You know the drill.
You know the drill.
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How do I make an Alternate Form template which represents my character turning into a weapon to be used another PC. I'll roll for any supernatural attacks made by my character while in said form and the other player makes the normal weapon attack & damage rolls.
Where can one obtain goodies in the form of free pdfs?
Other than these Combat Cards, what do you use to help players get used to the rules, especially in combat?
Also, what cheat sheets do you always keep close by?
user, literally the OP
Oh! Duh. I'm retahded
Is there any way to make a character that is entirely self dependent?
All advantages, and TL 12^
Also how close can you get to unkillible, without taking unkillible?
A question for RPM: How do I make an enchanted sword?
One that last forever or one that last for a while? You can pretty easily cast a spell on a sword to make it better via Strengthen Matter or Create Energy. It's going to have a duration. Dresden File's style, it's much easier to do long lasting enchantments you renew every once in a while then trying to do something perpetual.
>Pure Energy Bob
>Doesn't Eat
>Doesn't Breath
>Pressure Support
>Immune to Metabolic Hazards
>Intangible (Effects Tangible)
>Injury Tolerance (Diffuse)
>Accessory (Glows like a lamp)
>TK 20
>ST -9
"Bob has grown beyond the petty concerns of crude matter"
Any suggestions for emulating Godbound in GURPS?
How should I stat a GURPS Godbound template?
Can you go into space with just pressure support
You'd want Sealed too, except with ItMH it's a bit redundant. Pressure Support just means you aren't damaged by pressure, low or high.
You are insubstantial, can pressure even effect you?
Living-god [785]
Attribute Modifiers: IQ+6 (Cosmic, +50%) [180]
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: FP+10 [30]; HP+20 [40]; Will+4 (Cosmic, +50%) [30].
Advantages: +8 Bonus Magery (Ritual Path) [80]; Appearance (Transcendent) [20]; Charisma 1 [5]; Compartmentalized Mind 1 [50]; Detect Magic (vague, -50%; magic, -10%) [6]; DR 20 (Tough Skin, -40%) [60]; Immunity to Disease [10]; Immunity to Poison [30]; Regeneration (Regular) [25]; Regeneration (Regular; Radiation only, -60%) [10]; Regrowth [40]; Ritual Adept (Cosmic, 50%) [60]; See Invisible (spirits) [15]; Telekinesis level 20 [100]; Unaging [15]; Unkillable 3 [150]; Very Fit [15]; Voice [10].
Perks: Autotrance, No Hangover, Penetrating Voice and Sanitized Metabolism [4].
Disadvantages: Dependency (Common (Mana); Ignores regeneration & regrowth advantages along with magic healing, +80%; Constantly) [-90]; Dependency (Rare ('bathing' in the World's Heart); Ignores regeneration & regrowth advantages along with magic healing, +80%; Yearly) [-5]; Enemies (Bound Old, “native,” Gods: more powerful; FOA = 9; Rivals) [-10]; Overconfidence (9) [-8]; Enemies (Cultists of the Bound Old, “native,” Gods: A secret society spanning most of the known world and possessing access to boons from their gods along with supernatural allies; Hunters; FOA = 10) [-80]; Supernatural Feature (Potent Magical Aura) (Only occurs when casting spells, be they Ritual Path or Realm Magic) [-5].
Quirks: Is sometimes prone toward strange, intensely inhuman, modes of thought
[-1]; Will sometimes seem lost in thought while either experiencing very old memories [-1].
Features: All children born of mortal women (or a living goddess impregnated by a mortal man) survive to term fully healthy and become demigods [0]; Can grant boons (i.e. pact limited advantages) or inflict curses (i.e. disadvantages) to mortals [0]; living gods may effortlessly and safely draw from the infinite coffers of energy of the World's Heart, but only for a pool of: ' (200xMagery)(2) ' which must be replenished by returning to the World's Heart and spending a day upon meditation & rest [0]; For a number of times per day equaling ¼ of the living-god's Will, he or she may expend the same amount of energy used on any spell which has rolled a critical failure—though a nasty quirk of the appropriate scale remains within the spell affect—[0];
A PC deity template, with a slight thematic mod to Morrowind.
Any suggestions for npc templates that can challenge these PCs (note what you can do with RPM spells fueled by that much energy)?
For NPC challengers, you've got the Old Gods as a ready made group. I'd give them less esoteric powers, but make them more focused on a theme (IE: A powerhouse Old God with a big fucking hammer) and have the Old Gods often send cultist to attack them and disrupt their operation.
Their other weakness is the obvious one that keeping them away from the World's Heart shuts them down. They should have to fight back to that or plan carefully to get there.
You forgot unkillable 3
No, he didn't, he was answering the question of how close one can get to unkillable, without unkillable.
