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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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You're a towel.
I sure hope somebody takes me hitchhiking!
I like sandwiches
Anyone who complains about proposed jumps like 'Towergirls' for being lewd when there are SFW versions to base jumps off of is a shitposter.
Not to mention we allow things like ecchi based jumps which are a lot more lewd than a SFW CYOA that has a nsfw spin-off and lewd options in body mod.
Tell me about the Great Potato Crisis War
Is there a SFW version of the CYOA without magical dildos?
I personally wish we could have a towergirls jump because I enjoy busty goblins but I think the magic dildos (and similar content) put some people off. Maybe if someone could discover some precedent of an essence powered dildo from Exalted or something it'd be fine.
So...I get the impression from last thread and the only build for the jump that a Genius is much, much, much more dangerous than the other splats to compensate for otherwise being squishy humans. How do they compare to Mages?
Good men died on both sides, for bad reasons. My grandpa, he told me in the last days of the war they ate the British after an argument over chips vs fries. That wasn't the darkest hour. That was when the damn Krauts stole our ketchup.
I'm a mayo fan, so no big loss.
How does one become a goat o mancer?
Do shape-shifting assassin automatons that can also be waifus count? Cause those are a thing.
So, posting for Rose here as well because she's lazy, but here's some updates on Tyranids and Bastard!!
Norn Queen perks are done.
Bastard drawbacks are done.
get as much 600 perks from the goat simulator as you can
I did my homework on this Dark Schneider guy.
Dis motherfucker's a lategame Jumper isn't he?
Find some goats in Goat Simulator jump
'mance them
Be prepared for society to judge you for the rest of your life
> How do they compare to Mages?
Funny you should ask! They're actually roughly comparable. The primary difference being source and technical execution. In fact, according to TVTropes, it's actually not totally uncommon for technologically inclined Mages to be mistaken for Geniuses, and more mystically inclined Geniuses to be mistaken for Mages. When the mistake is eventually caught, there's some awkward shuffling and the newbie is kicked over to the proper side by his peers.
Genius CAN be extremely dangerous, because geniuses can potentially wield a lot of terrible power, and there's some crazy shit out there when your powers are essentially born from creativity and manic theories.
On the other hand, most (important distinction: "most") geniuses are still human, and if you can catch them off guard they'll fall to a bullet same as any other.
You just might have to get past a bunch of nazis or robot zombie monkeys or a Big Brother surveillance system first, depending on who you're after and what Bardo they're in.
Bardos being basically alternate pocket dimensions spawned from disproven theories and unrealized futures. Some of those can be pretty crazy.
>Hungry Hungry
That biomass perk is goddamn badass. As written, it sounds like it even allows for minor shapeshifting if you can go from being a fatfuck to a hungry skellington at will. I'd say its easily worth 400 (especially for a 'nid) because of how much of their mutations is dedicated to supporting the reat of their biomass unless you just have it be generally packing on less pounds than you normally would (which I assume was the intention) rather than having an endless nullspace for personal meat. Maybe just a really good self regulating metabolism?
Which axiom is best for energy production?
Uh, no, no shapeshifting involved. It basically just means that instead of having to store it all inside of you, you can just store it in a nonphysical space. Once you take it out, you still need to digest or process it. Like...having a giant refrigerator in your stomach that holds all the meat. When you wanna eat something, you still need to actually eat it, it just doesn't take up any space in your actual kitchen.
In terms of usefulness to a nid...not as much as you might think to any of the nids the jump focuses on. For a harvesting organism, it's fucking crazy good. But most of the ones you're going to be in the jump are combat or command focused ones, where storing lots of biomass isn't that great for them, no more then it is for any biological being. Even the Norn Queens, it's mostly just cutting down on the time they spend eating instead of creating, since it doesn't make them able to process or use it any faster.
It just sounds likehas some crazy utility involved because if you can instantly move the mass iide and out of you at will it makes it much easier to work out for whatever body shape is most ideal for doing stuff. Not to mention never dying from indigestion or poison again, if you're quick enough to shunt the affected meat out of you
I don't know, it could just be me but it seems extraordinarily versatile for a 100 CP perk which I'm pretty sure nids dont have in canon
>Dis motherfucker's a lategame Jumper isn't he?
More like mid-game, but yeah.
>Bastard drawbacks are done.
