Toss in your stories of bad or questionable DMs and players that you deal with in RPGs or even card games
I guess I'll start with my story > Buddy of mine wants to DM after being a player for three different campaigns >Always complains that me and other DMs are bad because we don't prepare maps and shit weeks in advance >cocky.jpg >He's DMing a homebrew campaign in D&D 5e for a group of 4 people. Has a few rules, such as only one person can have pirate background and etc. >I ask out of curiousity what pirate background feat would permit a player to do? > "Well user, you can eat food at a restaurant without paying for it, but only your food. You can not leave with the food. You can't order food for friends. You can also break doors, but only doors, and you'll be fined for breaking anything else." >... >eventually characters were made >> outcast mystic High Elf (me), gladiator rogue minotaur (G), sailor sorcerer human (S), GArtisan Artificer Human.(A) >Lvl 1 all sitting in a bar, our characters have met before in other scenarios but we're rn just acquaintances at best >minotaur is about honor is battle and might is right kinda character >DM has bar owner make jokes about minotaur walking in >player ignores it >DM has a random half orc in some simple armor come up to minotaur >half orc starts talking about how he heard the minotaur was actually a pushover gladiator and that he wants to fight to test the minotaur's strength >minotaur ignores it >makes insult about minotaur being a coward and stuff >muhhonor.jpg >minotaur gets up and tells the guy to back off if he doesn't want to end up dead in the streets
>orc continues insults then mentions he does want to fight, but wants to fight to be 2 weeks from the current situation >during this time, me and the sailor are just watching while apparently some noble came to the bar as well and asked to purchase guns from the artificer >minotaur decides that its pointless waiting for this shit and just go to fight >minotaur grapples npc and begins to take him outside to fight him >npc attacks him >one hit knock out >npc is revealed to be challege rating 5 gladiator >"Oh wow, you are an idiot (G)user. The gladiator takes a hearty laugh and begins to pee on your collapsed body." >After all of us threaten to have the gladiator arrested, the gladiator left and my character ends up robbing a shop keeper to get a potion. (low gold since we all thought it was going to be a low lvl enemy and did some bets) >When I finished robbing, DM decides to have the tavern keeper give free potions to heal minotaur >by the time I reach the tavern, the shop keeper I shot with mystic beam showed up with guards to arrest me for assault and robbery. >DM realizes at this rate, I would solo fight two guards since nobody knew this was happening and decides that the gnolls he planned on having us fight for the main part of the mission show up and attack >shop keeper killed by a cultist >after fight, guards prohibit us from looting shop keeper, cultist and gnolls >demand we go hunt down a cultist who ran >I ask why we have to go after him >"the guards inform you ' we are the law, and we are making you our unofficial deputies. Now go get him." >Me: "I turn to them and say ' well I am unofficially quiting.' and my character turns towards the shop >DM threatens to have my character arrested for interfering with justice.
Samuel Cooper
Eh, I don't know. I feel like the gladistor thing is somewhat the fault of the system; there's no way to gauge a given thing's strength since there's no objective measurement reference; power is based on arbitrary levels. Kind of a dick move not to telegraph it somehow though.
The rest, though, is clearly your fault. You robbed a shopkeeper and hit him with some spell, so he called the guards on you. You were going to derail his adventure, and he panicked and tried to set it back on track. In the end, he threw you a hook, which you refused to bite half because it was terrible, half because your character is a murderhobo.
If you don't want to play with this dude, just don't play with him.
Gabriel Baker
>>npc is revealed to be challege rating 5 gladiator >>"Oh wow, you are an idiot (G)user. The gladiator takes a hearty laugh and begins to pee on your collapsed body."
These reeks of a new DM on a power trip. That being said, this is all pretty par for the course for a first time DM. Learning to DM is pretty hard, and everyone's first couple games usually suck, especially if it's pure homebrew.
Alexander Morales
Pls continue thank
Daniel Martin
DM seems kinda crappy, but only because he probably doesn't know any better.
OP on the other hand is also being kinda shitty, but does (or at least should) know better.
tl;dr: You're all horrible.
Brayden Fisher
we continue the campaign tomorrow. I did cut out the part where he added 12 rifles to the artificer's inventory as plot that he had it on him the entire time and was looking to sell. And then near the end of the session, realized that it would be bad to let the artisan sell the stuff since it would give him a bonus 5k~6kgp. So the noble that he was suddenly dealing with decided not to buy the guns because the artificer stuck to using a hand axe to fight off a gnoll that had charged him instead of using a rifle or thundercannon.
I agree there
idk about the murderhobo part. My character's design is that his primary concern is to get better understanding of the way of the mystics and making sure the team survives. So when the shop keeper wasn't willing to give the potion after I explained the dying friend (and my failed a charisma check) my character shot the shop keeper and told him to give it or die. I haven't really intended on killing anyone else. Regarding the guards, my character wasn't aware that my ally had been healed, and that the guards were keeping him from his injured friend. As for the hook, he could've brought in the gnolls way sooner. We also killed one of the two cultists because it seemed easier to make the other one just surrender, but the other one high tailed it out and is probably heading towards gnoll turf while having a good 150~200ft head start since we had to fight other gnolls after he fled.
