Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Chaos is good guys edition

>FAQ (New FAQ), Tau Tiers Edition:


>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Old crap

>List Builder
Deader than the Emperor.

>WIP Math-hammer doc

Other urls found in this thread:



‘Saviour Protocols: If a Drones unit is within 3"
of a friendly Infantry or Battlesuit
unit when an enemy attack successfully wounds it, you
can allocate that wound to the Drones unit instead of
the target. If you do, that Drones unit suffers a mortal
wound instead of the normal damage.’

So what's the point of shield drones then if you can't take their invuln save? Great design team.


How are you guys reacting to the no-minimum-squad-sizes in matched play rules change? Is matched play totally fucked? I think it's narrative or bust for me.

It is the most playtested. Seeing as the other ones weren't at all and had some insane retardation.

>I think Night Lords are pretty similar at least. Both are just brutal assholes for the hell of it.

And that's one thing I love. Chaos keeps focusing on the "LOL YOUR A SLAVE TO CHAOS NOW" instead of the whole "Ambitious master of their own fate through the use of dark powers" Kinda thing like Red Corsairs and stuff.

Its a shitty gameplay choice instead of making a fluffy ruling

Wew the ork nerf came sooner than i had thought



Q. The Ork Battlewagon’s Mobile Fortress ability says the
Battlewagon ‘ignores the penalty for moving and firing Heavy
weapons’. Its Open-topped ability says that ‘restrictions and
modifiers that apply to this model also apply to its passengers’.
Does that mean that a unit embarked also ignores the penalty
for firing Heavy weapons if the battlewagon has moved?
A. No.

Welp, there goes Flash Gitz as an option.

Acolytes good options.
FAQ comes
Acolytes even more worthless than guardsmen


This archive doesn't want to open for me for some reason. Can somebody check it?

(Fucking system thinking my post is spam...)
>P L A Y T E S T E D
>P L A Y T E S T E D

But seriously, are my GK Librarians allowed to take Stormshields because the index says "refer to the Librarian in Terminator armor page" but also refer to the "Grey Knight Weapon list". It says nothing about the ranged weapon which is the slot that storm shields take up.

>Death Guard are a bit 'meh', no real reason to turn to Chaos other than 'lol and then it happened'.

Typhus causing the majority of their fleet to be flooded with warp plague, yanno, whatever

It's a silly rule though. Seriously, PP figured out "remove from play" versus "trigger on kill" yeads ago...

so you I can have a detachment of:
HQ - 1 grot spanner
elites - 6*2 squig bombs


>Q. What does within 1" mean? Does it mean any distance up to 1", or does it mean any distance up to and including 1"?
>A. It means any distance up to and including 1".

This is on the level of "Can my building Scout?"

Yeah, 'and then it happened lol'.

'Lol Typhus strands the entire fleet lmao'.

Suddenly and without buildup aside from the convenient 'surviving poisons and shit' from their backstory.

>You can only include one of this kind of unit in your army.
Rules fucker. Read em.

Fuck, I forgot to remove my name.


well thank god that the restriction is there tho

They'll work fine against small arms fire but it'll be worth sacrificing them agains things like las canons.

maybe they work well in games that use power levels.

I am not seeing it. What changed?

The faq still doesnt address the fact that a warlord titan cant attack a grot in the second level of a ruin in close combat

It's an ability for all drones. If you're taking shield drones just for the extra wounds, you're doing it wrong

Wonder if GW thinks SoB are a melee army.
Most of the Imperium 2 is to make sure the girls get their melee weapons.

Also make AoF even more hard to use

D-does she wear her battle dress underneath?

This lets me bring nothing but the heavy weapon Scarab Occult Termi which is hilarious from the unit

>primarch guilliman, please use all your tactical acumen to tell us how to best utilise this mighty warlord battle titan
>tell it to go punch that grot over there

If anything they are shit against small arms fire since a lasgun shot is still a mortal wound if passed on.


