Right when 8th came out i moved to a new city and dont have my 40k buddies to test out lists with. What are people rocking as the new standard list size? Like it used to be 1850ish, what are people playing now?
And what about pwr levels? Is it better to go by them or points?
8Th ed lists
Power levels aren't really all that balanced between armies it seems. I think most people seem to be rocking either 1000 or 2000 pt lists
> orks are still garbage
> chaos still garbage
> sisters still garbage
> Marines are even more bland then ever but still everywhere.
Not a hole lot has changed op
Also guard no longer platoons so have fun looking half your army when your opponent looks at them.
>Orks are garbage
Lol what?
Being a imperial player (ill only ever take like a squad of marines) when it comes to list building what should i watch out for?
Oh look, an idiot.
Boy that's a strong counter argument. I tell you what
If that is your vendetta, the rules for vendetta are now forgeworld (Imperial Armor Astra Militarum)
Much has changed with army composition, i.e. Special Weapon squad is now elite, heavy weapon squad is heavy support, but scions are troops.
u might need a few platoon/company commanders to give orders.
bullgryn might be useful. (Can get slapshield and maul now (slapshield gives them a 2+ armor save))
grenade launchers and flamers are useful now.
many things can deepstrike more than 9' away and charge, so you might want some speedbumb units.
Hellhounds with 2 flamers are really really good.
everything can move and fire a heavy at -1BS. This unfortunately includes vehicles.
Snipers can target characters even if they are not the nearest model. Good thing we get tons of them. (Characters no longer can be attached to squads, some abilites now affect models/units within 6')
Oh and you can split fire at will so the leman russ battlecannon can fire at one squad, and its 3 heavy bolters at another 3 different squads.
>not putting wheels on your taurox
How are Deldar? Just got back from almost a year overseas.
Okay m8, please explain to me how Orks didn't get massive improvements to almost everything.
Underwhelming at first look, because everything is about muh unbreakable megahordes, but somebody might figure something out. Harlequinn placed great recently and every was saying that space elves are shit now
They're really good. Lance spam is however, even MORE prevelant than before though
Just did my first 2 games after a long hiatus. Loving it. Plasma is CHEAP. If Scions are your thing (just decided to buy me an army) you're in luck. They're troops now and you can get special weapons left and right and hotshot Las guns knock -2 on all enemy saves. Orders are free and automatic. Commissars effect are an AoE. Russes are trash. Wounds DO NOT ROLL OVER. Oh, your Russ hit twice? Cause 4 damage? That's 2 1 wound models. Useless without blast now. Basilisk are 108pts, no blast, but d6 shots. Good for multiwound vehicles. Meh for blobs.
I've been playing orks since 4th and I fucking love them this edition. Orks are fucking strong dude.
Wow that looks great, now I wonder if anyone has done half tracks that look as good!
My god, I want four of these and to conduct anti-chaos raids on a not-Tallarn planet that can't be exterminatus due to a rare plant that generates a small null field when in bloom. Only "farmers" (nulls) from this planet can get the flower to bloom however so the local population is still important. A Lord of Change from a nearby planet hires mercenaries to try to undermine the local population through gulie, coercion, and force to try to have the flowers destroyed or seen in a bad light by newer generations.
I miss deployment.
1500-1750 looks like will be the sweetspot for me
I play guard and i'm happy seeing that scions are now really good and not only good looking
Tauroxes with gatling are godly, so are Vultures with double punisher cannons, Manticores are good all-around, plasma is dirty cheap and can be run in safe mode (even if to be honest i will probably never be that much of a pussy), Vendettas are now costly but still worth every point imo, Russes aren't really that good anymore
My lists will probably consist of mainly Tauroxes, plasma armed scions and Manticores, if i ever get the time to convert a couple Valkyries i'll think about fielding some Vultures too, i already have 2 Vendettas and i think they'll be plenty for now
Orkfag here.
Aside from the average boyz getting kicked down to 5" and losing rules for 'Looted Vehicles'/'Looted Wagons' (GW says they're all Battlewagons now or something because 'they don't sell models for them. Which is an absolute load of horseshit imo), that's really all I can think of in terms of things that hurt da greenskins.
Otherwise, the Orks got massive improvements (to the point we're getting invaded by ex-Tau WAACfags.) Hell, even Big Gunz and GROTS got improvements (something I never thought I'd see happen).
Standard size now is 2000 for tournaments. Outside of that, 1000 and 1500 are popular sizes as well.
Don't use power levels, they're bad for a long list of reasons.
So will someone post a list?