>tfw didnt read the last line
Am i retard?
Maybe, I don't know you, so I can't say one way or the other.
I'm going to give you a choice between IQ - 1 (+20 points) and Quirk (Poor Reading Comprehension) (+1 point)
Are there any pdfs/supplements for linking 3.5/PF rules to their gurps equivalents? My group currently exclusively plays Pathfinder and I feel like being able to quickly reference from rules they already know could help ease the transition.
I'd take the quirk!
Because I am bad at reading.
Also; combining natural weaponry and martial arts. How does it work? Other than it doesnt except with brawl.
There is absolutely no way something like that exists. No GURPS player or dev would even begin to think it's a good idea, mostly because the systems are absolutely incompatible, different dice, different math, and GURPS actually halfway competently models reality.
Your best bet though is asking on the discord, just in case I'm wrong.
Stay with your, you don't really need gurps
Here's a better idea: Run a GURPS game that's wildly different from Pathfinder so they don't have rules to compare to. Run a modern game with Action! or Monster Hunters.
What are some ways to integrate non-d6 dice into a GURPS game that isn't table related?
For what purpose?
Why do you want to do that? What's your goal? What do you want to achieve?
I'm not sure, which is why I was asking to be frank. I was hoping someone had come up with a clever application.
I can't think of a single mechanical application that's GURPS-y. GURPS doesn't do funky dice shit, and I'm thankful for that. I don't even know why you'd want to bring in funky dice shit. Keep that to Savage Worlds.
Just like the look of a d20 to be honest.
>liking d20 instead of grorious d6
I hear if you stare down a 20gauge barrel and pull the trigger you see a d20, go try it.
No need to kill people over their beliefs. GURPS is the religion of peace.
Jesus man. I didn't say I prefer the d20 over 3d6. Calm down!
Brawling, a perfectly valid martial art, can be used with bites, claws and strikers. You also never eat a penalty for encumbrance. Seriously, brawl is a much better skill then people give it credit for.
Karate can be used with Strikers.
Boxing can't be used with any of them.
Better idea.
Serendipity (4) 60 points.
Super Luck 100 points.
Ridiculous Luck 60 points.
Destiny (Great Advantage) 15 points.
Daredevil 15 points.
Fearless (4) 8 points.
Delusions (Major "I am an ordinary person") -10 points.
You are God's Favorite Idiot and the worst part is you don't even realize how the universe itself seems to constantly conspire to keep you safe and make your endeavors successful. While to you the world seems like a grand adventure where nothing really bad ever happens to people that oppose or try to harm you the world is like something out of a Final Destination movie.
But you cant do as mich fun stuff with brawling as you can with the rest.
Nonhumans get a lot of fun options. Hell, anything with SM +1 and any form of Teeth can bite and and hold on to any hit location on a human sized target and their bite counts as two handed for strangling, breaking free or snapping and wrenching maneuvers. The whole "Teeth" thing on page 115 of Martial Arts if fucking brutal.
How does a giant octupus grappling shit work?
Extra Arms is basically free fuckhuge bonuses to grapples, and Constriction Attack will ruin most things' day. Add on a Beak and the fact that it'll have high SM and a ton of ST, and you have a grapple monster.
How terrifying would it be to roman/greek sailors?
Dungeon Fantasy is literally D&D: GURPS Edition. The mechanics will not translate 1:1, but the thematic elements and archetypes do and you should be able to translate characters to something close enough assuming that a) their character doesn't center around a 3.PF-specific mechanical oddity and b) their character wasn't from a really weird splat (you could rebuild them in vanilla GURPS, still, but not DF as it's template/class-based).
The big thing to keep in mind when switching from D&D to GURPS is that damage sponges and abstract meat points are going to be replaced with actual meat points and a focus on not getting injured in the first place. This will color how encounters will go. Another is that every DF template has baked-in out-of-combat utility. Barbarians aren't just "angry Fighters but better"; they also have heavily invested in outdoorsman and survival skills as befitting a savage. Knights (Fighter was split into heavy armored Knights and agile Swashbucklers) pull double-duty as leaders, tacticians, and strategists. This will likely mean most martial PCs will have skills in areas they didn't have before.
I don't know why this wasn't the immediate answer.
Fear check at Will-4, maybe worse seeing as (depending on how giant we're talking here) it could just drag the ship itself under, killing the crew basically without a fight.
You could mess about with making it 3d20 instead, though getting the probabilities right would be easier with 3d12 or 3d30.
And be worse than 3d6?
I mean, I felate the 3d6 dice curve at any given opportunity, but you *could* replace it with a d20. Return crits to 1 and 20 and it should be okay.
I personally wouldn't do it because, again, I love 3d6 and I like my task resolution systems like I like my women. It is possible though if you want to throw d20s around.
