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Strawpoll about gender and sexuality of /cyoag/. If you don't vote, it's going to be definite proof that Angel is only one posting in here.
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Strawpoll about gender and sexuality of /cyoag/. If you don't vote, it's going to be definite proof that Angel is only one posting in here.
Needs a Male; SDA option.
I voted under the assumption that liking traps is straight.
Uh... for a poll in a thread where a running meme is "be the little girl" and with a lot of /d/ (now /trash/ RIP /d/ cyoag) cros posting there seems to be a distinct lack of trans/other for gender identity.
>it's going to be definite proof that Angel is only one posting in here
I barely post anymore.
Lurkers don't care about the memes of a couple of shitposters.
I decided against adding the joke answers because having them just encourages people to pick them.
Trans people pick the gender they identify as, don't they?
Yeah, sorry. Just tried to make a bad SDA-joke, but you're right.
Wait it is a meme? are you sure about that?
Voted Male;Straight though i like futa which some might consider gay.
Just shitposting to bait people into voting, sorry. I'll post SoB as apology.
I actually did think couple of /cyoag/ injokes and attack helicopter as option but in the end, fucking around encourages people to fuck around and I sorta wanted people to take this a little seriously (as seriously as you can take a garbage poll on garbage thread on dead website)
Futalovers stubbornly clutching the straight label is the whole problem with futa.
It makes people post it in places that are meant just for pictures of women. Futa aren't women, stop doing that!
Ok just to be straight:
1.) If you like dickgrils and would take a cock that makes you gay.
2.) If you like dickgrils because they look like girls that makes you stupid.
Futas are women that have a dick as an extra you are thinking about traps
>Trans people pick the gender they identify as, don't they?
Depends. Some pick one to identify as, other are "fluid" and switch back depending on how they feel and then some don't really identify as either at any point.
It seems you should have added a Male, futa category and just chuck all of these votes into bi when you're done.
Assuming this is true, there is a surprising amount of bi females (see: More than 0) and a non surprising lack of straight females (See: 0)
I wonder how many people voted honestly?
But if it's gay than how come gay people don't like that fetish?
>Futa aren't women
They're not men either though.
I know the difference. I don't care.
Stop posting them in threads about women.
There's an easy way of telling - if it's got a vagina, it's female. If it doesn't, it's a dude, no matter how big the boobs are.
And coming back on topic, that strawpoll so far says this should be a popular cyoa.
I like dickgirls because they look like girls but fuck like guys, which means any porn which would have a guy can have a dickgirl instead and be much hotter.
Page two...
Captcha is getting weird on me, so I'mma take a break before it starts asking me to draw pictures.
I/my gender identity is a binomial attack helicopter.
>Male: straight
>Female: gay
I know Angelanon and HL are lesbians, that leaves two unknown anonymous posters/lurkers.
People that are only interested in men don't like them.
People that are only interested in women don't like them.
Only people that are interested in dickgirls like them, and if they try to insert them in places they don't belong they are annoying others.
>There's an easy way of telling - if it's got a vagina, it's female. If it doesn't, it's a dude, no matter how big the boobs are.
So what you're saying is that since futas have vaginas, they're female despite also having dicks?
>implying porn with two girls, one orange isnt better.
Futa fucking women is not gay, that's the one exception to it.
Orders are kinda very insignificant choice, especially since if I remember right, the Sisters are allowed to transfer between them. Yet, it would be kinda weird NOT to have that choice.
>Order of the Ebon Chalice
The enemy believes that they are safe within their tanks and fortifications. They are wrong.
God gave you a prostate for a reason, user, and it sure as fuck wasn't to take it up the ass from a dude.
It wasn't?
I'm a mtf trans; I like girls, traps, and futa. What does that make me?
Literally, im not gay.
I just dont like the fact that people can get tricked over something that looks superficially like a girl, except isnt.
Mentally ill
Pansexual, I guess?
Difficult to include as a poll option.
Biologically male bisexual?
Blasting through armor with the multi-melta, then closing in with bolter and chainsword to finish off survivors? I like it!
I included the chapters because I think they really help with the fluff and can tie in with character motivation. I didn't see any reason to make them mechanically different.