So, it's done? Because last time I heard about the Jump, it was finishing the items.
Ah, you're misunderstanding. The biomass isn't digested or instantly drained of nutrients. Once you bring it back in, it just plops back into your mouth or throat or whatever and has to be digested as normal. If you want it, you still need to have all the organs and bits needed to eat and digest things, otherwise you're not even going to be able to activate the perk. If you're this lifeform so specialise for combat that you don't have a stomach, then you're not going to have any way to digest the biomass and if you don't have a mouth/throat/intestines, you're not even going to be able to put it in the space because you're missing a way to eat it.
It's basically like a interdimensional picnic basket. You still need to eat and digest the food as normal.
Also I think I haven't made it clear enough that it's only for biomass you eat and I'm only just realised it can be taken to apply to any of their biomass, which is definitely not the purpose. Oops.
No, Rose is still stuck on that one last item she was last time. All I did was keep writing in the fluff and giving it to her/posting it myself at her behest when the fluff for various sections was done.
>Rose is still stuck on that one last item she was last time
Huh, what item was that?
Also, speaking of Tyranids, what would be the limit distance between you and your synaptic units (based on Super Synapse) before you lose control of them? How would it work in places like Warhammer when you can use the Warp to relay the messages?
Like just straight electricity? That's actually a pretty difficult question. Wonders require Mania to function (unless you're using that one perk from the jump, in which case it requires "Innovation"), so at best you could create a Wonder that, in using its Mania, does something that you can siphon for power. After that, it's really kindof up to your particular brand of fluff, because there isn't one geared towards exactly that.
So, you could make a Katastrofi cannon that fires electricity in huge bursts into a battery that in turn powers other less fantastical machinery, or an Automata series of pistons that runs all the time, powering movement like an engine. But they would both run off of Mania themselves, which would mean that you would have to constantly maintain them, because Mania comes from Geniuses.
Honestly, this is one of those things that you're actually probably better off using mundane or out-of-jump science for, at least initially. But that doesn't mean it's impossible.
With sufficient axioms you could maybe use Skafoi to call bits of starstuff into reactors and siphon them for energy. Though you'd probably want a lot of Prostata Shielding to contain them. Or Metaptropi to turn stuff into energy, because somethingsomething energy cannot be created or destroyed so instead you'll just turn things into energy somethingsomething SCIENCE!
You just have to be creative, user. Genius is a really open ended game. That's why it and Mage are comparable.
I think the axiom depends on what the energy is for. Making energy by itself has no purpose, and the axioms are segregated by purpose.
So a genius makes a battery for a death ray as a side effect of Katastrophi.
They upgrade their current spaceship with a new generator via an Exelixi upgrade.
They make an energy tap that redirects energy from the national power grid into their own devices via Epikrato (and probably also requires Apokalypsi and Katastrophi).
They tap artificial pockets of entropy via Skafoi.
In any case the amount of power is entirely abstract until they try to do something with it - and then the relevant axiom comes into play.
Fairly sure it's the Horseman 100cp item.
Probably around the same sort of planet area? So on the planet and maybe nearby moons? It's a pretty beefy area. If you have a way to transport your signals further, it'd depend mostly on how far you can reliably transfer the signals then any hardcap on how far.
Aside from Hive Queen Quest, what perks allow for between teamwork and synergy when working in a group to develop something?
Grupal magic rituals would also be appreciated.
Hero BBS, PS 238 And high school DXD Have custom magic system options.
So, I'm going to assume "electricity" here...
As and pointed out, Wonders operate on Mania.
If I were to want a generator of electricity for some reason, I'd build a capacitor into a wonder of Automata to make a pseudo-perpetual motion generator. Charge the capacitor with Mania (to mitigate any time I needed to spend away from it) and let it do it's thing via magnets and coils...
Have you ever weaponized food /jc/?
That is a very, very thin line already.
My companions have more than once went full-on tench warfare against one another over leftovers of food I personally cooked.
Does that count?
Yeah, I went Sauceror in Kingdom of Loathing. Combined with the Season City Quirk, from My Hero Academia (enhanced by three purchases Empowered Quirk), I can manipulate and wield my various Sauces and such freely, and can move them at such speeds as to effectively serve as pressure cutting jets. I can also do really goofy stuff by cooking it with Hamon and my trusty Saucepan Hand. The Holy Grail Relic from Symphogear is the source of all my other utensils and such. All this is wrapped up together by a Sauce-based Martial I gained in Kung-Fu Panda.
