The renegades known as the golden sons where founded in 39K to protect the eastern fringe.
The chapter found itself at peace for a thousand years, the chapter slowly became less codex compliant, as well as developing a unique fighting style.
They became renegades when they had discovered the governor of their home planet had been allowing their peace for a thousand years. The chapter master believed this to be an insult to his chapter and attacked the man. To the chapters surprise the chapter master burned in a golden light, the chapter believing him to be a shard of the emperor, swore their loyalty to him.
They marched out on a crusade the governor as the new chapter master, and conquered many planets for the chapter.
When it was discovered that the governor wasn't a shard of the emperor but of the deceiver, the chapter didn't abandon the governor but left the imperium with him, having developed hobbies and interests in the thousand years of peace, as well as a respect for the deceiver.
They now live in hiding in the eastern fringe, raiding things for their c'tan master. The chapter is full on heretek and heretic.
How could I improve this? What are your dudes like Veeky Forums?
I'm trying to come up with a renegade chapter as a project to jump back into 40k with 8th. I've had a few ideas, but nothing that's really sticking with me. All I really know is I have to incorporate heavy use of spawn and demon engines into how the chapter fights.
Andrew Martin
Ex-Iron Hands successor maybe? Maybe the warband only has a small number of actual marines so they have to make up for it by utilizing lots of spawn and deamon engines.
Easton Robinson
This is a thing I wrote for some Skitarii I might play. Is it too Mary Sue-ish? Also, apologies for the general low quality, not some of my better work. (pic unrelated)
Originally residents of the unremarkable planet of Autrech 3. The world discovered during the great crusade was sparsely inhabited, only a handful of mindless agrarian beasts. The most habitable world of the bunch, Autrech 3 was colonized and slowly converted into a forge world to fuel the fires of the Emperor’s war efforts. During the heresy, the planet all but shut down. There was minimal fighting, and the world didn't declare for other side and was generally out of the way enough that it was ignored.
Slowly, the planet settled into the groove of mindless toil so characteristic of the forges of the Imperium. While it produced various goods, it was mainly responsible for the production of support systems for Imperial Navy vessels. They where most well known for their cogitator and warp travel systems which where of solid if otherwise unremarkable construction. In response to the crisis of The Beast, the forge wold gave to the Imperium (in addition to their normal production quotas) a pair of Skitarii War Cohorts, Cohort Secundus, and Cohort Quartus, from the 4th Microclade.
On return, they where disbanded and as a whole the planet returned to normalcy. It wasn't until M39 that Microclade’s 2, 3 and 4 where re-raised in defense of another nearby forge world. On return from the victorious conquest against an ork warparty, the Microclades discovered their planet in terrible danger.
Eli Davis
Fug, 2/3
Due to an industrial accident in one of the Warp Drive manufactorums, the planet was being dragged slowly but surely into a growing warp rift which threatened to tear the planet wholly into the Immaterium. The Microclades jumped immediately into action, falling onto the planet with the canticles of the Omnissiah on their digital lips. The scene they found was horrific. Across the desolated plains of the planet deamons roamed in the thousands, descending on any unlucky enough to be caught within their sights. The last bastions of control on the forge world where the manufactorums. Under control of the fabricator general of the world, the Geller field generators had been turned inwards, creating a bastion of normalcy against the hordes of dark creatures locking at their door. Now armed with reinforcements, the fabricator general lead them to a very phyric victory. They where able to turn the teller fields against the widening rift at ground zero, closing the rift at a great cost in manufacturing capacity and lives.
Landon Martin
3/3 Since then, Autrech 3 has done it’s best to redeem itself in the eyes of the rest of the Imperium and in particular, Mars who they have garnered extreme displeasure with due to the industrial accident turned chaos invasion. To make up for the losses, the Skitarii began to vat grow many more troops to reinforce the purely human stock. both groups however, are extremely devoted to the Imperium and the Omnisiah, often being held back by their tech priests from crawling into the fray to destroy the enemies of the machine god. Though they continue to the primarily manufacture warp drives, they have also increased their manufacturing of technology for domestic use. In particular, their cybernetics are considered to be of some of the highest caliber outside of mars itself. Though existing on the very bleeding edge of acceptability, upper leadership of the forge world is actually conducting ongoing research and development. In cooperation with the navigators of the Navis Nobilite, they are, extremely slowly, improving the design of Geller field projectors using the information gathered after The Great Industrial Accident.
Adrian Foster
Funny enough, that was actually oneof the ideas I had kicked around. I was playing with the idea of an Iron Hands successor that took the idea of cybernetic augmentation for strength too far, and have them turn into kind of a Chaos Marine Haemonculus cult, grafting on shit to create their own perverse vision of perfection.
Oliver Russell
They could have fucked off with a corrupt magos biologos or something. Or, maybe, the only portions to join chaos with them where the apothecaries, not the techmariens. Sure, they're iron hands successors so they can repair their gear but fixing a tank is still probably beyond them. So they use daemons which just get repaired in the warp and spawn which they don't need to repair at all.