It's bi.
Whoever thinks that any gay guy would go for traps is an idiot.
I have returned, anyone working on a elemental cyoa
Maybe I'll make one after I finish my cancer cyoa. No promises. A strong maybe.
>You will never have a sylph and an undine as waifus
Why live?
For Ilias, of course.
Roommate: Rachel, the blatant waifu option.
Mutations: Easy Mode.
-Breast Pump
-Stretchy Clothing
-Self Driving Car
I really want that robot butler too but I figure I should probably prioritize gear that would make her life easier. I can clean, and try to cook, if I have to.
Female; Lesbian or Bi, I guess.
I didn't really account for traps and futa on basis that they are kinda edge case anyway and are included as bonus/trap option in cyoas anyway. This isn't exactly super scientific poll, just something to get some idea about demographics we have. If strawpoll allowed for more questions, I probably would have asked more deeply about gender.
Well that changes everything
But it is a girl. Just a deformed one. Futa is properly a form of teratophilia.
Canonically, the various Sister Orders are far more similar to each other than Space Marine Chapters. They also don't transfer Sisters to Orders "they would fit better in", so they don't especially specialize.
Like I said, it's a bit weird thing where it doesn't have much effect but it would be weird to not include.
However, I'm triggered hard by Repentia having options other than Eviscerator, especially since they are suggested to pick dual chainswords.
Illias and some what tomamo made that awful game worth playing and when part 3 rolled in I wanted to quit so bad and forced myself to play and all throughout that game I hated Luka being a whiny hypocrite little bastard
>Tfw you will never play MGQ for the first time again.
Bi obviously.
I can make one for you, what do you want it to feature?
You can play Paradox, though, which is a better game with a better plot. Part 2 just came out.
If I get in the mood for an update sometime, I'll have to add Eviscerators.
Human King so that I can personally stop those other fags
Is Illias still best girl?
Am I remembering wrong or was this supposed to get an update that....did something? It was at least supposed to explain what Incubus is? Maybe something else?
It's not the same goddammit! I remember when I fapped multiples times straight to that last Alice scene until I thought I was going to have a heart attack or collapse from exhaustion playing that damn beautiful game. I want to go back! Send me Back!
I wish I even had the motivation to do that, maybe some day. Is it good reguardless of the RPG maker thing? Are the CG's good?
What would you want to see out of a post-apocalyptic car-based CYOA? What choices would you like? Dislike?
>That would be such a shame, wouldn't it, if something happened [to your daughter] so we could be together without her interrupting?
Is Ilias going to kill my daughter?
Just ask that your Battle Harem be made of (now former) SoB.
>Is Illias still best girl?
Her side of the story is so good, it feels like Alice route is merely an afterthought added to satisfy her waifufags.
>I decided against adding the joke answers
>added 3 fucking female options despite there being no girls on the internet
fuck nigga you stupid
It's a really good RPG that puts all other RPGs to shame.
Most of the stuff is recycled from the VN, but there's plenty of new things. Whether they are good or not is mostly subjective.
>Her side of the story is so good, it feels like Alice route is merely an afterthought added to satisfy her waifufags.
Thank you dear user for answering my question.
Wheelblades, spikes anywhere, everywhere. Oversized mounted guns, the guitar guy from Mad Max Fury Road. Being able to strap a jet engine to your car, which is almost certainly a BAD idea. Different kinds of tires, including runflat tires. A badass sound system, smuggling compartments, hidden weapons everywhere, being able to set the outside under voltage, and another choice allowing you to do the same to the other seats in your car.
I don't really know, Whatever flies.
Small boobs>Big boobs
Thank you for your input, if I ever decide to run the poll again, I'll include the image attached as an option specifically for you
Ass > Tits
Neither of you are wrong.
Short hair>Glasses>Ass>Tits
I am okay with that
Yes, I am a superb bundle of sticks
>Redeemer: Give all of humanity a chance for a fresh start, then truly choose your own adventure for eternity
>Nothing prevents you from picking any, or all, of the other options without their drawbacks
I want to stab you. Glasses are fine, but you're wrong about the rest.
>not understanding the glory of reverse traps with glasses