I've poisoned/spiked a lot of food if that counts.
Usually with that perk from Black Dynamite that lets you make compounds that change the size of bodyparts in given demographics. Suddenly impractically large tits/dicks is one solution to the enemy army problem.
I assassinated Eidolon by way of poisoned food, if that counts.
Genius: The Transgression
> Age: 20 [Rolled3]
> Location: London, England
> Origin: Lemurian [-200CP]
> Inspiration (x3) [Get a Freebie!]
> Wonderous Creations [Get a Freebie!]
> A Prized Aesthetic: 『Solarpunk』 [Get a Freebie!]
> Pankosmoi, The Needle Grail [-400CP]
> Ride The Winds of Inspiration [-200CP]
> Archweltanschaaung [Get a Freebie!]
> Fools! I Will Take Over the World! Ask Me How! [-200CP]
> I AM RIGHT! You However... [-300CP]
> Wondrous Devices (x3) [Get a Freebie!]
> The Forbidden Truth [Get a Freebie!]
> An Iron Fist, Clothed In Velvet [-200CP]
> Big Think [-100CP]
> Jumper, The Truth Is Out There [Get a Freebie!]
> Ham On! [+100CP]
> Hollow Men (x2) [+200CP]
> Anchor [+300CP]
> + A ͝Pr̢ized̵ ̸Ae̡st̕he͘t͜ic: ͟███████ [Free.]
> "Where are we?" Vera asked.
> "We're in London!" I said, spinning around in my swivel chair as I held a cat.
> "Oh shit." Said Elodie, recognizing the gleam in my eye.
Listen, listen, listen, listen. Listen.
I'm here to tell you that Lemuria is not the bad guy. I mean, sure, there was that whole thing with the lizard people, but that's in the past! Now Lemuria is all about DISCOVERY! We help Geniuses find their place in the world! We help make the world a better place!
And though our disparate views may seem incompatible to the untrained eye, they are all but facets of Genius! With our theories combined, we may someday understand the truth of this world! Just as soon as we understand ourselves.
Or possibly everything else.
Have you ever used the plot-armor of the protagonist to achieve your goals by misleading them?
> Wondrous Devices (x3) [Get a Freebie!]
> 1) Universal Remote Control (Not Pankosmoi Protected)
> 2) Synthesized "Joy" Tablets
> 3) ████████████
Of course, Lemurians also have a reputation for getting a little... callous. But they're just focused on the bigger picture. Sometimes you have to be the bad guy, in order to not be the bad guy.
Take me, for instance. A few lifetimes ago, I was a vampire! That was a scary time, because at the time, there just so happened to be a lot of robots going around, firing solar beam weaponry, and hunting down vampires! You probably heard about it, it was this big purge. I hear ninety percent of the world's vampires actually died! But there are still a few blasted holdouts.
But I bet you'll never guess who was behind those Solarpunk-styled Automato-- oh. You already gue-- NO. Shut up! I was going to do this whole, "IT WAS ME, BARRY" schtick, and you ruined it, you asspipe! Fine! I don't even care anymore.
I'm leaving.
I have a Phenomenologist meeting to get to, anyway.
Why the fuck does this keep showing up in my Bardo? I put a lot of work into making it look pretty, and this is████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████decay███████████████
it's like I'm looking right at
Elodie was right, wasn't she?
What servants are a good fit for a solar twilight exalt as the master?
Does plot armor even exist after you create butterflies by interacting with the plot?
Reposting my jump notes since I posted it in the dead hours of the thread.
Give me all the feedback you can give!
I believe it's up to fanwank.
Some people like to believe that plot armor is an actual physical force, while others treat it as just pure luck at best.
I am learned in the ways of making Dwarf bread, yes. Nothing ruins a Chaos warband's appetite for destruction like being whacked upside the head with a croissant with the density and texture of granite.
I put a bunch of cakes in a dotted line in order to lure Kirby through several portals, bypassing several level bosses and taking the final boss nightmare thing by surprise.
Does that count?
But...what about the Nazis living in the Hollow Earth?