Benjamin Nelson
The World Serpents are a warband of the Black Legion, lead by the self-styled "Lord Sorcerer" Vul. With ambitions to be more than just another splinter group of renegades. Vul and his sorcerous elite at the head of the warband have focused greatly on building their numbers in the days after the Great Rift. Seizing the daemon world of Saro-Zar as a home base, the Serpents have founded and spread dozens of cults in their master's name across Ultima Segmentum. Their investment has paid off handsomely, as millions up on millions of desperate, deluded, and fanatical humans flocked to their new fortress in the hopes of freedom and power. Finding only a new form of slavery but too insane and bewitched to truly notice, these wretches provide the warband with dozens of fit candidates for gene-seed every month. The remainder serve as laborers, breeders, and slave-soldiers swelling the warband's already-impressive numbers. Ramshackle fleets of hijacked transports, freighters, and frigates accompany ancient battleships and strike cruisers on increasingly daring raids into Imperial space, hundreds of thousands of cultists attack in concert with an iron core of Chaos Marines. Vul's greatest wish to build the World Serpents into a Legion of his own, and to that end is ever seeking out Astartes to plunder gene-seed from. As his power grows, the attacks become increasingly indiscriminate, even to the point of ambushing and annihilating another Black Legion band under the guise of a joint attack.
Eli Ward
(2/2) It hasn't all been sunshine and roses for the Lord Sorcerer. As the warband grows in size, it grows more and more fractuous under the strain of so many wills pulling in every direction. Enchantments and loot have helped keep the Marines in line, but recently Vul's foremost apprentice Gialor fell in battle, the victim of his own spell gone horrifically wrong. What was left of the witch was tossed into a Hellbrute, but the half-mad sorcerer now demands to continue his command from inside the daemon machine. Subordinates scoff at the idea of a failure continuing to hold the exalted position of second in command, but even in death Gialor's psychic abilities remain formidable. If he is allowed to stay on, splits in the ranks of lesser psykers clamoring to take his place threaten to undo all Vul has worked to achieve.
What do you guys think of that?
Landon Hughes
Not bad. Not 100% sure why they haven't fallen from either their own weight or from some other bigger warband bitch slapping them back to the great crusade but you got a decent thing going here.
Daniel Johnson
>Not 100% sure why they haven't fallen from either their own weight
That's kind of what's threatening to happen, nobody in the mystic elite wants Gialor hanging to the number two spot but he's strong enough to be a huge problem if Vul tries to get rid of him. On the other hand, appease him and there's a good chance disillusioned lesser sorcerers might hijack sections of the fleet while Vul is away/mount a coup against him.
>or from some other bigger warband bitch slapping them back to the great crusade They're out of the way of the biggest contenders and are pretty big themselves. ~3000 CSM and millions of cult soldiers make them a pretty tough nut to crack when they're together, and if push comes to shove they'll desert their cults and start over somewhere else. The Great Rift leaves a lot of places on the map very dark.
Isaiah Torres
You may want to look at the Chimera Legion that Veeky Forums rolled up, at least for inspiration. They're an Iron Warriors splinter group that uses bio-augmentation, and like to turn their cultists into weaponized Chaos Spawn, even walking sleeper agent timebombs.
They also really dig Obliterators, but that's less relevant.
This was kinda what I was thinking about. Was also looking at it being a Cult army, or Word Bearers off-shoot. Maybe even just a warband where the Lord likes to keep spawns as pets and let's "his babies" roam the battlefields.
Xavier Adams
>Death Guard lord that likes to keep Beasts of Nurgle around, because he sees them as adorable puppies >As they glomb onto the enemy, spreading their horrible diseases >"Aww, look, they like you!"
Tyler Bell
Getting back into 40k with 8th edition so I haven't really got everything totally figured out yet but this is what I'm thinking for my marines.
Perditions Vigil are an Exorcists successor chapter founded sometime around m39 following a warp rift opening and hordes of demons attacking an imperial research station. A few Exorcists passing through the area picked up the distress calls sent by the researchers and attempted to deal with the problem. The Marines were able to drive back the demons and seal the rift, temporarily. One lone marine survived the incident and afterwards a new chapter was founded to guard against the rift opening again, with that marine serving as Chapter Master. They maintain very close ties to their parent chapter along with certain members of the inquisition.
Still haven't actually got a design for their chapter badge or a chapter motto/battlecry sorted yet
Brody Wilson
Seems pretty neat. I don't think Imperials have many dedicated research stations. That would apply more to an Ad Mech or Inquisition outpost, depending on what they're working on.
Either way, they seem cool. Perhaps you could have their chapter symbol be a stylized eye to go with the idea of them keeping watch?
Christian Walker
I think you may be on to something with the stylized eye for a symbol.
Benjamin Sanchez
I'd just be careful not to make it too stylized, otherwise it might look like something related to Tzeentch.
Daniel Hernandez
I've been playing mostly HH but I'm putting together a list for 40k 8th. Does this sound too 'special snowflake'?
'Herald's of Truth' Founding: Technically 2nd Parent Legion: Word Bearers Loyalty: Loyalist (Considered renegade at best or traitor at worst by the imperium at large)
Background fluff: Descending from Terran stock from the founding of the 17th legion. The ancestors to the Herald's of Truth had their ships sabotaged during the purge of the legion of loyalist elements and thought lost to the warp. Miraculously a significant remnant managed to repair their ships and returned to real space only to find the heresy over and the betrayal of their legion. They abandoned their legion's heraldry and dedicated themselves to a perpetual crusade on the fringes of imperial space bringing worlds back into compliance.
The herald's are staunch supporters of the imperial truth even in the modern era of 40k and run ins with the ecclesiarchy or inquisition ends in violence more often than not. But this pales in comparison to their hatred of traitor legions (especially their former legion) and the fanatical lengths they'll go to in eliminating traitor forces.
