What is the appeal of Monopoly?

What is the appeal of Monopoly?

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I think its aboit collecting all the figures and learning all yhe special rules associtaed with them. Also cant wait to see what the new meta is going to be
>tfw I'm legit as fuck with the car but will never master the thimble or iron.

>but will never master the thimble or iron
Well you don't have anything to worry about then because both of those have been squatted.

Normies like it because they can cheat.

>what's the appeal of controlling an entire sector of the market and knowing you can rise prices as much as you want because you have no real competency?

>>what's the appeal of controlling an entire sector of the market and knowing you can rise prices as much as you want because you have no real competency?
I know you probably meant "no real competition" but your version is funnier.

I'm a filthy phoneposter

Yah, I know what you meant, but what you posted is much funnier, and sometimes sadly true

It's the D&D effect where it's what most people instinctively think of when they think of the game type.
Name a tabletop game? D&D
Name a board game? Monopoly.
It's the same principle where it's popular because it's popular.

Accessibility. When people think board games, this game's market saturation is near total, and many people are fearful of change and don't like new things, so they stick to what's familiar.

It's just become the face of board games, without any actual merit of its own, simply because it's everywhere and everyone knows it.

to give children a heads up that he who controls money and property controls the board.

what we should do is combine this game with risk


The original version of Monopoly, called the Landlords Game, was actually developed by socialist activists with the intention of showing how over time renters would accumulate so much profit and push out any competition until all land was owned by one person, which would allow that person to control the lives of everyone else. It is intentionally supposed to be a miserable slog until the end and make you want to stop half way through. It has no appeal and is intentionally a terrible board game. I don't know how it became so popular, but then I have met very very few people who actually know the real rules so maybe everyone is just playing their own house ruled version that makes it better.

There's 1000 differwnt versions and it's been ingrained in culture due to being one of the first family board games. Then everyone considers it fun because they houserule it to hell and back

It's the same case as D&D, though D&D isn't even as bad as monopoly.

I play it for the catharsis. It gives family members a controlled environment to talk shit and get bad vibes out, instead of bottling it up to be "polite" then going berserk at dinner.

It's fun.

Grab your phone, download "Pirate Wars - Dice", and play monopoly with a pirate theme.

Its fun, you get rich, you fuck people over, and you control the world. What's there to hate? Literally nothing.

Catan is better though

Me and my room mates do this with Risk. Every few months we will take three days and just absolutely get out all of our hate and bitterness around the Risk board, then after we plot and backstab our way through the game it is back to being good friends. I though about introducing them to Diplomacy but that might honestly end with a homicide.

Literally no one other than Magie and Darrow ever played Landlords Game, precisely because it is a miserable slog that makes you quit halfway through.

Darrow's knockoff of the game, with a better rules set that doesn't make you want to stab yourself before the end, was the one that caught on and was purchased by the Parker Brothers, who then added lots of bright colours and cutesy cartoon designs to appeal to people who didn't want to learn about tax theory.

Ruining friendships.

Is there any skill or strategy involved in this game?

To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.

It has been done, many times, and always combines the worst aspects of the two games.

But nearly all the most common houserules actually make the game shittier, I'm looking at you "Putting all fines in the center of the board as a pot and landing on Free Parking gets it all."



Georgist, not socialist.

This system would only fit within a physiocratic worldview. A system for our real world needs to think in capital in more abstract terms.

Drinking the tears of your (now former) friends and family.

socialist analysis

Mario Party is better at this.