I just realised my lunatic plan to attack the cosmic oppresion of the Exarchs by combining the hopes and dreams of would-be scientists who believe in a better future through inductive reasoning-shooting a laser made of Mania blended with heroism energy, basically-probably shouldn't include the Nazis.
How do I politely tell Nazis to not be Nazis when we're piercing the heavens with our collective faith in SCIENCE!?
>this page has been removed
...repent, sinner?
Weird, anyway here's a new one pastebin.com
Elodie's a worrywart! I'm a good Genius! I made cheap, effective renewable energy while I was here! I actually improved the world a little bit! Again!
And by "Again!" I am of course referring to the mass destruction of Vampires I performed in Vampire: The Requiem, because seriously, fuck those guys.
I don't care if robots walking through the streets firing solar beams isn't stealthy! It's better, damnit!
And then she has the gall to ask questions like, "Why are trees just growing through houses now? How are people okay with this?" WHATEVER! I think it looks better this way!
Or, "Why are you collecting so much silver?"
Because the wolves are next.
Pierce the Earth with your drill, Battler! Let no one stand in your way!
Um... any of them? Unless they're like, opposed to sunlight.
>Imago Dei
I'm not sure how to feel about the implication there that being Jumper makes you like God...
Exactly how much in your likeness are we talking here? And do you just mould them out of dirt or have to make them out of your rib?
>The Flaming Sword
Since you are not, in fact, the will of God it should probably be able to be able to be put out by things other than your will. Just very tricky to. Also double damage is very hard to define when you're not talking about a videogame, does it cut people twice?
Is Peter Pan supposed to have two entries?
The stuff about Jumper being from outside of creation makes me feel like Drop-in should get a perk based around not having original sin, but I have no idea what that would even do.
Has anyone started work on a Nier: Automata jump?
Are there any perks that keep you from falling through the floor due to being too heavy? Such as if you are a shoggoth who has condensed their body to the size and shape of a human?
I think Val is making it.
Yup, Valeria has.
What would be a fitting subspecious Balance Breaker for the True Longinus in Highschool DxD? The canon one doesn't really fit with a weapon that has such a strong relationship with christianity. According to a cursory google search, the numbers 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, and 12 all have some kind of meaning, so the number of powers has a big leeway, but I wouldn't know what they actually should be.
There's a few historical jumps out there, but are there any jumps about periods of prehistory?
Yeah, working on one. Only need one more perk and a few drawbacks before I can start writing up the fluff for it.
Damnit, now I have to go watch that again.
Apart from that one foundation item in the genius transgression jump, are there ways of spreading the Inspiration around, safety optional?
Depends on the setting. Many 'fantasy' jumps actually have destiny as a universal force or god. And there are settings like A Practical Guide to Evil, Exalted, Umineko or Discworld where the narrative is a thing that you can even weaponize.
The Sidereals jump literally offers dildos forged from dead gods.
>Heavenly Ecstasy Aides [100CP, free Chosen of Serenity]- The Exalted worked the magical
materials into tools to aid mortals in all arenas of life. ALL arenas. Including the bedroom. This chest contains all the Starmetal forged toys, costuming, and refilling bottles of ointments and oils that you could ever need to while away an evening. These have even been blessed by Venus herself so that they will bring greater pleasure the more you care for your partner. Don't worry Vizier, I won't judge you for ordering this one. We all need a little relaxation now and then. Maybe you could call your dear friend Paluvu over to test them out? Keep it in mind.
>Starmetal forged toys
So yeah we have precedence on essence powered dildos.
Has anyone tried to make their own Exaltations yet now that Solars offers the possibility? What were their themes?
I'm thinking of ramming them full of Spiral Power from Gurren Laggan and the power of the President of the United States of America from Metal Wolf Chaos.
Wait we have a Solar Exalted jump? I checked the folder earlier but all I saw Lunar, Terrestrial, Infernal, and Sidereal.
It's still a WIP, but it's jumpable. Check three or four threads back for the latest version.
I decided to go a more creative route and make a form of modified Infernal exaltation that I could give to someone, being riden by one of my third circles, with one of my graces fused with the exaltation.
The idea was to allow someone to become a devil-tiger in their own right, while being attached to me, becoming a sort of secondary devli-tiger within my greater one, and being balanced and constrained along with the other three by my Grace's influences and steered/guided by my loyal third circle acting as a coadjutor.
I'm still working on the idea.