Organization: A fleet based 'chapter' the herald's are utterly incompliant with the codex astartes, They're completely compliant with the edict of Nikea however and will go to great lengths to suppress the psychic powers of gifted members of the chapter. Estimates vary greatly but some Inquisitors believe that they have 10,000 full 'battle brothers' and even more initiates. Not to mention the extensive support fleets of the chapter's allies which possess a wealth of crusade era equipment and operate more like the Imperial army and Mechanicum of the great crusade.
tl;dr: Loyalist Word Bearers anti-psyker space sharks.
Blake Bailey
You knew it was coming...
Though in all honesty I'm trying to figure out if they should be loyalists or not. Cause there isn't any chance these guys would support a tyrannical suedo-dead despot. But on the other hand, there is no way they would betray humanity to the evil communist corruption of the Tau, & the Imperium as a whole is the best safeguard against them
Elijah White
TL;DR version: A Necron dynasty obsessed with eliminating threats to verdant worlds, led by a Medusa-eseque Phaerakh who once believed she could save the entire Necrontyr race.
Feedback would be greatly appreciated, both from seasoned Necron fans and those who haven't touched the faction. Increasingly I feel the desire to style their lore as an Imperial report document, but I'm not sure if it would make sense. Also not sure where to find a style guide.
I'm confused as to how the planetary governor "allowed their peace." He just wasn't informing them of threats? Also, surely the Deceiver set this scenario up and has future plans for them. It would probably benefit from describing those things. Also also, who are they descended from?
No, they sound very reasonable. A history of mundanity and mistakes that led to their current state speaks well for their acceptability, I think.
>Lord Sorcerer It's not quite "Grand Dragon" but it'll do.
Were you the guy who was suggested to make a DOOM themed chapter in a prior thread? It's a pretty good looking paint scheme regardless. I'll spare you suggesting "RIP AND TEAR" as their battlecry.
"Heralds," not "Herald's." Far from being snowflake tier it seems a bit bog standard for a loyalist fragment of a traitor legion. You might actually want to spice it up a little bit IMO.
I'm just looking forward to seeing if you actually manage to pull that paintjob off. That's gonna be some real fine shit. My take on their situation is, they've never actually been to Terra or had much contact with the rest of the Imperium and have a much rosier view of humanity's governance than the actual state of affairs warrants. This goes well in line with the image of Americans being blindly patriotic to a fault.
I always enjoy seeing the rotboys show up. You put a lot of love into them.
Jackson Reyes
The flags on the shoulderpads should face the front. American uniforms have their flag patches opposite to how a flagpole looks because the flag always flies in the forward direction.
Michael Jackson
Thanks, I asl finished my my group of Blightkings and will probably upload to the document when I get home. I took this pic a few days ago showing of my skirmish warband, and you can see two of the Blightkings in the background. If you want I can post the little blurb of fluff I wrote for them?
Jeremiah Bailey
Go for it my man. They're looking unhealthy as all get out.
Aiden Baker
We have the leader in the center, the lord of plagues "Lucnir the Infectious" (I know it's the same model as the one on the document, I just don't own any more LoP), and behind him are his Blightking companions Skadol (right) and Egnalax (left), and accompany them are two Ungor brothers and their chaos warhounds, Gash and Venomtooth (right), and Hellgul and Knifehowl (left). Together the brace the dangers of shadespire whilst always running into their rival, a foul Tomb King and his undead retinue, hellbent on claiming the riches in shadespire for himself.
Carter Williams
My idea for them is that they are a group of Nurgle loving friends that partnered up with a pair of Ungors that could help the track in the area in exchange for some of the treasures in shadespire. That's what I love about AoS in general, in that you can easily make a cool backstory with only a handful of models
Eli Perez
So basically a bunch of buddies on a pestilent roadtrip for fame and fortune? Sounds like a good time.
Zachary Edwards
A road trip with chaosdoggies
Christian Martinez
Brandon Torres
I should expect seen this. When I get around to painting them I'll do so.
Joseph Gray
Raven Guard successor with an inuit theme. Help me out with a name, Veeky Forums.
Connor Butler
>Though in all honesty I'm trying to figure out if they should be loyalists or not. Cause there isn't any chance these guys would support a tyrannical suedo-dead despot. FREEDOM ISN'T FREE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS
>but I'm not sure if it would make sense The Phaerakh kidnaps an imperial scribe and forces him to record her tale for posterity
Justin Parker
The Seal Clubbers
Ethan Ward
Joseph Sanchez
Void Harpoons
Samuel Gomez
I've got a small mechanized Tau force centering around the use of their various tanks. My fluff is that they're a force from a planet with a really hostile desert. Loos ground and high speed scouring winds mean battlesuits and infantry struggle to function, so the more resilient higher speed vehicles that can avoid harsher sandstorm and fly for longer periods are perferred. They also make extensive use of drones, which are less likely to get swallowed up by the sands, and more likely to still function if they do get buried.
For this reason they're usually deployed as a specialty force when dealing with planets that have a more hostile atmosphere or terrain.
Noah Ramirez
Don't the Imperial fists already have a 'space whalers' faction from Innawit?
Dominic Bell
Marlinus Circle of Despair One aspirant from the Death Guard prays for Nurgle every day and every night. He asks for entertainment. He asks for love.
One day, he is visited by a purple planetoid. He climbs into it and he receives his first blessing.
A glorious circus with daemons from throughout the warp.
They dance. They sing. They murder, corrupt and assimilate all their planet comes across.
The circus spins. Where will it land next?
tl;dr This one wacked ass death guard dude has a fever dream and now there are daemons everywhere.
Colton Cruz
What does Veeky Forums think of my paint scheme?
Eli Diaz
Evan Carter
Whalers of the Moon.
