How Veeky Forums are sororitas? What do they bench, squat and dead lift? Can they crush heretic skulls between their thighs?
How Veeky Forums are sororitas? What do they bench, squat and dead lift...
Obviously they are fit as fuck, they pop more than skulls with those thighs.
They go to war academy except there's no transitioning to a civilian lifestyle.
They'll be pretty damn fit but it's not likely they will care a crazy amount about Olympic lifts and much as endurance training.
>Can they crush heretic skulls between their thighs
They can power armored; I don't know if they could do it naturally, though. They are just baseline humans, after all.
>tfw you will never call her 'mother superior'
>Can they crush heretic skulls between their thighs?
Of course they can.
>Can they crush heretic skulls between their thighs?
I would certainly hope so.
They're only strength 3, but on the other hand so are Catachans, so sure.
This seems to be the "normal" end of female strength without being some awful steroidic monster so probably something similar to this.
>"normal" end
This is what females can achieve without roids. My guess is that soroitas look something like this.
Looks aren't the same as strength.
In my uni there were so many girls on juice who looked ripped, but they were never stronger than NATURAL males.
It's weird but for some reason a 160lb muscular girl is always weaker than a 140-160lb muscular man
There was 1 girl who did figure and physique competitions and her max bench was 155 lel
Catachans don't wear power armor.
I now just imagined a female Arbites 41st Millenium Chun-li, fuck you OP.
It's because male bodies have more muscle mass per pound, due to testosterone.
The work to maintain that is nigh on full time shit though. Leaving her zero time to fight xenos and be a shoehorned political stance in a game for fat, awkward men.
Are you retarded? Soldiers aren't bodybuilders. Sororitas would look like this
Space Marines have the same strength whether they're in power armor or scout carapace armor, which makes it seem like the servos in power armor just serve to carry its own weight.
actually, the sisters are anything but shoehorned feminism if that's what you are getting at
>thinking this is natty
Realistic or not, I like to imagine them having a body like this.
They probably look something like this, but with more scars.
>TFW no sweaty, muscular sororitas waifu who smells of incense and loves to purge heresy in the name of the emperor
I you can't bench at least 200 lbs you can't bench period.
And that's being really really generous
>how Veeky Forums are sororitas?
Considering most Veeky Forums guys are obsessed with workout programs that are completely inefficient for fighting a war, probably not very Veeky Forums.
They are definitely at an incredibly high level of physical fitness, but they wouldn't give half a damn about Olympic lifts. Having all that extra muscle to move around is not good when you're trying to move through hours of combat or marching. Look at the body type that most people in the military develop--square frames, with strong cores, calves, and forearms. Second most trained groups are upper arms, back, and upper legs. Nothing is very bulky, because very few of them are lifting weights. All of them can run; maybe not incredibly fast, but for decent distances. They also have tons of stamina usually (soldiers used to march 70+ miles a day, with gear). Special operation body types are usually the same way, just a lot harder trained with more heavily developed forearms, cores, and legs.
Most of a SoB's physical abilities come from the power armor, anyway.
Either one is fine by me.
Consider that sororitas also wave around chainswords
You gonna get some nice upper body with that
Considering the equipment used, Stormtrooper girls would be considerably more Veeky Forums than Sisters, simply because they have to do all the same shit -without- powered assistance while also carting around bulky carapace armour and a hotshot pack.
>She makes you shout "For the Emperor!" before you climax or you go back in the box
>no one has posted Samantha Wright yet
In all honesty while she's cute as shit she's also nothing special from the perspective of competitive weightlifting.
>Or she uses secret holy sexual techniques to keep you hard and make you cum again and again until you shout it
>You intentionally don't shout it so she'll never stop fucking you into submission
>not shouting "For the Emperor"
the supervising commissar executes you
>supervising commissar
>Sexually repressed and/frustrated Raege supervising a "holy union" of the human form involving a sororitas as she is basically itching for a chance to pull out the bolter and execute said man who she is probably projecting thoughts of her father onto
>No short hair Antje Traue Sororita
>antje traue
>sororitas armor
>In all honesty while she's cute as shit
And she takes offense to being called cute. Like every modern woman she can't take a fucking compliment.
But objecting to being called cute is itself cute, so it's fine.
I mean, calling a male weightlifter cute is a good way to get punched in the face, so I don't think this is solely a female issue.
