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Melissa , ez
Why aren't there any black husbandos in your cyoa user?
You haven't posted a pic of yourself yet.
>Architectural Style
Soviet brutalism
>Apartment Location
Ground Floor
>Local Buisness
Irregular Grocery
Gunrunner's Depot
Abandoned Store
The Pawn Shop
>Furniture & Appliances
Watchful Moose
Occupied Mirror
Multi-Fauceted Sink
Vending Machine
First-Aid Kit
Sun-Kissed Cabinet
>Friendly Tenants
Ancient Witch Irina
The Gardener
Paranormal Maniac
Charm-Giving Lass
Scarlet Youth In Paint
Painters Apprentice
Delving Adventure
Apartment Janitor
Arm in the Basement
Apartment Gargoyle
>Paranormal Phenomena
The Stairwell Window
Odd-Job Lists
Bashful Haunt
The Infinity Line
Outdoor Courtyard
High Five Hands
Open Door Day
Give and Take Well
The Illustrated Stalls
>Hostile Phenomena
Phantom Passenger
Recurring Suicide
Man in the Fancy Suit
Because there is no need for romance when you have the pure platonic bonds of friendship to help the four of you decapitate unborn dragon Gods.
Easy answer.
I have carpenters shop that isn't doing so well atm.
So I take this, save extra by having all the tools and resources to do what needed to be done to save my shop.
Also, Hilux is breaking down, so I'd very much like to fix it completely without needing to pay too much to anyone else.
So, this isn't a traditional CYOA, but rather, something I've created for an upcoming campaign I'll be running.
It's supposed to help players build actual characters meant for the setting and campaign style, rather than getting the Elven Wizard, Dwarvish Warrior, and Human Cleric.
What do you think?
(There's more setting stuff in the actual document, but I figure the bit most like a CYOA was all that was needed for the thread.)
excited to see the pvp
will post secondary part tomorrow, after making power choices
In total isolation I like It, but it is really difficult to give an actual opinion without more understanding of how the world works, but that is something you actively want to obscure from the players beyond the info you give them with this form.
Suddenly realized I've never even played my own CYOAs.
-EZ Meal
-Perfect Grooming Guaranteed
-Personalized Weatherman
-Devouring Phone
-Paradigm Specs
I also really, REALLY want the Quest Log and Just Add Imagination items, but even if the phone isn't self upgrading, something that can absorb my car and electronics, and give me mobile, unbreakable, unlimited fuel/charge of those objects, is just too much to resist.
Can someone post the Dark Souls CYOA?
Succubus. Monsters fighting their true nature is admirable.
I'm glad to finally have concrete proof the "why can't I play as a straight girl :(" whiners are a negligible group.
I choose revenge-san
what is this physical manifestation of cancer
/cyoag/ gender and sexuality question. You should answer to make yourself matter, statistically.
Dropped this in this thread to let people who weren't here yesterday a chance to vote. I guess after this thread we'll have 24h representation so no part of the globe has been asleep thro it. Altho now I wonder if this should have been done at some other point of the week. Whatever.
Anyone have the latest sequel?
There's a chance you'd get more straight/bi girls to vote if it wasn't done in the weekends.
I know what you're implying, but the kind of straight/bi girl that hangs out here regularly isn't the sort to normally go partying on the weekends.
>there is a single normalfag woman who, despite otherwise being a completely regular human being, browses /cyoag/
>she is the fujoshi shitposter
Im fucking plying. How do you know? We have people that drop in only in occasion.
Huh. I never knew it was so enjoyed (or who you are).
I think I remember it was fun to write. It was fun that the first page is pretty mild and second page is yan. It's always fun to write a narrator with a personality.
>Yes, I am a succubus. So if I wanted to, I could have hypnotized yo-
That's it. Firstly, you don't use the appropriate channels to contact me but instead presumptuously come straight to my door in the dead of the night. Secondly, you do so without gift or guile as is expected of such an exceptional situation. Thirdly, and most importantly, you DARE threaten me! ME! The court wizard! Who has the ear of the king! I should at the very least have you the hellspawn executed and your companions thrown in chains for consorting with demons let alone all the other transgression you've racked up here tonight. In fact, I think I will. GUARDS!
>250 votes
Suro bro
No heterosexual woman would have the free time on a weekend to click on and participate in a poll such as this.
>He thinks there aren't pathetic heterosexual women that browse Veeky Forums.
Oh you poor, deluded soul.
>Hangs out here regularly
>Implying you can even conjure a chicken
Come on old man don't be so hasty it would be a shame if the king knew that you are nothing but a fraud don't you think?
I remember talking up how cute Illias was with you at the time. I really have a memory for the most irrelevant little things in the end. Anyway, I'm happy you enjoyed writing it.
Which is what I already said.
Any of them with free time on the weekend would be causing drama on /cgl/ or arguing with /co/ about non-/co/mblr opinions.