Bentley Gray
Inwit and yes, though I only discovered this belatedly. This was going to be my only gimmick, however, and thus turned up to "11" rather than all the other shit the Fists have going on.
Besides, ravens are great thematically for this.
Shit's hard, man.
Kevin Lopez
Nah, man, that seems entirely fine. I wrote an autistic amount of fluff for my 30k Mechanicum Genetors while waiting for a train one day, I've even got names for all four Knights and the three main commanders. I need to name their Forge World, though. Halp?
They're the evolution of a Xanatite Explorator fleet, who were out of the Imperium's territory when the Heresy broke out. After the first planet they came to shot at them for being Reductor ships (who were mostly Loyalist) and the second for them being Xanatite (traitors) they decided fuck it and returned to a cushy system they'd found in their trip. Fast warp lane through a couple fiddly sectors, but an easy trip for Mechanicum precision. They set up on a planet with a whole bunch of greenery, started mining the asteroid belts and steadily assimilated the planet, using their already large number of Magos Biologis to turn the local flora and fauna into war machines. The Archmagos in charge, Xander Treides, is largely a massive cogitator bank spread throughout his fleet, and sends out copies of himself in custom bodies to lead expeditions whenever required. If he "dies", he's obviously still fine, but he loses the data that body was carrying, and his mind gets steadily more corrupted by interference and such every time, so he slowly goes a bit mad. Eventually, late into the Scouring, he realises what's happening to him and locks the useful parts of his mind into the ship, losing his memories in the process. He takes over subordinate's minds and uses their memories and perspectives, which has led to strange command strategy as he commands with the biases of anything between a great Archimandrite and a Skitarii Alpha Primus, each taking prominence as required.
Christian Lewis
His last body, abandoned with the torn memories of the ancient Archmagos, was rendered Damnatio ad Gladium by the last commands of the intact Xander, and led the majority of the fleets Cybernetica and their newer Genetus monstrosities against the Dark Mechanicum in an enraged vengeance crusade for the destroyed knowledge of Mars, finally being killed (some of his fellow Archmagi preferred to say "put down", there was hardly anything separating him from his creatures by the end) storming Cyclotrathe by Knights of House Atrax.
The fleet is still there, dug into a system that would be a fortress by cosmological standards, even before it became a collection of Forge Worlds, gun platforms and energy farms. The Genetors continued their experimentation, slowly developing research paths that were sealed in the Vaults of Moravec for good reason before, combined with some of the Vodian research from their last homeworld, and before too many centuries had passed could be considered the equal of any in the Dark Mechanicum. Strange corrosive bio-weapons, living ships, creatures of the Warp bound screaming to flesh as the Soul Forge did to metal. Occasionally, a rumour would spread of the "Old Mechanicus" beyond the Ghoul Stars, but aside from a few missing ships little was found besides worlds picked clean and poisoned more subtly than the Plaguefather tended to. Inquisitorial attention had been planned, but was dramatically disrupted by the launching of the Thirteenth Black Crusade.
Now, with the formation of the Cicatrix Maladictum, their fleet is rearming for war once again, sensing the onset of a new Ruinstorm. They serve no gods, no masters, but they sense opportunity. The new rifts hid their fleet from the Space Marine chapter guards of the Ghoul Stars, and now they move south towards the path through the Great Rift, bearing weapons not seen for a dozen millennia. The Pale Wasting has returned.
Jaxon Hill
Not bad. I dont really know about the large bank of cogitators things. That's pretty dangerously close to men of iron/AI territory. Since they turned traitor i suppose it's ok. You could always name the place Treides after the Archmagos.
Mason Williams
I'm reposting these guys just to see how many people I can trigger with the narrative fluff that they've accumulated.
Levi Lopez
I based it on a cross between Gilbert Alexander from Bioshock, hence the name, and Mr. House from Fallout New Vegas. I imagine his "real" body is still buried in there somewhere, but he's discarded it as a useful appendage and developed a truly insane expanded consciousness instead.
Sebastian Rodriguez
My dudes were a Chaos warband dedicated to Khorne and Slaanesh, called The Skullfuckers. I explained my eternally shitty luck with the fact that they were trying to worship two opposed gods at the same time, and thus doomed to eternal failure.
Years ago, I wrote some house rules for them, including ordinary bolters with Get Hot!, and a commander so terrible that getting him killed earned the controlling player victory points.
Noah Murphy
>The Phaerakh kidnaps an imperial scribe and forces him to record her tale for posterity I rather like this. I did have the notion that she actually likes the Emperor, insomuch as she sees him as a kindred spirit - both hoped to save their species from themselves and both of them wound up undead for their troubles, so of COURSE they're effectively equals.
>A glorious circus Are we sure he's not being trolled by Harlequins?
I remember this batch, though I'm not sure the Archmagos had a name the last time he showed up? I'm curious what inspired him to go all GladOS.
>and a commander so terrible that getting him killed earned the controlling player victory points. How embarassing!
Alexander Brown
Scourge Eagles Progenitor: Unknown; Chapter Established during the 21st Founding Color Scheme: Charadon granite/Chainmail Home World: Saer'rio
Fleet Based, favor Assault Troops and Bikes for Infiltration and Hit and Run attacks when planetside (Standard Issue Kit also includes Camo Cloaks for full Battle Brothers, some higher ranking Astartes even have camoline robes over their armor.), otherwise prefer various skimmers and fliers, although they truly shine most in fleet combat and boarding actions. The Scourge Eagles fortress monastery is a moon sized space hulk trapped in orbit of their home world.