Nice quads, and yeah, I was kinda shitty for shooting the shop keeper, but I didn't have the gold to buy a potion and I didn't have time to keep trying to negotiate. The thing that irked me about the situation was that I had left the shop keeper at half hp in the shop since I tried my best to not kill him and stuck with cold damage since it doesn't scar. however despite having a nice lead on the shop keeper, he still caught up to me even though we were moving at the same speed.
Isaac Hughes
This has the makings of a Sitcom! It'll be like a mashup between It's Always Sunny and KonoSuba, with the transition being IC/OOC.
Let's have one reasonably average-looking female in the group who's absolutely ruined by being SJW, and Minotaur Guy should actually be the Dindu guy who acts as the foil for the group, usually taking the fall, and really only around so he can get with Feminazi.
OP is the relatable asshole character. He's just redeemable enough that we can stand to have him on the screen for the majority of the episode, but then he'll often pull off the worst/second worst bullshit of the episode.
The DM is main source of contention, at first because he's new and on a power trip, but eventually because he gets Flanderized into the complete and total Asshole. The writers have to keep justifying why ANYONE would still be associated with him, let alone the group... which actually turns into one of the series' better recurring jokes.
Finally, we need either the Gay Guy or the Black Guy. We have to have one of them because the network says so and we can't make him both otherwise any writer who actually gets licensed to write good comedy would overly balk at such a snowflake that they eventually give him so many complex flaws and characteristics that he becomes genuinely likable and best character... not because he's black or gay, but because there's so much effort put into his dialogue and personality to compensate and defy being the fusion of two stereotypes.
It'll be called OurPG, and it'll last three seasons then get an hour and a half finale.
Charles Young
Also I made the thread to also hear about other bad GM/players. I'm curious about other stories.
Asher Butler
That's nice and all, but at the current rate, it's going to last a good session or two more at best before we fuck up and get caught in close combat with a tough enemy since we have no tanks....
Asher Hall
>The gladiator takes a hearty laugh and begins to pee on your collapsed body what sort of magical realms shit
Charles Walker
We had to stop one of your players trying to dm, it was wholly frustrating. >Claims to be super experienced DM during entire campaign >Talks up all these, cringy as fuck, DM tales >Brags about all these NPCs hes made >Current campaign comes to an end, DM wants to play in a campaign so That Guy asks to DM >Comes to us with a reasonably interesting setting, with sufficiently detailed information and a built in hook >Session 1, disregard everything, you are on the astral plane >at level 1 >Wander around doing nothing for literal real life hours >Session ends >Session 2, stumble to the material plane because reasons >Suddenly on a mountain top >spend 3 sessions trying to get down, with a few nonsensical side quests thrown in, such as escorting this level 20 wizard down the mountain. >We had one reasonable encounter, a kobold encampment around a dragons hoard, killed a wyrmling, hinted to be a mothers hoard, decent plot idea >Finally get to city >Fuck all to do. >Try to follow any story idea we see, on the off chance that he's just not prepped and we need to stumble onto a plot >Nope >We spend the last session just throwing acid at a cities wall, trying to get in and capture a tower, for no real gain. >tried sewers, wererats, tried gate, weretigers, so fuck it, this is our wall
We talked to our former DM, who hosts, about the issue, and we agreed as a group to end that campaign and start up the idea that the DM and I had come up with for a rotating DM cast, that way ThatDM gets to do some DMing like he wanted, but if everything is shit, it's only gonna be a few sessions at most.
Just did my first game of the rotation, it seemed to go over well.
Matthew Carter
the dm has a weird hate boner for me, M, and A, while closet desire to be dominated by S...we kinda pick up on it in other games.
Dominic James
Recently kicked out our That Guy. Only good decision the party ever made.
Noah Fisher
>PCs investigating some tribe of weird humanoids. (think like neanderthals except calling them neanderthals would be an insult to neanderthals). >PCs camped out some distance from the tents. >It's night, tribals start doing a mystical ritual dance around a bonfire that flashes different colours >The PC on watch notices this, and just walks towards it, without waking the other PC. Just takes his musket. >He stealths his way in fairly well, and then gets close. The fire has spirits in it. Spirits notice him, and get angry, start making rude and threatening gestures. >He smiles and fucking waves. >Spirits get more threatening. Actual living tribal haven't noticed this yet. >they do shortly, and he just stands there watching them. >They approach without speaking, I mention how ominous it is to have all these 7-8ft tall hulking primitives closing in on him after interrupting their sacred rave night. >HE >DROPS >HIS >FUCKING >MUSKET They then rush him and knock him out. That is followed by him being beaten nearly to death, they throw him out in the forest barely alive. Should have killed him.