I made ones based on the concept of Piety and Obedience, 'case damn it all, I want exalts I can properly control and direct, not lone wolves and those with contrary agendas!
Hmm. Would giving Solars, Hamon/Ripple be worth it I wonder?
That sounds metal as all hell, but what does it really gain you?
Well, for the cost of losing/tying-up one of my thrid circles, losing access to my Grace and the costs associated with making a Celestial-grade Exlatation, I gain... eh, a set of 4 charm trees from the sub-DTs, the loyalty(?) of their third circles, which may be forced to be weaker than my own due to the setup, and the ability to rub it in Theion/Malfeas' face.
"Oh, you have two fetiches, do you? How impressive. But then, I'm such a great primordial, that I," ~opens trench coat~ "Have four other primordials inside me!"
i suppose if you also make some custom charms or include such charms in your charm tree, you could make some facets of your nature benefit from having more third circles under your authority somehow.
Like I said, I'm still working on the idea.
Okay so considering that an exaltation is a "item" does that mean that something like delineated crafting from terraria would work to Show you how to build it?
Gintama jump when?
I started somewhere between Infernals and Sidereals, actually. Infernals was right after Gurren Lagann-in which I spent a decade being genuinely happy and making lifelong friendships with Team Dai-Gurren.
In hindsight, my decision to make Spiral Exaltations was some sort of internalised catharsis. Both because of that, and having seen the injustices inflicted on the Primordials. Bottom line: I trapped the bleak perfection of the Daystar in a host of cruicibles that honed it into the evolution, friendship and creation those experiences burned into my soul. While forging them, I did all in my power to improve on the basic design of the Exaltation-mainly by letting it run off things other than Essence, accelerating Charm learning times with wish science and granting synergy effects absent from most Infernal Exaltations.
Then I exploited the inherent backdoor that the Great Curse exploited to /become/ the Exaltations in a sense.
...also in hindsight, I MIGHT have been a little crazed from rebuilding my own sense of self right before attempting this.
How does it let you make them?
Aside from Primordial Psychologist (Infernals) and Perfect Communication Skills (Worm), what other perks are there that give you a charisma bonus when communicating with Eldritch beings?
It lets you make soul augmentations that could eventually (thousands of years if no other perks or extra-help are added) be as good Exaltations.
I didnt see that perk, could you point a name out? Im looking for it now.
Its the capstone boosted perk, I believe its taking unconquered with the twilight capstone.
Almost, you take it with the scholar cap.
Once and nothing.
I was trying to make them before Solars came out, with a fairly complicated-ass set-up of perks that I wasn't even sure if they'd work 90% of the time until I had another thing to tie two things together.
Then apparently everybody and their grandmother got the ability to make them with as little effort as cutting a birthday cake, and now I'm disregarding the whole idea because I'm a completely and utterly Bitter Betty.
My Marines are better than Exaltations anyway.
Psychonautics from Psychonauts, no duh, helps you understand how to deal with entities with truly alien minds.
I mean... I suppose a number of my food-based inventions /could/ be used as food. But they weren't really intended to be weapons. If you know what I mean.
Except the Ghost Pepper Gas Grenade. Because sometimes you just need to blind everyone in a room.
Are there any jumps that let you use a monster's soul as a component for a weapon or item to use some of its powers?
>Are there any jumps that let you use a monster's soul as a component for a weapon or item to use some of its powers?
Their soul? I don't know. But Tokyo Ghoul has a perk that lets you turn the physical components of creatures into weapons.
In my experience the path to mens heart lies through there stomach. It is therefore sacrilege to intentionally create WCD or weapons of culinary destruction.
Now in saying that, there have been mistakes made in the past.
When have you sought total destruction of something. Of everything?
and how did you achieve such a goal?
Writer Nika spent Infernals experimenting on shitty people trying to come up with exaltations. They weren't successful about it, but they did learn a lot of stuff about how to empower and fiddle with the soul.
bayonetta, and Castlevania immediately spring to mind.
Is there a mabinogi jump?
Zephie trained for twelve jumps specifically to kill the shit out of Gilgamesh.
Cthullu saves the world I think has a perk like that.
I'm currently making a jump just so I can destroy a character in it. It will be glorious.
Are Genius' from nWoD like Tinkers from Worm?
Why are you guys so hateful?
Are Geniuses from nWoD like Tinkers from Worm?