A mutation is present within their Chapter, the geneseed slowly saps away the warp presence of these Astartes causing them to eventually causing some marines to become Blanks. This has led to numerous alterations in Chapter composure leading to maintaining two extra Scout Companies, nearly six times the normal number of Apothecaries and four times the number of Chaplains as many of those Astartes seek the Emperors Peace once this occurs for the sake of preventing the spread of the mutation and in an effort to prevent this information from becoming known to the Inquisition, whom these Astartes have a history of distaste towards.
It is not known what has caused this mutation and many brother who eventually lose their presence are required to wear special "dampening fields" as to not disrupt the precious few Librarians within the Chapter or risk discover from any allied psykers, spawning rumors that these souls join the Legion of the Damned; possibly explaining the high number of encounters the Scourge Eagles have had with these apparitions and why some of these Legionnaires have turned weapons on those who wear dampening devices.
As of the Ultima Founding, the Scourge Eagles have redoubled efforts to recover lost and forgotten information regarding the origins of their gene-seed before taking on Primaris reinforcements.
Henry Ortiz
Sons of the Covenant. A new chapter created in the hubbub of the Idomitus Crusade. The specifics of their genesis are not hidden per say more obfuscated with red tape and bureaucracy (basically I couldn't decide what gene-seed they should be drawn from, any idea?) but it is rumoured they were created as part of some deal with the Inquisition. These rumours have mostly come about because the chapter has such strong ties to the Inquisition and having almost exclusively been seen in action along side an Inquisition task force. Although their loyalty and devotion to the Imperium as whole can not be questioned and their military record is unblemished other, older, chapters and imperial forces view them with suspicion, some may even call them "rats" and "tattletales" (in hushed tones of course) for they are seen as not just a mailed first of the Inquisition but their eyes and ears too.
Charles Torres
Yeah, Xander got his name from a chap in /hhg/ who's rather good at coming up with names for all my random stuff, so far he's named my Archmagos, his gunship and three of his Knights.
He went full GladOS mode after realizing the corruption and mental damage from repeated body-deaths was slowly driving him completely bugfuck insane, and he wanted to preserve his skills to guide his fleet in the future, since he knew full well what happens to those Archmagi otherwise. They get killed by the Malagra or a subordinate, or locked in their workshop-catacombs until death to do the only things they remember how. The process effectively killed him anyway, except for when he mind-melds with a subordinate for full command, where you have the strange situation of a man who can only remember his past life and can only internal monologue in second person.
Joseph Price
Posted these guys in an earlier thread. Founding: M32 after the War of the Beast as a response to rising Xenos threats. Purpose: Xenos Culling. Homeworld: Cervus [Destroyed: M33] Fleet Based Progenitor: White Scars Chapter Organisation: Divergent. Special Equipment: The Parthinian Serpent [Mass Produced, Replacement for Plasma Rifle]
After their founding in M32 the Shikari began to recruit from Cervus, a feudal world completely covered in forest, populated by a bunch of tree worshipping not-dunedain rangers.
The people were reliant solely on hunting prey and nothing else and with limited materials, making bows out of rib cages and antlers. The peoples superstition over the forest was founded on the "Ghosts of the Forest." who would murder hunters who strayed too far from their settlements, even stories of the damned souls of said men stalking the forests, their bones blackened.
This fear was founded as in M33 Eldar of Biel-tan began popping up all over the planet and the unprepared chapter quickly found itself caught between the forces of the combined Exodite Eldar, Craftworld Eldar and the forces of the waking Necrons. According to records from captured Exodite forces, they were allowed to settle for so long in the hopes that they would provide suitable canon-fodder.
With half of the chapter out of system and the other half obliterated during the conflict, the chapter was forced to grimly march on, its hatred of the vile xenos infesting the universe rekindled.
The loss of the 10th company on the planet was a huge blow to the waning warriors of the Shikari, some bringing into question the wisdom of Guileman, the existence of a company dedicated to the training of men seemed absurd when they could be better trained in the presence of their veteran peers.
The 10th company was disbanded, the responsibilities pushed to the reserve companies who in turn served a more active role in the chapter as the eyes and ears of the chapter in their crusade.
Colton Wilson
When the Chapter regrouped at the nearest Forge World; Barasingha for re-armament, the Chapter Master struck a deal with the Magos Eld, in exchange for a relic of the chapter, passed down to them from their father chapter the White Scars. The Parthian Serpent would be given to the Magos in trade for ships, weapons, supplies and most interestingly, the prospect of new armament, made in the shadow of the relic that would soon be locked in the vaults of the Magos's collection. For the Chapter Master this was no great dishonour, in a pragmatic mindset he merely saw this as securing an important piece of their father chapters history, the Skitarii of the world were more than fit to ensure the security of such a relic. The boons gained from the transaction was merely an added benefit.
From there the chapter proceeded on a crusade, tithing the worlds who they had saved, orphans and those who showed promise.
Since their inception the Shikari have proudly driven no less than 4 and a half dozen minor xenos races to extinction, the only evidence of their existence are hung upon the walls of the chapters trophy rooms, or upon the armour of its officers.
In terms of the major xenos races, there are a few note noteworthy attitudes within the chapter. Complete disdain for the Eldar is expected, though this isn't a blind hatred with no distinction, they contempt the Craftworld and Dark Eldar for different reasons and will go out of their way to clash with them.
Their favoured enemies are the Orks and the Tyranids for the same reason, there is always more of them. Unlike the 53 minor races they have hunted to extinction, neither race are going anywhere anytime soon. Orks will always pop-up somewhere new, but it's the Tyranids that truly excite the chapter, their bio-forms are always unique, ever adapting and simply gargantuan at times.