Carter Bennett
Why'd he drop the musket????
Ethan Butler
>He smiles and fucking waves >he just stands there watching them Was he deliberately trying to get the PCs killed or just being lol so random and funny?
Isaac Miller
Sounds like a proud graduate of the Doctor Daniel Jackson School of Diplomacy. But yeah, that was a sleighride of stupidity.
Ryan Butler
>Playing this semi-intrigue, semi-medievalish war campaign. >We start off as what are basically commandos, rise up to actual lordships, and are eventually placed on a troubled frontier, with a command of about 4,000 men. >Long interlude of fighting various border squabbles with the monstrous humanoids, orcs and bugbears and whatnot. >Wider world, but not doing too much outside of our country and the immediate environs. >Until one day, we hear news of a crusade coming our way, motivated by some of the in game religions. >We're not actually the target of it, but it's one of those things where our nation is on the way between this force's starting point and the "citadel of darkness" that they want to burn down and trample. >Jake, our resident bard and idiot, tries to use his knowledge and social skills to get more information about what's going on. >We discover that: This force is huge, about 60,000 men. It's about half and half real soldiers and just assorted maniacs and peasants who are caught up in religious fervor. It is lead by one "Kayolish", a priest of one of these gods. He is considered a middling powerful cleric but not uber-high level, and a lousy general, but a great motivator and speaker. There are also rumors that his battle standard is blessed by his deity and that he cannot be beaten when he flies it. >Without consulting the rest of us, he grabs his portion of our army, about 1,500 men, and attacks Kayolish's force, trying to hack their way to the center of the camp, seize this magical banner, and then use it in turn to "be invincible and defeat his whole force!" >It goes badly. They get nowhere near the banner. >They are now furious, and instead of trying to negotiate passage, they just storm our country, clearly allied with the heathens and villains. >Grab Jake and OOC ask him what the hell he was thinking. >Well, he was a bad general. I figured my character and his forces could make it work because his camp probably wasn't well guarded
Cameron Thompson
>Alright guys, so after reading through the player's handbook, I've come to the decision that 4e is really easy for the players to not die in combat, so I'm gonna adjust things to make it tougher on you guys. Sounds reasonable, gm, lets try it out!. >Attacks are a roll off between the 2 combatants. Defender rolls higher, attack fails. > No actual class abilities. >Only actual healer is DMPC dragonborn warlord, cleric's only spell in detect evil. >Paladin falls and is executed by avenging angel because the party's rogue looted corpses out of eyesight. >Healing potions cost ~100 gold for 1d6 restoration, we have about 20 silver between the party of 6. >No looting,everything is nailed down, >Wizard has as much health as fighter, can only cast 3 spells a day: MM, fireball, and a cantrip of his choice.
Theres so much more that this guy did, and with no money, limited internet access, and parents that restricted my freedom in school, I was stuck with it for most of highschool. Fuck that guy.
Justin Cooper
bad dm story over here >campaign idea already seemed terrible so when we said we didn't want to do it dm begged us to stay >so we tried it out >first session was bland and set up neat plot hook >we come back >plot hook is just trap that is as threatening as a puddle of vinegar and is dealt with 20 minutes after the trap is made known >nothing else happens except for boring NPCs that don't like us >we're trying to be friendly but it leads to nothing >new plothook shows up >leads to nothing >boring pointless bullshit happens >new plothook shows up >leads to something that is a little more painful than nothing >quit campaign >5 months later DM calls us "fake friends" because we quit his campaign >calls us cruel for hurting his fefes instead of just staying >tells anyone who wants to DM who didn't play his campaign to not DM for us because we're cruel >no one cares >2 months later when we call him a fag for this he gets butthurt and changes the subject because he can't argue
Nathan Anderson
I guess this is more of a player I knew. >2X year old military vet >asshole and grts upset when people call him out on it. >tells me about ho he used to do d&d and would play a rogue. >every night, when rogue would keep watch, he would steal half his allies money and replace it with rocks so the bag weighed the same. >eventually rolled a nat 1 waking the party >party demands he stops and that he gives back the money >proceeds to start stealing again the following day >party is aware this time >party go dungeon diving >come out of dungeon with rad treasure >long rest outside dungeon >party gets up and take rogue while he's asleep and carry him into the dungeon with only his clothes on >tie him up and leave him inside >party moves on, taking back their stuff and splitting rest >player killed by monsters coming across his sleeping body
He got upset when i wouldn't let him join my campaign.
Christopher Brown
Had one DM who was just weird as shit, complete perv. Found excuses for my female Warlock to be stripped or abused in multiple situations.
Carter Morales
It's me. I'm a bad DM.
Luke Sanders
I love it when potential players brag about their being a shitty player. Saves me so much trouble!
