I want to make some cards for the spells my dnd group uses. I'm using the mtg card maker (mtgcardmaker.com
ITT: we post art that potraits DnD spells. I will dumb, what I have so far. Bonus points for mending
DnD Spell Art
>having dedicated art for every spell
>not letting the players describe their own spells in their own way
you've got the bad kind of autism
They still can. The cards work as a reminder how the spell functions. And let's be real: withour art its just a wall of text that looks quite boring
Use some of the quirkier, abstract art from Magic. Maybe some Foglio.
>And let's be real: withour art its just a wall of text that looks quite boring
>without art its just a wall of text that looks quite boring
holy fucking turbo-autism batman, these are the types of children who play D&D these days, they need pictures to go with their books or they get bored
if your group is literally so unimaginative they can't create the pictures in their minds, then they need to stop playing pen and paper RPG's. Mass Effect Andromeda might be in their tastes
I think you don't really understand what the cards are for, but I'll safe my energy explaining it to you. As a tip: look at the image of Vicious Mockery, do you think it's there to tell the players how the spell looks?
At least it seems like other people got the idea. I will look into it, thanks.
It doesn't need to exist at all, you fucking Millennial.
The words "Vicious Mockery" alone conjure up a bevy of images.
Jesus Christ, you children need illustrated flash cards to play make-believe.
At least you're bumping the thread
Hey, I don't even care I'm just here to steal some of these for making custom magic cards. Spell art is harder to find than you'd think.
I'll also post some a bit later OP, once I get home.
>posting 5e spells
your autism is astounding
bumping then, saves me doing a binge through the MGT card search thingies and squinting at the smallest spell images an ant ever saw.