Necrons make boring prey and they have little interest in tangling with the Tau.
Cameron Murphy
I like this.
Aaron Brown
Thanks man, I set out to try and make an interesting successor for the White Scars, I thought a chapter of hunters would be fun. Their scheme is based on lightning and it's various colours.
As for the horns, I noted that antlers sort of have this lightning shape and thought it would be interesting to have them adorned on the armour of sergeants, captains etc.
I'm planning to bring them to table top soon and thank god for bitz websites, I'm going to use wood elf deer bitz for them.
Grayson Gray
Why are they sore at the Inquisition, beyond the base level of caution that would be expected?
The Gray Knights have the closest ties to the Inquisition for obvious reasons, but they don't really hand out gene seed, so maybe successors of the Exorcists would work best?
Better to keep what he's got now than risk further decay, makes a certain amount of sense. Of course there's always the concern that he might already be too far gone to make the proper judgment with regards to his own value to the fleet.
The Gotrekh dynasty would really hate these guys. Neat stuff.
Asher Davis
Anyone know of some templates for Chaos Marines, like ones used in thread for loyalists?
Jaxson Williams
I'd assume they'd get along before the planet was lost. But then again, the Shikari would rather fight valiantly against two foes then to stoop low enough to ally with a force of xenos ilk.
Other than being a xenos, the concept of an overlord who would try to revive their race only disgusts them further.
I like your Dynasty and its Overlord, tis pretty fun stuff. Got any pictures of their colour scheme?
Nolan Johnson
21st Founding Chapters and the Inquisition have a bad past and these guys know it. Being blanks would make them a high priority target for study and farming which they want none of but whats worse is that these guys aren't exactly the pious or zealous types. Their "Chapter Cult" is based around the Imperial Truth straight out of Big E's mouth, as they discovered shortly after their founding. They have been known to openly state that the Emperor is not to be worshiped, though reverence should be given to the greatest of all men. So when rumors get out about Astartes not worshiping the God Emperor of Mankind and being that close to the Renegade capitol of the Galaxy, this makes certain persons uneasy.
There have been a few instances of butting heads and couple of minor issues with the Scourge Eagles being (correctly) accused to sabotaging Inquisitorial business in an effort to get the more extreme elements of the Inquisition to fuck off from the Chapter and their agenda.
Ayden Bailey
He is totally being trolled. Part of the fun is to discover through gameplay by who or what.
Dylan Rodriguez
These Necrons amuse me. Good work.
Grayson Price
These are actually pretty cool.
Levi Thomas
I haven't got much worked out but Gathering Storm made me want to finish my Cadian army. Have them picking up new recruits from worlds they fight on with the motto "As long as we live, Cadia stands!"
maybe convert some sort of mini shrine on one of my chimeras of surviving relics and ephemera from the homeworld?
Isaac Rivera
Unfortunately, the Gotrekh Dynasty currently exists only on the page. Money's too tight right now to build an army, let alone the extensive kitbashing needed to make a Necron gorgon. I've been trying to put something representative together in Photoshop but I'm a crap artist so it mostly looks like an elaborate MSpaint doodle. Much though they might seem like natural enemies, the Shikari and Phaerakh Medethea are unlikely to meet on the tabletop anytime too soon.
I suppose they're probably not great pals with the Ecclesiarchy either, then. I wonder what they think of Bobby G's new approach to the Imperial Truth?
Ah, so it's a framing device for your matches! That's a fun bit. It's always neat to have fluff that interacts with gameplay.
Thanks much, lads. I've put a lot of work in to them.
Ryan Rogers
For the most part, they have a hard time dealing with a fair amount of the Exxlesiarchy. As part of their original Chapter Masters plans they have aided to establish a convent of Sororitas in their Moon-sized Space Hulk/Fortress Monastery. The order currently present is a slightly more militant group of Dialogous. that maintain a massive library and communications hub that they share with the Mechanicus, each working to cross support the other as they continue their research of the place while the Scourge Eagles train within and map out the insides.
Jeremiah Richardson
For the most part, they have a hard time dealing with most portions of the Ecclesiarchy. As part of their original Chapter Masters plans they have aided in establishing a convent of Sororitas in their Moon-sized Space Hulk/Fortress Monastery. The order currently present is a slightly more militant group of Dialogous. that maintain a massive library and communications hub that they share with the Mechanicus, each working to cross support the other as they continue their research of the place while the Scourge Eagles train within and map out the insides.
As for Rowboats return, they're apprehensive but found their second wind to discover the origins of their own gene-seed so that they can accept Primaris reinforcements or at least learn to begin creating them once they figure out how to stop the mutation. With that being said, they don't care about the politics and "general disinterest of the High Lords in all matters not involving their agendas" and treat the Imperial Cult with distaste on a good day and bullying Zealots on a bad one. The return of a Primarch has been interesting news, though they're reluctant to be forthcoming about what their Chapter has endured from their founding to present with anybody, let alone one of the Emperors own sons.
Levi Young
>Money's too tight right now to build an army Thus shares the same fate as my feral Kult of Speed army.
Jason Ward
I came up with this as the idea for doing a primaris marine only chapter, as I wanted my normie marines to believe them to be some sort of heresy. As they're using a lot of old heresy-era tech. So it'd be a nice contrast between the new and shiny, and the old and gritty.