I used to work at a tabletop game shop, where we ran D&D Adventures. We had three tables playing every week and were looking for a fourth DM, so I started casually talking to all of the players to see if any had any experience. One of the older ones starts telling me all about how he loved to "screw with" his players and such. One story sticks out still
>DM plans this grand plot that is absolutely stupid >Player realizes that it could be solved super easily, and does so, derailing the whole thing. >DM later punishes the player by having a wizard shapeshift the player's character and his character is raped over and over again by a pack of wild dogs, where he eventually died. >Did not get to roll to prevent it or anything
He was so proud of this too. And I immediately put him at the top of the "NEVER EVER DMING" list. Then, after I left because the new owner was a fucking scumbag and wouldn't listen to my advice about anything, like who not to make a DM, he made him a DM, and from what I hear, he is a total creep that hits on minors and has scared off basically every female that came to the D&D nights. But hey, he solved our issue with having too many players on D&D nights!
Brody Lee
>have dm that likes to fuck with players. >go 2 months, lvl 7ish >no magic items >ask dm if we can find out where to get them >get magic scepter from a dead dryad >'the claw of lolth' >it starts talking to me about the creeping darkness >toss it in lava >lava recedes >toss it in ocean >ocean spits it out >"user, why so worried. Are you afraid its cursed?" >buy paint >paint it green/brown >leave it in a tree >haven't seen it since >no other magic items since then resistance to non magical items is tough
Juan Reed
he's just a sex pervert I hope you told him he's a fucking sex pervert so he'll feel shame
Jack Johnson
Nah, I was the new player and didn't want to make waves. Just played along and tried to have a good time regardless basically.
He introduced my character with her being captive in an enemy lair tied up 'spread eagle'. Classy.
Grayson Wilson
I don't think you realise how garbage you are.
Jason Wright
How is a sex pervert different from a regular pervert?
Is there like, a certification you have to take or something?
Elijah Cook
Why, exactly?
Charles Gray
Because you're a fake friend.
Brandon Roberts
> wizard can only cast 3 spells a day > no looting, everything is nailed down Sounds like a regular DND 4e round desu.
Xavier Ross
That really wouldn't be a problem, if it weren't for instances like: >I cast fireball at that enemy subboss. Alright, since you're level 4, that'll be 1d6. And since you're concentrating super hard, that catapult crew reloaded their catapult is able to fire on you and you don't get a defense roll. And you, let me think...23 points of damage sounds about right. And then there was the standard "that DM" behavior. Correlating charisma directly with physical features: giant, flopping horse dick, massive beach ball tits. Horrendous railroading at the behest of his DMPC, thinking monsters raping the dead, dismembered corpses of females was funny, etc. It even became a reoccurring joke that anyone who healed over their max hp orgasmed viciously, requiring a change of pants. Later found out that he was a massive furry and fucked his dog, but by that time I left and took all the players with me.
Xavier Brooks
>Correlating charisma directly with physical features: giant, flopping horse dick, massive beach ball tits. On the same NPC? I see nothing wrong with that.
Joshua Scott
they always think they're slick, bu they never are.
Matthew Garcia
Wow, this is some crigne-worthy first-time DMing. I feel for you user.
Alexander Lewis
Tell me you killed Jake.
Leo Rodriguez
I am VERY glad my current DM understands charisma =/ physical attractiveness. I shudder to imagine what most of the creep DMs in this thread would do with my female cha 20 paladin. She looks like a WNBA player in plate armour for reference.
Benjamin Allen
I disagree. This guy doesn't have the observation skills and self awareness to pick up on the basics of being a DM after playing THREE campaigns. Not going on a power trip and giving the players a fair chance unless they deserve otherwise should be pretty obvious to anyone, let alone a person with that much experience. I don't know if I'm being a little harsh but unless this guy is quite young, there are certain people who don't have the right qualities to DM well. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, because those people sometimes make the best players.
Jason Rogers
>we finish quest and we do a time skip >before we time skip I buy a puppy >keep it in my magic tent >time skip happens >check up on puppy >it's dead >DM says I didn't feed it >tell him that I thought that would have been obvious in the time skip >he says that I had to state that I was going to feed my puppy during the time skip >despite the puppy being in the place I sleep my character some how forgot to feed it.
Wyatt Watson
Sounds like an appropriate time to tableflip/stand up and punch the GM in the face. If he doesn't change his mind, that is.
Jaxson Smith
wow exciting story friend. can you maybe tell me another? can I maybe kickstart a short film about this.
Charles Wilson
But did you remember to feed yourself? Did you remember to breathe?
Nathan Howard
Chatting to a new GM about ideas he had for running a D&D game.
He says he wants to do a quest where the players somehow spot some treasure glinting high in the mountains , go through a series of fights to obtain it and then find out the treasure is worthless .
So I tell him that it's generally not a good idea to waste players time like that as it's unsatisfying and cheap.
