tell me Veeky Forums
have you ever ran a game on an imageboard/forum?
Is it a good or a bad idea, if the players would be a consistent group of strangers that wish to remain anonymous but still want to play.
Tell me Veeky Forums
I think that has nothing to do with traditional games. But there might be some other board for this kinda stuff, just look around a bit.
Just use roll20 or IRC, you mong.
We literally have a board for this. There's a link to /qst/ at the top of the page. It has poster IDs, drawing in your post like /i/, Veeky Forums's dice roller. If you're set on doing it it has all the tools.
oh snap it is a thing
not an option
Too many like to play the spoiler and ruin the game, and you can't see them coming.
If you want to play, FLGS, college group, or library group. If you want to run a game but lack players, make an adventure and release it on DrivethruRPG.
I came to ask because I have players but it has to be via an imageboard
this is just a test run, not a long time commitment, and I was curious how to go about it
I'll just check /qst/ from now on since it seems it has addressed most of the issues I would come across
/qst/ is awful though. That's why everyone is hoping the mods decide to allow quest threads to return to Veeky Forums.
I won't be conducting in on /qst/ though, just looking on what's enabled to facilitate games like that
I didn't "run" any, but I tried several times. It never works.
Nice troll. Nobody wants that. It'd just be shitposting galore and we already have enough of that
/mlp/ is awful though. That's why everyone is hoping the mods decide to allow My Little Pony general to return to /co/.
Veeky Forums is awful though. That's why everyone is hoping the mods decide to allow Warhammer 40000 general to return to /b/.
We have an entire containment board for that sort of thing. It has enough space for all the quests you'll need, like-minded people, a meta quest general for discussion & advice, poster IDs, Dice rolling and even image posting
Quality may vary from poor to shit but hey, that's the territory with questfags
At this point /b/ legit needs something like this to happen. Veeky Forums wouldn't benefit but /b/ would only skyrocket in quality
go to /b/ 2.0 and start one, that board is great
just don't get triggered by things you don't like and you'll be fine
That's only because questfags are cancer and need to leech off the rest of us to have any fun. You know I'm right Veeky Forums
Bruh /b/ is a porn board now. I don't think it even can trigger anyone but oldfags anymore
>That's only because questfags are cancer and need to leech off the rest of us to have any fun.
Could you name some threads that don't require posters to stay alive?
not /b/ silly, I guess if you don't know then don't worry about it.
/b/ was always a porn board.
There just used to be a little less porn and a little more other stuff.
/bant/? I went there once and it felt okay but nothing interesting. The top thread was even a post that said "This board is pointless" and had a dabbing pepe. I haven't thought about it since.
Unless you mean /pol/ in which case, I only go for the weekly /brit/ threads when question time is one. I'm anglo obviously
Here's when you tell me you were talking about Veeky Forums or something else left-field
More than a little, sometimes /b/ almost looks like /gif/ it's so overwhelming
Nice try faggot but acting like a retard isn't going to help you. Jeez, this is how low-quality questfags are. Can't even troll worth a damn.
Well like any non-faggot understands from my post I obviously wasn't talking about posters in general, as you know you degenerate questcunt. I was talking about how questshits can't even run a thread without the rest of us complaining so you could farm the hits and get attention. Poor you. That's why /qst/ is so shit, there's barely any of you and you're all such beta faggots you can't even get your shit together
>I was talking about how questshits can't even run a thread without the rest of us complaining so you could farm the hits and get attention.
Why would you enter a thread you're not interested in, just to announce that you're not interested in that thread?
Never have. Fucking scum aren't you
>just don't get triggered by things you don't like and you'll be fine
But that's how we got /qst/ in the first place
makes an inane statement
gets plainly told in simple English why some aspect of their thinking is flawed.
spazzes out in a flurry of middle-school profanity as a defense mechanism.
This is the kind of person that shits this place up.
It's best to just ignore trolls.
Even so, it's not a good idea to encourage questfags either. Two wrongs don't make a right
Back in the day we had some people run an OSR hexcrawl here on Veeky Forums.
It is sad questfags ruined everything with their utter lack of self control and shitty content.
Yeah, if moot hadn't moved all the haremshit /a/nime quests over here from /a/, it never would have been a problem. The quests created by Veeky Forums regulars were almost always pretty good.
People only started complaining about quests after the dozens of low-effort waifu quests started appearing here.
Well yes and no. From memory:
Waifu quests
Badly done, poorly thought out generically named quests
Erotic quests (Good ones were double fucking unicorns and you know it)
Random Quests
___ Slave Wat do Quest (Funny the first time, not the other times)
/d/ Quests
Harem Quests
Cross-over Quests (Personly I think this is where it started)
META QUESTS (Should have been banned outright)
Then there was the bad behaviour on the part of questfags as well. Granted it was probably only a few, but it was throwing fuel on fires.
Stuff like:
Spamming links to their quests in unrelated threads
Namefags being absolutely insufferable because they did long running quests
Trying to get quests past filters
Making threads to advertise that they will be doing a quest later instead of just using the Quest general
And of course; META QUESTS
Obviously, this wasn't all questfags, plus non-questfags started shit too, but all that mixed with a sense that other boards quests had been forced on Veeky Forums, the abundance of quests which got abandoned part way through on their first go but not deleted so everyone saw a poor quality thread slowly getting filtered out gave questfags their bad reputation
It was a vocal minority inside a vocal minority from both sides, but questfags didn't have good PR to start with so things didn't go their way
>Reddit spacing
I use Roll20. But you could also make a private reddit and post there.
My strawpoll of "for/against quests" shows 50/50, with pro-questers in slight advantage
I actually have a private imagoeboard set up, never intended to run this on Veeky Forums or /qst/
Did you post it in a thread with much traffic?
There have been a bunch of strawpolls about it about and most fell close to that. The widest margin I saw the questfags winning by was one that was 60/40.
It works great except that people lose interest.
The problem with play-by-post is that nobody has to respond immediately, and often the game doesn't move forward until everyone responds. This includes the GM. At the table a player tries something and I'm forced to make a call and the game proceeds; in a play-by-post I can read a player's action and think it sounds cool and then spend days overthinking my response.
I've been in games with better gamemasters, though, and even those petered out. If one player stalls for a day that's no big deal, but everyone else becomes slightly less interested in that day, less likely to jump back in and continue the old pace and more likely to stall themselves, its just a death spiral of disinterest.