But this chapter is meant to be a primarily infantry focused chapter with focuses on hit-and-run tactics and guerilla warfare. They're a White Scars successor but divorced from the primogenitor's mechanized driven doctrine after the events of the fall of Cadia and the birth of the Great Rift. Their homeworld was on the edge of the rift, warping the flow of time on the planet. To make matters worse, they were in the midst of an invasion by an Ork Waaagh. Over a 1,000 years passed on their planet before Guilliman's Indomitus Crusade could reach the planet. The number of marines in the Emperor's Sacred Band had shrunk to but a mere handful of survivors. So when holy retribution rained down from the heavens upon the Orks, the warriors of the Imperium were not met by the stalwart champions of His dominion, but by old men in power armor.
The Emperor's Sacred Band are now lead by a small circle of the original members of the chapter. The last of their kind and the end of an era. They hope to guide their new brothers and teach them the ways of their ancestors. In turn, the new Primaris Marines hope to uphold the ancient traditions and etch their names in the annals of their chapter's history.
Jonathan Ortiz
I wish I could get more inventive with my Tyranids, but they're very vanilla in their Tyranidness...
Henry Gutierrez
It's a lot harder than making a custom chapter of marines so I doubt anyone can fault you for it.
Oliver Garcia
Well, it's nice they can cope with the current state of the Imperium instead of being needlessly combative like some chapters are when their beliefs are challenged. Reasonable Marines are a good thing.
It's the way of the world, alas. Plastic is expensive but ideas are cheap.
>The Sacred Band >We march for the dead I can't wait to hear them play some sets! For real though I always dig the ancient master approach so they sound pretty dope.
My understanding is with Tyranids it's less about coming up with unique elements and individuals or even swarm doctrine, and more about charting their path across the universe and major events in which they've participated.
Liam Scott
Yeah they're very Native American oriented but I could never come up with a proper name for them. Warband was a little too much, and nothing else came to mind.
Posted my dudes a few times in other threads but fuck it, why not?
My chaos//Khorne Daemonkin warband are called the Red Fangs, formerly the Cavaliers Triumphant, an Ultramarines successor operating north of the Maelstrom. Founded in M37, they were originally made to keep an eye on the Maelstrom to stop any daemonic incursions that might spill forth, and made heavy use of chain/power spears and a unique pattern of bike with a specialized ramming prow on the front (courtesy of a nearby forgeworld) to aid in plowing through lighter cover and running through enemies. The Red Fangs still make use of the same tactics they had before turning to Chaos, only with more ferocity and zeal. They have their fortress monastery on and recruit from the same planet, a feral ice world, and recruit new marines by way of hosting a tournament to the death, the winner being chosen for gene therapy.
During the start of the Badab War, the Cavaliers fought for the Imperium, and spearheaded many assaults across the system, taking heavy casualties to open up the path for the rest of the Imperium to come in and claim victory. Ultimately, these tactics cost the Cavaliers a great many marines, and upon their return to their home sector, were faced with a new threat - a splinter fleet of Tyranids.
Acting with haste, the Cavaliers began holding mass, nearly constant tournaments to replenish their numbers in enough time to halt the advancing swarm. This was the first step down the road to damnation, for Khorne set his eyes upon the near-constant bloodshed of the Cavaliers' tournament and smiled. Before long, new and even some old recruits began to show signs of corruption, and within a century, a full half of the still depleted chapter had fallen to Khorne, with the chapter's second company captain leading them.
In a frenzied rage, the heretics lead an assault on their own fortress monastery, and the Cavaliers' chapter master rushed to defend his world with what was left of his forces. 1/2
Ethan Roberts
Thanks, but I wanted to step away from that, while also keeping the name in English. Plus they're more oriented towards being Iroquois.
Juan Robinson
2/2 In the carnage of that night, hundreds of marines on both sides fell, and the second company's captain met his old friend the chapter master in a vicious duel in the middle of the gladiatorial arena. Ultimately, the power of Khorne proved too much, and the chapter master along with the rest of the loyalist Cavaliers Triumphant were butchered. With a roar of fury, the second captain took his place as the chaos lord of the chapter, now calling themselves the Red Fangs to show their allegiance to their bloody god. The chaos lord was granted a juggernaut mount for his service, and tramples over any fool that dares stand in his way.
Now, the tournament rages on forever as the Red Fangs scour the galaxy, a raving horde of spear-wielding savages atop howling motorbikes, leaving a trail of blood and daemons in their wake across the stars as raving cultists follow behind them, capturing all the living men and women they can to feed into the wheels of the eternal tournament.
Brody Powell
>It's not quite "Grand Dragon" but it'll do. How's the rest of it though?
Also your story was pretty good, but wouldn't the Phaerakh's foremost enemies be those Necrons who are still in "eradicate all life" mode?
Landon Lopez
I do like the notion of an overlarge Black Crusade-lite beginning to collapse under its own weight. It seems like it would be real easy to fluff any other Chaos aligned armies you might build as being offshoots of Vul's feral rabble. A renegade guard detachment whose post was overrun and subsumed into Vul's army rather than face execution, a legion of Daemons summoned for use in some ritual or another who had plans of their own... it forms a good basis for a Chaos fan to work with.
With regards to Gotrekh's enemies, they would absolutely aim to destroy any omnicidal Necrons they encounter. However, the Phaerakh understands all too well that the mad Necrons were not always thus, and once followed nobler (or at least saner) goals. Like a beloved dog gone rabid, there's no recourse but to put them down, but she does so with pity rather than with hatred. When it comes to the servants of Chaos and the Tyranid swarms, they have only ever been agents of corruption and extinction and are to be despised and exterminated wherever they are found.
Zachary Nguyen
Cavaliers Triumphant is a fucking great name.
