hard I almost blacked out.
>gets called out on totally unjustified smugness
>doubles down while getting even more angry and hostile
Congratulations on your second victory.
you should post the whole thing at this point.
I sure hope visible wound isn't banable offense.
This would be so good if there were two chain segments and knee was covered properly.
Either you recognize the author and recognize the character and can look it up using those two names as keywords, or you're not ready to know.
I find it endlessly amusing that muscle growth is a fetish, and that it holds many talented artists in it's veiny grip.
>MFW world without the beastie boys
>mfw I thought it was autistic since it was too descriptive and would confuse the fuck out of players and divide them
Autistic overthinking activated
That's it? The only thing I really noticed was the use of "a" instead of "an" in the second sentence.
Sorry user, that I can't remember EACH guro author I've ever seen by name
GIS also doesn't give anything aside from Ed Sheeran (And unless he started to follow ShinDol I doubt he did this)
Its one of those things that I understand, but in cases like that finding it hot would be like eating a bathtub full of icecream. Its just too much after a certain point.
Your mouth to God's ear. Watching a woman work out and enjoy changing her own body to be stronger and healthier is hot. But it seems more like the whole fetish fandom just wants to jack off to the Incredible Hulk without admitting it.
Please don't tell me its Shindol
God dammit...
I'll post something at least.
The joke is that her titties act as an immersion breaker for her cosplay
>the fuck is an lsd cookie
Something imagined by a person who has never had any experience with LSD.
Probably because they had heard references to "pot brownies" and assumed all drugs were equally viable using baked goods as a medium.
>a exploratory taste
I think what that other user is trying to point out is that the phrase here >not giving a shit about historical accuracy
opened up that poster to ridicule because the point being made here >It's mostly nitpicky things like coffee, soft leather, cotton, refined sugar, and other things that wouldn't actually have existed in medieval Europe.
is that in a fantasy world of wizards and dragons, there is no logical reason to expect that the placement of the continents and the migrations of people and crops are 1:1 correlating with our own world.
Essentially, by becoming upset that the DM describes potatoes in his fantasy Europe-analog setting (despite their not being introduced to Europe in our world until after sustained contact with the Americas), you reveal yourself as an autist.
What happened to Koizumi?
[immature giggling]
Also a whole lot of time stop rape doujin. this real? Did the writer realize what he was referencing?
Yes, it's real.
Latest issue of Suicide Squad.
As for the writer, I don't know but the artist would certainly know.
I just like them up to She-Hulk levels. Female face on dude's body is gayer than futa.
When the pecs are larger than the tits, I'm out.
I got the image from Veeky Forums so I guess that counts...?
>Colonel Sanders' secret project.jpg