So he says 'but it's only a side quest's and it would totally be their choice to go on it.
I say a side quests take a long time in game terms and generally giving your players incomplete information that wastes their time is a bad idea. His idea might work as a single trick room in a dungeon but not as an adventure in of itself.
He says no, no it will be quick just a side quest.
I sigh and give up.
Guess his groups going to have fun.. You'd think you'd listen to someone whose been doing it ten years but I guess not either.
Mason Lopez
IG or IRL?
Kevin Clark
I've experienced this the only way you can make it work is to give them an exact description of what is on the mountain, then bait them out and have it be something else that is still useful.
Gavin Parker
>Old friend starts DMing after years. >Campaign starts, we do some stuff and now we need money to finance our questing. >There's a job to be done at the city's graveyard district. >Pays well enough, let's do it. >There are laws in the city that forbid non-registered casters from using magic there and they have ways of locating them. >We almost get caught when our friend casts some "unregistered" magic around. >We somehow didn't know about this even though we lived in that fucking country for decades. >Let's register our friend warlock here so we don't have more problems with THE LAW. >Warlocks can't register because bigotry. >Go out of our way to fight for a potion that conceals magic use. Get it from a crooked shopkeeper, but the potion is legit. >Finally let's do this thing! >Get inside the crypt, it's a fucking necromancer's lab right in the middle of the town! Let's break this unholy thing. >Going back to report the job's done, the Order of No-magic appear. It's the heat. Somehow they found us. >"How? We gave him the magic-concealing potion!" "They found you through other meanings." >Then WHY throw us the potion if we're fucked anyway? >The Order are a bunch of incorruptible zealots, can't bribe any of them even though we heard from the shopkeeper that he bribes them all the time. >I try to argue that we took down a necrolab that their incompetent asses didn't even know about. No game, go to jail, then become slave gladiators. >Our first gladiatorial match is next week.
If I were 10 years younger I'd throw a tantrum and leave the game, but I'm 30 now and I just want to play some D&D. Let's see where this shit leads us.
Jack Reed
>The reward was the adventure all along!
Oliver Hill
>not dropping that shit this instant that's how bad decisions are made Hope that you'll at least get a laugh out of this, because that's some pretty desperate railraoding right here
Jonathan Lewis
Haha, I'm sure silly things are on their way. I know the GM for like, 17 years. I fear for the rest of the group. They have no idea of what's coming to them.
Brayden Ross
Looks like he lost his GMing touch.
Or he just felt like dusting off the rails again. Choo choo!
Lucas Howard
>I'm a thief, I can't help it! Enough said.
Thomas Williams
Not really catastrophic but I have sins to confess anons
>Be me, DMing a Skrub campaign for friends who have no idea what Homestuck is >it turns out pretty good and everybody's loving it >I'm mixing different schedules and systems in order for the game to advance properly, from 1 on 1 to full group sessions >Most of the players are approaching the consorts villages by now >Build them relatively similar, with each of them having something special that changes the nature/fonction of the village in a way >First two players go by, everything is pretty much perfect, they get hooked and seem to be having fun >Get wisdom teeth removed >Decide to have a village session with third player two days later >What was supposed to be a small encounter before the village turns into pure autism when he crit-fails every single one of his rolls on a few imps >Manages to not get killed, but meets an Ogre >Gets three crits in a row, destroys him in 5 minutes where another player spend a good 30 minutes on a similar ennemy >"Okay, well the path toward the village is clear now" >I can't go full exposition on him because he's not that kind of player, and because of it he's only interested in returning to his house and not exploring the village >this is a problem because he doesn't trust his sprite to tell him anything, so I have to rely on consorts & other players for explaination on his session >He visits two houses, and learns the bare minimum about the land that he has just been dropped in >Ends up using an amulet to teleport back to his house in the middle of a shop
He ended up alchemizing a weapon and going to sleep, so it wasn't a complete waste of a session, but I definitively shouldn't have had this session. I guess that's a pretty good lesson to learn; don't rush shit if you can avoid it
Christian Moore
>lost his GMing touch. He's been always like this. Once he railroaded so hard our group ended up in a collapsed cave. When we asked him "so, what do we do now?" he saw what he had done and said we found 4 pickaxes lying around. We laughed and told him to fuck off.
Brandon Jackson
>fucked his dog.
I think I remember you. Did you rescue it? The dog's called Princess?
Easton Watson
>guy I play with wants to DM a game > we let him >things start to go south session 1 >we're sent to deal with cultists that have taken over an abandoned temple in the Forrest outside of a town >traps are everywhere > fighter walks ahead of the party >he gets fucking one shotted by some sort of hammer based trap >since I'm the cleric I say that I try and drag his body back so I can preform first aid, but I look for any other traps >DM doesn't let me roll, just says that the trap gets me as well >I'm also one shotted >DM decides that 2 deaths in the first room of the first dungeon on the first session is too much >says that the god I worship resurrects us both There are more stories from this short lived campaign, if anyone's interested
Jose James
I'm interested, user.