>Women are whores and are too busy being whores to have hobbies
One of my favorites
I wish I still had the speed and inspiration of back then. I think the whole thing took me an afternoon. But I digest. Maybe I just need to find something I'm super passionate about?
>tfw was already a necrophile anyway
I've been shanghai'd into a ruse cruise!
It's possible. I wish I could help, but I've been sitting on a CYOA for six months just from lack of motivation so I'm not one to talk.
>I digest.
...Don't you mean, Digress?
Make your choices, the reveal will be posted later
That's the SWTOR font from DaFont, am I right?
Anyway, fuck it, Pocket Dimension and Dream Waifu.
Ancient armor please
I guess you're going to post the mystery box on /trash/?
You'll have to ask Tok about it
Eh, there's censored version of the reveal, unless it has previously been banned from Veeky Forums?
Magical outfit and Pocket dimension for full magical girl mode
Come on man, spelling mistakes like that are a diamond dozen.
Yes I literally got the idea for an eggcorn cyoa thanks to writing that post. Already have the mechanics and two options, waiting a bit before I start.
I remember this going horribly so no thank you.
pocket dimension and shapeshifting
I'll become a demiurge yet
You never know, dude. People misuse words so much that I really wasn't sure it was just a mistake.
Lucky underwear
is it different for the gay ones?
No, pretty much anyone who is a regular isn't the type to spend all weekend partying. Not as a normal activity.
Fuck no, I remember.
I was thinking of waiting more but ran out of patience and I guess nobody else actually wants to wait couple hours to see their choices.
But thou must.
No. I will retreat behind my wall of imaginary overly-metal scenarios and decapitate what assails me.
But thou must.
Have another pic of that building. It really doesn't look anything like an art campus ...
>Get fucked by the magical girl outfit
>Get fucked in the tentacle dimension every week
I am surprisingly okay with this i will need to put an alarm or something about going back before a week passes though
I unironically love Brutalism and I'm sad it has gone out of fashion in favour of some wishy washy turning all buildings into modern art exhibitions.
I had a feeling each of these were exactly what they ended up being.
Oh well, I hope my parasite friendo likes me at least.
>not filling out cyoa's at the club between shots
>pedophile robot
Hell yes.
Also, I love that picture.
You'll maybe take some time to read it, but definitely worth it
This looks like it's about to be blown up by the DEMOLITION MAN or some other guy from action movies of the 90s
So do I, but it's a very uncommon choice for an art campus ... pretty much the only building you can turn into modern art for a good reason. At the very least, I would have given that building more windows.
>a choker
But that's a belt?
This tree is fucking broken if you take companion kazoos and eventually unlock kazoo storm you can become a fucking god easily
This is unironically broken.
Magical Outfit + Lucky Underwear for OP Mary Sue magical girl shenanigans.
I do love it. I remember saying how hard I love the triple kazoo perk
>It's like using two kazoos but one more.
It's so good.
Second place for comedy in a cyoa goes to the Scientist's
>You can live in any first world country, or America
>Not choosing pocket dimension and indulge in any kind of fucked up fantasy you have for two weeks before having to go back
>the drawbacks to shapeshifting and pocket dimension are basically what I planned on using shapeshifting and pocket dimension for anyway
Oh sweet summer child
it's a collar.
d-do you know what collars like that symbolize?
Fun choice descriptions are the best.
oh you innocent child
>You, a bastard of a bastard, have known this since the first time you strangled a Chaos Wizard back on your fifth birthday.
>The unicorn is a being of unholy hatred born of a demon’s screaming overtaking the shard of a broken nature God. It shall dwell in your shadow until called upon to be ridden or to scream at things. It knows only death.
>One of the only natural predators of pterodactyls and werewolves
>Long ago elf babies became the accepted currency of the world
Stop bullying them
Dare I ask?
Because my dog's collar does not look like that!
Fun times for all.
I really like this one, please let me know your choices.
Also sorry for the quality, couldn't find with better resolution.
Both the magical outfit and lucky underwear power their blessings by mercilessly tentacling me. So I'm not only going to be a ridiculously lucky magical girl, I'm going to be an incredibly horny magical girl what with all this teasing going on inside my clothes all the time.
It says the two combine, but not what the conditions are for them to equip or remove once combined. Do both follow the Magical Outfit's rule of love and friendship, or are both on the Lucky Underwear weekly schedule?
Setting that aside and assuming they can separate, and just combine when both are worn, I'm going to be very horny indeed by the weekend, with all this stimulation without satisfaction. I'm going to need an understanding boyfriend who doesn't mind my being inaccessible all week, because he knows I'm going to be insatiable once Friday night comes along...
Personally went with the Night Children / Night Stalker combo, really like her.
We're not bullying. We cherish the last bit of innocence before we defile it with truth.
Look at the size of it compared to, say, her neck. It's huge! Unless the person she's offering it to is a half-orc with a neck like a tree trunk it's not going to be very effective as a collar.
What is it user if it's not a belt?
it looks like an FPS map