Its terrible that Typhus was the one who did it. Old lore was basically 'and then Nurgle picked this opportunity to fuck with Mortarion'. Typhus just comes off as a massive troll for the lulz as a result.

that is why you take the inv save instead

Kill points are kill points you inbred retard.


Avatar of Kaine: Molten Body - Roll a D6 whenever the Avatar of Kaine suffers a wound or mortal wound, on a 5+ that wound is ignored

Stimulant Injector - Roll a dice each time a model equipped with a stimulant injector suffers a wound or mortal wound. On a roll of a 6, ignore it

Disgustingly Resilient - Each time this model loses a wound, roll a d6; on a roll of a 5 or 6, it does not lose that wound

Goddammit, gotta sell models I guess

jesus christ the rules for cover are so fucking bad

the barricade rules in the faq are extra retarded
i wish gw would decide if this is a model based or a unit based game FFS

>‘When a model targets an enemy
unit that has
all of its models within 1" of a barricade, the target unit
receives the benefit of cover if the attacking model is
closer to the barricade than it is to the target.’
cant wait to be resolving the shooting of a 30 man unit of shootas with these sort of rules

I don't see that

Invulnerable saves don't work on mortal wounds.

You can't take invulns against mortal wounds, dipshit. A S3 AP0 Lasgun Shot, when allocated onto a drone, becomes a mortal wound that cannot be saved under any circumstances, instantly killing the Drone.

Someone's angry. Have you tried being less mad?

>needing pic related

For what purpose?

Tank in a hedge, but halfway visible? Cover.
Tank on a road, only visible by the dozer blade? No cover.


nerfing, goddamn phoneposter


imagine explaining this to a new players
would be the quickest 180 youd ever see in your life

The quality of the weapon doesn't matter, a mortal wound is a mortal wound.
There is no point whatsoever to take shield drones over gun drones with this errata.

Why are opinions so torn on Autocannons?

I see some people say they're utter shit without application, and some claim they're the absolute best all rounder in the game and always worth taking

Aren't snazzguns assault weapons?

no because that would make flash gitz a semi playable unit

cant have that

I'm not sure how many, but there are quite a few books inside. I would really appreciate your help.

Why *wouldn't* you take shield drones prior to this errata? The chance to negate a lascannon shot on a 4+ was the whole point, shield drones are utterly useless now.

My bad, thought you meant it was in the FAQ and was confused

Guess I'll bring 1 Scarab Termi, 1 Normi Termi and 1 DG termi with their heavy weapons

Ok, I'm sorry. From the few games I have played agains Tau I was under the impression that the shield drones gave the unit they were shielding an inv save.


how much does an avarge w40k army cost?


Still no ruling on if smite can be used in melee, or if it can target those in melee

Depends on points, army kind and stuff

for every 500pt, anywhere from $50 to $300

Less than a trophy wife

>An animalistic growl came from the gue’ron’sha’s helm. The Imperial warrior put his shoulder down, drew a chainsaw blade, and charged.
>Bravestorm grinned fiercely as the Space Marine’s long strides ate up the distance between them. The gue’ron’sha was planning to get in close.
>A microdec passed, and the commander eye-blinked a sub-routine he had waited a long time to use.
>The XV8 took a stride forward, pivoting hard at the waist. Bravestorm’s massive onager gauntlet swung out in a backhand blow. The Space Marine’s blade was swept aside. The battlesuit gauntlet caught him in a full body blow, crushing gun and warrior alike against the lateral wall of the corridor.
>Bravestorm resumed his gun stance, already firing by the time the gue’ron’sha’s mangled corpse fell in a disorderly pile to the ground.

space marines losing to tau in melee
we melee race now

price, probably

You can get two heavy bolters for about the same.

Starting a SM army. Planning to go Imperial Fists.
Are tactical marines even worth getting? because bolters seem kind of shit.

Fucked if I know, they were actually in a decent spot and the +1A compensated for the lack of Pistol/CCW attack. Dammit.