If you want other funky polyhedrals to see use, you could convert damage values based on averages. A d6 has an average of 3.5, so something that deals 1d+1 (avg. 4.5) can use 1d8 (also avg. 4.5). Like replacing the 3d6 with 1d20, this'll make everything a fuckton more swingy and really shouldn't be done, but it technically can be done with minimal fucking around with the system if you really really want to.
>Dungeon Fantasy is literally D&D: GURPS Edition.
Steve have approve from Paizo to use Pathfinder name.
Don't work with such rich vein to promote new reskin of Basic Set: Dungeon Fantasy edition...
Such hype about df makes me sad, like it's seems kind of artificial -- "Wow! Now we can have D&D like those cool nerds from twitch"
Because Pathfinder is ass and there's no reason a respectable company is going to compare their game favorably to Paizo's.
Can you get higher tl equipment, without buying higher tech level?
How would you do that?
What I'm asking is Star Wars is around TL10
However force swords are TL11^
Did Luke have to pay for the ability to use his sword?
GM said "world is generally TL10 but with FTL travel, lightsabers and force fields"
How do I make a character that is dependent on another's fp? The character has no fp of his own and must spend the fp of a linked character.
Considering he was born on a relatively low TL world, yes. On the other hand, he didn't have to spend his points on much else.
Ask GM
I'd say apply limitations to extra FP.
In Dungeon Fantasy 5 - Allies there are two limitations that are applied to abilities granted by Familiars: Granted by Familar (-40%) and Drains Familiar (-50%). Let's take this as a baseline: just change the words and you get Granted by [Name] (-40%) and Drains [Name] (-50%).
For example: buy Fatigue Points down to 0 and then purchase the number of FP that the linked character has. For example if the character in question has 10 FP, you purchase +10 FP (Granted by Joe, -40%; Drains Joe, -50%; Fixed to Joe's FP, -0%) for 6 points (30 points - 80%).
"Granted by Joe" means that Joe allows his FP to be spent by the character.
"Drains Joe" means that Joe's FP decreases at the same rate the character spends FP (1:1 ratio).
"Fixed to Joe's FP" means that the character's FP is equal to the current total of Joe's: as FP is spent by Joe, the character's FP is spent as well, and when Joe's FP is increased, so is that of the character's. If Joe buys more total FP with his character points, the same amount of FP must be purchased by the character. The character cannot purchase extra FP of his own unless to set his FP equal to that of Joe's. This works in reverse if for some reason Joe has to buy down FP to a lower amount. When buying FP upwards or downwards, apply the same modifiers to cost (-80%).
Feel free to modify these conditions as you see fit, of course.
This is perfect. Thanks user.
Do you guys want me to post my ultratech armor study?
It helps me make custom armor
I think the pricing here could be wrong. In your example, if Joe's FP is drained without his consent (it doesn't have 'Granted by Joe'), it shouldn't be a limitation but an enhancement: Your character does not suffer the effects of low FP, someone else does instead, and can spend FP at his leisure with no consequences (inconveniencing Joe could even be a benefit if you Afflict this FP drain on him).
Light armor Dr according to weight
Different tech levels have different weight to protection levels
9 1:1 2 pound armor has DR 2
10 2:1 2 pound armor has DR 4
11 3:1 2 pound armor has DR 6
12 4:1 2 pound armor has DR 8
^ adds one to the dr(12^ would have 5:1)
These values only go to 20 pounds, heavier armor than that goes into battle-suit rules
Battle suits. All battle suits weigh 100+ pounds and contain all kinds of goodies. They can lift themselves.
Instead of having a mass to DR ratio you have a percentage of weight that provides protection
9= 20% 200 pound suit 40 DR
10= 40% 200 pound suit 80 DR
11= 60% 200 pound suit 120 DR
12= 80% 200 pound suit 160 DR
^ adds 20% to percentage(12^ provides 100%)
All of this stuff and more will be in my ultra tech companion
How would you go about making a character with sentient symbiotic parasite like those in Alien 9 or Skullgirls?
In the first place, I want to be able to play that parasite and not have the gm do so, so maybe I should just split my points and make two different characters? Or can I just make an ally and play it my self?
I know that with an ally-familiar I can get familiar-abilities which are those that I can use as long as my familiar is with me. In this case it would represent those attacks it can do while I use it as hair/armor/whatever. But I want it to be able to do those attacks by itself too and even if I am unconscious.
Any ideas on cool stuff I could give this character and it's parasite would also be appreciated as I am still brainstorming the whole thing.
Are TL9 and TL10 armor supposed to be worse than an ordinary concealable vest at TL8 at defending against non-piercing, non-cutting attacks? A TL8 concealable vest has 12/5*, with the first value against cutting and piercing attacks, and only weighs 2 pounds.