>t. tsunderefag
male weightlifters are cute though
Somehow I bet a hot chick could tell a weight lifter he's cute without getting punched
The dude weightlifter fucking flexes and thinks about the pussy he's probably getting
The female weight lifter gets annoyed because people still aren't taking her seriously and she already has people throwing fistfulls of dick at her like hotdogs
SoBs look like this
Or this
But usually this
So the answer is, pretty fit, strong core strong thighs strong upper body for weapons
They aren't going to look like bodybuilders because that's wasted mass, wasted time, and wasted drug therapy
For some comparitive analysis here some female atheletes
Calling a man in general cute is a good way to get punched in the face. It's almost as if cute is a feminine compliment or something.
Try having a bitch call a male weightlifter handsome and see if he ends up throwing a hissyfit or not.
Adventure racing and swimming please
>"I'll show you hot"
Please do, direct it at the heretics if you would
And a female soldier
Now remember humans in the future have already undergone extensively gene therapy, so your Sororitas are all probably going to be six foot and be able to develop modest musculature. They aren't going to be packing on huge slabs of muscle no matter what, but human bodies in general don't do that without specific attention and or drugs.
I imagine a Sororitas would be a combination of boxing and adventure racing, since only boxing has the upper definition to swing a chainsword
>Sororitas are all probably going to be six foot
mmm, probably not
The average height in 40k will reflect what the average height in contemporary earth is, since it's written by contemporary people. Schola graduates, while exceptional human beings, are still ultimately human. We've still got a ways to go before the average woman is 6'.
of course if we're using Veeky Forums as the baseline, the average female graduate will be 7'+ with their male counterparts dwarfing space marines
>Be IG general
>Having hard time with heretics
>Out of the sky goddamn SoB regiment drops
>Burns half the country to a crisp
>Planetary governors getting angry
>Wild eyed power armored nuns who have been aboard a clam bake of a ship with only women for months at least now roaming around IG encampment in packs "looking for heretics"
>Periodically soldiers disappear for days at a time
>Decide to talk to sister superior
>Take a regiment of strapping young lads as flak
>Lose half of them by the time I get to her
>Have meeting
>Leave meeting room
>The rest are gone
>Make it out of there
>Troops are coming back from convent physically exhausted and dehydrated
>What is this Imperium coming to?
Nothing too serious in the medica department, just lots of superficial scratches and some friction burns
It depends somewhat on the sister. There's no argument that they're not all fit on some level, even the hospitallers and the dialogus sisters, but they're obviously going to be less fit than a battle sister.
And you have to remember that these girls are almost constantly training. Their service is a holy duty, and they probably work exercises into their prayers - even Space Marines in stories grudgingly admire their level of training and skill, closer than most humans to what Astartes do. They are kept to a very rigorous physical standard, probably more than even the guard or stormtroopers just because they don't have that piety surrounding it. They could probably best an average guardsmen or officer in hand-to-hand combat, and do well or at least hold their own against storm troopers and their officers or commissars. Obviously they'd get beat the fuck up by Space Marines, and no unaugmented human would be as physically strong as an Ork.
>if a guardsman can cum more than 5 times a day, he's automatically branded a potential slaaneshi cultist
>whisked away to the nearest shrine world for SoBs to "cleanse and rehabilitate" him
>might take days
>usually takes years
>if he survives long enough, his sperm samples are sent across the imperium to improve humanity's sexual endurance
In the grimdarkness of the far future, the only actual fighting armies left are the Space Marines and the SoBs. The imperial guard has been subsumed as servants of the Sororitas.
Basically this. They're fanatic cult warriors with the true faith merit.
So where does "secular humanism" fall on the sister's scale of heresy?
Denying the divinity of the Emperor is automatic BLAM.
You're going to have a lot of people in the Imperium who don't think the Emps is the One True God, especially space marines. The Sororitas are not amongst those and would not accept their existence if they were aware. In their eyes the Emperor is always watching, is always there, and he LITERALLY protects the faithful. They are able to *demonstrate* this on the battlefield, in a way other imperial factions can't.
>Denying the divinity of the Emperor is automatic BLAM.
Very, very fit
Handsome and cute have very different meanings, however.
The human form is generally considered sacred, because humans are awesome. But part of the Imperial Cult's doctrines is the idea that all humans have a place within a divinely mandated order set up by the Emperor. Assuming that humanity can do better on its own without the Emperor would be like assuming you'd be better off without your limbs - or more correctly, that the limbs could do anything without the head's planning.