Evan Watson
>we advance through the temple without any more fatalities >turns out the cultists are trying to summon an elder god >we kill them and stop the ritual >we return to the town's mayor for our reward >instantly notice something horribly wrong that will potentially ruin this campaign > the NPCs are really bland >they have no motivations of their own, nothing is really driving them, nothing makes them stand out >we've been rewarded handsomely, and it's getting late, so we rent some rooms in the inn, and sleep. >DM says that the rest of the session will be non-combat, because he didn't have time to prepare >party splits up to do seperate things >DM says that while walking I see a whore house >he keeps urging me to enter >I remind him that I'm a cleric >he flat out forces me to go in >He reveals that this whore house is run by one of my characters from a previous campaign there's more, hold on
Aaron Morris
>begin to get really upset >not only has he forced me to act out of character, he's also flat out derailed the personality of a previous character of mine >I mention how my previous character, let's just call him Steve, would never run a whore house >DM tells me he's in charge and he gets to decide what happened to Steve between last campaign and this one >I don't know why I didn't flat out leave at this point >I leave the whore house >DM keeps going from person to person asking what their character is up to >when he gets back to me, I decide to go the shrine my god has in town to pray >he says that while I'm praying, my backpack is stolen, so I lose everything besides the armor on my back >I was not allowed to roll to see if I could catch the thief before it happened, I was just doomed to lose everything >I try and follow him >DM says he blends into the crowd >I shout that the guy stole my stuff >rather than letting me roll diplomacy, the DM rolls a D20 behind the screen and says I failed the roll, so the crowd doesn't care >suddenly Steve shows up >He offers to find the thief for me >he does so instantly, and I get my stuff back >before I leave, he tells me he's demanding repayment >he says that for his help, I have to work as a prostitute, specifically one that is given to gay men > I tell him no >DM tells me out of character that Steve will kill me if I refuse
William Kelly
Piss isn't always about fetish. Sometimes it's just about disrespect.
Aiden Torres
>tell DM to go fuck himself >leave >another friend who stayed told me that things sort of fell apart after that, and things only went on 1 session after I left >weeks pass >our old DM starts running a new game >we all join >things are back to normal >there are still times when I think about what happened with my friend, and I still get mad I'm not particularly good at greentext stories like this. But that's the whole story
Matthew Sanders
>he says that for his help, I have to work as a prostitute, specifically one that is given to gay men What the fuck.
I would have done unarmed damage to the DM.
Michael Perez
Doubt it's the same person. Dog fucking is more common than you'd think. Trust me, I'm a furfag and I'm often surrounded by people I want to hit with a car.
Nolan Moore
I'm home brewing my setting and don't want to end up being that guy dm, any tips to avoid it, I'm pretty short ATM subtlety so I'm trying to avoid using it in my campaign in fear that anything comes out magic realm like
Jackson Martinez
Pretty shit at being subtle phone pls
Wyatt Lee
>Did you remember to breathe? This is the appropriate response. Every minute, announce that you inhale, exhale, blink, lift and move left leg to take a step, wait until left leg is firmly and safely planted, lift and move right leg to take a step, wait until right leg is firmly and safely planted, open mouth to speak, move tongue, teeth, and vocal chords to form words at an audible volumn, speak exactly "x" words in "y" tone while displaying "z" body language, etc. Do this until the DM apologizes and gives you a doggo.
Charles Garcia
This reminds me of a Werewolf game I was running. >pack's headquarters is the apartment building most of them live in, their locus is a graffiti'd up chimney >just come back from the Shadow, That Guy and Mad Sneak get a hint of bad mojo in the building, Alpha tells them to go scout it >That Guy is playing a (autistic I wagered) gothic lolita museum guard who is 22 and looks 12 >party gives me shit for allowing the pc, mea culpa, I give people shots, ok? >they start sweeping the floors, 4th floor reeks of blood and the tang of metal >is also completely empty of ALL spirits, which is absolutely unheard of in a populated area >they open the fire door >see spirit, singular >it's a wolverine spirit, 4' at the shoulder, made of rusted metal and shards of scintillating black glass >it notices them, and they hear a howling on a gale that isn't there >both parties hold their ground, the pcs in surprise, the wolverine begins snarling at them, ears and tails low, legs braced >Mad Sneak whispers they need to gtfo >That Guy smiles (ARE YOU SURE, MANG?! Why, yes, ST, I'm sure :3) and waves at it >wolverine snaps hard, races past Mad Sneak (with the +6 to all physical stats it had been building up during the stand off), snatches up That Guy by the leg, drags her halfway down the stairs, proceeds to maul her >Mad Sneak draws his knives, jumps on the wolverine's back in a desperate attempt to save That Guy >basically bronco buster's the thing while it's still chewing That Guy's calf clean off >rest of the pack storms down the stairs in great wolf form, ready to brawl >wolverine didn't sign up for this, unlocks from That Guy, cuts down the stairs onto the 2nd floor and (unbeknownst to the pack) jumps back into the Shadow to escape >That Guy is hurt BAD, bleeding out, basically her entire left calf muscle is gone >entire pack is frantically trying to stem the blood, and failing >as the players struggle, I look at That Guy and shake my head slowly
Caleb Miller
>Calmly, gently describe how the bleeding has mercifully stopped, and the group is about to sigh in relief >go on to describe how the color has drained out of That Guy's face, her chest no longer rising with each breath >they take her pulse >none to be found >2 players start crying, 1 punches the table so hard the dice flip >Mad Sneak player turns away, trying to hold it together >give them a 10 minute break, and take a walk myself >smoke a cigar and think how the pack had literally been together for about 2 weeks before their first casualty >think about how monumentally stupid That Guy was, and how the people hurt the most was the people who had to watch her die >curse That Guy for what he did
Easton Clark
if the players didn't like her (since you said they gave you shit for allowing her) why did they all cry
Eli Young
>Find 4 pickaxes way too conviently >tell him to fuck off Godspeed user, you magnificent bastard
James Russell
putting up with bullshit is how you let stupidity perpetuate.