Jason Johnson
What about Nurgle though? Life in abundance has always been a thing of his. Does it just not meet Gotrekh's standards for approval?
Also did you steal Gotrekh's name from Gotrek and Felix?
Daniel Diaz
Nurgle loves life, but he's also the agent of stagnation. If merely maintaining life was enough, they might see eye to eye, but Gotrekh aims to usher species to their genetic pinnacle, like the Old Ones did. The abundance Papa Nurgle supports is more of the microbe-on-microbe violence of the primordial soup, a goal quite at odds with Medethea's messiah complex.
Similarly, while Tzeentch is the agent of change, the change he brings is no true evolution, merely chaotic mutation that has nothing in common with a species' genetic destiny.
Believe it or not, "Gotrekh" was just a happy coincidence. I started with "Gorgon" and then went in changing syllables to sound more Egypt-y. I didn't realize what had happened until later. I dare say Medethea would not find much in common with Gotrek and Felix if she were to meet them.
Nathan Harris
I've tried a few eye based designs and I can't actually come up with anything that doesn't look a) bad or b) a rip off of the sons of horus logo. I think I might need to come up with a different idea.
Jackson Green
It's supposed to be a Legion-lite, though. Vul just isn't as charismatic or blessed as Abaddon, so he compensates by inundating the ranks with witchcraft and choosing fanatically loyal cultists preferentially as new marines. Some higher in the ranks are a little uneasy about their boss flooding the ranks with personal mini Word Bearers - makes them wonder how long until their loyalty comes into question.
Justin Fisher
They're certainly interesting and while they're polar opposites of oldcrons, Newcron fluff does make a fair amount of this seem plausible. What is their policy on relations with other factions?
Jackson Clark
Chaos within the ranks of chaos, whod have guessed? Still, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. If life gives you desperate angry rabble, you get yourself a wall of conscripts to put between your valuable marines and the enemy. Not to mention a fine litter to pick from when you've got fresh gene-seed looking for implantation.
In general, Gotrekh Dynasty's stance on humans is that they're a foolish young race bumbling about in the affairs of greater beings. The dynasty has a great dislike for most arms of the AdMech for obvious reasons, and despises the use of Exterminatus tactics, particularly on lively worlds. Similarly, Black Templars and other military factions particularly intolerant of the mere existence of xenos life are seen as prime prey. Otherwise, they view the Imperium largely neutrally, with Medethea in particular granting them leniency out of respect for their Emperor's vision for his people, which she finds to be a rather cute imitation of her own.
Orks are viewed rather like a rather aggressive weed that must be periodically trimmed back- at once Gotrekh dislikes their tendency to overrun worlds but respects their ability to thrive naturally. Because they don't actively aim to destroy the ecosystems of the worlds they pass, they're tolerated if not liked. What happened before the Biotransferrence is largely seen as water under the bridge for Gotrekh.
Eldar are, of course, an ancient enemy, but Gotrekh has largely moved beyond the old hatreds of their people and rarely seek conflict with Eldar unless it's a particularly ambitious Dark Kabal doing something ungodly. However, few Eldar reciprocate Gotrekh's apathy and battles aren't uncommon.
The dynasty probably hasn't encountered the Tau yet, but from waht they've gleaned from records they'd doubtless find fascinating, given their accelerated evolution. Unfortunately for the Tau, this would likely manifest in Gotrek crypteks wanting to see just what makes them tick.
Levi Sanchez
Would the imperialism stoop low enough to use population purges, wind wipes, propaganda, hypnotic suggestions, and drug infused water supplies to create a artificially created death world?
If yes what would a IG force from this planet be like?
Luke Kelly
Like these dudes a lot! Eternal tournament is always a cool name for something.
Noah Parker
Sounds like a lot of work to go to when you could just drop a few nukes on an uninhabited world and then seed it with colonists.
The thing about the Imperium is it's so goddamn big manpower is the one thing they're NOT short on, hence the human wave tactics employed by the IG. If they need deathworlders all they need to do is have the administratum pore over their books for known worlds that could sustain an increased tithe.
Of course that's not to say some insane inquisitor couldn't do something like that as part of some dumbfuck experiment.
Bentley Ramirez
So a very Eldar stance on most of Humanity with Medethea having a Husbandu fantasy over Big E? I don't know how Macha would handle that competition.
Jose Martinez
Technically speaking, you just described a lot of Hive Worlds.
Xavier Perez
I don't know that Macha has to be particularly worried unless Emp's down with robo-skele-snakepussy. We know there's elf-fucking in his genes judging by Roboute's choice in waifus.
Blake Miller
Angry, indoctrinated, magicly-infused rabble. They worship Vul as an incarnation of Chaos, and other Marines as twisted angels. Even those that become Marines themselves invariably end up seeing the Lord Sorcerer as the voice of divinity, thanks to tweaked hypno-indoctrination. The upper ranks, especially the other sorcerers who make up the ruling elite, are more than a bit creeped out by Astartes acting as fanatical as cultists.
Jose Gutierrez
If Emps ain't down with that, I sure am!
So Genestealer Cult tactics in Chaos?
Jason Bell
What's their color scheme?
Daniel Morgan
Something like that, except with magic and indoctrination instead of genetic loyalty.
Christopher Perez
I'm a big fan of Death Guard, so I was considering making a loyalist chapter made up of Death Guard that were still loyal to the Empire during the Horus Heresy. I know a lot of them were still slaughtered for being associated with chaos, but would this work in the lore? I'm not sure if the Imperium would just disband them after that, or kill them like before. Would it be too snowflakey?