Of course, they'd feel humanity would be better off without the Chaos gods, but it's not like they seriously consider them to be truly gods anyway, so it doesn't really apply.
We'll worry the day you can stand up or at the very least move your arms.
She is pixie princes I adore her.
That second nigger is proof /pol/ is right.
Also there is Ayyyyy in the midle.
Not one cute thou.
>That second nigger is proof /pol/ is right.
About what?
Bodybuilding, shot put and rhyth gym please.
>not swimming1, boxing and adventure racing
Stormtrooper girls don't exist, girls that show show a strong military aptitude in the Schola Progenium get sent to the Soroitas.
>Stormtrooper girls don't exist
yes they do
>girls that show show a strong military aptitude in the Schola Progenium get sent to the Sororitas
No. Girls with keen military skills AND ALSO excess faith get sent to the sororitas. The ones without strong faith will be placed elsewhere.
Hello yes I would like a volleyball and a boxing please.
>Now remember humans in the future have already undergone extensively gene therapy
This! Glad someone else understands that galactic colonization would involve a lot of extensive genetic manipulation in regards to both physical fitness and the immune system, to allow people to survive in so many new (and often hostile) environments!
Humans in 40k are not humans from this time.
The last Golden men was the Emperor, the rest are Stone men, made to colonize space. It could explain why Abhumans exist. That level of specialization to their world could not happen naturally unless they have some kind of turbo evolution programmed from beforehand.
>yes they do
no they don't
And even if someone was stupid enough to put women into a program designed to train the best non-augmented human warriors possible, she'll be at the bottom of the class and knowing the Tempestus she'll therefore end up being used for target practice.
>>Wild eyed power armored nuns who have been aboard a clam bake of a ship with only women for months at least now roaming around IG encampment in packs "looking for heretics"
Honestly, this is probably pretty close to what they look like under dat boob plate. Clearly in shape, with a decent bit of muscle.
>new lore is fanfiction
I thought it was just a meme, but holy hell.
4th and everything before it is basically the only valid lore. The rest is pretty much edgy fan fiction.
>it's not like they seriously consider them to be truly gods anyway, so it doesn't really apply.
Then a GK tells you sorcery and Emperor-sanctioned psykery are the same.
It's not like every single female Schola Progenium student gets sent to the Sisterhood. If they were, it'd be really hard to explain their surprisingly small numbers.
It's happened for certain planets, particularly Fenris, but a lot of them were actually terraformed by earlier human colonists - most humans don't need to be anything other than baseline stock.
One of their jobs is killing spess muhreens if need be, so they have to be fit enough for that
>Sisters of Battle
Battle is a concept, concepts don't have filial relations
Hey get me some too, and throw in an adventure racing
Then how come there are battle brothers?
That's a Marine, not a Soldier
>Marines insist there is a difference
Probably around the female 150lbs ipf competition elite, so 400/200/400.
Well, Sisterhood members are the best trained human troops the Imperium has to offer, alongside Storm Troopers and other similar high-end forces.
Sisters of Battle, Storm Troopers and Commisars.
I tried to say that they'd look like a female knight without an armor, wearing heavy stuff often, waving a sword and all that, I wanted to find some pic related but I forgot I was in the internet so I googled "female knight naked". After fapping I decided there are no pic related pictures.
Within the 40k setting, it is canon that women can shoot and fight just as well as the Tempestus because Sororitas do so. You think that's unrealistic? It can join the long list of stuff that's deeply unrealistic about the 40k setting.
(I do assume Tempestus are exclusively male, though. Female Progena who excel athletically and swallow Imperial doctrine unquestioningly go to the Sororitas. Those who both excel athletically and have inquiring minds probably go to the Arbites or the Inquisition.)
Naw senpai sisters are pure. Pure!
don't cut yourself on that edge, my man
Keep in mind that there will be Sororitas from different planets and different genetic stock. You could very well have a deathworld with above average gravity SoB that will be walking the path of the swole by default. And then there is gene therapy. Stormtroopers and kasrkin tend to get it, its entirely reasonable that SoB get some treatments too. Since they are an elite formation I imagine they get a lot of extra work done on those bodies, inside and out.
That's pretty hot, imo. Maybe take it to the drawthread.