Dylan King
>DMing a Skrub campaign Is that a legitimate system? I was pretty infatuated with the idea of the game system behind Homestuck, despite its other shittier aspects.
Tyler Scott
Either or.
Nathan Gonzalez
>>Paladin falls and is executed by avenging angel because the party's rogue looted corpses out of eyesight Why
Landon Myers
I would have politely excused myself, went home, and never returned. Fuck DMs who think it's cool to be like "WELL YOU NEVER SAID YOU WOULD BE DOING X BASIC ACTIVITY" The kind of DM that would do this is probably not a DM you want to have.
Justin Gonzalez
Yes. The name is litterally "Skrub", but the system is still in developpment, you can find it on his tumblr, and unless I'm mistaken we've had a few threads on Veeky Forums about it It's not 100% done, but most of it is and if you're used to Homebrews, you can easily fill in the blanks and adapt it for your own group The guy's also open to suggestions so you can message him/her if you have some
Camden Cox
Can you spoonfeed me a link? Searching "skrub ttrpg" only gets me shitty motorcycle forums and Hawken ads.
Caleb Collins
I have a player that succeds almost every roll. It's fucking insane, he fails like 0-1 times a session. We play mostly d100 systems, and I know that those are pretty screwed that way, but I'm pretty sure he's cheating, fudging or whatever. I have called him out on that, obviously he denied and I won't boot anyone for having a good luck.
Caleb Perez
Make him use a different set of dice for one session and have another player use his dice
Jackson Bailey
I have a player like that too, and she pisses me off so much, because she always insists on rolling for stats and will roll, with my dice, in front of me, more then 1 18. She rarely ever fails a roll, no matter the dice, even with a dice boot. Some people just have good luck. I hate it so much.
I, on the other hand, need to fudge my rolls constantly as a DM to keep it interesting, because I roll nothing but garbage. That's why I roll behind a screen, and just kind of make up what happens to be interesting. Unless it's a fatal hit, then I do roll out in the open, so that it's clear that I'm not just being nice but my luck is really just that bad.
Luke Peterson
since when do spirits assume physical form in Werewolf?
Asher Wood
pointless dm, is that you?
Hudson Hall
I would also like an answer to this:
Connor Green
>Dnd 3.5 several years ago >One particular guy keeps inviting people, even if we are already full. This wasn't our group's that guy >He eventually invited the biggest That Guy we ever had >That Guy was a power gamer >That Guy had no idea how to optimize a character >That Guy was genuinely bad at the game, often doing suicidal actions for no reason >That Guy would get frustrated that he wasn't constantly showing up the rest of the party with his poor builds and worse strategies >Constantly cheated on his rolls, but was so bad at the game it didn't even matter >Tried to convince the DM to give him special treatment, make custom classes when he barely knew the system, play monster races, and so on >When he saw a character wasn't OP, he would grow bored and sometimes intentionally suicide them to use a better character even after convincing the DM to allow him to play things like Pixies
I've talked about this guy before on here, so apologies if any of this sounds familiar. He once popped out of stealth to willingly be sacrificed on an altar to a dark god because he thought it would give him magical powers. Ironically, his constant character switching meant he was always about a level below everyone else, so he hatched a plan that would lead to his most scummy, minmaxy death. Which I'll continue in a next post.