Anyone else feels the FAQ intentionally fuck up non marine armies?

Wait. WAT.

So...my IG Brigades get even cheaper?

Troops = Understrength Infantry Squad, 1 guy 4pts

Elites = Understrength Special Weapons Squad, 1 guy, 4 pts

HS = Understrength Heavy Weapons Squad, 2 dudes w a mortar, 9 pts

FA = Understrength Rough Riders Squad, 1 guy w lance, 10 pts
This can't possibly be right.

No, tacmarines are the worst troop choice in the game right now. At least CSM's get a buff depending on what god they chose.

They are good objective grabbers with combat squads

Not really. What sort of things specifically?

Because there doesn't need to be one.
Psykic rules don't check for melee.

Are there really idiots out there that think Tau should never ever beat a Space Marine in combat even though it happens all the time on tabletop and regular humans have been depicted doing it (nevermind that its a suit using a onager gauntlet)


Of course it can, why couldn't it

Advice on a tank army I'm the current edition?

what is the standard points range for w40k, then? 1000-1500pts or more?
I understand of course that there are armies that have more models, then other. how much is an avarge army 20-30 models?

If I'm reading the faq right, Assault Squads can take plasma and meltaguns now. I'm new, in the process of assembling a squad and wondering which weapon to go for. Plasma sounds like the better choice since you can drop them in rapid fire range.


go flyers, DE or marines

>Many of those humans that complied with the tau, whether directly or through the complicity of inaction, now work the machineries above the magma lakes as indentured slaves. Their fate is a slow asphyxiation, or perhaps a quick and agonising death by scalding when the machineries inevitably malfunction.
>The strongest citizens, the heaviest set, have instead been chemically lobotomised and rebuilt as battle servitors. Their lower halves are cut away and replaced by track units even as their arms are replaced by weapons of war. The most dextrous, those who pass the Trial by Knives with all their limbs and digits intact, are instead sent to work their fingers bloody in the weapons shops. Those who fall asleep at their stations, or even so much as raise their heads, soon find an electro-scourge descending to encourage them back to work. All the while these poor benighted fools are lambasted by deafening Imperial catechisms and hypno-psalms, blasted from rank upon rank of laud hailers. These are ostensibly to reaffirm an errant people’s faith in the one true creed, but it is more likely they are intended to shred what is left of their willpower. Tried and tested Imperial bombast, designed to break a man body and soul so those who witness their fate never stray a single foot from their designated roles.

nope, we still got turbo grimdark in 40k

you still pay the points for the missing guys and guns and you can only have one unit as such

oh, just saw the one type.

So 0-1 understrength X unit. Still saves on a lot of points.

>Lone Bullgryn
>Lone Rough Rider
>Lone Ratling

This is a bit abusable as long as you have slots available.

That's how they we're in the vanilla index, and the errata came out what, just now?

Tournament used to be 1850, looks like the new 8th standard is 2000

Friendly play 1000, 1500 and 2000 are the most common

Just to make sure, you are playing blood angels, right?

Full devastator squads seem better.


>you still pay the points for the missing guys and guns

No, you don't

>and you can only have one unit as such

That is correct

Veeky Forums I need your help. I love the wargame and having painted models, but I can't focus on painting for shit. What's a good, low model count army so I can actually power through and have a painted army?

so a 2000pts army costs around 250-300$ on avarge?

Thanks for the easy killpoint.
>They're all separate units

Blood angels only, although you could just ally them in.

whoops, I didn't read like the cancer I am

Grey knights. Fairly simple paint scheme too.

Oh I should've mentioned that, yes!

Necrons using Immortals?

Elite Chaos, using Termies and Chosen?

Grey Knights?

Ahhhhahahaha all the IG waacfags buying up tempestus command squads got btfo

Reecius was right all along. Get fucked

Monster-heavy Nods
Any Terminator or bike army

I took it as typhus throwing the entire crew under the bus and the only way out of that situation was to sell their souls to the devil, so to peak.