This seems more reasonable. A TL9 battlesuit can tank a .50 Browning round over half the time, which makes them pretty scary.
Seconding these questions.
You see all armors made are dr non flexible.
If I had a 12^ suit weighing 20 lbs it would be 100/100 you could subtract as much as you want from one side, to add to the other. To a max of 200/0
And keep in mind that the stuff the light body armor is made out of is hyperdense cloth, not the best materials we have.
Ballistic vests are the top armor of their time, whereas in the higher TL's battle suits are used.
A cop wouldn't wear cloth but a combat suit
Similar case
I'd probably go as Kromm suggested, except it's only one ally in your case.
To represent state when you merge together take Alternate Form with whatever extra abilities you have.
Buy whole Ally package and this Alternate Form as Alternative Abilities.
A SWAT officer might wear a combat suit
Normal beat cops would at least make a minor effort not to look like an occupying military force, unless you're in a police state.
Beat cops would wear torso piece and as much of the suit as needed to lift it
Depends on the setting. Beat cops might be totally unarmed and rely on a persistent surveillance network cued to their HUD for combat insurance.
Plus even 2 pounds of armor is 2 DR at 9.
That's enough to stop your average knife mugger
Maybe in Detroit. You really shouldn't militarize your police force. The minmaxing isn't worth the sociological impact.
Plus if a T shirt can stop a knife muggers will have to get creative.
Citizens at TL 12 can take a pistol shot to the chest and be fine
how much do you guys make use of reaction rules and such for social situations? I have the same problem with DnD striking a balance between letting players roleplay and letting the dice decide with persuasion rolls, etc.
You could make a biological version of how the Virtual Interface Implant running Ghosts & SAIs work in Transhuman Space.
If they have no reason to not agree, they they pass immediately.
If the cons outweigh the pros, then you roll
K I'll keep working on the armor, what else do you guys want?
I dunno, the only real complaint I had about UT was the way armor didn't keep up with weapons. You're fixing that.
The only thing I'd be interested in was some actual thought put into megastructures and large scale asteroid mining.
I think you're doing a decent job so far. Do you have any plans for hardened/armor divisors becoming standard, rather than large amounts of DR? Are you going to re-do ammunition options, like HEMP and APEP?
I think you're right. What do you suggest?
In which pyramid magazine was that "better bows" article? The one with the equation
Yea, I'm also acting on a custom weapons creation and tools for using low tech weapons made from UH tech materials
Pyramid #3 - 33
The Deadly Spring
What other stuff needs clarifying in UT.
Any big problems with what I posted?
What would a 9^ society run on?
Thanks user
Is wealth a better superpower than superpowers at high tech levels?
>God's Favorite Idiot
If you get Millionaire or Multi-Millionaire, yes.
Very yes.
How the fuck would you even kill that?
Screw 80 points in Broadsword, I think we've really found something that can't be beaten.
Shoot it 6 times so he is out of his Serendipity, Luck and Super Luck for awhile.
Kill it as ordinary human with merely high dodge.
>Shoot it once
Super Luck. You critically missed and your gun is broken, dropped or explodes.
>Shoot it twice
Serendipity, the police arrive to arrest you
>Shoot it three times
Luck, dodged
>Shoot it four times
Serendipity, a poorly maintained steam pipe burst next to you, killing you instantly.
>Shoot it five times
Serendipity, overcome by guilt at attempting to take another life you instead shoot yourself
>Shoot it six times
You can't shoot him, he once saved your brother's life. Better shoot the other guy bothering him instead
>Shoot seven times
You hit!
Destiny, the wounds aren't fatal. He has an appointment with fate and it's not here.
>Shoot him eight times
That took so long that Luck's recharged by now
Sounds like a good time for grenades.
>you forgot to pull the pin
I really wish there were TRPG players around my city to play GURPS with.
But since I don't and I'm stuck making character I'll never get to play with.
It's just a glorified CYOA in my hands, Kromm would be disappointed with me.
This is not how Serendipity works.
Luck needs 15 MINUTES to recharge, there is no fucking way he can drag out combat for so long.
Firearms don't explode unless it's really shitty firearm. The worst that can happen is you strain your shoulder or shoot yourself. And he can't affect this roll since he already spent Super Luck on making your attack miss.
Doesn't mean he can just shrug off nuke explosion because muh destiny.
Besides, half of this shit is so GM-dependent the outcome of this battle is solely dependent on GM's mood and whether or not he plays favorites.
Is ok, become an amazing homebrewer and share your creations with us.
If not roll20 is your friend.
I'm kind of in the same boat, that's why I'm doing my UT expansion
Go to the GURPS discord and recruit players there.
That would require me to have GM skills.
I barely played a few games in my life.
>amazing homebrewer
Maybe I should try tha, maybe it can solve above problem.