Christian Walker
>Party is in a city surrounded by forest. This is a dangerous area, and we were supposed to be tracking a psion to the sewers >But first, we had to be acclimated to the town and gather clues to his whereabouts >We know that anywhere outside the main city is dangerous, but figure staying in small groups is fine as long as we stay out of the slums and just go around gathering information >Thus, we split the party >That Guy sees this as a great opportunity >If he gets into an encounter, he gets to hog all the XP and gold for himself >None of use are aware of this, though, and are baffled when he elects to leave the city >That Guy declares he'll leave the city to hunt monsters in the woods >We caution him against it >He does it anyways >Encounters an obviously telegraphed trap in the form of an odd-looking pond. Everyone can tell a monster is within >The Dm is clearly throwing him a bone, a last chance before he gets murdered by a high level monster >He goes in the pond >The pond is home to some type of enchanted slime, which then slowly kills him >Despite being able to run at any time, he fights until he dies >Then complains that the DM is being completely unfair to him and made the monsters too strong for him to fight
The DM gave him every opportunity to realize this was a stupid idea and go back to town, and instead he died horribly and alone in an attempt to grind himself better than the party
Connor Lee
He just sounds a bit monumentally stupid. Have any of the players tried to take a stronger stance and tell him what to do (in character)?
David Wilson
This was all years ago, but I remember we tried to get him to play with the party better
When we confronted him in-game, he'd kind of brush us off. He didn't really 'get' working as a group, I think. Eventually we tried out of game, to which he just said "It's just a game, don't gake it so seriously"
He eventually ragequit iirc. In hindsight we should have dropped him far before that, but we were young and stupid
Jeremiah Edwards
the materialize charm
Wyatt Jones
i think the PACK was roleplaying the death of a packmate? like, in game?
Grayson Phillips
punched the table so hard the dice flip No, he definitely means the players themselves.
Aaron Martinez
>Defender rolls higher, attack fails. So he's a complete idiot.
Ethan Nguyen
Christian Lopez
I managed to get the players to FEEL something, anons. Despite it all, they had all grown very close, and had forged a mildly dysfunctional family bond. Thru the combination of letting it sink in that their own (repeated) failed efforts and lack of preparation for injuries brought them to that point, and cruelly eloquent description of a young woman's senselessly violent death, I brought them to tears. It wouldn't be the first time. Another player had their throat slit by a wild talon swing and already had their natural healing taxed to it's limit. Another was literally beaten to death by a group of "children" with aluminum bats for arms. There was also the one that was ground into hamburger meat by a walking, screaming dump truck with a spiked grinder for a mouth. And the new werewolf that was almost (no, not really, she just thought so, I'm NOT that kinda ST) raped. Also, when Mad Sneak got captured by Pure, was lynched with razor wire and taunted to go full wolfman knowing that the increase in size would damn near decapitate him, or strangle to death in human form. That was a brutal game, and I spared little.
Henry Rivera
>That DM who's a total sadist
Grayson Ortiz
>That ST who runs WoD You expected werewolf superheroes? You expected cheerful happy days? No, fuck you, the world is shit and the only thing you can do is fight your hardest to protect what is yours. I did tell them, from day 1, this was going to be a dark, cruel game, and I was gonna do some harsh shit to them. Everyone left the game sessions emotionally and/or mentally exhausted, no one more than me, I had to sleep after every game, and I never saw my group plot harder or more invested in a game before or since. I AM a sadist, user, but I didn't get my jollies from that game, I'm saving that for my Slaneeshi cult DH game where I literally throw my players' real life kinks at them to tempt them/watch them squirm :D
Noah Parker
>You expected werewolf superheroes? >You expected cheerful happy days? Yes. >White Wolf system It's all basically Exalted at the end of the day, run with it and run with it hard.
James Russell
>Yes. Go play Masquerade and ignore all the themes WoD is supposed to be about. It's not supposed to be about how great it is to be a monster, that was what D&D players took from it. >It's all basically Exalted at the end of the day, run with it and run with it hard. Which is why I ran NWoD/CotD, which is significantly less so. >the players want to restart the game from where it left off, with the pack being exiled from land and setting up elsewhere
Owen Rogers
>Ask my players on Discord after character creation if they want this first bit to just be a test run or not since they're all new. Just if they want this to be a standalone adventure or something that evolves into a much larger campaign.
>One replies >And this is a copypasted quote >'i think that u should just throw us all in a huge battle at the end of a war for the totoral so all start out fighting and exciting and shit and we all meet up while fighting then a bunch of monsters and shit and demonds come out and kill just about everything but us etc war over crazy fucking battle throw us to the woves all we should all get braned can you just make it like this" >
>"throw an eclipse in, make it so we can't sleep at night cause we all cursed, just copy paste whole berserk manga in this adventure, make it work"
Now I love Berserk, but this setting is Post-Greyhawk Wars Flanaess and everyone previously agreed on a sewer for the first dungeon where I was going to set them up with dire rats and slime monsters. Not to mention copypasting the entirety of Berserk into a game would be shit because we all read the manga already. Luckily everyone else shouted him down.
Oh and later he told me he wants to betray everyone at the end of the campaign. He wasted no time revealing himself as that guy.